Local attorney charged in traffic accident death - Local news, A3 Your hometown newspaper serving Plymouth and Plymouth F a c e it Township for 117 years Funny Face furniture by Pyione Studio of THURSDAY south France February 27,2003 Marketplace, Cl 75 cents V o l u m e 117 N u m b e r 53 icivw.hometownlife.com © 2 0 0 3 H o m e t o w n C ommunications N e t w o r k C it y , B r o e ■ Top teachers faith Clay a fourth grade teacher at Bemis Elementary School in th e Tro y school dis tnct and Vicki Shaw a third grade teacher at Gill s e t t l e Elementary School in Farmington Public Schools BY TONY BRUSCATO are the February Teachers of STAFF WRITER the Month for the Observer & Eccentric Newspapers. Both A settlement which calls for the the Troy and Farm ington dis city of Plymouth to pay $14,000 to tricts are on mid winter break Broe Rehabilitation Services of this week so look for the Farmington Hills is expected to be Teacher Feature with picture filed m federal court within the next and story honoring Clay and week or so, ending a battle between Shaw in next Thursday sedi the city and the private company tions of the Observers that operates three supported-livmg Eccentric Newspapers homes on Farmer Street As part of the consent agreement ■ Hot chili reached m the chambers of U S PHOTOS BY PAUL HURSCHMANN j STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER Not bad for a first time District Court Judge Robert Cleland The Plymouth Salvation Altagracia Jimmez Brown administers the pre surgery medication to Imanol Duran as nurse Vicky Hladysh and William Brown look on m Detroit on Dec 18, the city agreed Arm y sponsoring its first chili to rescind tickets issued against the cookoff and basket auction properties — in which the city Sunday raised more than claimed Broe was operating a busi­ $565 to contribute to its World Chance for a new life ness m a residential neighborhood Services goal for the year — as well as pay legal fees Despite less than ideal “The case has been dismissed with weather conditions more prejudice, meaning all the claims than 50 people showed up at Dom inican boy sails through corrective foot surgery can’t be litigated again,” said Paul the Army s hall on Mam Street O’Neill, of file Bloomfield Hills firm to participate Second of two parts of O’Connor, DeGrazia and Tamm, Baskets donated by Horton BY BRAD KADRICH which represented the city “Terms Plumbing ($50) and Backyard STAFF WRITER of the agreement aie confidential ’’/'V -i However, a memo sent from the J I Altagracia Jimmez-Brown grips the law firm to city commissioners » cup of hospital coffee the way a drown­ the two sides agreed to the $14,000 ing woman might hold a hfesaver figure on Feb 6 The memo also Her 18-month-old charge, Imanol denotes Broe’s attorney, Gregory Duran, has finally been wheeled into sur­ Bator of Bator & Berlin in gery at Oakwood Annapolis Hospital m Birmingham, mitiallj sought Wayne, some 11 days after the diminutive $50,000 m legal fees Dominican child had originally been “We’re pleased the matter has been scheduled to have his clubfeet corrected brought to resolution, and we can go Birds ($35) were the nights Jimmez-Brown, Imanol’s foster mother about with our vision (on Farmer biggest draws and brought in for his four-month stay m the United Street) m a neighborly like way,” said the highest bids States, can finally relax as the turning Bator Considering its the first point in Alta and Imanol’s Excellent Jim DeGrazia, the lead city attor­ time weve attempted any Adventure arrived ney in the case, said the consent thing like this we were very “You look calmer” a nurse tells agreement does not include an pleased with the outcome Jimmez-Brown moments after she admission of liability on behalf of said Maj Stephen Hull placed Imanol in the skilled hands and the city Plymouth commander warm hearts of the medical staff at “This represented a reasonable Annapolis, the Oakwood Healthcare resolution of the litigation It s m the ■ Military honored Systems facility being donated for best interest of the city, and the best When terrorists attacked Imanol’s surgery for all concerned,” said DeGrazia “It the United States on Sept 11 “I’ve had that first cup,’ Jimmez- was a case that would have been dif- 2001 President George W Alta comforts Imanol following the surgery He fell right to sleep Bush committed the country PlEASESEE SURGERY, A6 PLEASESEE BROE, A4 to tracking down those people who make up the axis of evil including Saddam Hussein Sixteen months later the US military is gearing up for war Enlisted men and women Slavens seeks 2nd term Homeowners will start over both on active duty and in the reserves are being sent to to have very difficult times coming up for the Middle East in a military School board petitions this schgol district, and I don’t believe now in drive to change boundary buildup not seen since the is the time for me to leave Persian Gulf War more than a available, due April 7 “I think the board needs some experi­ BY HEATHER NEEDHAM effort to get the boundary changed decade ago The mood of the enced board members, and I feel I can STAFF WRITER They spent six months collecting country is mixed as help solve the financial problems we 31 be signatures from 90 percent of Americans debate whether to BY TONY BRUSCATO facing,” Slavens said The school district boundary homeowners, but recently learned give Hussein more time to STAFF WRITER Superintendent Jim Ryan predicts dividing the Plymouth-Canton and they had to start over come clean on his weapons of Plymouth-Canton Schools will face a $9 Van Buren districts might as well In cases of dual home ownership, mass destruction or finish Plymouth-Canton school board Vice million budget deficit m the 2003-04 be the Great Wall of China to a both owners must sign the peti­ what was started Jan 16199] President Mark Slavens believes leaving school year group of residents trying to get it tion, Dixon said The Observer wants to file school board in the middle of a budget Slavens said the board has achieved a lot redrawn “It’s bureaucratic red tape,” honor our local men and crisis would be the wrong decision the past four years Residents m Huntington Place Dixon said women who are serving in the In fact, Slavens figures now is the time "We’ve brought m three schools under and Huntington Place II subdivi­ It is frustrating to live close to a military both in active duty the school board needs experienced people budget and on time, and I’m proud of sions, near Geddes and Beck, want school your children are not and in the reserves to step up and guide it through financially that,” he said ‘There was also a point in the boundary redrawn so that their allowed to attend, said Dixon, Family members can send stressed times time when there were some proposed poli­ children can attend Plymouth- whose daughter attends Belleville photographs of their loved With that said, the Canton Township cy changes that would have taken the com­ Canton schools, mainly because High, eight miles away The closest ones along with their name resident announced he’ll seek a second 4- munity’s say out of some board decisions I Plymouth-Canton schools are clos­ Van Buren elementary, Tyler, is six rank and biographical infor year term on the school board m the elec­ helped make sure those policies didn’t go er to their homes and because test miles away mation to Brad Kadrich 794 S tion scheduled for June 9 into effect, and the community’s voice was scores are higher m that district In comparison, Dodson Mam Plymouth Ml 48170 Be “I don’t want to leave when the times are Residents Mark Dixon and sure to include your name getting tough,” said Slavens “We’re going PLEASE SEE SLAVENS, A4 Houshun Zhang led a petition PLEASE SEE BOUNDARY, A4 and telephone number We will publish the photos on an ongoing basis to recog in mze their commitment to this MEDICAL BILLING CONTACT US INDEX ‘ LOOKING AHEAD country If you have ques SUPERVISOR Newsroom (734) 459 2700 tions call Brad Kadrich with experience needed Apartm ents E 7 Movies 83 Focus on Wine Newsroom fax (734) 459 4224 A rts B1 Obituaries A5 (Plymouth) or Doug Johnson Classifieds 1800 579 SELL in Sundays Taste section Read up on Autom otive F3 Observer Life C5 (Canton) at (734)459 2700 or We had many calls from our ad We will certainly Home del very (734)5910500 Badia a Coltibuono one of Tuscany s call again if we need anything*” M Southfield Classified EF Real Estate El e mail Kadrich at loveliest wine estates in Focus on S Crossword 16 Service Guide F2 bkadnch@oe homecomrr net 1*800-579*$ELL Wine by Ray and Eleanor Heald PUT OUR CLASSIFIEDS TO WORK FOR YOU! COMMUNICATION WBrnWH* Jo b s E10 Sports D1 M B t B w m g HUGE AFTER AUTO SHi \ m m t f l floor C .»«rlo o CARPET "tlS ikll 313-532-5700 ROAD • 9 BLKS. W. OF TELEGRAPH* 1 Q 4 t A2 (P) Observer & Eccentric | Thursday February 27 2003 L O C A L N E W S w w w .hom etoicnUfe.com City readies AROUND TOWN KIWANIS GOLF OUTING $16 for adults, $14 for seniors and time applicants must complete 12 reception to follow in the Parish $10 for college students School- hours of pre-service/special needs Hall for Citizens The Kiwams of Colonial age children (K-12) are admitted training, and provide information Piano Four Hands is music writ­ Plymouth is planning its 21st- free For more information, please such as verification of employ­ ten or arranged for piano duets, annual Kiwams Golf Outing and contact the Symphony office at ment, five personal references and played on one keyboard Sue Ann Feast (734) 451-2112 or, by e-mail at ply- a recent medical report Vaderbeck
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