Eastern Illinois University The Keep May 1946 5-15-1946 Daily Eastern News: May 10, 1946 Eastern Illinois University Follow this and additional works at: http://thekeep.eiu.edu/den_1946_may Recommended Citation Eastern Illinois University, "Daily Eastern News: May 10, 1946" (1946). May. 2. http://thekeep.eiu.edu/den_1946_may/2 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the 1946 at The Keep. It has been accepted for inclusion in May by an authorized administrator of The Keep. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ASTERN CECIL/AN SINGERS BLEND VOICES EA CHE RS E S "Tell the Truth and Don't Be Afraid" 01. XXXI-NO. 16 1WEDNESDAY, MAY 15; 1946 i:ASTERN ILLINOIS STATE TEACHERS OOLI..EGE-CHARLESTON College Receives More I-lousing; otal �ranted Jurnps to 168 Telegram From Lucas CECILIAN SINGERS, feminine vocal organization, will appear tonight at 8:00 o'clock in concert in the audi­ Conveys Good News Favorite Son torium of the Main building. !l.ECENT GRANTING of additional temporary housing facilities to tastern raised the total of units to ie allotted the college to 168, and lrobably �pelled "home" to many EI Music Department Presents Concert Tonight itudents next fall. This figure in­ iludes the 30 units already inhabited .nd the 19 now in the process of be­ Program Starts ng delivered. Handsome At O'clock On May l, Fresident Robert G. �uz1aid Picks Elarn �uzzard received a telegram from THIS EVENING, at 8 p, m., the lenat.r Scott W. Lucas which college will be entertained by a IJ'ought the good news that the Fed­ 8 To Replace Wilson joint concert, given by three music ral Public Housing authority had pproved the grant of 85 family RCY K. Wilson, Lieutenant Com- crganizations, in the Main auditor­ .welling units under the Temporary ium . mander in the U. S. Naval Re­ lousing program. Two of the groups, the mixed en­ On 10, serve on leave of absence from the May notice of a grant of an semble and the Cecilian singers are 34 Eastern faculty, has resigned his dditional temporary dwellings under the direction of Donald E. 1as Dr. received by Buzzard from post of public relations director here Johnson, vocal instructor. The third .enator Lucas and Congressman and has been replaced by Stanley ensemble, a string quintet, has been �Ila C. McMillen. organized only a short time as this 34, Elam, recently discharged from the Against this EI allotment of ::oncert marks its first performance. 31, nav'y, according to an announce­ outhern of Carbondale received .Mr. Robert Warner, recently re­ 14, ment late Thursday, May 9 by Pres­ lillikin of Decatur 25, Normal turned string instructor, is taking 6. ident Robert G. Buzzard. nd Western harge of this ensemble. Dr. Buzzard announced that the Both Lt. Comdr. Wilson and Mr. The program will be opened by Jllege is dividing the new allct- Elam are graduates of Eastern and Roy Wilson he Cecliian singers, whose first 1ents into 71 family units and 96 both men served as editor of the Didn't Gome Back roup of songs will be composed of ormitory accommodations for sin­ News while students here, receiving selections from the classic and ro­ le veterans. their appr.mtkeship in journalism dantic periods. For their second The dormitory units for single under the late Franklyn L. Andrews. :,roup, they will sing compositions of "ts will include a study room, bath The former graduated in 1936 and Illinois PTA Awards t• \e modern period. nd two bed rooms for two men the latter received his B.Ed. with �ch, or four single men to each the class cf 1938. Usts Members !:-rmitory unit. The President em­ Two Scholarships Lt. Comdr. Wilson resigned his The :me:mbe::-s cf the Cccilians are: hasized that these units would "not p()st here to accept a position as as­ sopranos - Jeanne Ashby, Norma TWO SCHOLARSHIF3 for $200 � army barracks." sistant director of P'ress and Radio Allan Corbin Clark, Rosalie Conley, Imogene En­ He further pointed out the signif­ each have been awarded Eastern relations on the Headquarters staff . Is as Handsome Does gel, Jane English, Marjorie Fox, :ance of these grants for the future for 1946-47 J::y the Illi!!:::is Con-�re.3s of the National Education associa­ Paula Fox. Wilma Fox, Norma Gar­ tion in Washington, D. c. f the.school since now the admin­ of Parents and Teachers, according rett, Donna Price, Betty Rogers, Ar­ tr.ation will be in a much better While stationed in New York dis Baily. Joanne Brooke, Nancy to a letter dated May 2 sent by Mrs. :>sition to prov'ide housing to pros­ City on duty with the naval reserve, Co uncil Elects Clapp, Esther Cunningham, Irma Evalyn R. Damm, president of the Wilson has ccmpleted a ye�r of ective students. Hoult, Betty Leathers, Vera Mayer, state Con;,ress of Parents and graduate study in public relations at and Mary Schouten; altos-Mildred the teachers college of Columbia Corbin President Teachers, to President Robert G. Culver, Eaoise Dickerson, Doris Hus­ ;paugh, Rennels Receive university. After graduation from song, Marilyn Miller, Carolyn Shores, Buzzard. IN .AN election held during a stu- tere in 1936, he entered upon his Gwen Brewer, Virginia Burmeister, njuries In Accident dent council business meeting These scholarships are to be duties as director of public relations, Betty Elliott and Bina Jo Refine. Thursday night, May 2, Allan Cor­ WO EASTERN co-eds, Norma awarded by the college to either a a position he held until his enlist­ Their accompanist is Eleanor Solt­ bin, junior music major, was nam­ Spau::·h arid Barbara Rennels, man or a woman, with either pres­ me!l.t into the naval reserve in Oc­ wisch. ed president for the next school ere seriously injured in an auto ent students or prvspective students tober, 1942. The string ensemble occupies the year. The new head of the student eligible. >llision on May ' 5, in which ten He received his M.A. at the Uni­ second portion of the concert, and body is from Centralia and is af­ ersons were injured. 'I he following qualifications will versity of Illinois in 1943. is opening its group with "Variatior;s filiated with the Sigma Tau Gamma The head-on collision took place be considered in sele::ting recUienr.s: E.Jam was recently discharged on the Austrian National Hymn fnaternity. cm·bin returned to East­ 1 4o, Ol high schclastic standing in high from the navy as a Lieutenant jun­ from Auartet, Op. 76, No. 3, by Route about four miles north ern this quarter, having been dis­ : Mattcon, and the injured people school and college; (2) sterling char­ ior grade. He was awarded the M.A. Haydn. Following is a "Minuetto" charged fr m the navy air cmps as 1 both cars were removed to the acter as recommended by local com­ degree from the University of Illi­ by Bolszoni, and closing is Handel's a lieutenant. munity; (3J good health as eviden­ n is in 1942, and has served as prin­ "Gigue from Grand Cc.ncerto," Op. rem· rial hospital for treatment. Presiding for the la'it time over ced hy a physical examination; (4) cipal of the high schools at Jewett, 6, No. 9. The two girls were riding in a car the student council, Mary Jo Sear­ graduate f an accredited high Willow Hill and Allerton, before his ;vned by Wendell Needham of Mat- o by welwmed the new members Compose Quintet 1on and operated at the time of the scnool with a P.T.A. holding mem­ recent two years cf naval service. ;chosen d<Jring the r0ecent all-school The quintet is composed of Mr. :x:ident by Oscar Goodwin, also of bership in the Illinois congress; and Ela.n's activities at Eastern were ele:;tions. Besides the new prexy, Robert Warner, first violin, Mrs. rattoon. The other car was oper­ (5) withc:ut financial means to se­ varied. In addition to his News E9.stern's student governing body Sarah Oughterson, second violin, ted by George Gaylord of Arcola. cure and complete the desired train­ edito ship in 1938, he served as now includes Dick Fisher, Carolyn Mrs. Rudolph Anfinson, viola, Mr. The Mattoon .and Charleston oc- ing for be::oming a teacher. WarEer editor in 1936 and co-edi­ Shores, Arlene Swearingen, Betty E.rnest L. Stover, cello, and Chester 1pants of the Needham car were Notices cf this award are being tor of the News in 1937. He was ac­ Baugh:i:an, Harold Maris, Leo Bry­ Slagley, bass. !turning from Chanute Field where sent to the high school principals of tiv'e in Forum, Players, Writers and an, Virginia Burmeister, Sally Watt, Climaxing the program, the mixed iey had escorted soldiers to their the area from which EI draws its Eastern State club. Socially, he was Jack Muthersbough, Charles Akes, ensemble will sing a number of se­ :i.se. Tile Arcola car was return- student body. a .i;rcminent member of Fidelis fra­ and the four class presidents, Mary lections, bringing its part of the 1g from Mattoon at the time of the President Buzzud asks students ternity, forerunner of Sigma Tau Jean Warren, Hugh Reat, Shirley concert t::i rm end with Iour song<: :ash. now in colJ.ege t.:i c.::mtact either the Gamma. Kappa Delta Pi pledged Middlesworth, and Roy Miller. Vice­ of the people. Miss Spaugh received a brokeD dean of men or the dean of women hi.m during his juniJr year, and president and secretary - treasurer Personnel of the mixed ensemble >liar bone, while Miss Rennels had if they desire to be ccnsidered fer Sigrr,a Delta claimed his member- will be chosen at a later meeting.
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