Afay Term 1907. , NOTES FROM THE COLLEGE RECORDS. (Colltilluedjrom page 163). E give a further instalment of documents relating to the surplice controversy at St john's. These are from the State Papers, Domestic, in the Record Office. Two letters from Longworth are from Baker's collections. The first document however is taken from Strype's Life and Acts of Archbishop Parker, appendix No. xlii. It would appear that Longworth signed this apology or recan­ tation before Cecil, undertaking to read it publicly in the College; but when he came to do this he introduced certain verbal changes, which seem to have been duly noted and recorded. The words which he omitted are printed in italics, those which he added are enclosed in brackets. It is clear that his proceedings were subjected to the closest scrutiny by his opponents. I, Rychard LonglVorth, Master of the Collc:ge of S. John's of Cambridg , being called before Sir William . �, " in the University Cecyl, K night. Chancellor of the same University, and one of � the Quenes Miljeslies Privy Councd. and charged by him, ill hir r-liljesties name, wilh the breaking of cerlen ordonances and VOL. XXVIII. LL the College Records. 253 2j,Z Notes ./ro1JPtat College Recorcis. Notes ./nJ1ll without alteratiolt ullctions and ltSages, in the same college, inJunctions, given· by hir- I\Iaje&ly to the s-aid University and inj same as of late time, before the violation of the college, amongst other t'hings or inllovation, for certen eJ!<ternal rites and wet'e bound to h I have been charged), th.ey han� and c llstomes to be rdeyned in certen ecclesiastical actions, for (wherewit T e r shalbe given. Or by publick au.thorityother o d prayers and ministration of sacraments; and with the maill/manu do; ulltil m plmish them mise to do my ulfermosl to and said College of ells I wia and pro suffrence of the Fellows and SGlwlars-of the S(J nquire, as shalbe appoil\ted ; and ifther dewi shal St John's, in the manifest hreaki'ng of bhe same;, do deny for according AB which things I do vohm­ t() expd t/um out 'fJf lIu m�'d h�se. mine olVn part, to have wrlfully, or of set pur-pose broken any will an� prGmise to do and perform, and like or injunction. But I do confess, that when in my tarily determine ordonance the premises, and directly make declaration of absence from the sard' colJege, d�verse, and the more part, of sincerely college, in the open immrdiateJy upon my return to the the company of the said college, had broken and changed certen In wilnes the whole company of the said college. ordonances and usages of coming into the chapel. on festival presence of c with my writleti aJ this, and subs ribed the same dayes, with their surpleses and hoodes, ac cording· to their whereof I have xiiii of December 1565. several degrees in scholes; and had also used some diversity own hand, the RI. LONGWORTH. and innovation in the manner of the administration of the Communion: I did therein, though not of any evil intent, suffer them to continue, without ether compelling (or reprehending) of , dewtie in most llumble wyse unto your good them (for 1 had not authority so to do) to returne to the ancient Mye bownden This present Tewsday at night, being the HSilge, commanded and established by the QlIenes I\hjesties honor remembred. e er, I made open declaration unto the whole laws and injullctions, or without complaining to any superior ,8 of Dec mb ' assembled ill oll r common ball, of all sllche magistrate, for the reformation thereof, as z n duty I flOW know company, being by your ' es as I was commandid and enioYlIed to doe 1 ought. And therifore I do llclwowledge my selfI I� that behalf the thing afore my rdorne very [ewe cold be more faulty. And being hereupon, after my answer made, honor. And whereas nform themselves uuto the Quenes Majesties cha,rged and straitly commanded, in her MaJesties. name, h1' t.he perswaded to co ea ring of ther surpleses, nOlVe I trust that, said Sir William. Cec),l, as Chancellor of lohe said UlIivel'.sity, and, iniunctions for w and serious exhortation, verye manye of one of her 1\1li1jesti.es Privy Council, to do my. dll'ty throwe myn advise for reformatioa, therunto. What is and shalbe done the have intelligence God of lhe foresaid! disorders, and to permit 1JOnt (neither Fellow nor them wyll be brought shall honor. Scholar) within the said College, either to. continue in the next festival! daye yoar f.ormer, offence of bFea.ch of the ordonances and, inj,u nctions, o� willing. maye still retain the common brede in the attempt any in.no)/ation con trary to the laws of the real me-, Whether we 1;0 will of the Sacraments, and whether your honor i.lljunctions of her 1\1aJesty, or the statutes or orders of the ministration the so often a.s I do preache in Ollr chappell, to Ulliversify, or the foresaid colJege: I do faithfully and volun­ permylt that e I may do hit without a sllrplesse, I d syre your tarily promise, that I will (wm henceforth, l'll almt'ne oWll,acil'ollS house only, to lett me un derstand. And I beseeche your honor pllbli'ck alld pr/vale, do my uttermost to observe and kepe, with i n Goodnes made a order that when any complayncts shalbe , the College and. Univer.si,ty, al statutes lo t ke such said manner of laws, and. There make my answere afore any thinge be done. ordonaIlces, \0 the which I ant by ally means bouncl, as I\Taster I maye that they will styli complayne, but by Goddes College, or G/aduale is great bragging c� that . ill Ihal UIlt'versz'ly, as other Masters me. they shall have no just cause to complayne of d Graduates have usually done since the visi grace an last talion of the­ ever direct Thus I commilt your Goodness to the Almightie who said U nivel'sity, in the first yer.e of the feign of tile Quenes. wa),es, this 18 December r SuS· Majesty. And furdnmore I will do my uttermost to compel YOllr Your honor's to commande, (cause ) a l manner of Fellowes (and) Scholars, alld Students, R. LONGWORTH. w.i.thin th. e said, college, to observe and kepe such ordonances,. 25 Nolts from the Cullege Records. 5 Colltge Records. 54 Notes from the of hyndrances, man ye kynde to our great chardges and wold be ever Addnssed: To the Right honorable and his especidl l good your honor to the Almightie who wayes. Thus I comll1itt J patron Sir William Cecill, Kni gh t, and c hief Secretary to the of Decemoer 565. dyrect your wares, this xxth , QU€:lles Majesty, give these. In hast. your hOllors to commande R. LONGWORTH. Elldorsed: J 8 December J 565. l\Ir Longworth, Master of 5t eciall good J ohn's, to my Master. honorable and his esp AdcZressed: To the Right etarie to the cell, Knight, chief Secr patron Syr William Cy s nes M ajestie, yeve the e. In most humble wise my bownden dewtie unto your honor Que t ] ohn's la my ngworth, the Master of S being remembred. I have eVer since my retorne done what I Endotsed: l\Ir. Lo cold by all kynde of perswasion to reforme all suche thinges as Master. were given me in commandmen t soe to doe. And this present d t ,x,xth of December, all the fdlowes that by him and his Thurs ay, being he Masters returne yt was Before and uppon the were at home, saving one or towe, who Ilave promised spede ly the feIlowes had that before your honor frendes bruted abroad to conforme themselves, came into the ch ap pell at eveni n g eyther of your never beller entertaYll ed the checke, and he prayers with ther surplesses and hoddes, according to their , or of my Lord of London. honor the c1ocke, severaIl degres. And al most all the schollers with ther Tuesdaie at twoe of Returneinge bome uppon surpTesses, and many of the pensioners in Iyke maller. i mmedyatly to me aie of December, he sellt being the xviif tl� d if herein I s huld have so tlnmdered, as was afore I the fdlowes and Howbeit and a paper wherein for the Statutes, keyes, e came home, and with all rigour and extremytie have threatened e furthe and cllmmyng theyre names goi ng schollers had wrytten the losse of ther lyvinges and all commodities therunto had 1I0t left with me the ontrary to the Statutes, home (ror he, c Mr belonging, with expulsion owle of the house and banisllInent avYllg thereby that purpose). And perce Register for that , owte of the universite, I shuld surely have done not oll ly noe y, being a p reacher ted olle Mr Dauben TwydalI had suostitu good, but verie moche harme. And al th ough I do aknowledge he sent after bim Mr Bohun the Deane, Senior for him, and myn owne unskyllfuIines and simpl i cite, yett herein having to leave Senior for him to returne and post haste and caused some consyderation of the nature of the wounde I have d (and contrary to yonger, the u nreforme him Mr Smythe, the ministred suche salve and soveraine medicyne as in verie oelle three yeres l f for that be had not the.
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