Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 3-16-1983 The BG News March 16, 1983 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News March 16, 1983" (1983). BG News (Student Newspaper). 4115. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/4115 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. WEDNESDAY THEBGIVFW^BOWLING GREEN STATE UNIVERSITY ^ k ^m ^m L MARCH 16,1983 NEWS IN BRIEF DUI law changes Thursday ^WiiiMiiiiMiiMiMmim adds mandatory jail sentence Mortar Board signs members by Carolyn Van Schalk "There will probably be people Mortar Board, the senior honor society, tapped 20 University juniors and staff reporter challenging the validity of the Intoxi- Dean of Students Donald Ragusa, into membership yesterday morning, lyzer," he said. according to President Dave Coleman. Motorists stopping for a round of Coleman said the 20 new initiates were selected from 400 applicants on the drinks may want to consider the new Finally under the new law, anyone basis of outstanding scholarship, leadership and service. drunk driving law, and the conse- found to be driving with a blood alco- The new inductees include: Betsy Bissland, public relations, Daniel Blinn, quences of being caught driving under hol level of 0.10 percent, automat- psychology, Ann Brainard, psychology, Charles Bruns, accounting and man- the influence of alcohol. ically is considered drunk. Before agement information systems, Anne Clark, education, Ann Garapic, dietetics, Although a police officer still must changes in the law occurred, other Diane Grinstead, education, Donna Grinstead, geography, Gwynne Gulliford, have sufficient evidence to pull a evidence was required to gain a con- business, Lisa Kilell, mathematics, Anne Lineback, music education, Cindy person over for driving under the viction. Matyi, psychology, Barbara Moeller, education, Penny Neiding, interpersonal influence, as of Thursday the drunk and public communication, Patty Perrone, speech and hearing therapy, Helen driving law makes five basic changes City Prosecutor Warren Lotz said Peters, environmental science and biology, Annette Petersen, accounting, in the existing statute. the test eliminates any need for proof . Linda Schultz, finance and international business. Lisa Slage, international The new law states that anyone beyond the blood alcohol level. studies, and Teresa Weinberger, radio-television-film. convicted on a drunk driving charge I think the new law makes reading According to Coleman, Ragusa was chosen as the administrative honorary must serve 72 consecutive hours In of the 0.10 not a presumption of guilt, j member due to the dedicated service he has given to the student body. jail. The current drinking law also but guilty," he said. "The law is mandates a three-day sentence but, clearer now and there is less gray according to Bowling Green Police area." M*A*S*H ratings go up - and down Chief, Galen Ash judges have man- NEW YORK - The CBS television finale of "M-A-S-H" not only won the Nielsen aged to circumvent that aspect of the ratings against the other networks, but also surged to record levels in New law by allowing drunken offenders to New 'drunk law* York City's "flush" ratings, officials say. serve their sentences in other ways. Officials with the city's Department of Environmental Protection say that Shortening a sentence or requiring a may test jail room | from raw data they've collected, many of those viewers stayed glued to their S;rson to attend alcohol abuse educa- ; TV sets throughout the 2^-hour show. on programs are alternatives. A few minutes after the "M-A-S-H" episode ended at 11 p.m., the flow rates in According to Bowling Green Munic- by Erin Esmont ipal Judge James Bachman, revisions staff reporter Water Mains One and Two went up I y a total of 320 million gallons, according in existing drunk driving laws were to the department's Andrew McCartiy. needed to prevent an intoxicated Changes in the state's drunk "Our engineers say you would have to have 1 million people flushing their driver from causing major harm to driving law will multiply problems | toilets at the same time to achieve that rate," McCarthy said. himself or anyone else. at the already overcrowded county "I think we all recognize the serious jail. Bowling Green Municipal Weather effect that the drunk driver can Judge James Bachman said yes- Sunny and clear today with a high in the mid-SOs. Continued clear tonight have," Bachman said. terday. with temperatures dropping to the low 30s. "I am glad that we have the law, "THE COURTS have had a ten- but one feature that will be difficult dency to reduce charges and sen- is finding space in the jail," he tences," Ash said. "I hope this will not said. continue." 11K new law, which went into According to Ohio Republican Con- effect today, requires a mandatory gressman Michael Dewine, sponsor three-day jail sentence and some Celeste criticizes of the bill, the mandatory three-day officials worry that the present jail sentence is designed to prevent an facilties will not be able to accomo- intoxicated person from driving. date these drunk traffic offenders. "The main emphasis of the bill was "I think it (the law) will help, but not to put people in jail," DeWine there is one problem - where are said. "The main emphasis was to get we going to put the drunks? There Rhodes in speech them off the highway." is no room to put them in the county Secondly, the law increases penal- jail," Bowling Green Police Sgt. COLUMBUS (AP) - Democratic crease, also delivered the sharpest ties for repeat offenders. Anyone con- Claude Clouse said. Gov. Richard Celeste, heaping crit- attacks yet on his predecessor. victed of a second drunk driving Overcrowding of the Jail is one of icism on former Republican Gov. He called the state's earlier $528 offense within five years of a previous the most immediate problems the James Rhodes, yesterday called for a million budget deficit a legacy left by conviction, will face a mandatory 10- officials have had with the new $1.5 billion Jobs program, set the the Rhodes administration. He zeroed day jail sentence, license suspension law. stage for raising business taxes and in on the industrial development poli- from four months to five years, and a "In my case, I am overcrowded chastised his budget critics. cies of the ex-governor, who built a fine not less than $150 and not greater already. Wood County Sheriff Delivering his first state of the state political career on pledges of "jobs than $1,000. George G inter said. address before a joint session of the and progress" and "no new taxes." Bachman said increased sentencing Legislature, Celeste outlined a four- for second and third offenders will not ACCORDING TO Ginter, last point program to build "a solid foun- "THERE WAS no strategy when BC Mews Photo/Patrick Sandor change the city's current repeat of- year the Sheriff's Office handled 1,- dation on which Ohio can and will get my predecessor pit one community fender process. Bachman said he is 000 driving under the influence back to work." against another in bidding for a Volks- Tiny protest already strict with second and third (DUI) cases. He added "if they While not providing specific details, wagen plant," Celeste said. Austin Grant, 14 months old. holds a sign outside of the Federal Building time offenders. (the judges) go according to the Celeste said his plan involves devel- 'There is no strategy when nearly yesterday urging Congressman Latta to vote for the nuclear freeze. "Frankly, I don't see that much of a law and do what they are supposed rent of five-year and 20-year job all of the industrial development dol- With him is Nadia Pancsofar, age 5, and his mother, Belle Grant. change in the operation of my office," to do, I could have a thousand more tegies; increased cooperation lars are squandered in the first half of Bachman said. "The way we handle in jail." with neighboring states; quality edu- this year, he said. was surprised by the Celeste attack. to get off the campaign trail," Rose things in our court, the second and Concern over housing the drunk cation instead of quantity and "a fair, "I would term the tenor of the said. third timer is never given a break driver has resulted in the consider- stable tax structure." Rhodes' secretary said he was out governor's speech in which he kind of anyway." ation of alternate plans. But Celeste, who earlier sought and of state and unavailable for comment. set the tone for what he wants to do as Celeste was interrupted by ap- A THIRD change in the statute Ginter said he has considered a won enactment of a permanent 90 Assistant House Minority Leader petulantly political. I think the time plause seven times during the 21-min- states that the arresting officer has halfway house for drunk drivers to percent individual income-tax in- Waldo Bennett Rose, R-Lima, said he has long since passed for the governor ute speech. the right to immediately seize the serve their mandatory sentences, alleged drunk driver's license. because this would alleviate the Ash said he is in favor of this. overcrowding and prevent drunk "I am in support of the arresting drivers from serving time with Decision on defense budget cuts delayed officer confiscating the driver's li- more hardened criminals.
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