Thank you for your support. CONTENTS 目錄 We received a total of 7,374 gifts. (Mar 2019 - Feb 2020) Chairperson’s Report 香港大學基金年報 02 主席報告 08 President and Vice-Chancellor’s Message 校長獻辭 12 Tech Landmark 創科地標 14 Gifts & Impacts 捐贈軌跡 28 HKU Foundation Organisation 香港大學基金架構 30 Foundation Members 基金會員 Dedicated to benefactors, supporters and friends 72 Auditor’s Report 核數師報告 76 Financial Statements 財務報表 www.giving.hku.hk/hkuf/2020.html 80 Notes to the Financial Statements 財務報表附註 96 Join the HKU Family 誠邀您加入港大家庭 Class of 2019 - (from left) Sangmin Kim (MJ), Mohammed Nawaj Sharif (BEng), Anna Gustafson (BJ), Heidi Wong (BDS), Iram Sophia Khan (BBA) Portrait Photos by Anthony Fan (BSc(Surv) 2018) Curated by Development & Alumni Aairs Oce Chairperson's Report 主席報告 ’’ We are united in one goal – to make the world better ’’ LeaDing WiTh Compassion & The signature scarf, with the pattern of the tiles laid exCeLLenCe along the walkways of the century-old heritage building, reminds us how we have always weathered the storms and emerged stronger throughout history. Year 2020 is very special for all of us – for the first time the HKU Foundation's Annual General Meeting could As always, the Foundation has maintained a prudent not be held face to face. This Annual Report of 2019/20 approach to its investments, and achieved a return of is therefore all the more important as we celebrate 3.8% for fiscal year 2018/19. Going into the financial your generous gifts in the past year and their impacts year 2019/20, markets have experienced extreme at the University and beyond. volatility, driven by the COVID-19 pandemic and the collapse of oil prices. In view of the uncertainties, the I applaud the magnanimous acts of yours when Foundation will keep to its disciplined investment you, as individuals or corporations, rushed to give to strategy as the crisis is expected to stay for quite some various corners to the community, supporting the time and even into 2021. medics, boosting research, providing relief and aid to the needy sectors during these unusual times. Please The COVID-19 tsunami has posed unforeseeable know that your gifts made to HKU are particularly challenges to us, but it has also united us in one significant and share the pride when our professors goal – to make the world better. Now more than and students are also at the forefront contributing ever, The University of Hong Kong boldly leads with their utmost. compassion, devotion and excellence. May I beseech you all, Foundation Members, to pledge your staunch Your gifts also coincided with two matching grants support and stand with the University in these very th – the 8 Government Matching Grant as well as the trying times. Research Matching Grant Schemes – and the impacts are immediately multiplied. My Board of Directors and Let’s fight a good fight together. I would like to thank every benefactor, as each gift has opened a door to new opportunities for students and professors, for scholarship and research. You have enabled the University, the citadel of knowledge, to grow, advance and build a formidable tomorrow. I would like to thank alumni and friends who donated Professor Rosie Young and young alumni to iGift, the fundraising initiative that conjured up wonderful moments at the University's Main Building. Professor Rosie T T Young Chairperson 02 HKU FOUNDATION ANNUAL REPORT 2019/20 03 Chairperson's Report 主席報告 年初抗疫物資非常短缺,港大深圳醫院率先把五萬個口罩 校友越洋送暖,師生們把抗疫物資送到弱勢社群手中。 贈予長者。 以至誠 「在歷史長河中, 引領前路 我們經受風雨, 變得更加強大。」 2020年,對所有人而言都是非常特殊的一年, 一如既往,基金保持審慎的投資方式,2018/19 香港大學基金的周年大會首次不能面對面地舉行。 財政年度取得3.8%回報。2019/20財政年即將 因此,這份2019/20年度報告特別有意義,它 到來之際,受新冠肺炎疫情和油價暴跌的影響, 記錄了您在過去一年的捐贈,以及對大學內外的 市場經歷了極度動蕩。鑒於這些不確定性,危機 影響。 預計將持續相當一段時間,甚至到2021年,故此 基金將保持謹慎的投資策略。 在危急關頭,您以個人或公司角色,對社會慷慨 港大社會科學學院賽馬會「樂天心澄」- 推動靜觀以調節情緒 捐贈,支持醫務人員,援助社會弱勢群體和受疫情 海嘯般的疫情給我們帶來了前所未有的挑戰, 波及的社會階層。您對香港大學的貢獻尤其重要, 但也使我們團結,目標一致——讓世界變得更美 當我們的教授和學生在前線盡最大的努力時,也有 好。香港大學僅以熱誠、奉獻的精神引領前路。 您的一份功勞。 各位基金成員,請一如往日支持我們,與大學並肩 前行。 您對港大的捐贈與兩項政府的補助金計劃配對 影響力倍增。我和董事局要感謝每一位捐助者, 我們一起打場漂亮的仗。 因為每一筆捐款都為學生和教授提供了新機會, 使大學這個知識的堡壘得以成長,共建美好明天。 我要感謝向iGift捐款的校友和朋友們,在大學 本部大樓締造許多美好時刻,圍巾上繪製的標誌性 楊紫芝教授 地磚圖案,提醒著我們:在歷史長河中,我們是 主席 如何經受風雨,變得更加強大。 港大師生與全球分享音樂 #songs of comfort #HKU Sync with U #HKU MUSE 04 HKU FOUNDATION ANNUAL REPORT 2019/20 05 Chairperson's Report 主席報告 global ’’ Dialogue with fightcovid19.hku.hk hKU professors our voices are internationally EPIDEMIC CONTROL recognised’’ Professor Gabriel M Leung Dean of Medicine Helen and Francis Zimmern Professor in Population Health (Expert advisor to HKSAR Government) BBC HOW WE TEACH, LEARN AND STAY SAFE COVID-19 AND THE FINTECH Professor Ian Holliday TRANSFORMATION Vice-President and Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Teaching and Learning) Professor Douglas Arner Department of Health Kerry Holdings Professor in Law MAPressSKS Conference AND OTHER LESSONS FROM ASIA Professor Yuen Kwok-Yung Henry Fok Professor in Infectious Diseases (Expert advisor to HKSAR Government) Phoenix TV GLOBAL ECONOMY AND RTHK Anti-glOBALISATION POLICY LESSONS FROM ASIA Professor Hongbin Cai Dean of Business and Economics 「港人抗疫 A 級, Professor Keiji Fukuda Director of School of Public Health 他日回首會自豪。」 (Expert advisor to HKSAR Government) 福田敬二教授 With UK parliamentary select committee WHY HONG KONG HAD NO COVID-19 CARE HOME DEATHS Professor Terry Lum Head of Department of Social Work and Social Administration Henry G Leong Professor in Social Work and Social Administration THE ECONOMIC RISKS AND THE ECONOMIC FALLOUT OF THE COPING WITH IMPACTS OF EPIDEMICS COVID-19 PANDEMIC ISOLATION AND LONELINESS Professor Zhiwu Chen Professor Richard Wong Professor Tatia Lee Director of Asia Global Institute Provost and Deputy Vice-Chancellor May Professor in Neuropsychology Victor and William Fung Professor in Economics Philip Wong Kennedy Wong Professor in Political Economy 06 HKU FOUNDATION ANNUAL REPORT 2019/20 07 President and Vice-Chancellor's Message 校長獻辭 Transform obsTaCLes inTo generaTionaL New York at Starr Hall opporTUniTies As the world continues to navigate through one of Over the past few months, I have been meeting In spite of the challenges, we are moving forward with the most disruptive periods in recorded history, I with faculty deans, professors, hall wardens and our plans to enhance campus infrastructure with the am reminded of the importance of community in administrative heads to build consensus on a wide Tech Landmark, the medical infrastructure expansion, extraordinary times such as this, and how we are better range of issues. I have also been communicating the Institute for Advanced Dentistry as well as new ’’ prepared to overcome humanity’s most daunting with off-site students to keep abreast of their needs. student residences. We will continue to nurture young challenges by reaching out and working together for These efforts to remain connected and find common talents and recruit top researchers who are so vital to We will innovate and the greater good. ground despite our different views are vital as we our success. We will build impactful connections, with help students through quarantine and new modes of the community, private industries, and peer institutions seek novel solutions Leading the charge in the global battle against learning. I am deeply appreciative of the dedication to innovate and seek novel solutions to humanity’s COVID-19, our professors and investigators from and commitment shown by the HKU family to ensure greatest challenges. This is a defining moment for us, to humanity’s greatest different disciplines have given generously of their the continuity of essential services and to maintain a and with the support of our donors, the obstacles challenges time. Our medical experts are serving as expert clean and safe campus environment. Not surprisingly, we face today can be transformed into generational ’’ advisors to the Government on public health this profound and generous spirit of togetherness has opportunities to re-imagine the role of the University in policies, and have devoted their total attention on also been extended beyond University walls. the post-pandemic world, and bring forth a paradigm developing preparedness and response strategies. shift in educating the custodians of our future. We were the first to publish in The Lancet the person- I cannot overstate how very proud I am of our to-person transmission of the novel coronavirus, HKU community for reaching out to society’s less May I take this opportunity to thank Chairperson alerting the world to the imminent threat of a wider fortunate, organising buddy programmes to support Professor Rosie Young, Deputy Chairmen Dr Colin Lam, outbreak. Scientists here produced rapid nucleic underprivileged DSE students, and distributing face Professor C F Lee, Dr Patrick Poon as well as the Board acid amplification tests that are now being used in masks to others in need. Our students are also actively of Directors for your leadership and guidance. Dear laboratories in more than 70 countries and regions to taking part in LoveHKLoveU, a University campaign Foundation Members, your philanthropic gifts are detect COVID-19 early. Through a dedicated online that shares expert medical knowledge with the public, making an impact. As we continue to navigate a world platform, the FightCOVID19.hku.hk website, we are and also provides material resources and counselling beyond COVID-19, I will continue to count on your sharing the lessons learnt from Asia with the global support for those impacted by the outbreak. The support and trust, advice and wise counsel. community – from containment measures to face
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