The Clinton Republican. VOL. XLV.-NO. 11. ST. JOHNS, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JUNE 28, 1900. WHOLE NO. 2,350. RESPECT KURIL HAIL BOIES DE1TH OF DR. 1. J. WIGGINS SHIP SEEK TO OIID COL UMT. BUGS Had Boon in Practice Hare Sinoe 1861. GT, JOHNS SPRING CO, HIS BUCK IS BROKEN Postal OMslals Encouraged at Lack of People Are Buying It by the Case *nd Cruus Attending Country Pros Deliv­ Dr. Andrew J. Wiggins died at his Keg. ery System. home in St. Johns at about 1 o’clock The Republican in ad vised on un ­ Superintendent Machen of the free Saturday morning, after a long illness, questioned authority that while Ovid George D. Smith Fell From His delivery service says the moat encourag­ Mill Lead Michigan Republicans to aged 72 years. Deceased was for many Will Probably Move to Pontiac in has shut out the open aaloon, a large ing thing developed in the experiment years a leading physician, but had to amount of beer la befog snipped in there Barn Saturday. with the rural free delivery is the re­ Yictory. 've up his practlc a year or two ago. tbe Near Future. by the case and keg. spect of the people for government pro­ B s was born in Rome, Oneida oounty, perty. The strongest argument used New York, June 17, 1828. He attended against the introduction of the system school at Warsaw Seminary and Lima CL1FLIR UHITERSITY SIIGEHS was that the mail boxes along the MR. W1R8TOR FAILED TO RECEIVE A College, studied medicine with Dr. AND 18 PROBABLY FATALLY Kaner, at Warsaw, and Dr. Woodward, THEY WILL ADD BUGGY SPRINGS obscure country roads would be subject A Concert or U bud*I Inl«re»t at the Meth­ INJURED. to tramps and idlers who wished to NOMINATION. at Burns, New York. In the fall of 1850 TO THEIR OUTPUT. tamper with their contents. The mail he came to Michigan and took a two odist Church July in>'. wagons carrying stamps, money, and years course in the medical department The Jubilee Concert HI the Methodist registered letters would yield a rich of tho University. In 1852 he returned church next Monday ni*.<tr is sure to be George D. Smith while shingling hie harvest for footpads and highwaymen For Governor —AARON T. BLISS, of Saginaw to New York and entered the Medical For some time the St. Johns Spring pleasing to all. The young men bring barn in the north part of town Satur­ as did the stage-coach and star rou£e “ Lieut. Governor —ORR1N W. ROBINSON, College at Geneva, New York, from company, which is doing a business of some of the finest rr-.oaimendations day afternoon was thrown to the ground carriers of early days. The remarkable U. P.i (Renominated). which he secured his degree. He about $36,000 per year and employing obtainable. They spe.ic the entire a distance of 14 feet, by a scaffold giving result is that out of several thousand “ Sec. of Stato—FRED M. WARNER, of Oak­ practiced his profession in Columbia from 15 to 28 men, have bean negotiat­ month of May in Cnij-tgo, prolonging way, striking on bis left shoulder and boxes, many of them on looely and land. City and Goshen, Indiana, then came to ing with Pontiac parties looking to a re­ one entertainment beyond 11 o’clock by breaking his back between the shoulder secluded roads, ODly two instances of the - State Treaaurer-DANIEL McCOY, of Kent. Chelsea, Michigan, where he remained a moval of the plant to that city, where repeated encores. Tbe> are “singing blades. He is completely paralyzed mail being tampered with have been “ Attorney General —HORACE It M. ORIN, year; then Bpent four years in practicat there are fire large carriage establish up” a much needed building for their from the break down. Dr. Dodge was heard of. One case was where there Ban It 9te. Marie, (Renominated )| Danville, Ingham county, coming to St. ments, and adding carriage springs to school, while other students are work­ called and put stretchers on his feet and wae an actual theft, and the other the ** Auditor General —PERRY F. POWERS, of Johns in 1861. Besides practicing his their output. The carriage concerns which ing upon it. neck, and has done everything possible result of jealousy of a country beau who Cadillac. profession he was for a time interested would take stock in the Spring com­ The Boston Herald na>s: ‘ The Planta ­ to straighten the broken spine in place. desired to see what was passing between “ Commissioner —State LandtOfflce —EDWIN in a drug store and other ventures, but pany censume about 800 tons of springs tion Melody Quartet” of Ulhflfo Univer- Dr. Palmer was also called in with him a lass and her favored lover. In Carroll A. WILDEY, of VanBuren county. finally confined his energies to the prac- annually. The capital stock of the com­ sity, made a decided hit Hod a as heartily Saturday evening for counsel and asist Couoty, Md., just outside of Washing- “ Superintendent of Public Instruction — tic of medicine. pany would be largely increased. This encored. Many such tt-Htimooials can ance. top, the postal business has increased DELOS FALL, of Albion. In 1852 the doctor was united in move would take away from St. Johns be given, but the public may rest Dr. Dodge says men have lived and in and the four postal wagons in service “ Member State Board of Education —JAMES marriage with Irene Betts, at Blissfield, the fatniliy of Sec. M. D. Hubbard and assured that these young men are artists rare cases have recovered from similar have done as much business during the H. THOMPSON, of Osceola county. Lenawee oounty. His wife died while probably others. The company is doing and to ipiss them is to lose a gr-at treat. first quarter of the experiment as did The republican state convention which he was living at Goshen, Indiana. In a successful business here, making good Tickets and seats at Putt’s. Seats may injuries, but the chances of recovery be had after 1 p. m. Friday. are very much against him. He says eixty-three postofflcee that were discon ­ closed its labors in Grand Rapids last 1872 he was married to Hattie Mead, in money on their 'investment, but Mr. there is absolutely no feeling below tne tinued St. Johns,who with two children, Geo. F. Hubbard says he regards this as a great injury. While quiet, the unfortunate night wss one of the hardest contested and'fiirdaline, survive him. He is also opportunity. man is comparatively easy, but the conventions od governor ever held in survived by one brother, Dr. O. B. Wig­ BUSINESS LOCALS. slightest movement is very painful. this state Col. Bliss, of Saginaw, won gins, of Lawrence, Michigan, and a sis­ 1riminal 7 Mr. Smith has been sexton of the 8 t. NEXT WEDNESDAY. ter, Mrs. Holden T. Miller, of Batavia, A11 qualities and prices iu white Johns cemetery for a long time, and his New York, both being unable to attend goods. Ducks, Linens, Piques, Dimi­ uniform kindness and courtesy to those the funeral on account of poor health. Tlie Use of Giant Cracker* Should be ties, Ginghams and all kinds of season­ 8t. John* will celebrate In Regular Old- Dr. Wiggins was a man who command Prohibited. able wash goods at N oble Burnett ’s. with whom he came in contact has made Fashioned Htyle. him a host of friends. That all were ed a horde of friends, his genial ways and After the Fourth was over last year; Annual Closing Out Sale. shocked and inexpressably grieved to There will be a parade in the morning philanthropic deeds making him one of the most highly respected physicians in reliable ‘statistics gathered throughout All trimmed hats at cost. learn of the terrible calamity that had consisting of the big cannon, drawn by the United States showed a total of 1700 Boucher A Petsch . befallen him goes without saying. He six horses, G. A. R, Post, Owoeso Light this oounty. During his 35 years of ac casualties, over half of them resulting has been a faithful member of the M. E. Infantry, bands and many other attract­ tive practice he enjoyed a most lucrative ions. and successful business, but was never from the use of giant tire crackers. Lost. church, and an active worker whdee Fires and accidents are already being June 25 between Reuben Brown ’s and place it will be ha d to fill. AU hope At 9:30 A. M. there will be a base ball too busy to answer the call of the sick reported from their use this year iu ame between the St. Johns and the and needy, whether they were rich or Byron Hayner ’s, a light log chain about for the beet but the chances are not anticipation of tbe Fourth. They 15 feet long. Finder please leave at A. flattering. Mr. Smith has a wife, daugh­ flurand teams. poor. should be prohibited by ordinance. ter and son. The Durand team has met with great The Doctor was a member of the G. Simmon ’s shop in Bengal and oblige. success this year, having beaten the Masonic, Odd Fellows, Knights of Honor A Pretty Wedding. 1-wp O ral G ranger . teams from all the towns around Du­ and United Workingmen fraternities. The marriage of Miss Cora Collins to A large selection of stylish new Tailor FOUMD DEAD IN i CANAL. rand. A short time ago they entirely He had held the offices of Village Mr.
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