The Long Revolution of the Global South TLROTGS.indd 1 7/27/2021 1:45:43 PM TLROTGS.indd 2 7/27/2021 1:45:43 PM The Long Revolution of the Global South Toward a New Anti-Imperialist International Samir Amin Translated by James Membrez TLROTGS.indd 3 7/27/2021 1:45:43 PM MONTHLY REVIEW PRESS New York Copyright © 2019 by The Estate of Samir Amin All Rights Reserved Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data: Names: Amin, Samir, author. Title: The long revolution of the global south : toward a new anti-imperialist international / Samir Amin. Other titles: Eveil du sud. English Description: New York : Monthly Review Press, [2019] | “A large part of the material in this volume was previously published in French in 2008.” | Translation of: L’beveil du sud : l’aere de Bandoung, 1955-1980 : panorama politique et personnel de l’bepoque. | Includes bibliographical references and index. Identifiers: LCCN 2019001468 (print) | LCCN 2019003986 (ebook) | ISBN 9781583677759 (trade) | ISBN 9781583677766 (institutional) | ISBN 9781583677742 (hardcover) | ISBN 9781583677735 (pbk.) Subjects: LCSH: Afro-Asian politics. | Asian-African Conference (1st : 1955: Bandung, Indonesia) | Anti-imperialist movements—Developing countries. | Developing countries—Politics and government. Classification: LCC DS33.3 (ebook) | LCC DS33.3 .A6513 2019 (print) | DDC 320.9172/4—dc23 LC record available at https://lccn.loc.gov/2019001468 MONTHLY REVIEW PRESS, NEW YORK, NEW YORK monthlyreview.org Typeset in Bulmer Monotype 5 4 3 2 1 TLROTGS.indd 4 7/27/2021 1:45:43 PM Contents Table of Acronyms | 7 Prologue: Successive Waves of the South’s Awakening | 15 1. The Arab World: Nationalism, Political Islam, and the Predicted Arab Revolutions | 51 2. Africa: African Socialisms, Colonial Disasters, and Glimmers of Hope | 105 3. Asia: Triumphant Capitalism, Dead Ends, and Emergence in Question | 187 4. Latin America: End of the Monroe Doctrine? Popular Advances | 259 5. Eastern Europe, the USSR, and Russia: The End of the Tunnel? | 305 6. China, Vietnam, and Cuba: Fears and Hopes | 331 7. The World Forum for Alternatives and the Social Forums | 365 8. The North and the Question of Imperialism | 403 Appendices | 433 Notes | 463 Index | 467 TLROTGS.indd 5 7/27/2021 1:45:43 PM . TLROTGS.indd 6 7/27/2021 1:45:43 PM List ofList Acronyms of Acronyms AAPSO Afro-Asian Peoples’ Solidarity Organization ACP African, Caribbean, and Pacific Group of States ADEMA Alliance pour la démocratie Alliance for Democracy in Mali au Mali AfDB African Development Bank AKFM Party of the Congress for the Independence of Madagascar AKP Norway Arbeidernes Kommunistparti Workers’ Communist Party ALBA Alianza Bolivariana para los Bolivarian Alliance for the Pueblos de Nuestra América Peoples of Our America ANC South Africa African National Congress APEC Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation APRA Peru Alianza Popular Revolucionaria Popular Revolutionary Americana American Party AQIM Al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb ARENA Asian Regional Exchange for New Alternatives ATTAC Association pour la taxation des Association for the Taxation of transactions financières et pour Financial Transactions and for l’action moyenne Citizen Action AU African Union BJP Bharatiya Janata Party Indian People’s Party CEAO Communauté économique de Economic Community of West l’Afrique de l’ouest Africa CEBRAP Centro Brasileiro de Análise Brazilian Center for Analysis e Planejamento and Planning CEDETIM Centre d’études et d’initiatives de Center for International solidarité international Solidarity Studies and Initiatives CEMAC Central African Economic and Monetary Community TLROTGS.indd 7 7/27/2021 1:45:43 PM CETIM Centre Europe-Tiers Monde Europe-Third World Center CETRI Belgium Centre Tricontinental Tricontinental Center eoples’ rganization CLACSO El Consejo Latinoamericano de The Latin American Council of Ciencias Sociales Social Science bbean, and p of States CNID Mali Congrès national d’initiative National Congress for the démocratique Democratic Initiative r la démocratie CODESA Convention for a Democratic South Africa elopment Bank CODESRIA Council for the Development of Congress for the Social Science Research in Africa ce of Madagascar COSATU Congress of South African Trade Kommunistparti Unions variana para los CPI-M Communist Party of India Nuestra América (Marxist) onal Congress CPI-ML Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist) Economic Cooperation CPN (Maoist) Communist Party of Nepal ular Revolucionaria (Maoist) CPN (UML) Communist Party of Nepal the Islamic Maghreb (Unified Marxist-Leninist) nal Exchange CRESFED Haiti Centre de recherche et de Center for Research and rnatives formation économique et sociale Economic and Social Training pour le développement for Development pour la taxation des financières et pour CTA Central de Trabajadores de la Argentine Workers’ Central enne Argentina Union on CUT Brazil Central Única dos Trabalhadores Unified Workers’ Central nata Party DERG Ethiopia Coordinating Committee of the Armed Forces, Police, and é économique de Territorial Army ’ouest EAM Greece Ethniko Apeleftherotiko Metopo National Liberation Front leiro de Análise nto ECLAC Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean des et d’initiatives de ernational ECOSOC United Nations Economic and Social Council can Economic and ECOWAS Economic Community of West ommunity African States TLROTGS.indd 8 7/27/2021 1:45:43 PM EEC European Economic Community ELN Colombia Ejército de Liberación Nacional National Liberation Army EPLF Eritrean People’s Liberation Front EPRP Ethiopian People’s Revolutionary Party FALN Venezuela Fuerzas Armadas de Liberación Armed Forces of National Nacional Liberation FAO Food and Agriculture Organization FARC Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias Revolutionary Armed Forces of de Colombia Colombia FIS Algeria Front Islamique de Salut Islamic Salvation Front FLN Algeria Front de Libération Nationale National Liberation Front FNLA Frente Nacional de Libertação de National Liberation Front of Angola Angola FPI Front populaire ivoirien Ivorian Popular Front FPR Front populaire rwandais Rwandan Popular Front FRELIMO Frente Libertação de Moçambique Mozambique Liberation Front GIDIS Côte d’Ivoire Groupement interdisciplinaire en Interdisciplinary Social Science sciences sociales Group IADL International Association of Democratic Lawyers IDEA International Development Economics Associates IDEP Institut Africain de Développe- African Institute for Economic ment Économique et de Development and Planning Planification IEPALA Instituto de Estudios Políticos para Latin America and Africa América Latina y África Political Studies Institute IMF International Monetary Fund IRD France Institut de recherche pour le Research Institute for développement Development KLA Kosovo Liberation Army LASO Latin American Solidarity Org. TLROTGS.indd 9 7/27/2021 1:45:43 PM M’Pep France Mouvement politique d’émancipa- Political Movement for Popular tion populaire Emancipation MAPU Chile Movimiento de Acción Popular Popular Unitary Action Unitaria Movement MAS Bolivia Movimiento al Socialismo Movement for Socialism MEISON All-Ethiopia Socialist Organization MIR Chile Movimento de Izquierda Revolutionary Left Movement Revolucionaria MPLA Movimento Popular de Libertação People’s Movement for the de Angola Liberation of Angola MST Brazil Movimento dos Trabalhadores Landless Workers’ Movement Rurais Sem Terra NAFTA North American Free Trade Agreement NAM Non-Aligned Movement NLTPS National Long-Term Perspective Studies NORAD Norwegian Agency for Develop- ment Cooperation OAU Organization of African Unity OECD Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development OPEC Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries ORSTOM France Office de la recherche scientifique Office for Overseas Scientific et technique outre-mer and Technical Research PAI Burkina Faso/ Parti africain de l’indépendence African Independence Party Upper Volta PAICV Partido Africano da Independência African Party for the Indepen- da Cabo Verde dence of Cape Verde PAID Pan African Institute for Development PAIGC Partido Africano da Independência African Party for the Indepen- da Guiné e Cabo Verde dence of Guinea and Cape Verde PASOK Greece Panellinio Sosialistiko Kinima Panhellenic Socialist Movement TLROTGS.indd 10 7/27/2021 1:45:43 PM PCB Partido Comunista Brasileiro Brazilian Communist Party PCI Partito Comunista Italiano Italian Communist Party PCRHV Parti communiste révolutionnaire Revolutionary Communist de Haute Volta Party of Upper Volta PCT Congo-Brazzaville Parti congolais du travail Congolese Labor Party PDS Germany Partei des Demokratischen Party of Democratic Socialism Sozialismus PIDE Polícia Internacional e de Defqesa Portuguese International State do Estado Defense Police PIT Parti ivoirien du travail Ivorian Labor Party PKK Turkey Partiya Karkerên Kurdistanê Kurdistan Workers’ Party PLO Palestine Liberation Organization POLOP Brazil Organização Marxista–Política Marxist Revolutionary Operária Organization–Workers’ Politics POUM Spain/Catalonia Partido Obrero de Unificación Workers’ Party of Marxist Marxista Unification PPS Morocco Parti du Progrès et du Socialisme Party of Progress and Socialism PRI Mexico Partido Revolucionaario Institutional Revolutionary Institucional Party PT Brazil Partido dos Trabalhadores Workers’ Party RDA Burkina Faso/ Rassemblement démocratique African Democratic Assembly Upper Volta africain RENAMO Resistência Naçional Mozambican Nat'l Resistance Moçambicana ROC Burkina Faso/ Rassemblement des officiers Assembly
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