Merry Christmas to all from the E-mail: [email protected] www.southbeltleader.com Dec. 25, 2008 Voice of Community-Minded People Vol. 33, No. 47 Suspect arrested in Pham killing Frazier students donate toys On Wednesday, Dec. 17, Webster police ar- County prosecutors charged him with capital wife, Phuong Vu. Pham leaves behind a 3-year- rested the suspect accused of killing South Belt murder. According to police, the juvenile made old son and a 5-year-old daughter. resident Thanh Pham. a purchase from the store and then shot Pham as It has been a diffi cult year for Pham’s family. Police say a 15-year-old juvenile is respon- he rang up the order. The suspect then allegedly Just last August, they lost a relative when a bus sible for shooting Pham, 35, in an apparent rob- fl ed the scene with money taken from the cash carrying Vietnamese religious pilgrims crashed bery attempt Saturday, Nov. 29, at a liquor store register. in the Sherman area in North Texas, killing 17 in the 900 block of E. NASA Parkway. While the liquor store’s security cameras were and injuring 38 others. Family members said Pham worked at the inoperable at the time of the crime, police say The Harris County District Attorney’s Offi ce store 12 hours a day, six days a week. they interviewed witnesses at the strip center will determine whether or not to try the juvenile The suspect was already in juvenile custo- who saw the teenager loitering around the store as an adult. dy on an unrelated assault charge when Harris just prior to the shooting. Police are asking people with any knowledge Pham was a member of the Vietnamese Mar- of the killing to come forward. Anyone with in- tyrs Catholic Church on Kingspoint. Next month formation on this case should call 713-222-TIPS Leader takes hiatus would have marked his eighth anniversary to his or the Webster Police at 281-332-2426 Due to the holidays, there will be no Jan. 1 edition of the South Belt-Ellington Leader. The next issue will come out Thursday, Jan. 8. Christmas toy drive at Moore Frazier Elementary wrapped up its annual “Giving to Others” toy drive on Wednesday, Dec. 17, with performances by the Melillo Middle School choir, band and orchestra. This Dobie Project Grad meets was Frazier’s 13th year to participate in the event. Students and teachers collected more Dobie Project Graduation will meet, Jan. 6, than $1,200 to purchase toys for the South Belt-Ellington Leader Christmas program. at 7 p.m. in the media room. Pictured are, left to right, Jesus Pena, Lexie McMahan, Anita Guajardo, Samantha For information, call Dina Edwards at 281- Gilbreath, Dominique Serrano, Jordan Michon, Logan Vaughn and Marco Garza. 923-1265 or Kaye Bergeron at 281-380-6758 or 281-481-5058. Orchestra parents to meet Pitts named new Moore AP The Dobie orchestra boosters will meet Jan. 8 at 7:15 p.m. in the orchestra room. All Moore Elementary recently named a orchestra parents are encouraged to attend. new assistant principal, Demetria “Dee Dee” Pitts (left). Pitts has been Dobie band parents meet with the school since 2001 as a third- grade teacher. She was a fifth-grade The Dobie Band Parent Organization will teacher in Hall County, Ga., from meet Monday, Jan. 12, at 7 p.m. in the band 1999 to 2001. She received her bach- hall. All band parents are urged to attend. elor’s degree in early childhood edu- cation from North Georgia College Lions Club meets Jan. 7 and State University in 1998. She is completing her master’s at the Hobby Airport Lions Club meets Wednes- University of Houston-Clear Lake. day, Jan. 7, at noon at Golden Corral at Fuqua Pitts replaced longtime assistant prin- and I-45. E-mail HobbyAirportLions @gmail. cipal Cliff Swearingen, who died ear- com for more information. lier this school year. Pictured with Pitts is Principal Jill Lacamu. GAT’s Fowler aids Gabby Submitted photo In the spirit of Christmas, Thompson coach John Fowler has urged his students to donate money to aid Gabby Romero. A lifelong Kirkwood South resident, Rome- ro, 15, was recently diagnosed with renal cell SWAT team called to area carcinoma. She initially complained of ab- A domestic disturbance call Sunday, Dec. In order for police to enter a home, a felony dominal pain; however, after further medical Students and staff at Moore Elementary recently donated toys to the South Belt-Ellington 14, in the 10200 block of Sageplum drew a re- offense must have occurred. And while the dep- testing, doctors determined Romero had a Leader, which will benefit families in need in the area. Pictured are, left to right, (front row) sponse, not only from Harris County Precinct 2 uties felt their lives were in danger, the Harris much more serious condition. Victoria Rangel, Reagan Jones, Patrick Tran (middle row) Alvis Moes, Kaitlyn Bess, Mikey Constable deputies, but from Precinct 8 deputies County District Attorney’s offi ce told them no She was immediately admitted to Texas Ramirez, (back row) Bailey Anne Mullen and Hy Tran. Submitted photo and the Pearland Police Department’s SWAT clear felony had been committed, prohibiting Children’s Hospital and underwent an exten- team as well. them from entering the residence. Responding sive 10.5 hour surgery. Romero is now under- Precinct 2 Deputies Dwayne Pacifi co and offi cers were left with the option of fi ling a war- going chemotherapy to treat other areas where Robert Sanchez responded to a call at roughly rant on the suspect. the cancer has spread. Romero’s family re- SVFD honors Sherri Golightly 3:30 a.m. where a woman said she had been Three days later, Sills was arrested and charged ceived good news Dec. 17, when doctors told Sagemeadow resident Sherri Golightly was the department. choked by a male suspect. Upon their arrival, with stealing beer from a local Wal-Mart. While them her cancer had gone into remission. named the Southeast Volunteer Fire Depart- In addition to her work at the fi re department, the man was still inside the home and refused to in custody, Precinct 2 deputies fi led a domestic As an incentive, Fowler allowed his stu- ment’s Medic of the Year at the group’s recent Golightly holds a full-time position at AB Prod- come out. assault charge on him. Sills, 30, is now being dents to donate money in lieu of taking their 36th anniversary awards banquet. ucts in Pearland. According to the deputies, the suspect, Je- held without bond. six-weeks tests. An eight-year veteran of the department, Go- Golightly’s husband, Tom Golightly, serves as rome Sills, threatened to kill them if they did not According to police, Sills, a Friendswood res- “They went above and beyond,” he said. lightly has served as treasurer, secretary, medic the department’s assistant chief. The couple have get off the property. ident, was recently released from prison and has “They took it very seriously. A lot of their and host of many of the functions held at the fi re two sons, Luke Gardner, 21, and T.J Golightly, The victim told the offi cers Sills had several an extensive criminal history. Previous offenses family members have suffered from cancer.” department each year. She helped initiate the an- 17. Gardner, too, serves in the department as a weapons and is a member of a white-suprema- include four assault charges, sexual assault of a Romero is the daughter of Jesse and Edna nual Halloween festival at the station and puts in fi refi ghter. Golightly’s younger son plans to also cist group. At this point, the deputies called for child and multiple drug charges. Romero. A team of Romero supporters, col- many hours working behind the scenes. join once he turns 18 and already participates in backup in extracting the suspect from the home, The Leader opted not to run this story in its lectively referred to as “Team Gabby,” are Golightly rides the ambulances as an emer- nonhazardous training. as the SWAT team is better equipped for such Dec. 18 issue out of concern for the deputies, as trying to raise money to help defray medical gency medical technician and logs hundreds of SVFD Chief Chuck Tylka is proud of Go- situations. the suspect was still free at press time. costs for the family. Others wishing to donate runs per year helping residents in medical emer- lightly’s work at the fi re department. funds may call Jesse Romero at 832-876-0502 gencies regardless of the time and conditions. “This is an honor that is bestowed upon the or Edna Romero at 713-459-0502. Her number of runs puts her in the top three in medic that has performed above and beyond what is expected or asked of them,” he said. BHI collects “Coins for Christmas” “And Sherri fi ts this description very well.” Last-minute angels donate food items to Leader program While the annual South Belt-Ellington Leader Christmas program was successful this year in collecting toys for area youth, as of early Friday morning, few food items had been collected. That is until the paper received last-minute donations from Melillo Middle School and Dobie High School geometry teacher Bradley Nguyen’s students. “Each school donated more than any other school in the 26 years of the program,” said Leader publisher Marie Flickinger. This is the fi rst year for Melillo to partici- pate in the program, as it is the school’s fi rst year open.
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