To Volume 48 (1988)

To Volume 48 (1988)

Index to Volume 48 (1988) (Numbers is parentheses refer to issues, those in boldface to illustrations of the entries.) "A Guide to the Firs (Abies var. gr~ca, (1): 21 -holophylla, (11: 19, 30, 39; branchlets of, /1/: 6; spp.) of the Arnold -chensiensis, (1): 5, 25, 32; inside back cover; buds of, / 1 ): 6; cone Arboretum," by 27 bark of ( 1 ): 6 8; bracts of ( 1 /: 11; resin Richard Warren and -chinensisvar. fabri, (1/: branchlets of, (1): 6; canals ot~, ( 1 11 Ethan W. Johnson, (1/: 25 buds of, (lJ: 6; cone ’Pendula’, (1):38 2~8 var. geor ii, ( 1 25 bracts of /1): 11; resin -numidica, (1[: 5 Aberdeen (Scotland), (2): 18 var. smi t~ii, ( 1 25 canals o~ (1 : 11 -pardei, ( 1 5 Abieslgenus) (1) 1-48; -cilicica, (1): 22 30; stomata ot 1 :6 -pindrow, ( 1 /: 5 barjc of ( 1 f : 4 6, 12; branchlets of, ~1): 6; -homolepis~ 1 f : 7, 23, pinsapo, / 1 ): 4 21, 35, branchlets o~ (1): 4, 6, buds of, ( 1 /: 6; cone 26 27, 31 ~bark of, ( 1): 39, 43; inside tront 12; buds of, ( 1 4 6, 12; bracts of ( 1 /: 11; resin cover; ( 1 6; cone bracts conebracts of, (1~: 6; canals 6;8; cone~ranchfets bracts of, of, (1): ( 16, /: 11; of 1 : 11; resin canals cones of, ( 1 ): 5, 6, 11, stomata ol!,ot, (1 I1: 11; /:6 resin canals of, ( 1 /: 11 o~) l (: 11; stomata of, 12; distinguishing -concolor, ( 1/: 4, 7, 15, forma tomomi, (1): (1~:66 characters of, ( 1 /: 5 18, 23, 30, 31, 35, 43, 31 ’Glauca’, (1/:39; foliage e of ( 1 ): 4; habit front cover; bract cones var. umbellata leaves of, ( 1 ):9 of, ( 1~: 4; leaves of, ( 1/: of, ( 1/: 10; branchlet (Abies Xumbellata), forma glauca, ( 1): 4, 12; resin canals of, hairs of ( 1 ): 9; branch- cones of, (1/:5 14 1 : 4, 6; similar genera, lets of, ~1): 6, 8; cone -Xinsignis, ( 1 40 -procera, ( 1 4, 17, 35, ,1j~ 5; stomata of, 1): 6 bracts of, (1): 11; leaf -kawakamii, ( 1 5S 36, 37 41, 43; branch- attachments of, (1): 7; -koreana, ( 1 4 33, 47; lets of, ( 1 6; cone -alba,branchlet I1/: 16, hairs 18, of, 19 ~1 38; ): 9; resin canals of, 10, branchlets of, ~1/: 6; bracts of, / 1 11; leaves branchlets of, (1/: 6; 11; stomata of, I11 66 cone bracts of, (1/: 11; of ( 1 ): 9; resin canals of, buds of, ( 1 /: 6; cone ’Candicans’, (1): 7, leaves ( 1 ~: 11; stomata of, ( 1 66 bracts of (1/: 11; resin 23 canals ofo 1f /:1 10, 9; resm11 ’Glauca’, (1): 42 canals oE, ( 1 11 ’Conica’, (1): 23 ’Aurea’, / 1 /: 33 ’Glauca Prostrata’, var. acudfolia, (1): ’Violacea’, ( 1/: 23 ’Prostrate Beauty’, (1): 42 19 -var. lowiana, (1/: 24, (1):33 -recurvata, (1): 25, 27, -amabilis ( 1 16 17 18, 29 -lasiocarpa, (1): 4, 18, 34, 43; branchlets of, ( 1/. 6; 38; branchlets of, (1f: 6; --delavayi, (1): 5, 46 43, back cover. cone bracts of, ( 1 11; conebractsof (1/:11; ~urangensis,( 11:5 branchlets of, ~1 6; leaves of (1 9; resin resin canals of, ( 1): 11; -equi-trojani, ( 1 /:3 cone bracts of, (1): 11; canals o~, stomata of, ( 1 /:6 -ernestii, ( 1 55 leaves of (1/: 9; resin stomata of,I 11: 1 11; 66 ’Spreading Star’, ( 1/: -fargesii ( 1 /: 25; branch- canals -religiosa, ( 1 55 17 lets of, ~1/: 6; cone stomata oE,ot, (1 ~: 1 11; 6, 10 -sachallnensis, ( 1): 33 -balsamea, (1/: 16, 18, bracts of ( 1 /: 11; resin var. arizonica 37, 44 45, 46. bark o~, 28 34, 46. bark of, ( 1): canals o!! ( 1 ): 11 ’Compacta’ ( 1 J: 34 /1/: 6; ~ranchfets of, (1): 8; ~ranchfets of ( 1 6; var. faxoniana, ( 1/: -magnifica, ~1): 4,35 36 6; cone /: 11; cone bracts of (1/: 11; 25 42, 43; branchlets o~, resin canalsbracts of, of, (1/: / 11 1 resin canals of, ( 1 /: 11 var. sutchuensis, / 1 6; cone bracts of, (I):): var. mayriana, (1): -Xborisii-regis, (1): 19, (1): 25 11; resin canals of, (1):/: 44 21, 30; of, -firma ( 1 /: 26 31, 32; 11; stomata of, ( 1 66 var. nemorensis, (1): (1): /: 6; conebranchlets bracts of, ( 1/: ’Nana’, / 1 /: 36 44 11; resin canals of, ( 1): branchletscone bracts ol!, of, (1/:( 1 6;/: 11; var. shastensis, (1): -sibirica, (1/: 3, 37, 44, 11; stomata of, ( 1 66 leaves of ( 1 9; resin 36,43 45, 46; branchlets of, -Xbornmuelleriana, ( 1): canals -mariesii, ( 1 55 (1/: 6; cone bracts of, (1/: 15, 20, 21; branchlets stomata o~,ot, (1 I1: 11; /:6 -Xmarocana, /1/:40 11; resin canals of, ( 1/: of ( 1 /: 6; cone bracts of, -fraseri, ( 1 /: 18, 28; -me~cana, (1 : 5 11; stomata of, ( 1 66 ( 1 (: 11; resin canals of branchlets of, ( 1 /: 6; -nebrodensis, (1): 5 var. nephrolepis, (1): I l I: 11; stomata of, ( 1 66 cone bracts of ( 1 /: 11; -nephrolepis, ( 1 ): 33, 37, 37 -brachyphylla, ( 1 31 resin canals o~, (1): 11; 44, 45, 46; branchlets -squamata, (1): 5 -bracteata, ( 1 /: 5, 30 stomata of ( 1 ):6 of ( 1 6; cone bracts of, -Xumbellata, (1):31; -cephalonica, (1/: 19, 20, -grandis, ( 1 : 2, 24, 29, resin canals of, cones of, ( 1): 5 21 40 branchlets of, 30; branch~ets of, ( 1 6; ~1(:ll: 11;11 -veitchii, ( 1 16, 17, 18, (1)~ 6. buds of jl):6; cone bracts of, ( 1 11; forma chlorocarpa, 33, 46; bark of ( 1 6; leaves resin (1):37; cones of, (1): 5 branchlets of, ~1/: 6; resin canalscanals o~,0 , ((1): 1 /: 11; 11; canals o~o ,/1/: 1: 9; 11 -nobilis, ( 1 ): 42 cone bracts of ( 1 ): 11; stomata of, ( 1 ): 6, 10 -guatemalensis, ( 1 3, 5 -nordmanniana, (1):4, foliage, ( 1 ): 1; habit, ( ):1 var. apollinis, (1): 21 -hickeli, ( 1 ):5 16, 17, 18, 20, 22, 38, 1; leaf attachments of, 62 . resin canals of, (2/: 7 Boston, (3) : 2-3; (4) : 54; Burma, (2):33 /1):’1’: 7;111 "Arlington,"SIS, (3/: 35 map ot, (3): 33 Bussey Brook (Arnold var. olivacea, (1):( : Arlington Street (Boston), Boston and Roxbury Arboretum), (4): 27 46; cones of / 1):5 (3/: 47; (4): 23 Corporation, (4): 23 Bussey Institution for var. sac~alinensis, Arlington Street Church Boston Basin, (3): 18 Research in Applied /1):44 Boston), (3): 16,38, 39; Boston Center for Adult Biology, (2): 11, 13, 14 -vejari, / 1 55 ~4/: 23 Education, (4): 18 Cahan, Marion D., book -Xvilmorinii, (1):40 Armoracea la pa thi folia, Boston City Council, (3): review by, (2): 39; (4): Academia Sinica, (2) 4: 34,35, 43, 44; Budget 59-60 Achasma yunnanensis, (2): Arnold,(3I: 24 James, (2) : 9 Committee, (3):44 Calamus flagellum, (2): 4 7 -Arboretum, (2): 20, 31, Boston Common, (3) : 2-3 -nambariensis, (2):4 Adams, Sally Aldrich, 35,37; (41: 26-28, 27, 32, 36; (4): 29; renewaf (2):4 "Interview: Chinese 29,355 of, (3): 13 palusttisCalf Island (Boston Botany and the Odyssey Artocarpus (genus), (2):3 Boston Globe, (2): 12; (4/: Harbor), (3): 19, 23, 25 of Dr. Shiu-ying Hu,"" -lakocha ~2J:7 7 21 California, (1): 17, 23, 41 /2): 30~11 ash,green, ~4):33 35,36 Boston Harbor, (3): 2-3 California, University of, Addis, J. M., (2) : 377 -Manchurian, ~3): 29 Boston Harbor islands, (3):( : (2): 17, 19 Alaska, ( 1 ): 34 Asia Minor, ( 1 J: 20 2-3, 20 ; map of, (3): 19, at Berkeley, (2): Alberta, /1): 188 Back Bay (Boston), (3): 38; 21 14; College of Agricul- All-China Federation of (4): 17-25, 29, 32-33, 34 "Boston Harbor Islands ture, (2): 16 Scientific Societies, (2): Back Bay Garden Club State Park" (reprinted), Callicarpa yunnanensis, 22 (Boston/, (4J: 21 (3) :21-22 Alphand, Jean Charles bamboo, (2) : 27 Boston Harbor Islands I2):Calo hyllumpolyanthum, 7 Barnard, Rev. Charles, (3): State Park, (3 : 20-21; (2.77 AlsophilaAdol phe, spinulosa, (4): 34 (2): 6 34 master plan, (3) : 166 Cam~ridge (Massachu- Altingia excelsa, (2):4 Baxter, Sylvester (4): 47 Boston Herald, (4): 27 28 setts/, (1):33 Amelanchier s p., (3): 47 Lynn’s Pu~lic Boston Park Rangers, ~3):(: Camellia sinensis var. Ames, Esther ~4): 18 Forest: A Handbook 42 assamica, (2): 4, 7 ~liver S., ~4/: 18 Guide to the Greatt Boston Public Garden, (3) J:: -taheishangensis, (2): 6 -collection (Massachu- Woods Park in the City 32-47 Cam anumc~a parviflora, setts), (1):30 of Lynn, mentioned, (4/: Boston Symphony (2~6 Amethyst Lakes region 47 Orchestra, (4) : 21 Campbell, Douglas, (4): 21 (Canada), (1/: back cover Beacon Hill (Boston), (3):(: "Boston’s Parks and Open camphor tree, (2): 27 Amomum villosum, /2):4 34; (4) : 35, 36 Spaces: I," (3): 2-47 Canada, ( 1 ): 18; (4): 54 Amoora calcicola, (2): 7 Beacon Street (Boston), (41: "Boston’s Parks and Open Cananga odorata, (2):33 Amoy IChinaJ, (2): 26 33 Spaces: II," (4): 17-511 Canton (Chmal, 30, 31; Anagajlis arvensis, (3): 23, Beaver Brook(Lynn, Botanical Garden of Xishu- liberation of, f/2/: 2’: 21 24 Massachusetts), (4): 44 angbanna (China), (2): 5 Canton Christian College, Anatolia, /1): 3 Beijing (China), (2/: 9r 14, Bowker Street (Boston), (4): (2): 13 30 Anchangiopteris henryi, 21, 31, 33, 37, inside 36 Cape Cod (Massachusetts), /2):6 back cover Boxer War, (2) : 177 (3): 18; (4): 52, 55, 56 Andersen, Phyllis, "’Full Bei ing Botanical Garden, Boylston (Boston), Capparis ~ohaiensis, (2): 6 Foliage and Fine 2):35 (3): 46; (41: 33 Carallia lancexfolia, (2): 7 Growth’: An Overview Bel Isle Marsh (Boston),(, Breck, Joseph,Street (3): 34 Caryota urens, (2): 5 7 of Street-Tree Planting Breed’s Pond ~Lynn, Cascade Mountains (Cali- in Boston " (4): 32~77 Belle’3): Isle 12 Marsh Reserva- Massachusetts), (4): 44, fornia), (1) : 41 Anderson, E~gar, "Islands tion (Boston) (3): 111 46 Case, Marion, (2): 10, 16 of Tension" (reprinted), Berkeley Street (Boston), Breed’s Pond Reservoir Case Estates (Massachu- (3): 28-311 (4/: 23 Massachusetts), setts), (1/: 44; (2): 10 Anemone fihsecta, (2): 6 Berlin (Germany), (2) : 188 /L~nn,’4.44 Cassia siamea, (2):3 Anogeissus acuminata var.

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