Contributors CONTINUED FROM PAGE 3 stay and explore at the s You d o n 't have t o trave l far t o find o n e of RON HUELSE USA To day's "Gre at Ame ri can Be a c h es" of Knoxville has spent more than With re cre ation. e nte rtainme nt and lo dging 10 years photogt aplung wildlife. o ptio n s t o s uit ev e ry style and budget­ insects and bit cb near l.ake Red Cle ar Lake is full o f y e ar-round family fun! Rock when not cycling, hllong or volunt<·ettng An .tvtcl paddl<>r. he also helps ftnd spothot s to introduce ospr<'y lorall} .mel rat ses awaren<'SS of sll t c1 tton at tht reservoir. STAN SUMAN has exp<·m·nred many spectaculat Wlldhfe events through photos I le has photographed wildlife across the nabon. but focuses 111 his home slate Pion your stay and download a rree of Iowa. f\.atun• msplll's, thnlls and Clear Loke opp at C le arLake lo wa.com rejuvenates h11n ~tan ts al"o part Or scan tillS code wtth yo ..u sn1ot tphone owner of J\s.,Tf'en. In< . an agncultural 800-285-5338 and envtronmental consultmg foceb ook com /CieorLokelowo .lVIsit CieorLoke firm ~< mor< of hts 'A-ork at • fence llnep hotos.com . KEN BLOCK, ts 110\\.' a vtstlor servtces manager at DeSoto National Wildlife Refuge 111 western IOWA Iowa. This former Natwnal Park Service ranger left Crane! Canyon a ~n- for all National Park for the Effigy Mounds National Monument. where he and hts stx chilclrrn often hiked. Beginning hts career in Pennsylvama'" Valle} Forge Natwnal Historical Park. KC'n mamtams a home ncar Cffig} Mounds and says northeast Iowa and tlw Upper :\.1i<>sisstppt River offer some of the country·~ most stunnmg scenery. TY SMEDES ts a full-time writer and photographer from Urbandale. Published in more than 25 magazines, his work includes images of wildlife, wi ldflowers and scenics, along with photography of Iowa's cultural events and attractions. He teaches photograph} classes and leads photo tours to the hastC'rn A large concentration of Bald Eagles call Sierras and Afma Hts recent book, Keokuk their winter home! 17ze Return ofIowa's Bald Eagles. chronicles thC' raptor\ mcredible comeback and 1s sold at iowan.com ""L'L..OKUK AREA CONVENTION & TOURISM BUREAU or 7-877-899-9977 ext 2 11. www. KeokuklowaTourism.org 800.383.1219 4 IOWA OUTDOORS NOVEMBER I DECEMBER 2013 A Watershed Awareness River Expedition .A.ft· 91 miles on the Des Moines River and Boone River 34 Tons of trash (87°/o of which was recycled) 92 sponsors • 343 participants Fantastic. Worthwhile. Rewarding. Valuable. Remarkable. That's how your generosity makes us feel. SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY SATURDAY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Gwe Iowa Outdoors as a holiday gift­ Duck season closes in north zone Fall turkey gun/ bow season closes Fmt shotgun deer season opens Muskie season closed on Iowa Great Lakes 1-800·361-8 072 order at Last day or Hanukkah Archery only turkey and deer seasons close Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Chnstmas Btrd Count through jan. S; Wl11te-fronted goose season audubon.org closes i 11 nor!It zone First shotgun deer season closes Duck season closes m south zone Geminid metror shower peaks Dec 13-14 Second shotgun deer season begws 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 2014 hunt111g and fishing Wlute-/ronted goose season l1censes go on sale. closes 111 south zone Duck season closes in M1ssoun R1t·er zone 22 Winter solstice-first day or wmter 23 24 25 26 27 28 Nonrr!Sidrnt antlrrless drrr holiday season, Latr split durand fall turkey Dec 24 -jan 2. bow season reope11s Willie-fronted goosr srason Seco11d shotgun deer season rloses Late muzzlrloader deer season begins closes 111 Mtssoun River zone Chnstmas 29 30 31 New Year·s Eve ON THE COVER Ring 111 the Nru· irar at 1/onry Creek Resort. A cautious buck keeps a u·ary For event details rail 877·677-3344 eye during hunting season. -BY TY SMEDES A pair of myotes on dau:n patrol at Elk Rork State Park 111 Marion County -BY RON HUELSE • ' IOWA STATE ·. HARDWOODS: : . '· . Ac;p~n. 8-16" $40 NOT AVAI LABLE /\ rr<m \\ ood FOREST NURSERY Quaking J7-'l4'' 'b"iS ur purpose c1t the tate forest nur Ct') is Bass\\Ood NOT AVAILABLE Bl.1ck ( hokcbCJT) NOT AVAILABLE Oto prm ide qual it), afl()rdable natl\ e trees 8-16' sn Duttonbu'ih NOT AVAILABLE to land0\\1ler for timber production," ildhle Black ( heiT) • 17 24' 52 habnat. erosion control and ae. thettcs. 8 16" '!,40 8-16' 40 C hokechcn) Black \\alnut 17-24'' ~5" 17-24'' $55 1\ati\ e trees arc one of the ke) s to ha\ mg 8-16" $17 14" Cutting $37 Dog\\ood ( rr::t) a health) "oodland. To m1pr0\ e qual it) "e ( ottom\ ood 17-24" $52 I}'' Rooted <..'utting arc continuing to id~.:ntif) additional locations ~37 Dog\\ ood. 17-24" $"i2 for seed collection from nati\ c forest~ and 8-16" $37 Rcdos1cr llackbctT) \,~;'') "ildlife area . 17-24" ~ 8-16'' 37 , Dog\\ood, ~Ilk) I hckol) 17-.24" $'i2 6-12. S40 Shagbark 8-16" ~TART YOL R NAil\ E ~ORE T TO[)A) I hvdnut ~40 ORIH R PL \1.. f [) In PHON~ OR 0'\illt\.1 llickol) 17-24" ~--5 6-12" 40 1-800-865-24 77 Shellbark ll•ghbu'ih 8-16" $40 l ran belT) 17-24" \V\V\V.IO'A'A I Rl·l·PLANTI NG.COM II) brid 14" ( utting $17 ~"iS Poplar 12" Rooted ( uttmg '$37 I li.Jc, Common R-16" $40 - - "" Tt) ordering 01\:LINI '' ith real time Ill\ cntory II\ brid 1·1" C utting ~)7 • ~ 8-16" $40 updates! It's eas) ! impl) create an account \\ illow I"" Rooted ( utttng 37 Nann)betT) 17-24" $55 "ith your contact and order infom1ation and it Ken tuck\ 8-16" S37 + • 8-16" 40 Nm~.:b,rrk ''ill be sa\ ed for future orders. C ofleeh·ee 17-24" 52 17-24" $'iS 8-16" 17 Order~ can be plat:ed August 1 - Ma) 3 I. Maple, Sil\cr Redbud. Amciican 8-16" $40 17-24'' l)"'l::> ... ~ at 8-16'' $37 8-16'' $40 Please do not ~end payment th1s time. ~ laple, Sugar Sc1' iccbcn) 17-:24" $52 17-24" S,'\'i Some re.\trictio/1\ upp(v ami ure li~tet! on our weh,ite. + 8-16" ' i'Jorthern 8-16" 40 \\ i ld Plum ~40 Pecan 17-24" $5" 17-24" $55 I or tree tree planting ad\ tee, plantmg plans. and a sistance \\ ith cost share contact) our dic;,trict Oak. Black SOLD OUT . PACKET lYPE .·. PRICE ~ .. ···- - QY~T lTv fore-,ter toda) for more mformation. .. ·-~----~... ..._ . 8-16" 40 Oak, Bur lurke' Packet ) 110 17-24" $S" • + Pheasant Packet ~110 8-16" $.<10 Oak. Mixed 17-24" sss Quail Packet $110 X-16" $40 Oak. Pin Songbird Packet $20 17-24' ss I 8-16'' 40 C>ak. Red ..., 17-.24 ~'i'i ( reate-a-Packet $110 1 Oak, S\\amp 8-16" $40 4. \\ hite 17-'4' ~55 8-16" $40 Oak.\\ hite 17-24" ss Shipping ( ost: 8-16" 'i;17 S-16" - 5 Jll't' 100 17-24''- SIO per 100 River Birch 17-.24" S"'l ~Out of st,\tc ordct ma) require additional sh1ppmg chm1_'c 8-16" ';)camorc 37 17-14" "2 }·all hipments start the last \\Cck in October and spnng start the first "eek in April. \\ e resen c the nght to limtt th~ amount of trees ~hipped p~r \\Cck Orders must be paid in full before shipping. ·------------------------------------~ 13ald C') prc<;s R-16" $25 ~ Jlm,ment: An imoice "ill be s~nt bv Mail. 8-16" $25 • • Name: <.. oncolm I ir Pa) ment for fall orders is due b) October 1 Addre..,s: ___ l\oma) 8-16" .25 and pa) ment for spring orders is due b) ")pruct: City: ____ 'larch I. \\ c accept Mastcr'Card, Visa and 8-16" $25 \\ bite Spmcc Disco' cr O\ cr the phone and checks b) mHil. State: ____ Zip: _____ La stem 8-16" $2S 'ihortagc~ · \Vc do our best to estimate a sah:ablc r mail: White Pine .. im cntmy but due to the nature of a natural I >aytime Phone: _ _ R-16'' $.25 Jack Pint: product '' e may run . hort. \Ve resen e the right Pick upO ShipD I altO Spring 0 -- 8-16" to offer) ou a refund or substitution. Red Pine \\eek you \\Ould like seedlings: ______ 17-24" "" Order Last Y~ar: Yc~D NoD ")catch Pine NOT AVA ILABLE IOWA STATE FOREST NURSERY 2404 South DuffA\e.j Amc~. lA 50010-8017 C. 'ounty where Planted: C !,urns for an) cause must he made to the nurser) manager .md Altl'rnatl\ e Shipping Address YesD 1\oD may require .t locallorcstcr to in-;pcct the tree pl,ulling \\c gt\ c P: 800.865.2477 I F: 515.233.1131 no \\31T3nt), expressed or unpiled, as to the '>liC.CC'>s r.ttc ol the -.eedlinu-;. Cl.ttm-; arc IMndlcd on a case b) case b.t'its \V\V\V. io\vatreep1 anti ng. cotn • • • Natural IOWA Resources IOWA Resources COUNTY • • Natural Resources• .... ~ IOWA J COUNTY • , ' Natural• Resources• Resources• ~ IowA IOWA [ .., ? ..
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