Boise State University ScholarWorks Student Newspapers (UP 4.15) University Documents 7-28-2004 Arbiter, July 28 Students of Boise State University Although this file was scanned from the highest-quality microfilm held by Boise State University, it reveals the limitations of the source microfilm. It is possible to perform a text search of much of this material; however, there are sections where the source microfilm was too faint or unreadable to allow for text scanning. For assistance with this collection of student newspapers, please contact Special Collections and Archives at [email protected]. 1 9 J J . B 0 I S·E S·T ATE ..' S IN DEPEND E N T STUDENT NEW SP APE It SI N C E CELEBRATING WEDNESDAY 70 YEARS JULY 28,2004· ,VOLUME 17 ISSUE 2 FIRST COPY FREE , Majority of students support TRASH CAN? smoking rules BY CASSIE GUTIERREZ Special to the Arbiter Student recycle-srecycling plan Idaho's new .smoking ban went into ef- fect this month. The ban requires most dents engaged. Anoth~?barrler for a public buildings to be smoke-free, chang- BY CAROLYN MICHAUD pus housing. He took his proposal to for workers. ing .the atmosphere of many restaurants. Over the coming year, Merritt .self sustaining recycling program on Assistant News Editor Housing Director Craig Thompson The smoking ban hasn't made much differ- hopes to keep up the work that has campus is money. It will cost mon- and was hired to work on programs ence in the number of customers. been done in the resident halls and ey to' set up a program and to keep For many college students, time for campus housing. Nick Ballou, the manager of Shari's make sure that it stays solid. He even it running. For this reason, it can be is valuable and convenience is a Merritt is hopeful about what in Nampa commented, "If any- has plans to further the program by difficult to get support from the ad- must. With hectic schedules recy- he will be able to accomplish next thing, it brings more people in," putting a recycle bin in every room ministration due to limited funding cling is not the first thing on most year with the. strong support of Not many restaurants in the Boise right next to the garbage can, to available for projects such as this. people's minds. For Boise State stu- Thompson. Working directly with area allowed smoking before the ban. make recycling easier and There are a few ways to counteract dent, Seth Merritt, recycling is Iitop Thompson and housing Smoking was already' .banned from The more accessible. "I the funding problem. Student ap- priority. Merritt is working hard to has made it easier Olive Garden, The Mongolian BBQ, hope that the propriations could be used to start a make our campus beautiful, dedi- for Merritt to Pizza ,Hut, and many other restaurants. success recycling program and to help it gain cating time "to environmental issues accom- o f momentum. This type of program Kevin Garlik, BSU student and non-smok- on campus for the past three years. plish could eventually be self-funding. er said, "I think [the smoking banI is ridicu- This year Merritt hopes to expand Although there is not much money lous, because there's always been a smok- and improve the recycling program -Ifeveryone inthe U.S.recycled to be made from recycling directly, ing and, non-smoking section in restau- at BSU by creating a more institu- dust 1/10ofthe)r.newsprin~" conservation in general can Save rants and that has never bothered me." tionalized and campus-wide re- ',. ,wo'W(juldsave1/le e~meted: money. For instance, BSU has Chili's Grill & Bar is another restaurant oEverySunday, the Unltad cycling program. He has taken .equivalentof about 2S million to pay BFI for every ton of gar- that previously allowed smoking. Generai States wastesnearlv of on the title of ASBSU Director 90% 8v~~r . bage they haul off campus. Manager Mike Greer said, "We've only of Conservation, a position therecycleble newspapers. The more 'materials that are had positive feedback from our clientele." that wa~ previously named This wastes about 500,000 recycled instead of thrown To some people, it is very unappealing "Recycling Coordinator". treesl away, the less trash needs to allow smoking in restaurants. "I think "I would like to layout to be hauled off campus. that having 'a smoking section in a res- the foundation for more Hence, money will be taurant is equivalent to having a pee- institutionalized envi- saved. ing section in a public pool," said Greer. ronmental conservation a lifetime, the average Next year, Western Currently at Boise State University, smok- on campus so that.It can will throwaway 600 States Recycling is ex- ers must stand 30 feet away from designat- continue and grow," r her adult weight in panding what they arc ed building entrances. Idaho law requires said Merritt. The ulti- ans that each doing around campus. smokers to be 20 feet away from entrances to mate goal is to have a legacy of 90,000 Instead of having recy- public buildings. BSU is currently question- campus-wide recycling 8 or her children. clable products hauled ing if it should keep its current standards or program that is self-sus- oAmeritons off to be dumped, there relax them to comply with state law. taining. enou#halull!inill1i will be designated re- BSU recently collected data indicat- Starting a new pro- threB,moilthStllf cycling bins on campus ing students are in support of a smoke- gram might be harder our eirtlre commercial that smaller recycling free campus with designated' smoking ar- air fleet . than it sounds. In the past containers can be emptied eas, or "butt hutts," Some students find \ this to be a good idea, while others feel twenty .years· there have " -"--~.' into and later collected by \'\ , been over twenty attempts ( Western States Recycling. it would be a violation of their rights. \~ :,<,;,:'-,'" BSU student Jake Sporin, an occasion- to set up recycling programs \ This system will be similar I~ is8~V~d to emptying garbage cans into al smoker, said, "I think banning smok- in the resident halls on cam- ealuminum pus. Allof these have been un- dumpsites and will make recy- ing from the BSU campus is a violation to setlor \ . can tUnani cling easier and more convenient of my rights, because I should be able to successful. three hours or tQ iight one Merritt also worked hard to -Eech of us generates around campus. smoke and second hand smoke is a myth." make sure that recycling is avail- on average 4.4 pounds of .. 100 watttlzt\: ior 20 hours. Although Merritt is working hard BSU student, Jenna' Harrigan, said, \ "I think it would be a good idea, be- able in on-campus housing. He weste per day pur person, \ to create a more institutionalized re- started his conservation efforts at cycling program on campus, he can- cause there are a lot of smokers, and ,- Fact about rocycling non-smokers get bothered by that." BSU three years ago by helping to -. that not do it all alone. Volunteers are obtainad from: http:// There are many tobacco cessation pro- keep up a small recycling program in his program greatly appreciated. Also, for the fall www.recyclingit. grams at BSU that the Health Department Driscoll Hall which was set in place goals. will spread semester, Boise State will be looking by the Honors College. A year later, com/recyfact.htm into hiring three part time employ- encourages. "It's important to offer ser- Thompson, across Boise State as the Honors Student Association's like Merritt, is en- ees who will be in charge of recy- vice to students who are contemplating housing and the rest of cam - EnvironmentalProjectsCoordinator, vironmentally motivated cling coordination and collecting re- quitting. We try to offer as many servic- pus," said Merritt. One of the biggest Merritt expanded the program and and has some great ideas of his own cycling materials and hauling them es and information at BSU as we can," said problems with setting up a solid pro- about making Boise State more en- to dump sites. Anyone interested in Christina Berg, director of health promotion. made it stronger. gram is that once student interest Teaming up with his friend, vironmentaily friendiy. Thompson taking a part in the recycling pro- In addition to ail the BSU programs, there wanes, the program dies. This is one Kendall Burgemeister, the duo re- hopes to set up a system where cam- gram can .leao.-n more information are many online services as well, Every year, of the reasons that Merritt wants-to. the Idaho health department puts on a Great ceived the Boise Cascade Summer pus maintenance workers use bicy- by contacting the Student Housing create an institutionalized program cles instead of driving around in cars , Office, 426-3986. American Smoke-out. This year's will be held Research Fellowship grant for that will have enough momentum $3,500. Merritt proposed to do recy- and trucks. This would use less gas, on November 18. to be self-sustaining and keep stu- cling research oriented for on-cam- reduce emissions, and be healthier Financial aid scam Democrats open convention, targets vulnerable. college students draw policy contrasts with GOP BY KAVITA KUMAR don't pay for financial aid." Berry, ,who knows of oth- The St. Louis Post-Dispatch BYMARKZ. BARABAKAND (KRTl er scholarship frauds that MICHAEL FINNEGAN can deceive parents arid stu- Los Angeles Times Some area universities are dents, said she was especially alerting students about a fi- concerned about this one.
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