Development Control Committee Tuesday, 11 February 2014 6.00 pm FIRE EVACUATION PROCEDURES FOR VISITORS AT EBLEY MILL ••• Upon hearing the fire alarm, visitors should immediately evacuate the building following the instructions given by the Chair at the start of each meeting. ••• DO NOT stay, or return, to collect personal belongings. ••• DO NOT use the lifts when the alarm is sounding. ••• Upon evacuation, visitors should go to the NB assembly point. The assembly points are situated in the staff car park where a fire steward will be there to take a roll call. ••• Visitors must remain at the assembly points until permission is given to leave. ••• Visitors must not leave the site until instructed to do so. For Agenda enquiries contact: Judy Balfe, Democratic Services and Elections Officer Tel: 01453 754351 Email: [email protected] 30 January 2014 DEVELOPMENT CONTROL COMMITTEE A meeting of the Development Control Committee will be held on Tuesday, 11 February 2014 in the Council Chamber, Ebley Mill, Ebley Wharf, Stroud at 6.00 pm. David Hagg Chief Executive A G E N D A Please Note: This meeting will be filmed for live or subsequent broadcast via the Council’s internet site ( www.stroud.gov.uk ). The whole of the meeting will be filmed except where there are confidential or exempt items, which may need to be considered in the absence of the press and public. The images and sound recording may be used for training purposes within the Council. Whilst the public seating areas are not directly filmed, particular camera shots around the Chamber may capture persons seated in the public areas. By entering the Council Chamber and using the public seating areas, you are consenting to being filmed and to the possible use of those images and sound recordings for webcasting and/or training purposes. If you have any queries regarding the above, please contact the officer named at the top of this agenda. 1. APOLOGIES 2. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST To receive Declarations of Interest in relation to planning matters. 3. MINUTES To approve and sign as a correct record the Minutes of the Development Control Committee meeting held on 14 January 2014. Development Control Committee 1 Agenda 11 February 2014 Published 30 January 2014 Public Speaking at Development Control Committee The Council have agreed to introduce public speaking at meetings of the Development Committee. The procedure to be followed is set out on the page immediately before the Planning Schedule. 4. DEVELOPMENT CONTROL – PLANNING SCHEDULE (NOTE: For access to information purposes, the background papers for the applications listed in the above schedule are the application itself and subsequent papers as listed in the relevant file.) DATE OF NEXT MEETING Tuesday, 11 March 2014 The Committee Membership for 2013/14 Civic Year is as follows: Councillor Ken Stephens (Chair) Councillor David Drew Councillor John Marjoram (Vice -Chair) Councillor Paul Hemming Councillor Liz Ashton Councillor Haydn Jones Councillor Dorcas Binns Councillor Graham Littleton Councillor Rowland Blackwell Councillor Stephen Moore Councillor Nigel Cooper Councillor Martin Whiteside The Chair’s briefing will take place on Tuesday , 11 February 2014 at 4.0 0 pm in The Planning Office at Ebley Mill. In the Event of a Fire Leave the room by the nearest fire exit these are located to the rear of the Chamber and the door leading to the Roof Garden marked as Fire Exits. Proceed to the main car park and assemble by the New Build sign (NB). If you require this agenda in large print format or a translation please contact Democratic Services ( 01453 754351 or email: Development Control Committee 2 Agenda 11 February 2014 Published 30 January 2014 2013/14 DEVELOPMENT CONTROL COMMITTEE 14 January 2014 6.00 pm – 9.45 pm 3 Council Chamber, Ebley Mill, Stroud Minutes Membership : Ken Stephens** P David Drew P John Marjoram* P Paul Hemming P Liz Ashton P Haydn Jones A Dorcas Binns P Graham Littleton P Rowland Blackwell P Stephen Moore A Nigel Cooper P Martin Whiteside P ** = Chair * = Vice-Chair A = Absent P = Present Other Members in attendance Councillor Emma Sims Councillor Brian Tipper Officers In attendance Head of Planning Legal Services Manager & Monitoring Officer Development Control Team Manager Senior Planning Officers Principal Planning Officer Democratic Services & Elections Officer DC.069 APOLOGIES Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Haydn Jones and Stephen Moore. The Chair referred to the Council’s public speaking scheme, as set out on page 2 of the Planning Schedule. Speakers would be given a slot which could be shared between speakers totalling 3 minutes to emphasise comments and evidence already within the planning system. Development Control Committee 1 Minutes 14 January 2014 Subject to approval at next meeting DC.070 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Councillor Application No/ Nature of Interest Action taken in Agenda Item (where disclosed) respect of disclosure Dorcas Binns S.13/1140/106R A board member of Took no part in Item 6 Nailsworth discussion and left Community the meeting Partnership David Drew S.13/1140/106R Vice-Chair of Forest Took no part in the Item 6 Green Rovers FC discussion and left the meeting DC.071 MINUTES RESOLVED That the Minutes of the Development Control Committee meeting held on 10 December 2013 are accepted as a correct record. DC.072 PLANNING SCHEDULE Representations were received and taken into account by the Committee in respect of the following Applications:- 1. S.13/2117/OUT 2. S.13/2327/FUL 3. S.13/1822/FUL 4. S.13/2030/FUL 5. S.13/2150/FUL 6. S.13/1140/106R DC.073 ITEM 1 – OUTLINE PLANNING PERMISSION AT MAYOS LAND OFF A38, BRISTOL ROAD, HARDWICKE, GLOUCESTER (S.13/2117/OUT) The Senior Planning Officer presented the Application for residential development of up to 55 dwellings, vehicular access from Meerbrook Way, public open space, car parking and other associated infrastructure and engineering works. Updates from the Local Education Authority and Gloucester City Council were in Late Pages. Discussions could be taking place between the two authorities regarding waste collection which were beyond the scope of this planning application. A letter had been received from Mr and Mrs Radcliffe-Watts on behalf of all residents at Meerbrook Way outlining their concerns. Also the following corrections to page 10 were highlighted:- • Informatives: first line condition 4 should have read condition 5 • paragraph 1.1., third line which should have read 2.28 ha and not 0.23 ha. County Councillor Blackburn spoke against the Application which he thought was not sustainable citing NPPF, paragraph 46. He also raised concerns about the effect on local schools, the increase in traffic, highway safety and also the speed of vehicles. The Head of Planning confirmed it would not be possible to attach a condition to reduce the vehicle speed on the highway to 30 mph. However, he would write to the County Council raising concerns and ask for these to be looked at in conjunction with Development Control Committee 2 Minutes 14 January 2014 Subject to approval at next meeting the Hunts Grove site. He would also ask the County to reconsider the installation of a pedestrian crossing. Members were reminded that the Application was for outline planning consent and the plan was indicative. A noise barrier had been included in Condition 5 and the positioning of the play area would form part of reserved matters. The local schools were full and extending them was under consideration. The Head of Planning would also add Members’ concerns about the commencement of the building of the new school at Hunts Grove to his letter. Concern was also raised about how the new residents without transport would get their children to the newly built school at Kingsway. He would also request that the County consider installing bus stops. A Motion to ACCEPT the Officer’s recommendation, was proposed by Councillor Graham Littleton and seconded by Councillor John Marjoram. Members agreed that a Section 106 Agreement is negotiated by Officers and the Head of Planning send two letters to Gloucestershire County Council’s Highways and Education Departments, as outlined above. On being put to the vote, there were 8 votes for the Motion, 0 votes against and 2 abstentions; it was declared CARRIED. RESOLVED To grant permission for Application S.13/2117/OUT subject to the conditions set out in these Minutes. DC.074 ITEM 2 – FULL PLANNING PERMISSION AT VAYNOR, HIGHFIELD ROAD, WHITESHILL, STROUD (S.13/2327/FUL) The Senior Planning Officer presented the Application for the erection of three dwellings with associated access which had been visited by Members at Sites Panel. Two letters of objection had been received from Mr and Mrs Welsh raising objections in Late Pages. An amendment to Condition 5 to make the Construction Method Statement site specific was proposed and an additional Condition regarding floor levels was also proposed. In the absence of Ward Councillor Philip Booth, Councillor John Marjoram read a prepared statement opposing the application. A Section 106 would cover the affordable housing provision in the District. A plan showing the site and a vehicle passing area was displayed. A Motion to ACCEPT the Officer’s recommendation, as amended, was proposed by Councillor David Drew and seconded by Councillor Graham Littleton. On being put to the vote, there were 9 votes for the Motion, 1 vote against and 0 abstentions; it was declared CARRIED. Development Control Committee 3 Minutes 14 January 2014 Subject to approval at next meeting RESOLVED To grant permission for Application S.13/2327/FUL, subject to the conditions set out in these Minutes. DC.075 ITEM 3 – FULL PLANNING PERMISSION AT LAND ADJOINING SETWELL, WALKLEY WOOD, NAILSWORTH (S.13/1822/FUL) The Development Control Team Manager presented the Application for the erection of one detached dwelling (resubmission of S.12/2348/FUL).
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