Index to Volume 48 (1988) (Numbers is parentheses refer to issues, those in boldface to illustrations of the entries.) "A Guide to the Firs (Abies var. gr~ca, (1): 21 -holophylla, (11: 19, 30, 39; branchlets of, /1/: 6; spp.) of the Arnold -chensiensis, (1): 5, 25, 32; inside back cover; buds of, / 1 ): 6; cone Arboretum," by 27 bark of ( 1 ): 6 8; bracts of ( 1 /: 11; resin Richard Warren and -chinensisvar. fabri, (1/: branchlets of, (1): 6; canals ot~, ( 1 11 Ethan W. Johnson, (1/: 25 buds of, (lJ: 6; cone ’Pendula’, (1):38 2~8 var. geor ii, ( 1 25 bracts of /1): 11; resin -numidica, (1[: 5 Aberdeen (Scotland), (2): 18 var. smi t~ii, ( 1 25 canals o~ (1 : 11 -pardei, ( 1 5 Abieslgenus) (1) 1-48; -cilicica, (1): 22 30; stomata ot 1 :6 -pindrow, ( 1 /: 5 barjc of ( 1 f : 4 6, 12; branchlets of, ~1): 6; -homolepis~ 1 f : 7, 23, pinsapo, / 1 ): 4 21, 35, branchlets o~ (1): 4, 6, buds of, ( 1 /: 6; cone 26 27, 31 ~bark of, ( 1): 39, 43; inside tront 12; buds of, ( 1 4 6, 12; bracts of ( 1 /: 11; resin cover; ( 1 6; cone bracts conebracts of, (1~: 6; canals 6;8; cone~ranchfets bracts of, of, (1): ( 16, /: 11; of 1 : 11; resin canals cones of, ( 1 ): 5, 6, 11, stomata ol!,ot, (1 I1: 11; /:6 resin canals of, ( 1 /: 11 o~) l (: 11; stomata of, 12; distinguishing -concolor, ( 1/: 4, 7, 15, forma tomomi, (1): (1~:66 characters of, ( 1 /: 5 18, 23, 30, 31, 35, 43, 31 ’Glauca’, (1/:39; foliage e of ( 1 ): 4; habit front cover; bract cones var. umbellata leaves of, ( 1 ):9 of, ( 1~: 4; leaves of, ( 1/: of, ( 1/: 10; branchlet (Abies Xumbellata), forma glauca, ( 1): 4, 12; resin canals of, hairs of ( 1 ): 9; branch- cones of, (1/:5 14 1 : 4, 6; similar genera, lets of, ~1): 6, 8; cone -Xinsignis, ( 1 40 -procera, ( 1 4, 17, 35, ,1j~ 5; stomata of, 1): 6 bracts of, (1): 11; leaf -kawakamii, ( 1 5S 36, 37 41, 43; branch- attachments of, (1): 7; -koreana, ( 1 4 33, 47; lets of, ( 1 6; cone -alba,branchlet I1/: 16, hairs 18, of, 19 ~1 38; ): 9; resin canals of, 10, branchlets of, ~1/: 6; bracts of, / 1 11; leaves branchlets of, (1/: 6; 11; stomata of, I11 66 cone bracts of, (1/: 11; of ( 1 ): 9; resin canals of, buds of, ( 1 /: 6; cone ’Candicans’, (1): 7, leaves ( 1 ~: 11; stomata of, ( 1 66 bracts of (1/: 11; resin 23 canals ofo 1f /:1 10, 9; resm11 ’Glauca’, (1): 42 canals oE, ( 1 11 ’Conica’, (1): 23 ’Aurea’, / 1 /: 33 ’Glauca Prostrata’, var. acudfolia, (1): ’Violacea’, ( 1/: 23 ’Prostrate Beauty’, (1): 42 19 -var. lowiana, (1/: 24, (1):33 -recurvata, (1): 25, 27, -amabilis ( 1 16 17 18, 29 -lasiocarpa, (1): 4, 18, 34, 43; branchlets of, ( 1/. 6; 38; branchlets of, (1f: 6; --delavayi, (1): 5, 46 43, back cover. cone bracts of, ( 1 11; conebractsof (1/:11; ~urangensis,( 11:5 branchlets of, ~1 6; leaves of (1 9; resin resin canals of, ( 1): 11; -equi-trojani, ( 1 /:3 cone bracts of, (1): 11; canals o~, stomata of, ( 1 /:6 -ernestii, ( 1 55 leaves of (1/: 9; resin stomata of,I 11: 1 11; 66 ’Spreading Star’, ( 1/: -fargesii ( 1 /: 25; branch- canals -religiosa, ( 1 55 17 lets of, ~1/: 6; cone stomata oE,ot, (1 ~: 1 11; 6, 10 -sachallnensis, ( 1): 33 -balsamea, (1/: 16, 18, bracts of ( 1 /: 11; resin var. arizonica 37, 44 45, 46. bark o~, 28 34, 46. bark of, ( 1): canals o!! ( 1 ): 11 ’Compacta’ ( 1 J: 34 /1/: 6; ~ranchfets of, (1): 8; ~ranchfets of ( 1 6; var. faxoniana, ( 1/: -magnifica, ~1): 4,35 36 6; cone /: 11; cone bracts of (1/: 11; 25 42, 43; branchlets o~, resin canalsbracts of, of, (1/: / 11 1 resin canals of, ( 1 /: 11 var. sutchuensis, / 1 6; cone bracts of, (I):): var. mayriana, (1): -Xborisii-regis, (1): 19, (1): 25 11; resin canals of, (1):/: 44 21, 30; of, -firma ( 1 /: 26 31, 32; 11; stomata of, ( 1 66 var. nemorensis, (1): (1): /: 6; conebranchlets bracts of, ( 1/: ’Nana’, / 1 /: 36 44 11; resin canals of, ( 1): branchletscone bracts ol!, of, (1/:( 1 6;/: 11; var. shastensis, (1): -sibirica, (1/: 3, 37, 44, 11; stomata of, ( 1 66 leaves of ( 1 9; resin 36,43 45, 46; branchlets of, -Xbornmuelleriana, ( 1): canals -mariesii, ( 1 55 (1/: 6; cone bracts of, (1/: 15, 20, 21; branchlets stomata o~,ot, (1 I1: 11; /:6 -Xmarocana, /1/:40 11; resin canals of, ( 1/: of ( 1 /: 6; cone bracts of, -fraseri, ( 1 /: 18, 28; -me~cana, (1 : 5 11; stomata of, ( 1 66 ( 1 (: 11; resin canals of branchlets of, ( 1 /: 6; -nebrodensis, (1): 5 var. nephrolepis, (1): I l I: 11; stomata of, ( 1 66 cone bracts of ( 1 /: 11; -nephrolepis, ( 1 ): 33, 37, 37 -brachyphylla, ( 1 31 resin canals o~, (1): 11; 44, 45, 46; branchlets -squamata, (1): 5 -bracteata, ( 1 /: 5, 30 stomata of ( 1 ):6 of ( 1 6; cone bracts of, -Xumbellata, (1):31; -cephalonica, (1/: 19, 20, -grandis, ( 1 : 2, 24, 29, resin canals of, cones of, ( 1): 5 21 40 branchlets of, 30; branch~ets of, ( 1 6; ~1(:ll: 11;11 -veitchii, ( 1 16, 17, 18, (1)~ 6. buds of jl):6; cone bracts of, ( 1 11; forma chlorocarpa, 33, 46; bark of ( 1 6; leaves resin (1):37; cones of, (1): 5 branchlets of, ~1/: 6; resin canalscanals o~,0 , ((1): 1 /: 11; 11; canals o~o ,/1/: 1: 9; 11 -nobilis, ( 1 ): 42 cone bracts of ( 1 ): 11; stomata of, ( 1 ): 6, 10 -guatemalensis, ( 1 3, 5 -nordmanniana, (1):4, foliage, ( 1 ): 1; habit, ( ):1 var. apollinis, (1): 21 -hickeli, ( 1 ):5 16, 17, 18, 20, 22, 38, 1; leaf attachments of, 62 . resin canals of, (2/: 7 Boston, (3) : 2-3; (4) : 54; Burma, (2):33 /1):’1’: 7;111 "Arlington,"SIS, (3/: 35 map ot, (3): 33 Bussey Brook (Arnold var. olivacea, (1):( : Arlington Street (Boston), Boston and Roxbury Arboretum), (4): 27 46; cones of / 1):5 (3/: 47; (4): 23 Corporation, (4): 23 Bussey Institution for var. sac~alinensis, Arlington Street Church Boston Basin, (3): 18 Research in Applied /1):44 Boston), (3): 16,38, 39; Boston Center for Adult Biology, (2): 11, 13, 14 -vejari, / 1 55 ~4/: 23 Education, (4): 18 Cahan, Marion D., book -Xvilmorinii, (1):40 Armoracea la pa thi folia, Boston City Council, (3): review by, (2): 39; (4): Academia Sinica, (2) 4: 34,35, 43, 44; Budget 59-60 Achasma yunnanensis, (2): Arnold,(3I: 24 James, (2) : 9 Committee, (3):44 Calamus flagellum, (2): 4 7 -Arboretum, (2): 20, 31, Boston Common, (3) : 2-3 -nambariensis, (2):4 Adams, Sally Aldrich, 35,37; (41: 26-28, 27, 32, 36; (4): 29; renewaf (2):4 "Interview: Chinese 29,355 of, (3): 13 palusttisCalf Island (Boston Botany and the Odyssey Artocarpus (genus), (2):3 Boston Globe, (2): 12; (4/: Harbor), (3): 19, 23, 25 of Dr. Shiu-ying Hu,"" -lakocha ~2J:7 7 21 California, (1): 17, 23, 41 /2): 30~11 ash,green, ~4):33 35,36 Boston Harbor, (3): 2-3 California, University of, Addis, J. M., (2) : 377 -Manchurian, ~3): 29 Boston Harbor islands, (3):( : (2): 17, 19 Alaska, ( 1 ): 34 Asia Minor, ( 1 J: 20 2-3, 20 ; map of, (3): 19, at Berkeley, (2): Alberta, /1): 188 Back Bay (Boston), (3): 38; 21 14; College of Agricul- All-China Federation of (4): 17-25, 29, 32-33, 34 "Boston Harbor Islands ture, (2): 16 Scientific Societies, (2): Back Bay Garden Club State Park" (reprinted), Callicarpa yunnanensis, 22 (Boston/, (4J: 21 (3) :21-22 Alphand, Jean Charles bamboo, (2) : 27 Boston Harbor Islands I2):Calo hyllumpolyanthum, 7 Barnard, Rev. Charles, (3): State Park, (3 : 20-21; (2.77 AlsophilaAdol phe, spinulosa, (4): 34 (2): 6 34 master plan, (3) : 166 Cam~ridge (Massachu- Altingia excelsa, (2):4 Baxter, Sylvester (4): 47 Boston Herald, (4): 27 28 setts/, (1):33 Amelanchier s p., (3): 47 Lynn’s Pu~lic Boston Park Rangers, ~3):(: Camellia sinensis var. Ames, Esther ~4): 18 Forest: A Handbook 42 assamica, (2): 4, 7 ~liver S., ~4/: 18 Guide to the Greatt Boston Public Garden, (3) J:: -taheishangensis, (2): 6 -collection (Massachu- Woods Park in the City 32-47 Cam anumc~a parviflora, setts), (1):30 of Lynn, mentioned, (4/: Boston Symphony (2~6 Amethyst Lakes region 47 Orchestra, (4) : 21 Campbell, Douglas, (4): 21 (Canada), (1/: back cover Beacon Hill (Boston), (3):(: "Boston’s Parks and Open camphor tree, (2): 27 Amomum villosum, /2):4 34; (4) : 35, 36 Spaces: I," (3): 2-47 Canada, ( 1 ): 18; (4): 54 Amoora calcicola, (2): 7 Beacon Street (Boston), (41: "Boston’s Parks and Open Cananga odorata, (2):33 Amoy IChinaJ, (2): 26 33 Spaces: II," (4): 17-511 Canton (Chmal, 30, 31; Anagajlis arvensis, (3): 23, Beaver Brook(Lynn, Botanical Garden of Xishu- liberation of, f/2/: 2’: 21 24 Massachusetts), (4): 44 angbanna (China), (2): 5 Canton Christian College, Anatolia, /1): 3 Beijing (China), (2/: 9r 14, Bowker Street (Boston), (4): (2): 13 30 Anchangiopteris henryi, 21, 31, 33, 37, inside 36 Cape Cod (Massachusetts), /2):6 back cover Boxer War, (2) : 177 (3): 18; (4): 52, 55, 56 Andersen, Phyllis, "’Full Bei ing Botanical Garden, Boylston (Boston), Capparis ~ohaiensis, (2): 6 Foliage and Fine 2):35 (3): 46; (41: 33 Carallia lancexfolia, (2): 7 Growth’: An Overview Bel Isle Marsh (Boston),(, Breck, Joseph,Street (3): 34 Caryota urens, (2): 5 7 of Street-Tree Planting Breed’s Pond ~Lynn, Cascade Mountains (Cali- in Boston " (4): 32~77 Belle’3): Isle 12 Marsh Reserva- Massachusetts), (4): 44, fornia), (1) : 41 Anderson, E~gar, "Islands tion (Boston) (3): 111 46 Case, Marion, (2): 10, 16 of Tension" (reprinted), Berkeley Street (Boston), Breed’s Pond Reservoir Case Estates (Massachu- (3): 28-311 (4/: 23 Massachusetts), setts), (1/: 44; (2): 10 Anemone fihsecta, (2): 6 Berlin (Germany), (2) : 188 /L~nn,’4.44 Cassia siamea, (2):3 Anogeissus acuminata var.
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