O.A.C. Alumnus DIRECTORY 1 9 2 2 COMPILED BY GENERAL SECRETARY 0. A. C. Alumni Association ALUMNI DIRECTORY OF THE Oregon Agricultural College Corvallis, Oregon September, 1922 (Includes 1922 Summer School Graduates) VOL. 2 NUMBER I Entered as second-class matter September 23, 1921, at the post office at Corvallis, Oregon, under the act of August 24, 1912. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in section 1108, Act of October 3, 1917, authorized October 10, 1921. Alumni Board of Directors S. A. Wilson, 1910 (Pres.) Linnton, Oregon, Term expires 1923 S. B. Hall, 1909, Troutdale, Oregon Term expires 1924 S. L. Burnaugh, 1903, Corvallis, Oregon Term expires 1925 P. A. Cupper, 1904, Salem, Oregon, Term expires 1926 Claude Buchanan, 1903, Corvallis, Oregon, Term expires 1927 Zelta Feike, General Secretary, Alumni Office, 205 Library, Corvallis, Oregon 0. A. C. CLUBS OREGON Condon ClubPresident,Albert B. Bower,'05,Condon, Oregon. Coos County ClubPresident, George Johnson, '14, Coquille, Oregon. Gresham ClubPresident, R. E. Cannon, '21, Superintendent Union high school, Gresham, Oregon Lebanon Club President, Roshal M. Groves, '22, Lebanon, Oregon. Salem ClubPresident, Arthur E. McClain, '20 910 N. 21st St., Salem, Oregon. Vale ClubPresident, J. Edwin Johnson, '03, Vale, Oregon. CALIFORNIA Golden Gate ClubPresident, Allan W. McComb,'20,104 Cherry Way, Hayward, California. Hemet ClubPresident, H. L. Wilson, '21, Hemet, California. COLORADO Denver Secretary, Ralph E. Reynolds, '08.Home, 987 S. Wil- liams St.Office, Hinman Silo Co., Union Stock Yards. ILLINOIS ....Urbana-Champaign SecretaryHerbert J. Gilkey, '11. Home, 603 W. Illinois St.Office, 206 Engineering Hall. Phone Garfield 5491. MISSOURI St.Louis SecretaryVane G. Gibson,'12, Room 401, Old Customs House, Third and Olive Sts., St. Louis, Missouri. NEW YORK New York City SecretaryRobert J. Wilson,'86, Willard Parker Hospital, Foot of East 16th St., New York City. WASHINGTON Seattle ClubPresident, Philip Gearhart, '06, 802-3 Securities Bldg., Seattle, Washington. In the following pages the information, so far as it has been possible to obtain it,is given in the following order for each alumnus:Name, year in which the degree was conferred, degree, course, present occupation, and present mailing address. Degrees received at other institutions are not listed. In the supplement may be found the names listed as to the geographical distribution of alumni. Graduates are urged to notify the Alumni Secretary, Corvallis, Oregon, of any change in occupation or address at any time. Key to Course Abbreviations AAgriculture C--Commerce Chem EChemical Engineering CECivil Engineering DSADomestic Science and Art EEElectrical Engineering F Forestry HEHome Economics Hi EHighway Engineering IAIndustrial Arts LELogging Engineering MEMechanical Engineering Mil SciMilitary Science and Tactics MinMining Engineering PPharmacy VEVocational Education Key to Degree Abbreviations ABBachelor of Arts AMMaster of Arts BSBachelor of Science BHEBachelor of Household Economy MISBachelor of Household Science BLBachelor of Literature BMEBachelor of Mechanical Engineering MSMaster of Science Between the years of 1870 and 1887 the college offered the two degrees of BS and AB. The BS degree implied the completion of the general collegiate course without special work in langu- ages.The AB degree implied a specializing for four years in Latin and Greek.The honorary degree of AM, granted by a vote of the faculty and approved. by the board of regents, implied advanced literary work with additionalspecializationin the languages mentioned above. In 1888 emphasis was laid upon a greater degree of specializa- tion, but it was not until 1892 that the degrees were regularly conferred in the various schools.After that year the school from which the degree was granted has been indicated in each case. ALUMNI DIRECTORY A Abbott, Christine Gordon, 1919, BS HE. Teacher, Auburn, Calif. Abbott, Ernest Victor, 1922, BS A. Student, Iowa State Agricultural College, Ames, Iowa. Abbott, durnsey Harlan, 1920, BS A. Farmer, RFD., Parma, Idaho. Abbott, Mrs. G. H. (nee Fletcher) Abbe, Mabel (now Mrs. R. R. Howard), 1908, BS DSA: Housewife, RFD 1, Oregon City, Ore. Abegg, Fred Anton, 1920 (SS), BS A. Graduate student, Botany Department, Syracuse University, 704 University Ave., Syracuse, N. Y. Abell, Tracey H, 1917, MS A. Acting Horticulturist, Utah Agricultural College, Logan, Utah. Abendroth, Albert George Emil, 1910, BS Min. Mining promotion and development, 203 Floral Ave., Portland, Oregon. Abendroth, Mrs. A. G. E. (nee Connell). Abraham, Dorothea, 1921, BS Teacher, 108 Laurel St., Ashland, Ore. Abraham, Mrs. Gustav (nee Miller). Abraham, Herman J, 1916, BS A. Farmer, RFD 4, Albany, Ore. Abraham, William Gustav, 1905, BS ME. Farmer, RFD, Halsey, Ore. Abrams, Walter Carle, 1900, BS ME. Managing editor, Pacific Homestead, Salem, Ore. Absher, Albert, 1920, BS A. Secretary, School of Agriculture, OAC, Corvallis. Ore. Acheson, Evangeline, 1922, BS HE. Raymond, Wash. Acheson, Gertrude, 1916, BS HE. Clerk, Standard Oil Co., 548 E. 86th St., Portland, Ore. Ackerman, Isabella (now Mrs. A. G. Lunn), 1912, BS DSA. Housewife, RFD 2, Corvallis, Ore. Acres, Louis Carlton, 1917 BS A. Walnut Creek, Calif. Adams, Etta (now Mrs. E. W. Rau), 1914, BS DSA. 1917 (SS) BS HE. Housewife, RFD 8, Box 58, Tacoma, Wash. Adams, Fred, 1906, BS P. Physician and surgeon, 47 E 7th St., Eugene, Ore. Adams, Mrs. H. M. (nee Loughary). Adams, James Quincy, 1911, BS A. 1917, BS A. McMinnville, Ore. Adams, Kate (now Mrs. H. L. Beard), 1908, BS C. Housewife, 120 N. 11th St., Corvallis, Ore. Adams, Percival Lysander, 1905, BS EE. Deceased, 1922. Adamson, David P., 1894, BS A. 1895, BS P. Farmer, Prineville, Ore. Adamson, James Edward, 1895, BS A. Farmer, Prineville, Ore. Additen, A. Sidney, 1890, BS Min. Deceased. Agee, Leta Violet, 1921, BS HE. Teacher, physical education, Imb ler, Ore. Agresti, Alfred Peter, 1919, BS ME.. Teacher, Boys Polytechnic High School, 1814 Palm St., San Louis Obispo, Calif. Agouti, Mrs. A. P. (nee Chadbourne). Ahern, Morrie Ierne (now Mrs. L. H. Ljng le), 1916, BS HE. Housewife 723 Gaviota Ave., Long Beach, Calif. Ahlson, Alois, 1921, BS HE. Teacher, Coquille, Ore. Allison, Charles Boone, 1919, BS A. State Seed Commissioner for Idaho, 1814% State St., Boise, Idaho. Mich's, Rita Mae, 1921, BS HE. Teacher, The Dallea, Ore. 4 Ainslie, Mrs. (nee Smith). Aitken, Frances Alva, 1910, BS DSA. Stenographer, Catton, Neill & Co., Ltd 1428 Whitney St., Honolulu, T. H. Aker, Homer Ferris, 1916, BS A. Teacher, science and mathematics, Carlton, Ore. Akers, J. Robert, 1917, BS A. Unknown. Alcorn, James Marcus, 1915, BS A. 1916 MS A. Smith-Hughesinstructor,highschooland juniorcollege, Fullerton, Calif. Alcorn, William Vernon, 1921, BS CE. Draftsman, North Canal Co., Bend, Ore. Alderton, Ada (now Mrs. M. R. Hoff), 1915, BS HE. Housewife, RFD 4, Sherwood, Ore. Aldrich, Edwin Burton, 1900, BS A. Editor, "East Oregonian," Pendleton, Ore. Aldrich, John G., 1899, BS A. Unknown. Aldrich, Winifred Reba, 1915, Music. Unknown. Alexander, Clyde Murrell, 1922, (SS) BS A. Teacher, science and mathematics, Ferndale, Wash. Alexander, Mrs. C. M., (nee Carlyle) Alexander, Ethel Marjorie, 1920, BS HE. Teacher, Enterprise, Ore. Alexander, George Maxfield, 1920, BS A. Fruit grower, Mosier, Ore. Alexander, Mrs. G, M. (nee Heider). Alexandei, Harry James, 1920 BS A. Farmer, Chehalis, Wash. Alexander,Joseph.P., 1891, BS A. Dentist, Cobb Bldg, Seattle, Wash. Alexander, Thomas C., 1872, BS. Deceased, 1884. Alicante, Marcos, 1920, BS A. Graduate student, University of Illinois, 1011% W. Main St., Urbana, Ill. Allen, Addie (now Mrs. Thompson), 1876, BS. Deceased. Allen, Alonzo W., 1885, AB. Pharmacist, 221 N 16th St., Portland, Ore. Allen, Anna (now Mrs. Eldred Kuizenga), 1891, BS. Housewife, Kingsbury Apts., 23, 186 Vista Ave.. Portland, Ore. Allen, Mrs. C. L. (nee Warner) Allen, Challis William, 1911, BS C. Farmer, Loatine, Ore. Allen, Ella Lorene, 1921, BS HE. Teacher, Elgin, Ore. Allen, Ethel, 1916, BS HE. At home, 808 N. 11th St.. Corvallis, Ore. Allen, Frederick John, 1917, BS A. Chemistry department, Purdue University, Lafayette, Ind. Allen, Ina Pearl, 1902, BS DSA. Teacher, Amity. Allen, Ira, 1888, AB. Resident manager, California Packing Corporation, 803 Wash- ington St., Vancouver, Wash. Allen, John F., 1895, BME. Pharmacist, 728 3rd St.. Corvallis, Ore. Allen, Leonard John, 1914, BS A. 1915, MS A. State Leader Livestock Clubs, OAC Extension, Corvallis, Ore. Allen, Mrs. L. J. (nee Mentzer). Allen, Mrs. M. H. (nee Hanson). Allen, Ralph Wilmer, 1907, BS A. 1909, MS A. Farmer, Echo, Ore. Allen, Mrs. R. W. (nee Thomson), Allingham, William D., 1916, BS IA. Head, mechanical drawing, Benson Polytechnic School, 645 N. E. 51st St., Portland, Ore. Allingham, Mrs. W. W. (nee Ward). Allworth, Edith May (now Mrs. C. E. Metcalf), 1914 BS DSA. Housewife, 473 E. 57th St. N., Portland, Ore. Allworth, Edward Christopher, 1916, BS C. Retired army office, 470 E. 67th St. N., Portland, Ore. Allworth, Mrs. E. C. (nee Walker). 5 Allworth, Helen Rae (now Mrs. C. B. Andrews), 1915, BS HE. Housewife, 282 N. Maryland Ave., Glendale, Calif. Alspaugh, Augustus Morahan, 1902, BS MR, Office engineer, Oregon State Highway Commission, Box 742, The Pollee, Ore. Alspaugh, Roy, 1918, BS A. Fanner, Myrtle Creek, Ore. Alstadt, George John, 1920, BS LE. With Buchner Lumber Co., Allegany, Ore. Altinins, Otis Ellsworth, 1922, BS CE. Unknown. Amesbury, Ruth Marie (now Mrs. Nichols), 1915, BS HE. Housewife, 69;42 W. Peoria, Pasadena, Calif. Ands, Albert Hope, 1918, BS A. Consulting entomologist, Los Mochos, Sinaloa, Mexico. Amon, Albert Alexander, 1916, BS CE. Resident engineer, State Highway Department, Eddyville, Ore. Amon, Frank Peter, 1916, BS CE. Unknown. Anion, Paul, 1916, BB IA. Teacher, Benson Polytechnic School, 656 E. 51st St., N., Port- land, Ore. Anawalt, Clinton, 1921, BS A. Rancher, horses and beef cattle, Box 206, Jordan Valley, Ore. Andersen, Edmund Gill, 1916, BS LE. Logging engineer, Andersen Fuel Co., Albany, Ore. Anderson, Archie, 1920 BS A. Unknown. Anderson, Arvid, 1908, BS ME.
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