Cascades Countryside ❖ Potomac Falls ❖ Lowes Island ❖ Sterling Steve Meserve leads a tour through the Lanesville House on Saturday, Nov. 14. The house was built in stages between the 1770s and early 1900s. Open Classifieds, page 13 Classifieds, ❖ Historical Sports, page 12 ❖ House Panthers Finish News, page 5 Strong at Calendar, page 8 State Meet Sports, page 12 Trump: Let’s Work Together /The Connection Honoring Veterans Work Together News, page 3 News, page 3 Requested in home 11-19-09 home in Requested Time sensitive material. sensitive Time Hard Times, Postmaster: Attention PERMIT #86 PERMIT Hard Budget WV Martinsburg, PAID News, page 3 Postage U.S. PRSRT STD PRSRT Photo by Casey DeStefano Photo www.ConnectionNewspapers.comNovember 18-December 1, 2009 ❖ Volume VI, Number 24 online atLoudoun/Cascades www.connectionnewspapers.com Connection ❖ November 18-24, 2009 ❖ 1 2 ❖ Loudoun/Cascades Connection ❖ November 18-24, 2009 www.ConnectionNewspapers.com Loudoun Connection Editor Steven Mauren News 703-778-9415 or [email protected] Hard Times, Working Hard Budget Together Cut services, raise tax Photos by Photos rate, or both. Trump outlines By Martin Casey synergy with Loudoun. Martin Casey The Connection By Martin Casey ounty supervisors, with last The Connection Cyear’s difficult budget pro- cess in mind, have started ric F. Trump, executive vice presi- /The Connection earlier on the new budget, yet all ap- dent of development and acqui- pear to expect even more difficult Esitions for Donald J. Trump’s or- budget choices this year. ganization, returned Monday to That’s because more students keep host members of the Loudoun County showing up to attend Loudoun Chamber of Commerce and to talk about schools each year regardless of eco- the synergy between his organization’s in- nomic conditions. terests and those of the county and its busi- The color guard of Company C, 3rd Battalion, 116th Infantry Regi- Fairfax schools reportedly have be- ness interests. ment, Virginia Army National Guard, in front of Dodona Manor, gun to show some easing in school He and his father announced last April former home of Gen. George C. Marshall. attendance, but not so in Loudoun 30 their organization’s purchase of the where 59,490 students were counted former Lowes Island Country Club in Cas- at the start of school this year, com- cades. At the time, they also announced how pared to 57,009 last year. they planned to expand the facility. Yet, taxpayers Much of that expansion was visibly un- Honoring Veterans are still going derway Monday — most notably installa- through a period “A flat budget tion of a new, large fountain in front of the of lower home club’s main building entrance. The fountain At Dodona Manor, a time to acknowledge values, job losses for the was expected to be operating by next week. past and present military service. and pinched fam- The club sits on more than 500 acres of ily budgets. upcoming land along the Potomac River. A revitalized year Trump told Chamber members Monday By Martin Casey economy is not that the question most frequently asked of The Connection expected to show endangers him is, “Why Loudoun County?” To which up before the he gave the real estate answer: “Location, he Leesburg National Guard county must set a the location, location.” It is not easy to find 500 T unit, which traces its heritage tax rate for fiscal acres along the Potomac River just 30 miles to the town’s Colonial Militia, 2011. outstanding from Washington, D.C. was honored, along with all U.S. mili- The push and “Washington continues to grow,” said tary veterans, last week with a ceremony pull was already quality of Trump, “and it’s growing in this direction.” on the grounds of Dodona Manor, the evident last week He also noted that Loudoun County has the former home of Gen. George C. Marshall between those Loudoun’s highest median household income, which who was known especially for the post- defending fund- schools.” bodes well for his new club’s membership. World War II recovery program that bore ing for schools “Business is transitioning into Washing his name: The Marshall Plan. U.S. Rep. Frank Wolf addresses and taxpayers bit- — Susan Sullivan, Leesburg’s 3rd Battalion, 116th Infan- the audience. ter about a bud- president, LEA See Working, Page 4 try Regiment of the Virginia National get in which Guard is also known as “The Stonewall unit was activated and placed in a lead- schools traditionally get 70 percent Brigade” for its Civil War action at the ing position for the attack. of the tax dollar. first Battle of Bull Run when Gen. Rob- Since then, the unit has served in At a meeting of homeowner asso- Foreclosure ert E. Lee, observing the unit led by Gen. Bosnia in 1997, was deployed to Afghani- ciation board members in Sugarland Thomas Jackson, commented, “Look at stan in 2004, and to Kuwait and Iraq in Run, residents urged that Supervisor Rate Declines Jackson standing there like a stone wall.” 2007. Susan Buckley vote to cut the school Jackson was known since then as “Stone- Among the Veterans Day speakers at budget this go-round in order to keep By Martin Casey wall” Jackson and the unit is part of the Dodona Manor was U.S. Rep. Frank Wolf, real estate taxes down. The Connection heritage of the 3rd Battalion. Virginia’s senior member of the U.S. “We don’t need to spend that much The unit saw action in France during House of Representatives, who noted it on schools,” said one man, who was he number of real estate foreclo- World War I and was the only National was appropriate to recognize veterans at quickly joined by another during the Tsures filed in the Loudoun County Guard unit at Normandy Invasion in Marshall’s home for 18 years, observing comment period. But these comments Courthouse this year has dropped World War II. also that President Truman had called were quickly rebutted by younger significantly since last year’s spike, another Brigadier General Theodore G. Shuey, Marshall “the greatest military man residents who had children in public sign of recovery in the local real estate mar- a former commander of the unit who has America ever produced.” schools. ket, and a possible indicator of economic written a book about the historic unit, Wolf also noted that the day honors improvement overall. told those gathered on Veterans Day last “countless other American veterans for- AT LAST THURSDAY’S joint meet- Clerk of Court Gary Clemens reported week that Gen. Marshall, before the ever — among them the brave men and ing of supervisors and School Board 1,230 home foreclosures this year through Normandy invasion, thought it was im- women who just days ago were victims members, Susan Sullivan, president October. Last year was the peak year for portant to demonstrate to Adolf Hitler of a horrific domestic terrorist attack at of the Loudoun Education Associa- local foreclosures, with 2,249 filings dur that the American homefront was solidly tion, with more than 3,300 member behind the invasion. To do so, the guard See Honoring, Page 4 See Declining, Page 4 See Toughest, Page 4 www.ConnectionNewspapers.com Loudoun/Cascades Connection ❖ November 18-24, 2009 ❖ 3 News Working Photo by Photo Toughest Together Martin Casey Budget Yet From Page 3 From Page 3 ton,” said Trump, “and that’s good school teachers and other school employees, said: for Loudoun,” he added, as busi- “A flat budget for the upcoming year endangers /The Connection nesses moving to the Washington the outstanding quality of Loudoun’s schools,” add- area look for land and office space ing that such a budget “puts jobs on the line even next to homes and near Dulles In- as LCPS prepares to welcome and educate more ternational Airport. than 3,000 new students.” The Trumps are already at work “Directing the creation of a school budget with to make the club’s main golf course a 5 percent reduction from current funding levels fully competitive with the courses surely will cut deeply into our school programs, now on the Professional Golf Asso- Members of the Leesburg National Guard unit, march during last our employee base and directly impact our stu- ciation tour. week’s Veterans Day ceremonies. dents,” Sullivan said. “We’ll have the best [golf] course At the same time, supervisors are concerned in the country,” Trump promised about overcrowding in Loudoun Schools. Chamber members Monday. With Stone Bridge High School the county’s most The new “Trump National Golf Honoring Veterans severely crowded school, Broad Run Supervisor Club, Washington, D.C.,” as the se- Lori Waters in recent weeks has led an effort to secure early construction of a new high school in nior Trump re-named the club upon From Page 3 have given their lives because they be- Ashburn on the north side of the Greenway. And its purchase, has two golf courses, lieved in the basic goodness of their na- to jump start the construction, she has pushed to three tennis courts under a rubber- Fort Hood — on American soil.” tion and the dream it embodied.” build the new school on a 100-acre site that the ized roof, plus a formal dining room, He also noted that “although patriotic “I thank all veterans, past and present, county already owns. The site, along the south side a grill and a fitness center. Americans can disagree about particular for their service,” Wolf concluded. of Farmwell Road, however has been designated Expansion plans include lengthen- calls to arms, the honor of those who The program concluded with the lay- in county planning for a new Monroe VoTech fa- ing fairways on the main golf course have put on the uniform on our nation’s ing of a wreath in honor of all of the cility and commercial construction.
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