Hkkjr dk HkkSfrd Hkwxksy Hkkx&2 Geography of India Part -2 Q1) In which state is the nDdu ds iBkj dk lcls T;knk foLrkj maximum extension of plateau fdl jkT; esa gS\ of Deccan? a) egkjk"Vª a) Maharashtra b) dukZVd b) Karnataka c) Madhya Pradesh c) e/; çns'k d) Gujarat d) xqtjkr Q2) Where does the river Gomti xkserh unh dk mn~xe dgk¡ ls gksrk gS\ originate from? a) ekiqrks pqax fgeun a) Maputo Chung Glacier b) QqYgj >hy b) Fulhar Lake c) ;equks=h fgeun c) Yamunotri Glacier d) vejdaVd d) Amarkantak Q3) Which river forms the island of ektqyh }hi dk fuekZ.k dkSu lh unh djrh gS\ Majuli? a) fla/kq a) Indus b) xaxk b) Ganges c) czãiq= c) Brahmaputra d) ;equk d) Yamuna Q4) Where is the Wular lake oqyj >hy dgk¡ vofLFkr gS\ located? a) tEew ,oa d'ehj a) Jammu and Kashmir b) fgekpy çns'k b) Himachal Pradesh c) jktLFkku c) Rajasthan d) dsjy d) Kerala Q5) In which state is the Kolleru dksys# >hy fdl jkT; esa fLFkr gS\ lake located? a) vksfM'kk a) Odisha b) rsyaxkuk b) Telangana c) vka/kz çns'k c) Andhra Pradesh d) dsjy d) Kerala Q6) In which state is the Lonar yksukj >hy fdl jkT; esa fLFkr gS\ Lake situated? a) vksfM'kk a) Odisha b) e/; çns'k b) Madhya Pradesh c) egkjk"Vª c) Maharashtra d) xksok d) Goa Q7. Which is the highest peak of vjkoyh dh lcls Å¡ph pksVh dkSu lh gS\ Aravali? a) MksMkcsêk a) Doddabetta b) xq#f'k[kj b) Gurushikhar c) vejdaVd c) Amarkantak d) Kalsubai d) dylqckbZ Q8. Which is the highest peak of eSdky Js.kh dh lcls Å¡ph pksVh dkSu gS\ Maikal range? a) MksMkcsêk a) Dodabetta b) xq#f'k[kj b) Gurushikhar c) Amarkantak c) vejdaVd d) Kalsubai d) dylqckbZ Q9. Which plateau is called ‘Hkkjr dk #j’ fdl iBkj dks dgk tkrk gS\ ‘India’s Ruhr’? a) ekyok dk iBkj a) Plateau of Malwa b) b) Plateau of Chota Nagpur NksVk ukxiqj dk iBkj c) Plateau of Dandakaranya c) naMdkj.; dk iBkj d) Plateau of Bundelkhand d) cqansy[kaM dk iBkj Q10. Which is the highest peak lriqjk Js.kh dh lcls Å¡ph pksVh dkSu gS\ of Satpura range? a) /kwix<+ a) Dhoopgarh b) xq#f'k[kj b) Gurushikhar c) vejdaVd c) Amarkantak d) dylqckbZ d) Kalsubai Q11. What is the Western Ghat? if'pe ?kkV D;k gS\ a) Mountains a) ioZr b) Hills b) igkM+h c) Plain c) eSnku d) Fault scrap d) Hkza'k dxkj Q12. In which state is osEckukM >hy fdl jkT; esa fLFkr gS\ Vembanad lake located? a) vksfM'kk a) Odisha b) jktLFkku b) Rajasthan c) dsjy c) Kerala d) rfeyukMq d) Tamil Nadu Q13. Which latitude divides lákfæ dks dkSu lk v{kka'k nks Hkkxksa esa Sahyadri in two parts? ckaVrk gS\ a) 12 degree latitude a) 12 fMxzh v{kka'k b) 14 degree latitude b) 14 fMxzh v{kka'k c) 16 degree latitude c) 16 fMxzh v{kka'k d) 18 degree latitude d) 18 fMxzh v{kka'k Q14. Which is the highest peak mÙkjh lákfæ dh lcls Å¡ph pksVh dkSu gS\ of Northern Sahyadri? a) MksMkcsêk a) Doddabetta b) xq#f'k[kj b) Gurushikhar c) Amarkantak c) vejdaVd d) Kalsubai d) dylqckbZ Q15. Which is the highest peak of nf{k.kh lákfæ dh lcls Å¡ph pksVh dkSu gS\ Southern Sahyadri? a) MksMkcsêk a) Doddabetta b) dqæseq[k b) Kudremukh c) Amarkantak c) vejdaVd d) Kalsubai d) dylqckbZ Q16. What is Deccan plateau nDdu dk iBkj dk fuekZ.k fdlls gqvk gS\ made of? a) ykok ds fu{ksi a) Lava deposit b) tyks<+ e`nk ds fu{ksi b) Alluvial soil deposit c) unh ds vijnu c) Erosion of river d) None of the above d) bues ls dksbZ ugha Q17. On which river is the xjlIik tyçikr fdl unh ij fLFkr gS\ Gersoppa Falls located? a) xksnkojh a) Godavari b) —".kk b) Krishna c) dkosjh c) Kaveri d) egkunh d) Mahanadi Q18. In which state is the vxLR;eykbZ pksVh fdl jkT; esa fLFkr gS\ Agasthyamalai peak located? a) dukZVd a) Karnataka b) dsjy b) Kerala c) egkjk"Vª c) Maharashtra d) vka/kz çns'k d) Andhra Pradesh Q19. Which is the highest peak vUueybZ ioZr Js.kh dh lcls Å¡ph pksVh of Annamalai Mountain range? dkSu gS\ a) Doddabetta a) MksMkcsêk b) Anaimudi b) vukbZeqMh c) Amarkantak c) vejdaVd d) Kalsubai d) dylqckbZ Q20. Coastal stretch from Daman neu ls xksok rd ds rVh; Hkkx dks D;k to Goa is called as? dgk tkrk gS\ a) Kathiawar Coast a) dkfB;kokM + rV b) Konkan coast b) dksad.k rV c) Malabar coast c) ekykckj rV d) Northern Circar coast d) mÙkjh ljdkj rV Q21. Coastal stretch from Goa to xksok ls eaxyq# rd ds rVh; Hkkx dks D;k Mangaluru is called as? dgk tkrk gS\ a) Kannada coast a) dUuM+ rV b) Konkan coast b) dksad.k rV c) Malabar coast c) ekykckj rV d) Northern Circar coast d) mÙkjh ljdkj rV Q22. Coastal stretch from eaxyq# ls dU;kdqekjh rd ds rVh; Hkkx Mangaluru to Kanyakumari is dks D;k dgk tkrk gS\ called as? a) dUuM+ rV a) Kannada coast b) Konkan coast b) dksad.k rV c) Malabar coast c) ekykckj rV d) Northern Circar coast d) mÙkjh ljdkj rV Q23. Coastal stretch from Lo.kZjs[kk ls egkunh ds eqgkus rd ds rVh; Subarnarekha to the bank of Hkkx dks D;k dgk tkrk gS\ Mahanadi is called as? a) mRdy rV a) Utkal coast b) dksad.k rV b) Konkan coast c) Golkonda coast c) xksydqaMk rV d) Northern Circar coast d) mÙkjh ljdkj rV Q24. Coastal stretch from egkunh ls xksnkojh unh ds eqgkus rd ds rVh; Mahanadi to the bank of Godavari Hkkx dks D;k dgk tkrk gS\ is called as? a) mRdy rV a) Utkal coast b) dksad.k rV b) Konkan coast c) Golkonda coast c) xksydqaMk rV d) Northern Circar coast d) mÙkjh ljdkj rV Q25. Coastal stretch from Godavari xksnkojh unh ls —".kk unh ds eqgkus rd ds to the bank of Krishna is called as? rVh; Hkkx dks D;k dgk tkrk gS\ a) Utkal coast a) mRdy rV b) Konkan coast b) dksad.k rV c) Coromandel coast c) dksjkseaMy rV d) Northern Circar coast d) mÙkjh ljdkj rV Q26. Coastal stretch from Krishna —".kk unh MsYVk ls dU;dqekjh rd ds rVh; river delta to Kanyakumari is called Hkkx dks D;k dgk tkrk gS\ as? a) mRdy rV a) Utkal coast b) dksjkseaMy rV b) Coromandel coast c) xksydqaMk rV c) Golkonda coast d) Northern Circar coast d) mÙkjh ljdkj rV Q27. Which is the highest peak of vaMeku ,oa fudksckj }hilewg dh lcls Å¡ph Andaman and Nicobar Island? pksVh dkSu gS\ a) Saddle Peak a) lSMy pksVh b) Mount Harriet b) ekmaV gSfj;V c) Mount Thuillier c) ekmaV Fkqfy;kj d) None of the above d) bues ls dksbZ ugha Q28. Which is the highest peak of xzsV fudksckj dh lcls Å¡ph pksVh dkSu gS\ Great Nicobar? a) lSMy pksVh a) Saddle Peak b) ekmaV gSfj;V b) Mount Harriet c) Mount Thuillier c) ekmaV Fkqfy;kj d) None of the above d) bues ls dksbZ ugha Q29. Where is Mount Harriet ekmaV gSfj;V dgka vofLFkr gS\ located? a) mÙkjh vaMeku a) North Andaman b) xzsV fudksckj b) Great Nicobar c) South Andaman c) nf{k.kh vaMeku d) Little Nicobar d) NksVk fudksckj Q30. The Chitrakote Falls is situated fp=dksV tyçikr fdl unh ij fLFkr gS\ on which river? a) xksnkojh a) Godavari b) egkunh b) Mahanadi c) baækorh c) Indravati d) Son d) lksu Q31. Where is capital of Andaman vaMeku ,oa fudksckj dh jkt/kkuh iksVZ Cys;j and Nicobar, Port Blair situated? dgka vofLFkr gS\ a) North Andaman a) mÙkjh vaMeku b) South Andaman b) nf{k.k vaMeku c) Great Nicobar c) xzsV fudksckj d) Little Nicobar d) NksVk fudksckj Q32. Where is the active volcano, lfØ; Tokykeq[kh }hi cSju }hi dgk¡ vofLFkr Barren island located? gS\ a) North Andaman a) mÙkjh vaMeku b) Middle Andaman b) e/; vaMeku c) South Andaman c) nf{k.k vaMeku d) Car Nicobar d) dkj fudksckj Q33. Where is the dormant volcano lq"kqIr Tokykeq[kh }hi ukjdksaMe }hi dgk¡ Narcondam Island situated? vofLFkr gS\ a) North Andaman a) mÙkjh vaMeku b) Little Andaman b) y?kq vaMeku c) South Andaman c) nf{k.k vaMeku d) Car Nicobar d) dkj fudksckj Q34. Where is the Wheeler Island Oghyj }hi dgk¡a vofLFkr gS\ located? a) vksfM'kk a) Odisha b) vka/kz çns'k b) Andhra Pradesh c) Tamil Nadu c) rfeyukMq d) West Bengal d) if'pe caxky Q35. Where is the Sriharikota JhgfjdksVk }hi dgk¡a vofLFkr gS\ island located? a) vksfM'kk a) Odisha b) vka/kz çns'k b) Andhra Pradesh c) Tamil Nadu c) rfeyukMq d) West Bengal d) if'pe caxky Q36. On which island is Mumbai eqacbZ 'kgj fdl }hi ij fLFkr gS\ city located? a) lkylsV }hi a) Salsette island b) csfyaXVu }hi b) Belington island c) [kfM;kcsV }hi c) Khadiabet island d) Aliabet island d) vkfy;kcsV }hi Q37. In which state is Wellington osfyaXVu }hi fdl jkT; esa fLFkr gS\ island located? a) xqtjkr a) Gujarat b) xksok b) Goa c) Kerala c) dsjy d) Karnataka d) dukZVd Q38.
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