CURLY-LEAF PONDWEED EURASIAN WATERMIL- FANWORT CHARA (Potamogeton crispus) FOIL (Cabomba caroliniana) (Chara spp.) This undesirable exotic, also known (Myriophyllum spicatum) This submerged exotic Chara is typically found growing in species is not common as Crisp Pondweed, bears a waxy An aggressive plant, this exotic clear, hard water. Lacking true but management tools are cuticle on its upper leaves making milfoil can grow nearly 10 feet stems and leaves, Chara is actually a limited. Very similar to them stiff and somewhat brittle. in length forming dense mats form of algae. It’s stems are hollow aquarium species. Leaves The leaves have been described as at the waters surface. Grow- with leaf-like structures in a whorled are divided into fine resembling lasagna noodles, but ing in muck, sand, or rock, it pattern. It may be found growing branches in a fan-like ap- upon close inspection a row of has become a nuisance plant with tiny, orange fruiting bodies on pearance, opposite struc- “teeth” can be seen to line the mar- in many lakes and ponds by the branches called akinetes. Thick ture, spanning 2 inches. gins. Growing in dense mats near quickly outcompeting native masses of Chara can form in some Floating leaves are small, the water’s surface, it outcompetes species. Identifying features areas. Often confused with Starry diamond shape with a native plants for sun and space very include a pattern of 4 leaves stonewort, Coontail or Milfoils, it emergent white/pinkish early in spring. By midsummer, whorled around a hollow can be identified by a gritty texture flower. Dense stands can massive natural die-offs can dra- stem. Feathery in appearance, and musky odor when crushed be- occur forming mats at the waters surface. matically lower oxygen levels trig- each leaf consists of 10-21 pairs of closely packed leaflets. Out tween the fingers. The gritty texture gering fish kills. of the water the leaves become limp, compressing against the is caused by calcium deposits on the stem. Hybridization with native milfoil species is common. surface of the stems and branches. HYDRILLA STARRY STONEWORT COONTAIL CLASPING LEAF POND- (Hydrilla verticillata) (Nitellopsis Obtusa) (Ceratophyllum demersum) WEED This extremely invasive submersed This plant-like algae is very similar Supporting waterfowl, fish, and (Potamogeton richardsonii) plant contains oppositely arranged in appearance to Chara. Unfortu- insects, Coontail can be a Appearing extremely leafy at the leaves with whorls of 3 to 8 leaves. nately it is highly invasive not only desirable aquatic plant. tip due to frequent branching, The leaf has distinctive toothed outcompeting native submerged However, thick growths around Clasping leaf can be easily con- margins, with pointed spines on plants but exotic species also. It shore can be problematic. fused with Curly-leaf Pondweed. the underside mid-rib. It is easily also destroys crucial fish spawning Lacking true roots, it commonly Both bear wavy, submerged confused with native elodea, habitat. It has uneven branches floats near the surface later in leaves, however Curly-leaf Pond- which has 3 leaves per whorl and that look angular at each joint. summer. Stiff leaves are weed’s leaves are serrated along lacking evident toothed leaf mar- Branches feel smooth with a green whorled around a hollow stem the edges. Clasping leaf has gins. This plant reproduces gelatin appearance. A cream col- in groups of five to twelve. leaves with smooth edges and a through turion formation and frag- ored bulb can be found at the Coontail can be differentiated wide base that wraps around the mentation. In 2006 Hydrilla was base of each cluster of branches. This species can be found from milfoils by forked, not stem almost completely. Photo courtesy of Michael J.Grodowitz, confirmed in the Midwest. U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center growing in shallow and slow moving deep waters. feathery leaves. Leaf spacing is highly variable, but the ends are often bushy, like a raccoons tail. COMMON REED PURPLE LOOSESTRIFE LONG-LEAF PONDWEED LARGE-LEAF POND- (Phragmites australis) (Lythrum salicaria) (Potamogeton nodosus) WEED This emergent exotic An established invasive species. Floating leaves are oval and the (Potamogeton amplifolius) plant grows extremely tall Outcompeting many wetland base tapers to a distinct petiole. Thick, large stems and broad leaves aid in identification of (15 ft.), outcompeting species and altering habitat. The submersed leaves of this native wetlands plants Plants form dense stands Large-leaf pondweed. The plant are often lance-like, and and altering hydrology reaching heights of six feet. submerged leaves appear and blocking sunlight to Leaves are alternate and oppo- also taper to a long petiole. This wavy and taper toward the aquatic shoreline species. sitely attached directly to the plant generally has sparse leafing stem. Floating leaves are Phragmites is a perennial stem with a heart shaped base. that is arranged alternately. egg shaped. Rarely is this grass that has broad pointed flat leaves (6-24 in. long) (1-6 cm The flowers are magenta with pondweed found branching. wide), which arise from a very thick stalk. The plant flowers in five to seven petals. Flowers July thru October with dense, fluffy, gray or purple appear- usually appear in July and con- ance. Native species also exist. tinue to bloom thru October. RED NAMES=INVASIVE SPECIES GREEN NAMES=NATIVE SPECIES BLADDERWORT BULRUSH ELODEA DUCKWEED (Utricularia spp.) (Scirpus spp.) (Elodea canadensis) (Lemnaceae spp.) This plant is free floating and This plant has a long, tall triangular or round stem that This submersed weed with broad Duckweeds are members of does not utilize a standard may or may not contain leaves. This plant has a cluster oval leaves at first glance appears the family containing the root system. There are finely of brownish flowers and seeds located at the end of very similar to Hydrilla, however world’s smallest flowering divided leaves scattered along the stem. This plant will generally be found along the this plant usually contains its plants. They are generally a the stem with many small shoreline or in shallow waters. leaves in whorls of 3 around the very small floating green plant, structures that look like blad- stem. Whorls are compact near usually smaller than your small- ders attached to the leaves. the growth tip with spacing be- est fingernail. Often mistaken These bladders act as traps to tween the whorls gradually in- for algae, this plant floats on capture small aquatic inverte- creasing as you go down the the surface of the water and brates. Due to this plant not stem. This plant has leaves that reproduces very rapidly. This being rooted, floating plants have smooth edges and lack the plant may or may not have a may re-infest treated areas. spine on the underside of the leaf ‘root’ extending from the un- that Hydrilla has. derside, but the plant is not rooted to the soil. NORTHERN WATERMILFOIL WILD CELERY ARROWHEAD WATERMEAL (Myriophyllum sibiricum) (Vallisneria americana) (Sagittaria spp.) (Wolffia spp.) This native species of milfoil has a hollow stem with whorled Also known commonly as Eelgrass This plant is named for its This plant is extremely small, no larger then a pin head. It leaves at intervals along the entire length of the plant. Leaves or Tapegrass, this submersed arrow shaped leaf. This shows no visible roots and looks like green cornmeal or grits. are finely dissected to the mid-rib and featherlike in appear- plant can form thick beds and emergent plant may also The smallest of the flower- ance. This entire plant dominate an area. The grass like have some elliptical emer- ing plants, it is usually very is submerged with the leaves have a distinctive pattern gent leaves and sometimes abundant when present. exception of a tiny stalk used to identify the plant. Flac- will also have ribbon, or It is also often mistaken of flowers that may cid when out of the water, the tongue-like submersed for seeds floating on the extend above the water foliage occurs in tufts, much like leaves. This plant has un- surface. This species is surface. This plant can turf grass. Soft muck bottoms are derground rootstocks with generally very difficult to easily be confused with its preferred substrate. tubers and may at times control, and often coexists and hybridize with inva- have tiny white flowers with duckweed. sive Eurasian watermil- present. foil. SLENDER NAIAD SOUTHERN NAIAD WATER LILY WATERSHIELD (Najas flexilis) (Najas guadalupensis) (Nymphaea spp.) (Brasenia schreberi) Leaves of the Slender Naiad may Closely resembling Large round pad with a cleft running almost to mid-vein. Also known commonly as Dollar Bonnet. This plants occur in pseudo-whorls or oppo- Slender Naiads, Leaves are usually 6-8 inches in diameter and the leaf veins leaves are oval to elliptical with a smooth edge. The stem sitely positioned pairs (whorls Southern Naiads tend radiate outward from the petiole. The underside of the leaf is (petiole) is attached to the middle of the leaf. Leaves are 2-5 tend to occur at the end of the to be leafier with red- a purplish red color and inches in length. Mature stems). The ribbon like leaves dish brown stems. the flower is white with plants will have a slimy, are submersed with variable Leaves appear spiny many rows of petals. gelatinous coating on spacing between nodes. The along the margins. This plant has a thick, the leaf underside. edges may or may not appear Sheaths at the base fleshy rhizome network This plant produces a spiny and the leaf tips taper to leaves surround the buried in the mud. dull purple flower in late a fine point. Naiads are annual stem and may summer, grows from plants, growing from seed each conceal seeds.
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