THE ATLANTA CONSTITUTION Dully mod. Snndn;, carrier delivery, IS cenn weekly. Vol. XLVL—NO. 109. ATI^ANTA, GA.t MONDAY MOKNTNX}, APRIL 20, 1914. —TEN PAGES. cop!*1* OB the «tre«to attd at newMtand** HUERTA SINS AWAY DAY OF GRACE Dictator Flatly Refuses to Salute "Old Glory" AND MUST FIGHT THE UNITED STATES When the Clock Struck 6 Sunday Evening the American Time Limit DR. DUBOSE MAKES Action Photo of Warships Ordered to Mexico Was Up and Huerta Had Refused to Salute the Stars and Stripes. American Patience Had Reached Its Limit and Huerta Was Told That His Chance Was Gone—The Great American Armada Is Steam- TO ing for Mexican Waters to Give Huerta Some Idea of the Meaning of "Old Glory." "Gospel Must Rebuke the! Spirit of Sin in Convict rj Washington, April 19.—Huerta has refused to accept President Wilson's demand Camps and in Social Clubs for a salute to the American flag. In a refusal late tonight he countered with new Alike," He Sayg. conditions. Officials said these would not be accepted, and that the program of reprisals would be carried out. HIS SERMON FOLLOWS Secretary Tumulty announced just before 11 o'clock that President Wilson had ACTION BY STEWARDS instructed him over the long-distance telephone to call a special meeting of the cabinet "Prayer and Cry of Sin Is for 10:30 o'clock tomorrow morning. to Be Let Alone," He Tells Mr. Tumulty announced that the president was, preparing to deliver a special Members of First Metho- message to congress tomorrow and that a joint session would be held at the earliest dist Congregation. hour the congressional leaders could arrange for it, probably 3 o'clock. DP. H ML OuBose, pastor of the First Secretary Bryan, in conference with Secretary Daniels, Secretary Tumulty and Methodist church, and one of the lead- era in the prohibition ranks, last nigrht Boaz Long, chief of the Latin-American bureau of the state department, prepared to Tnade his answer to the stewards of the church., who at a meeting on last issue a statement outlining the outcome of the negotiations and explaining the position Thursday night are said to have sought to limit his activities against the lock- er clubs, particularly as they affected of the United States. members of the church who were also members of the cluba. IT'S ALL OVER, In plain language the pastor told his SAYS SHIVELY. congregation Sunday that it was the Huerta Stands on Dignity; duty of the gospel to rebuke the spirit About 11-30 o'clock Senator Shively, of sins wherever it -arses found, in high acting chairman of the senate foreign places or in low, in "convict camps or in social clubs." U. S. Flag Gets No Salute relations committee, reached the The Stewards* Meeting;* white house and joined the conferees. At the meeting Thursday night reso- lutions were passed by the stewards, Mexico City, April 19—Th-e Mexican Mexican flag, t»his arrangement to be "It's all over," said the senator. "I •which, it is said, pointed out that mem- foreign minister. Senor Portlllo y made by a protocol signed by the can. tuavfi nothing more to say tmtil bership In reputable clubs was not in Roja&i announced tonlgrhit that it would Am-eriean dhargre d'affaires, Nelsoft any way discreditable, and vigorous be Impossible to agree to the demand CXShiaugihnossy, and the Mexican for- after I have conferred with the lead- eign minister. objection is said to have been i meed >f the Uni-ted States that the flag of o ers." tii^t Country be unconditionally salut- The United States government, Sen-or against any effort on the part of the Portiillo d-eclared, had refused p-ermis- Messengers were sent for Senators pastor or anybody else to create feeling f\, because Chat flag was not insulted, sioii to Charge O'Shaughnesfoy to si-sn against those members who belonged to b--cause It was not flying from the such a protocol, and demanded an un- Kern and Gallmger, the democratic clubs by means of newspaper criticism l-mindh and b'ecaus* the marines were contlitlonal saluifce by MeXi-co, whi-ch and republican leaders in the senate, or otherwise. -••1 free even before an Investigation, Mexico felt was Incompatible with her To this Dr "DuBose replied in an in- Liid Che officer responsible for the ar- dugmity. and Representatives ttnderwood and terview that the meeting would not i es>fcs was himself -arrested and held In con-clusn-on. -the foreign minister IMann, the house leaders, who are to have the slightest effect on any of his for trial. said: Tib.* foreign minister further an- "Mexico n as y lei ded as mu dh as her arrange for the joint session of con- activities' "T shall insist that mem- nounced thart the Mexican government dignity will permit. Mexico trusts to gress to be addressed by the presi- bership in locker clubs is not consistent •wwild agree that both, flags be saluted, •the fair-mindedness and spirit o«f Jus- with the spirit of Christianity," he said, the American flag first, and then the tice of the American people." dent. "and I shall seek to have the members of my church, and of other churches so Representative Raker, one of the far as T am able, sever their relation- many members of congress waiting ship with these cluba." i. THE FLEET OFF FOR TAMPICO. 2. REAR ADMIRAL FRANK E. BEATTY. The meeting- of the stewards and the at the white house oflices for news, statement of the pastor created great Here Is a striking photo of vessels timely under the present circum- Badger, and the third Is the New Jer- said President Wilson's action in this interest in the city and especially In of the Atlantic fleet which have been stances The g-un deck in the fore- sey, which is on the way south In Keaj Lays of American Fighting Men the church, and there was a large con- ordered into Mexican waters. The pic- ground is that of the United States Admiral Badger's Ileet- Rear Admiral crisis would "clarify the whole situa- gregation present, despite the -weather, ture was taken during the recent ship Virginia. The second Is the Ar- Frank E. Beatty Ls one of, the division kansas, flagship of Rear Adoniral on Sunday night to hear his address. spring practice, and is particularly commanders of the fleet. tion." Dr. OnBoac'd Reply. On the other side of the Rio Qrande - "It will show Mexico and the world In part he said: that the United States means busi- "Text: 'And there was a man In the synagogue with an unclean spirit; and, In the broad fields of Mexico, ness," he added, "and will have a good Jie cried out^ Let us alone! "What have we to do w3!Eh 13hee, tlvou Jesus of TRAGEDY STALKS effect on our foreign relations gen- Nazareth?'—Mark 1-24. The U. S. shells will soon be singing: erally." "Capernaum was the scene of many of the miracles and sayings of Jesus; SECRETARY BRYAN but its sins and follies kept H from "Huerta, you must go!" 1 of accepting the truth of the gospel. In READYTORACT1I! THRO' MARIETTA ISSUES STATEMENT." the syna-go^u-e at Capernaum Jesus found a man with an unclean spirit. Just before midnight Secretary This evil spirit -was a type and out- Members of National Guard South Carolina Refuses to Bryan issued this statement- pu t of the life of Capernaum, WMcJi * * * * was godless, hypocritical an-d sensual, of Atlanta and of State Yield to Ultimatum of the There's an angry note in the Eagle's throat, "A little after 11 o'clock last night a true reflfeotl-on. of the sinful domi- a brief dispatch came from Charge nance of the Herodlan rule. Eagerly Watching War "The man with the uinclean spirit Secretary of War About Two Suicides, One a Wom- And an ominous stir in the land; O'Shaughnessy at Mexico City saying "was 'the victtim of some sensual h-abi-t, News. likely that, of the hasheesh, or Indian Maneuver Camp. an, and Fight Which May that the president's demand of yes- hemp drug, of which Capernaum was Oh, there's work to do for the boys in blue, terday had been communicated to the distributing- ipoin-t in Syria. The man Georgia is in a position to throw into j Columbia, 3. C, April 19.—Refusing Terminate Fatally, Fea- foreign minister and was being carried of Che tombs dn G-adara was likely a service at once approximately 3,000 ex- ' Just south o' the Rio Grande! victim of the same drug. perienced national guardsmen the mo- to withdraw a letter to which Lnndley ture the Day. by him to General Huerta. The for- ""Wlien the unclean spirit perceived ment President Wilson issues a- call for M. Garrison, secretary of war, took ex- the presence of Jesus, *he Healer, it the use of the national guard as the eign minister asked O'Shaughnessy cried out. The English, version reads, ception, Governor Cole L«. Blease today first reserve, in event of a declaration Marietta, Ga , April 19.—(Special)— whether in case General Huerta ac- tiet as alone,' but the Greek may be of war or armed intervention in Mex- sent his reply to the secretary's ulti- read: "Hold there'* 'Advance mo ico. matum that unless the mabter objected With two suicides and a fight which ceded to the demand, a protocol would step nearer!' or "Stay on your own These men are well'trained and fully may end fatally.
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