Weather •W Wth fa> »I4 N. «d lew" tM*.iU IWS. Moitly fair and 26,925 milder ttmorrow, Ugh la ( Red Bank Area f low 7h. Onttook Saturday, ndld, Copyright-The Red Bank Register, Inc. 1966. ehutee of showers. DIAL 74MW10 MONMOUTH COUNTY'S HOME NEWSPAPER FOR 88 YEARS VOL 89 NO 78 d ">«"!• U«l'r through . e.wnd cisji THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1966 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE a Ret BM> m «* im Mui Marlboro Council May Take Initiative Creepy Asks Burnt Fly Purchase Action MARLBOR„„,, nnnOn -_ TownTnwMhin.heiship,be; r of thU»e council majoritmaioritvy facfac.concemin- .concernineg the state'ss "alle-.ficials sayy are supplied by un-lmanneun- manner Iin which complete pro-,hpro-.he added, that the responsibilitresponsibilityy Council President George Cree- tion which had granted a vari- gations of contamination. derground waters charged in the tectioI n can be afforded," he for preserving the aquifer lies vy wants the Monmouth County ance for a landfill dump there "In reply, only generalizations bog, have adopted resolutions isaid. [primarily with the state. Board of Freeholders to form a —over objections of preservation concerning historical opinions | urging the state to buy the land "If the freeholders don't ap- The Committee to Save Burnt Burnt Fly Bog committee to interests—he had been critical of|were offered for our engineer to to preserve the water source. |point a committee," declared Mr. Fly Bog has a suit pending study ways of buying the 1,400-some of the conservationist argu- review. No test results, no lab-1 The state, however, has taken no Creevy, "I will!" against the township and Dom- acre swamp and woodland. And ments. ' oratory reports and no profes- {action yet, other than to suggest Preliminary reports submitted inick Manzo of Matawan who that the counties buy it. had gotten council's approval, by if they don't, he will. The council leader said last sional opinions were available to by Township Engineer Frederick us." •Positive' Move Kurtz, the council president said, a 3 to 2 vote, to use his 133 Mr. Creevy said last night that night he and Councilmen Alfred Joint Action Mr. Creevy said a new group outline various methods to buy iacres as a sanitary landfill. he will ask council tonight to Storer and Charles McCue were urge a county study group. County Freeholders of Mon- should study methods of buying the bog. One, he continued, would "Regardless of the outcome of not satisfied with what they Mr. Creevy's move appeared mouthk Middlesex and Ocean, the bog which lies in Marlboro be to assess the 20 municipal!- 'the Manzo case," Mr. Creevy to lend new support to the effort learned last month when they and governing bodies of about 20 and Madison Township. "This Ities' . said, "other areas of the bog in to preserve the bog. As a mem met with state representatives municipalities, which state of- proposal is the only positive The engineer also concluded, (See BURNT FLY, Page 3) Controversy Flares PARADE — Rocco Bonforte, president of the Christopher Columbus Club and general chairman of last night's hour-long parade in Long Branch, holds Patty Huley, 3, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Huley, Matilda Ter., as 'Pony Express' rider Sam Sacco of the S. and S. Stables fookt on. Up Again at College By SANFORD R. STAROBIN ministration and demonstrators. college and staged a sit-in at the terday, the protesters said, that WEST LONG BRANCH -Stu- The president, who did not at- president's office against alleged after two residences were dent demonstrators last night ac- tend Tuesday's meeting, told his racial discrimination in college- dropped from the approved list, cused Monmouth College Presi- side of the story and would per- approved off-campus housing. the college will leave future in- Parade Marks dent William G. Van Note of mit neither questions nor com- vestigation and enforcement to The protesters said administra- distorting the terms of an agree- ments, the spokesman said. He tion officials Tuesday agreed the the state Division on Civil Rights. ment reached Tuesday and said allegedly indicated further dis- college would investigate alleged The students said this wouuld protests at the college may re-sent would not be tolerated. bias and enforce anti-discrimina- be a return to the former policy Columbus Day which led to the demonstrations. sume. Dr. Van Note declined to talk tion rules in approved 'housing. The demonstrators contend this A spokesman said the presi- I with a reporter last night. Ef-Kenneth Morris, protest spokes practice takes too long. They dent, at a special meeting yes- forts to reach Miss Betty Bader- man, said Dr. Van Note had say the college has a responsibil- terday of student leaders and man, Ihe college public informa- "distorted and misrepresented' ty to prevent bias in its ap- In Long Branch administrators, repudiated agree- tion director, proved fruitless. the agreement. proved housing. ments reached between the ad-Students last week picketed the Dr. Van Note indicated yes- EONG BRANCH - Christopher out of the, units, but the march It is the matter of enforcement Columbus couldn't have staged ers were not distracted. that sparked the original picket- • better parade himself. At 8 p.m. the procession cami ing on Oct. 3, which evolved in In the chill evening air, thteo a halt in the parking lot to a sit-in by Negro and white students on Oct. 5, The sit-in marchers led by grand marshal Baldanza's Bakery on Prospecl CONTROVERSIAL AX HEAD — Mrs. Laura Lehr- Fred Tarantolo, proceeded west B52s Rip D-Zone, continued through last Friday Ave., and after a brief break foi on, Broadway from Ocean Ave., refreshments, the dignitaries and resumed for four hours Mon- kinder of Cheojequake, office secretary of Piedmont past the reviewing stand at Slo- mounted a speaker's platform, day- until the administration Farms, Inc.,' Colts Neclc, holds,ax head found during proposed .a meeting. cum Park, turned South on Bath lighted by spotlights on surround- excavation for a 116-home development. A ridge circles Ave. and halted at Holy Trinity ing fire engines, to speak in hon- The college had originally de- Church on Prospect St. or of the man who wasn't there McNamara Eyes Itclared that approved residences the blunt end of the stone. Does it belong to the Wood- would not be dropped until the A crowd of spectators waving but who started it all 474 yean the carrier Oriskany which wenl land Era, which would make it 8-12,000 years old, or is SAIGON (AP)-U.S. B52 bomb-|swell the Korean force to 45,000 Civil Rights Division gained con- (lags and Mickey Mouse balloons ago by what Sen. Guarini callec down last night while McNama- ers pounded the demilitarized men, the second largest ot the viction or stipulation of bias! it of tha Lenni-Lenape Indians and only 350-500 years lined the march route and "the dream of Christophe six foreign contingents fighting ra was spending the night aboard 1 zone again today and afew from the landlords. old? clapped and cheered sporadical- IColumbusJ hours later Secretary ot De-|alongside,the South Vietnamese. the carrier. It was the 39Sth ly. plane reported lost over Nortl The demonstrators Tuesday After an invocation by Revfense Robert.S. McNamara flew American planes flew 145 bomb- ; Behind the grand marshal came Frank Santltoro ol the Holy Trin- along the southern edge of the] ing, missions against North Viet: Viet Nam. ' . - were jubilant when they said 1 Mayor Paul Nastasio, Jr., Sheriff ity Church, Rep. Howard sai lone, inspecting the rugged Ma- Nam yesterday, "and pilots re- The U.S. command reported college had agreed to investigate Paul Kiernan, Rep. James J. and reach Its own determinations Stone Ax Raises that Columbia^ voyage was made rine battlefr«tts*nil.«tBkuig * <l^ Howard, State Sen. Richard R. possible by Spanish funds, a fact look at North Viet Nam. 83 barges and junks, 20 bridges, over. South Viet Nam yesterday, of discrimination. Stout, State Sen. Frank Guarlni which symbolized the universality On the fighting, fronts, only| 28 buildings, three antiaircraft both shot down by Viet Cong| Residences Suspended and chaplain of the Christopher of what he achieved. small ground actions were re- sites and two missile sites. groundfire. In. a prepared statement yes- Issue: How Old? Columbus Club, Alphonso Mat- •For All People' ported, but U.S. airmen gave Pilots said they destroyed four American casualties last week| terday, the college said two Long thews. ;,•".'<•'• Council President Cioffi em North Viet Nam no respite from Surface-to-Air Missiles (SAMs) dropped slightly from the residences under the stu- By WILLIAM J. ZAORSKI. lated, that it could be between Preceding the 399th Army before, when the report was 99 I2 000 ears phasized that Columbus "did nol destructive bombing. Three at one site 13 miles northwest dents' fire were being tempo- COLTS NECK - A prehistoic 8,000'and ' >' old. If the Band," which was blaring forth killed, 642,wounded and 12 miss- discover America just for ItaAmerican planes were reported|of Dong Hoi, in the southern rarily suspended from accepting resident, or perhaps some John ridge was only oh one side, he "Columbia1," . and syncopated ians," but rather for people c ing. South Vietnamese casualties shot down, one in the north and, panhandle. It was the southern- additional student residents. ny-come-lately passerby, many added, it could have been older. drum tattoos, came members all nationalities to come and set- two in the south.' most missile installation hit thus last week were' reported as 160 Thomas F.
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