Journal of the Proceedings of the Bishops, Clergy, and Laity of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America in a General Convention 1829 Digital Copyright Notice Copyright 2017. The Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America / The Archives of the Episcopal Church All rights reserved. Limited reproduction of excerpts of this is permitted for personal research and educational activities. Systematic or multiple copy reproduction; electronic retransmission or redistribution; print or electronic duplication of any material for a fee or for commercial purposes; altering or recompiling any contents of this document for electronic re-display, and all other re-publication that does not qualify as fair use are not permitted without prior written permission. Send written requests for permission to re-publish to: Rights and Permissions Office The Archives of the Episcopal Church 606 Rathervue Place P.O. Box 2247 Austin, Texas 78768 Email: [email protected] Telephone: 512-472-6816 Fax: 512-480-0437 JOURNAL OF' OF THE BISBOItS, C:r.:BB,Q'2', Al\TD :r.AIT'E' OF THE PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL CHURCH IY THI: DnfttlJ .statts of amtrica. II( A GENERAL CONVENTION, HELD IN sr, JAlII:ES' cmmcrr, IN TIlE CITY OF PHlLADELPm.~ FROM WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 12th, TO THURSDAY, AUGUST 20th, INCLUSIVE, A.D 1S":l9. PRINTED AT 'fHE PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL PRESi K 0, 8 Rector-Street. 1829. NOTICE. The next General Convention will be held in the City of Philadelphia, on the second Wednesday in August, 1829, at 10 o'clock A. M. LIST or "rl1!t ATTENDING MEMBERS. The Right Re,'. lViIliam 'White, D. D. of Pennsylvania, Pre­ siding Bishop. The Right Rev. John Henry Hobart, D. D. of New-York. The Right Rev. Alexander Viets Griswold, D. D. of the Eastern Diocese, comprising the State>; of Maine, New-Hampshire, Massachusetts, Vermont, and Rhode Island. The Right Rev. Richard Channing Moore, D. D. of Virginia. The Right Rev. John Croes, D. D. of New-Jersey. The Right Rev. Thomas Church Brownell, D. D. LL. D. of Connecticut. The Right Rev. John Stark Ravenscroft, D. D. of North-Caro­ lina. The Right Rev, Henry L;tick Onderdonk, D. D. of Pennsyl­ vania. The Right Re,". 'William Meade, D. D. of Virginin. ~ 1!10UfJC of <!tlrcical anb' 11.ay llJrputfCB. CLERICAL fJEPUTIE~, Jiail//'. The He,". Norrts 1\1. Jonl'l. S,.~("-HamJl.~hi7"f" 'I'h« HI"". ('hftrl('~ RIII'I"(\II,~h~. 4 JOURNAL OF THE GENERAL CONVENTION. (1829, Massachusetts. The Re,'. James Morss, D.D, The Rn'. Theodore Edson. The Rev. Alonzo Potier, The Re". Alfred L. Baury. Yermont. 1'he Rev. Abraham Bronson, The Rev. Joel Clapp, The Rev. Sylvester Nash. Rhode Island. The Rev. Nathan B. Crocker, D. D. Connecticut. The Rev. Daniel Burhans, TheRev.NathanielS. Wlleaton, The Rev. Francis L. Hawkes, The Re,'. Reuben Sherwood. New-York. TIle Rev. David Butler, The Rev. Benjamin T. Onder­ The He\'. Thomas LvclI. D. D. donk, D.D. The Rev. Henry Anthon New-Jersey. The Rev. Chas.lI.Wharton, D. D. The Rev. Clarkson Dunn, The Rev. John Uroes, j r, The Rev. Wm. L. Johnson. Pennsylrania. The Rev. JM.Montgomery,D.D. The Rev. Jehu C. Clay, The Rev. Jackson Kemper, D.D. The Rev. John H. Hopkin". Delaware. TheRe,-. Stephen W. Presstrnan, The Rev. Daniel Higbee. The Rev. Isaac Pardee. iJ'Iaryland. The Rev, Wm. E. 'Vyatt, D.D. The Rev. John John_, The Rev. William M. Stone. 1829.] JOURNAL OF TilE GENERAL CONVENTION. Yirgillia. The Rev. Edward C. M'Guire, The Rev. Henry W. Ducachet, The Rev. Reuel Keith, D. D. 1\1. D. The Rev. Nicholas H. Cobbs. North Carolina. The Rev. John Avery, The Rev. Philip Wiley, The Rev. William Green, The Rev. Charles P. Elliot. South. Carolina. The Rev. Christopher E. Gads­ The Rev. Allston Gihhe!, den, D.D. The Rev. Christian Hanckell. Georgia. The Rev. Edward Neufville. Ohio. The Rev. John P. Bausman, The Rev. Nathan Stem. :hIississippi. The Rev. James A. Fox. LAY DEPUTIE~. 1I-Iassachusetts. Edward A. Newton, Esq. Vermont. Cyril Fuller. Rh~d~ Island. AleXllnrler JOM~, EsC]. Stephen T. Northam, Esq. Nathaniel ~I'Rr1£', Esq. JOVRNAL OF THE GENERAL CONVENTION. [1829. Connccticut. Fitch W. Taylor. New·roJ·I<. The Hon. Jnmos Emott, AC'i'·]crSCY· l\lark W. ColJ('f. Thomas Chapman, Thomas Sinnickson. Pennsylvania. WiIIi:l.111 Mcrcditb, E,,'L' Edward J. Stiles, Esq. Horace Binney, Esq. Nathaniel P. Hobart, E5'1' Delaware. 'Yilliam T. Read, Esq. John Cummins, Esq. ~amuel Paynter, Esq. jlaryland. Alexander C. 1I'(:I'IH!er, Esq. Robert H. Goldsborough, Esq. 8mmwl J. DOllilhl"on. Esq. Ezekiel F. Chambers, Esq. 17rginia. Philip Nelson, E,,!. Dr. Carter Berkeley, .lame's M. Garnett, Esq. • North-Carolina. Edward L. "'inslow. James W. Bryan, Esq. William l'Ol'\HH"! Gavin Hogg, Esq. Soulh·Carolina. John Potter, ES'l' Philip 'I'idyman, 1\1. D. Georgia: The Hon. Gcorgr- Jones, Edward F. Campbell, Dr. J. u n"acl. Gerard M'Laughlin. 'Mississippi. Justin \V. Foote. Kenl'lcky. .'(,hn F.. Cook", 'l\T. n. 1829.] JOURNAL UF THE GENERAL LON\'ENTION. 7 Clergymm 1l'!10 u'o·c admittcd to ilu: sittings of the Ilouse of Cle­ rical and Lay Deputies, and altendcclthe same. Rhvde I»!« lid. The He,'. Clement F, Joucs. Connecticut. The Rev. 'Villiam Barlow, The He,'. Hector Humphreys, The Rev. Origen P, Holcomb, The RC\". Henry R. Judah, The Rev. Horatio Putter. The Rev. John l\l. (,uion, Thl' Rev. Wm. A. l\luhlcnberg, The ReI'. Edward.T. lli!!'hie, The He,'. Samuel Nicols, The Rev. Ral'aml Kcarnev, The Rev. Addison 8ear1<', The Re\" Danicll\I'Donal;l, D.D. The Rov. 8amuel 11. Turner, The Rev. Henrv l\1. .:Ua~on, D.D. The Rev. Jame~ ;\Iilnor, D. D. The Hey. (,porg-e V pfold, 1\1.D. The Rev. Da\'id l\Ioore. The Hc\'. John 'Vile)', jun. AClc-Jascy, The Rev. Matthew Mathews. The Hov. Simon 'Vilmer. l'Lllnsyll'llllia. The Rev. Ja!.'.Abercrombie, D.D, The Rev. William Brvant. fhe Re\'. Thomas G. Allen, The Rov, Levi Bull,' . The Rev.Frederick Bcaslov, D.D. The Re\'. John B. Clemson, The Re\" Grczorv T. Bdell, The He,'. Pierce Connelly, The Re,·. Samuel Bowman, The HI'I·. Joab G. Cooper, The Rev, Georg-e Boyd, The Rev. Jaeob ::\1. Douzlass, fhe Rev. Samuel C. Brinckle. The Hey. Charles l\1. Dupuy, The Rev. Raymond A. Henderson The Rev. John Rodnev, iun. The Rev, Joseph Hutchins, D. D. The Rov. Edwnrd Huiled!!'e, The Rev. Joseph .laquetr, The He,'. Geor!!e Rheets, ~ The Re,'. 'Villiam C. ;\leade. TIH' HI'\'. RannicI8itegrea"e5, The Rev. Richard U. Moreau. The He,'. Benjamin B, Smith. The Re,'. Norman Nash. The He,'. Stel;hen H. Tyng-. fhe Re,'. Robert Pi!!got, The Rev. Peter Van Pelt, The Re\" 'Villiam H. ReI's. Thc Hc,," (,eol"!!e 'Yeller. The Re\'. John Reynolds, The Hc,-. BinI 'Wilson, D. D. The Rev. Greeusbury ,V. Riilg-IPY The Hl"', James 'Yiltbank. 8 JOURNAL OF THE GENERAL CONVENTION. [1829. Jlaryland. TheRev. John V. Bartow, TheRev. John P. K. Henshaw, The Rev. William Hawley, The Rev. Henry V. D. Johns. Virginia. TheRev. Caleb J. Good, The Rev. George A. Smith, The Rev. Daniel L. B. Goodwin, The Rev. Andrew Syme. The Rev. Edward W. Peet, North-Carolina. The Rev. John R. Goodman. JOURNAL OF THE Philadelphia, Jlugust 12, 1829. TIlls being the place and day appointed j,l!' the meeting of the Gencral Convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America, divine service was celebrated in St. James' Church. The morning prayer was read by the Rev. Francis L. Hawkes, of Connecticut, and a sermon preached by the Right Rev. Tho­ mas C. Brownell, D. D. LL. D., uf the same Diocese. The Holy Communion was then administered by the Right Rev. the Senior Bishop, assisted IIY other Bishops present, The Rev. 'I'homas Lyell, D. D., was then appointed Chairman pro tem., and the Secretary of the lIouse at the last Convention acted as Secretary pro tem. The following Clerical aIHI Lay Deputies presented testimo­ nials of their respective appointments, and took their seats:- CLERICAL DEPUTIES. From Jllassaclmsetls.-The Rev. James Morss, D. D., the Rev. Alonzo Potter, the Rev. Theodore Edson, the Rev. Al­ fred L. Baury. From Vermont.-The Rev. Abraham Bronson, the Rev. Joel Clap. Prom Rhode lslalld.-The Rev. Nathan H. Crocker, D. D. From COllllCclicul.-The Rev. Daniel Burhans, the Rev. Francis L. Hawkes. From Ncw-J'ork.-Thc Ilf"·. Thomas Lyell, D. D., the Rev. Benjamin T. Onderdonk, D. D., the Rev. JIcnry Anthon. Prom Ncw-.lerscy.-Thc HeY. Charles lJ. Wbarton, D. D., the Rev. John Crees, jun. the Rev. Clarkson Dunn, the Rev. \Villiam L. Johnson. Prom PcnH.syll,tLlIia.-Thc nc'\". Jallll's Montgomery, D. D., the Rev. Jackson l\"lllpCJ', D. D., the I~t'v. Jehu C. Clay, the ttl"'. John 11. I h)pl.;ill~. Front Dtl'tli'arc.-'1'1.2 I~ f)' Scq.hcn "\V IJrc-~.:;tlJJai], the Rev. Daniel Hi;bcc, the ltc.- h"'il' P.trdc(' I 10 JOURNAL OF THE GENERAL CONVENTION. [1829. From JJlaryland.-The Rev, William E. Wyatt, D. D., the Rev. John Johns, the Rev. William M. Stone. From Virginia.-Thc Rev. Edward C. M'Ouire, the Rev. Reuel Keith, D. D., the Rev, Henry W. Ducachet, 1\1. D., the Rev. Nicholas H. Cobbs. From ..N'OI·th-C(.rolina.-The Rev. John Avery, the Rev. William M. Grcen, the Rev. Philip B. ''''iley. From South-Carolina.-The Rev. Christopher E. Gadsden, D. D., the Rev.
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