tiu ts ia ia X X ' X TUESDAY, MARCH 11,19»8 PAGB FOURTEEN ATemgc Daily Net Press Ron The Weather , ilmirlfieBtfi* ifpralli For the WeOi E«mM of V. 8. Weather Baieaa Mareh S, 1S6S FMtly^^^l^ndy, Httle reMer le-^ The Mary Cushman Group of the ‘Discipline’^ Topic Pat’s Dance aJght. Lew Partly :dbady. Second Ooiigregatlonal Women’s 12,634 Utile ehaage la tethRerntore Thnro- About Town Fellowship will meet Friday at the Member ef the Audit' home of Mrs. Conrad Rothammer, Of Bowers Panel At Gounti*y Club day; nigh Hi 44M. The MtnCheBter^uadfon of the 918 W. Middle Tpke. Mrs. F. B. Manche$t€r-~-A City of VUloge Charm OIvll’AJr Patrol, iJSA ^. win hdlrf Inman will be co-hostear. A panel of teachers, parents and Plshs for the I t Patrick's buf­ lt« •weekly" meetinif WWneadey parent-teaChers disciiased "Disci- fet, suppier and dance at the Man­ nljrht ■ «t the American Lifgi/^n Liiine Lodge. Knights of Pythias, chester Country Club Safurday VOL. LXXVIL NO. 137 (TWENTY-POUR PAGES—TWO SECTIOI^S) MANCHESTER, CONN„ WEDNESDAY. MARCH 1^ 1968 (CSaealfled Agrertlataig ea Page tS) PRIC E FIV E Home at 7 p.m- yill meet tomorrow at 8 p.m. Iti pUna < in the Home .and In the Orange Hall. School” at the' meeting of the have been completed and as In the The Mancheater Ckildep Age Club Bowdrs PTA last , night, at the past It will be the kickoff event ^■Ul meet at the Ba«t„Side. Rec tjhe^’Joy Circle of the North school. ■ iid- for the approaching spring and Methodist,‘Ohurclv W'lll meet to­ Thureday at 2 p.m. Anyone inter- Meihbers of the panel w-ere Ray- summer season. ^ eeted in playing card* or other morrow afternoon at 2 o’clock at Approprtata oecorstlone ■ will West Three the church, mqpd'^tlnchfleld, asslatant super> gamee la w’elcome..^ Intendent of ichools and a Etowpra adorn the clubhouse, and sham­ msTRIBOtCD BY \ School Nparent; Paul FlnHMeln, rock green sox, neckties and gowns Cub’ Scout Pack '2 will hold a The teacher! Mrs. Helen Ener, taicher; will be worn. Dress will be In- W ill Push food aale at the J.. W. Hale Depart­ the Help of\Retarder Children wW formst 3 Children X- Mrs. Howard Baldwtb^parent; ment Store Thuraday morning at meet Thurada,; at .8 pjn. at thb’, Vernon Cook, parentT^: Edward A buffet supper will be served MANCHESTER > ' 19:30. Bunce Center.>Mra. John Ke’nniedy Sweeney, parent; an^XiOuis Paulus, from 7:30 to 9 p.m. Dancing will Summit Bid of the Bridgepdi:^t A a^iatfon for exchange teachep-' from Belgium follow from 9. to 1. Music will be AUTO PARTS St. Jamea Mothera Circle will il’.etarded Children pill sho:- a num- and a Bowers Mwent Mrs. Harold, ! furnished by Walter Bradley’s Or­ meet Wedneaday at 8 p.m. at the bei of films regarding the retarded Parks was mdderator. ^ chestra. ... B'- Washington, March 12 Manila, March 12 (/P)—The home, of Mra. Eleanor McGurkin. child. Anyone Interested is invited The concensus of opinion of the Reservations close Thursday. —Former FCC Commlfieioner western Big Three foreign 69 Weaver Rd. The co-hoateaa will to attend. panel w m that "discipline in the TlckeU may ba obtained by calling Richard A. Mack said today ministers agreed .today to con­ be Mba. Margaret Moltoy. hom^mould be firm, there must the Country Cbib or ahy member be,>1inUy between parents ^and, Engaged nobody put any pressure on tinue to push for an East- Fire in Quonset Hut Home The communications group of Dr. John C. Wright, hew blood of the house committee, the per­ him in a contested Miami tele­ the Connecticut Section, American yvhen necessary, the rod shotiM be The engage'mgnt of Mias Barbara sonnel' of which Is Mr. and Mrs. West summit meeting but program chairman’ for the Man- Institute of BlectHpal Engineers, Hisetf.',' vision channel case—-“they again underscored the need cheater Chapter of the American A. Cassells to Bruno Begin Is an­ Henry fiinnsmon. Mr, and Mrs. will sponsor a visit to the United Paulus stated that "People in nounced by her .parents. Mir and Georgs French Jr., Mr. and Mrs, bothered me,” for adequate preparations be­ Red Croaa, haa announced that the Il.urainating Co. Service Center, the United States give their chil­ Edward! Saarl. Mr. end Mrs. Frank Mack. telUng reportera he felt r.'eeting of the blood program com- dren much too m»ny of the ma- Mrs. Howard E. Cassells, 9 Kasex forehand. l.amden, Thursday at 8.p.m. St. > Simon *and Mr. and Mra^ William "not too good,’’^ returned for quoa- A epokesman for the U.S. dele­ Ike Weighs mittaie, which waa to have been held tei;jal. things, and since my family Uonlng before a Houae aubcommlt- today will be held at noon next has been in residence here I.have Her .fiance la the son of Mr. and S. Ds:vis.- gation at the Southeast Aida The Auxiliary to Anderson-Shea Mrs. Sylva Begin. B-uckland Rd, tee inveatlgatlng alleged preaaurea Treaty Organization conferetito Tueaday, at the Mancheater Coun­ had to follow suit." and influencaa on the Federal Com- try Club. ' . Post, VFW, will meet tonight at Wapping. said Secretary of State Dulles. Tax Cut or 7:30 a t the post home. Nomination Following the panel discussion, Miss Qaasells attended Manches­ municatibna Commlaaion. British Foreign SecreUry Selwyn Rescue Boy and election of officers will take Stinchfleld toM the PTA a few Mack broke off hla prevloua tea- Lloyd.and French Foreign Minis- The Controls and Measurements facts about the proposed junior ter High School and Hartford Re- J Umony before the committee aJ- Group of the Connecticut Section, place. Members are reminded tO gional Technical School. Regin at­ ter^Chriatian Plneau;were In gen­ bring groceries for the kitchen h l ^ school, and said there will moat two waeka ago and reaigned eral agreement about what pre­ Work Push American Institute of Electrical ifinitely be double sessions in the tended Ellsworth High School, DR. BARNEY from the FCC l9 daya ago. In Newtown Engineers, will meet tonight at 8 basket. South Windsor, < paratory steps are necessary. ' jumor nigh school In 1969-60. Mrs. Mack tebUfled ae\-erat people ■n>e three foreign ministers dls- Washington, March 12 (/P) o'clock in the auditorium of the WICHMAN^ . A roast beef dinner, aponsored Wilbert 'iBmlgh, vice president, contacted him concerning, the con cuased a summit meeting today d__ i?:________ ' Ncvrtpwn,.M9rch.l2_(^^ Connecticut Light and Power Co. asked for lixihow of hands of those. tottover TViaiaSBielTO In Mtarnl, IStTproSaWy^iirpropoar ^^resioeni ^8€iiftower<«^ Three chiMren died earlF to­ at Berlin. by the VFW Auxiliary, will be "Nobody put any prroaure on served Saturday night nt 6:30 at Interested In" initiating a fact find; ‘Failure of Law’ CHIROPODIST dSfysUkdOVB I9H procedures to the North!-- ‘ his economic advisers into day when fire swept through th VFW Home. Reservations rosy Ing committee,- which will meet mi,” he aaid. "They talked to me, AtianUc ^ e a ty Organization coun conference today amid signs their Quonset hut home on Sgt. Peter^. Mitchell, son of Mr. soon. Topic of JSermon 117 f:a s t c e n t e r s t . and I don't riact to preaaure." cll “very soon," the U.S. spokes­ anJ Mrs. Selim F. Mitchell. 65 Del- be made by calling the poet home. XIis. Donsld Conrid.^Mrst Ed­ . Hard to Befnae Friend the- administration is hesi­ High Bridge Road. A fourth ro n t St., who has been with the Entertainment and dancing w\ll uinns man ilald. tating on the choice between follow the dinner; ward Coughlin and Mrs.'$*l«n Mc­ Dr. Harvey K. XIcArthur, pro­ HAS RESUMED 'Theft Mack aaid. "Let me put It He added that President Eisen­ child was nearly trapped in a 764th Division of the U.S. Aimy in Pherson were voted meihbeta. of iHle way—they bothered me." hower is expected to answer Soviet tax cuts and spending to bol­ vain effort to save their lives. the Panama Canal Zone for the the nominating committee, fessor of Hew Teatament at the Aaked what he meant by "bother,” The Robertson PTA will meet to­ OFFICE h o u r s Premier Bulganin’s Istest summit ster the economy Dead were Linda, 8; Joan. 4,' and past two years, ia spending a 30- new hospiUllty committee chair- Hartford Seminary Foundation, Mack aaid he had lived In Florida conference letter within days. Meanwhile, the Defense Depart­ Jerome, 2, children of Mr. and day leave traveling in Costa'Rica' morrow night at 7:30 in the school men, Mrs. Edwin Lawrence and. wllUglve the abcond lecture of his, all hla life, he had known aonie of ai.dltorium. The spokesman said that Ih the 'Ei­ ment intormed Congress it la Mr.a. Weldon Cash. and South America. ■ Mrs. Theodore Mather, were in­ "tenteh' series on Thursday eve­ toe people Involved In the Channel senhower reply "we may propose stepping up construction spending Saved ware Leland, II; Phyllis, I Herald Photo br Satemls) troduced. ning, at 8 o’clock at Center Conr 10 caae for yeara and they con­ that we get going" on definite to a rate of approximately $2 bil­ 10 and (Toralee, 18 months. Following the urogram, refresh­ gregitlonal Chiirqh. The |[eneral tacted him. / summit conference prepsrstiohe. lion for the next five months as a Resident State. Policeman James A-Sub Officer Addresses Teachers ments wefe servM in the cafeteria theme for the series of four lec­ Wheii he uaed therUrm, "both­ Disarmament remains the sub­ boost for the economy.
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