NO, 40, RED BANI, N; J, MARCH 26, 1918, PAGES 1-TO- BBOKB QUA»AJtHMIIl TOTS9. RETURNS EtPM ARMY. WlUlaaj ¥•»»••• tttta into Srertli Mot«bl« apcrnksn to b. M Motor l«tt MRS. ROGAN'S MEMORIAL With tta MOArd of M*aUli. Club Aff«lr. William VanNcsi of Will street was TXVO wukMAmmo *ACK no* »»*-Members of the Bed Bank motor COMMITTEE APPOINTED BY THE COMMISSIONERS arrested last week on a complaint •nom IM m WAI. boat club are arrangiiiE for a commo- IMPRESSIVE SERVICES AT UNVEILING OF WINDOW made by the board of health. Tho dore's banquet to be held Thursday, AT THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, TO DRAW UP SPECIFICATIONS. charge against him was that of break- m#A Bunk MM Wai la Itnnl May 1st, at the Globe hotel. There will ing a quarantine ordinance. It was •kttUa with tt* V*xks-.Xtt Oat Con-be a number of notable speakers at testified that he refused to stay inside flict Ha WM StnKk Thr« Tlm« with the affair, among them being Gov- The Window was Installed by the Member* of the Congregation Code Wfll Provide for Setter Fire Protection and More Sanitary his house when some of the members BnUaiw, ernor Jornos F, Fielder, Judge Robert of hli family wtfre sick with a con- Vito Marascio, brother of Frank and Cary of Jersey City, Charles F, Chap- at a Cost of $I»O0O-Funds were Raised by Voluntary Contri- Building* -Tentatrv*. Specification! for tho Garbage Contract tagious disease. He was fined 926, and Dominic Marascio who conduct barber man, editor of the boating magazine, Recorder Badeau released him upon sTiops on West Front street, returned Motor, James W, McCarthy, assistant butions—An Eloquent Sermon by Rev, Robert G. Davey, a are Submitted and it it Decided to Make a Number of Change* his promise to pay the money in eight last week from Italy, whore he hasprosecutor of Hudson county and Mor- weekly Installments, been serving his country in the Italian ris W, Whittaker. r Former Pastor of the Church, in Them-Other Bu.ineit Transacted at Monday Night'tMeeting. army. The Presbyterian church at Red pression. In his sermon Mr. Davey R«d Bank is to have a building code alarms had been turned In, He .. About two years ago Vito left for Bank wns filled to overflowing Sunday referred touchingly to Mrs. Rogan, and a building inspector. This was ferred to the agreeable relntlans which Italy and upon hi» arrival in his morning when a window was unveiled and his remarks wore such n« to bring «MJ<ba on at a nwatlrur ot the bar- had exltfed between him and the bor- HORSE IN LIVE* FLIGHT native country he enlUted in a regi- SALE Of PROPERTIES. to tho memory of Mrs. Lillio J. Rogan, toarH to the eyes of many in the ough council Monday night. A com- oiigh omeialii, and said that this had ment. While he wij serving the wife of Rev. J. W, Rogan, pastor of church. mittw ww appointed to draw up such helped to make pleasant hie term of Bxonnro BVX&WAT OH MOKMOUTII Turko-Italian war broke out and MEW OWBEBB *OB HOUSES AHD the church, Tho services were simple A memoir to Mrs. Rogan has been but impressive. Members of the con- written by her husband. It is en- a codt to present to the efneialii for service to the town us flre chief. The min xomimro. Vito's regiment W*B sent to the front. FARMS Of THIS IfEIOHBORHOOP. con»ideration. Acting Mayor Horace total damage done by fires during the His time expired while he was in gregation and others who were at the titled "A Beautiful Life," and is a P. Cook appointed Councilman Jacob part year amounted to #8,240, the low- Two M«n nnrt a (art, sad a active war duty and he wos compelled Th« Millar rlaca at Oceauport Bought unveiling showed the affection and the coveted possession of those who knew Degenring chairman of the committee, est in many pears, Wagon »n<\ Automobll* Badly Data- to remain in the ranks until the war by an Or a. life Man—Hew Owner of admiration which they felt for the and admired tho pastor's wife. It and th« other members art J, C. Dtla- »tr«4—»rlv»r'» lHip« front Rertout was over, Xtittla Silver Farm to Make Many Im- woman who met a tragic end last contains a sketch of Mrs. Regan's life, tuah, Oharlta A. Frake, Ambrose Injury W»» Bfn»rkl.%U. Vito is receiving congratulations provement!-—Talr Hjwen Pln.cs Sold. summer when she was killed by be- together with a copy of the poem and Brower, Oliver Frake and Alonzo Policeman George B, Hewett sent from his Italian and American ac- ing thrown from a trolley car. a clipping from the Christian 06- in his resignation to take effect the Two men and a horse wofe hurt Tho MorehouBo & Ford agency has DetinlB, The need of such a cod* in and an automobile and o wagon wore quaintancos upon his safetreturn. He sold a number of farms and properties The pulpit was dejorBtcd with lilies, server of Louisville, Kentxftky. This order to insure better flre protection first of April, He was appointed a says that during a battle in Tripoli cut flowers, palms and other floral reference to Mrs, Rogan is as follows: special policeman without pay in order damaged in a lively runaway on Mon- in this locality during the past week and more sanitary dwellings was mouth street Monday morning. The shortly before the holidays he wasor so. Among them are the Stephen pieces in keeping with the character "Endowed with rare elcal talked over in detail. to assist the department in clearing picked up on the battlefield in an un- of the day. An eloquent sermon was beauty, she was more richly endowed up several cages In which he had been horse belongs to William Kelly, pro- Keole farm at Fair Haven. This place prietor of the American hotel, A conscious condition, having been hit was bought by Willinm Hexamer of preached by Rev, Robert G. Davey of with the spirit of God, with the lovely interested while a member of the with three bullets, "Ho was removed New York, a former pastor of the and lovable graces of mind and heart, force, Mr, Hewett resigned in order New York man had hired the rig to go Hoboken, The farm is on Hance road Tentative specifications for the gar- to Oqeanport, Fred Hendrickson of to Naples, where ho recovered from and comprises about five acres. The church. Mr, Rogan mode a few re- which led more than one to make her bage contract were submitted and it to accept a better position as butcher hia shot wounds In a hospital at that marks in which he exprcBSod his the ideal of womanhood. To all that for Doremus Bros., an occupation at Red Bank was driving. Some of the price was $6,000, was decided to moke a number of harness broke when the wagon was place. thanks to the members of the congre- loved her she left the sacred heritage changes in them. Under the new or- which he was employed before he be- The Midgloy property on Main gation for their thoughtfulness and of a noble life, filled with devotion to came a policeman. Application for near tho railroad crossing and this He reports some exciting battles, street at Oceanport has been sold to rangement householders will use three caused the horse to bolt. and tells of many close calls from generosity. The window was installed the Master and all Christly minis- receptacles for garbage. Bags will the job of policeman was made by Mrs, Ada Dangler of Asbury Park, at a cost of $1,000, and the prompt- tries," James G. Daly, but it wag decided not The horse ran down the street at death, In one battle his regiment Tho property comprisna two acres and be used for paper, and cans will be fought continuously for over thirty ness with which those who belong to The window is on the south side of used for ashes and decaying sub. to make any appointment till the top speed for a distance and then is on the south side of the street near the church made their voluntary con- the church and faces the congregation. next meeting. dashed into an automobile belonging hours, • and he says that after the the railroad station. Mrs, Dangler Htances. In the new contract the gar- battle Turks wore strewn on the field tributions shows the high esteem in It is 12x20 feet, the central picture bage collector will be required to Wharf Avenue Improvement. to Mrs. Isaac H. Adlem, The machine will make a number of improvements which they held Mrs, Rogan, being that of Christ in the attitude of was standing in front of Dr. Francos as thick as files on flypaper. After to the house and she will use the empty the cans which were donated to Mr. Hurley reported that Wharf this conflict the smoke was so thick A feature of the service was when saying, "Come Unto Me," in the top the town by the King's Daughters L. Cooke's house. Both Hendrickson dwelling as her permonent home. The the church choir sang "Keep Mo My the artist has endeavored to illustrate avenue is in a very bad condition. and the New York man wore thrown that daylight was almost turned into property was held at $4,000.
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