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Within that 60 days, a peti- Trustees said It was the protection the merits of adopting a charter City council recently declined a re- "We opposed it bec3use we'dldn't think perty taxes unless voters approved. tion of the township electorate can re- from annexation, not the availability of .ownshlp form of government, quest for extension of water service to the board should be allowed to levy five That authorization, acco~g to a quIre a public vote on the issue. The more tax revenue, that was motivating stimulated in part by what trustees Normac, Incorporated, in the township, mills without a vote of the people. But 1979opinion letter by the counsel to the petition must be signed by a number of their action. perceive as an aggressive stance by the advising that water could be supplied If we called the attorneys and found out Michigan Townships Association, ex- people equal to 10 percent of the total "I'know what's stimulating this, the city regarding annexation of properties Normac were annexed to the city. The the board can adopt a charter and still ists under the Headlee amendment only vote cast In the most recent election of a annexation or threat of annexation," along Baseline Road. refusal to provide water to Normac was not be allowed to Increase taxes without if voters adopt the charter - board ac- township supervisor. said trustee James Nowka. Discussion of changing Northville In part an impetus to Verner Bodker's a vote." tion is not sufficient to allow the five If no such petition Is filed, the board's "It's not a threat anymore." said Township from general law to charter recent petition to the state boundary InclUded in information supplied inillievy. second resolution makes the charter Heintz. "It's real." township status was a centerpiece of commission requesting that trustees was a copy of a legal opinion A charter township form of govern- township status official. Nowka asked If "there isn't any way the board of trustees' February 14 Parmenter's Northville Cider Mill be issued In 1979 stating that, due to the ment may be adopted by resolution of The township board voted to have Its we can settle this amicably with the ci- meeting. Charter townships have more annexed to the city (see related story). Headlee Amendment to the Michigan the board of trustees. An initial vote to attorney research the procedures and Continued on 9 Cider mill owner files petition for annexation By KEVIN WllSON the property immediately east of Bodker's, that water service could not Verner Bodker of Brighton, owner of be extended to that property unless Parmenter's Northville Cider MUl, has Normac petitioned for annexation. filed a petition with the state boundary City officials speculated Monday that commission seeking annexation of the Bodker's petition may have been pro- cider mill property to the city. mpted by the Normac discussion. Notification of the filing was received Bodker was not available for comment in city and township offices last week, before The Record went to press. v ::~ 'k\~~ and reviewed by the township board of Terrain (a ridge at Griswold and the ~. j trustees at Its February 14 monthly Rouge River) separates the Baseline meeting. property from the rest of the township, "This did not come as a surprise to making It impractical to extend sewer us," said supervisor Susan Heintz. and water service. When Normac "Mr. Bodker came to us because he sought water, city manager Steve needed sewer, and, of course, we Walters advised against providing it, couldn't provide it. In fairness to Mr. argulng that the property receives city Bodker, he does need access to a sewer. services "by default" and should peti- He's in the food'Ohandilngbusiness and tion for annexation. In that business, if your septic system Normac has not filed such a petition staris to go, you've got to have sewer." and, according to Heintz, says it does Bodker's property Is presently divid- not intend to do so unless a planned ed by the city-township boundary line, meeting '?etween Heintz and city Mayor with the building in the township and Paul Vernon falls to yield an agreement the parking lot in the city. The portion by which Normae: can remain in the within the township involved in the an- township while receiving water service nexation request totals 2.31 acres In from the city. ~*~: -;--..:<0.-,. area and runs from Baseline to Vernon saId Monday night he would ", Gri~wold. The portion in the city is a lit- be open to a compromise agreement tle larger and is bound by the township- that stops short of annexing Normac • city line on the east, the C&:Orailroad property to the city. The meeting bet- on the west, Baseline on the north and ween the two elected officials had not the Rouge River on the south. yet been scheduled at press time. The petition followed city action ad- , ' vising Normac Incorporated, owners of Continued on 6 Yes! to winter Northville resident Lois Godfrey is among those who welcome Lyon. The handsome sleigh that's shiny -black with red Annexation: snow. Last Monday she hitched her Morgan horse Ensign Bit-o- upholstery may be familiar to television watchers. Mrs. God- Northville vs. Spark (better known as "Critter") to her sleigh and took frey loaned it last year to the "Say Yes to Michigan! " promo- Eleanore Puzewicz, right front, Janel Edw'ards and her grand- tion, filmed in the Traverse area. She thinks the commercial Northville Twp. • son Glenn Godfrey for a ride in the countryside near South still is being shown. Record photo by Steve Fecht. Assurance sought on retirement village By KEVIN WllSON Ing for federal financing to subsidize market rates '" and the elderly portion cluding allowing eight-story buildings. construction of elderly housing, that may not deveiop?" convenience shopping visible from • Northville Elderly Development prompted concern by township of· "There is that possibility," Siegal Sheldon, and other minor alterations - Company evidently will have to ficials. acknOWledged. commissioners discussed alternatives reassure township officials that housing Siegal explalned that Northville He argued that the firm has a com- to the developers' proposed 50-50 spllt for elderly persons is indeed their Elderly Development Company has a mitment to the project as conceived, between market rate and elderly hous- primary business if it hopes to have a contract with the Wayne County EDC complete with elderly housing, and ing. zoning ordinance change approved. calling for construction to begin in 1985. would have a substantial investment in "I don't know that elderly could not Officials of the partnership, formed The only financing available for elderly sewer and road capacity that could not fill his market rate apartments," saId specifically for construction of the housing from the federal government Is be recouped unless the full project was commissioner Kitty Rhoades. "Why not Cavanagh Retirement VUlage on HUD section 202funds, he said, with ap- completed. allow market rate, but sUll have an age Sheldon between Five and Six Mile plications due in April and funding Allen, however, urged that the plan- limit of 62, or 55 or no children?" roads, presented their case for zoning awarded in the fall. ners consider restrictions tying con- Commission chairman Richard ordinance amendments to the planning "There's no question that the market- struction of market rate housing to Duwel said that, "As a policy-maker, I commission February 12. In the course rate apartments would start first," elderly housing. have to go with what the market will . of the discussion, commissioners came Siegal said. "That's because we can get "The change to allow non-dderly Is .0understand that If they fall to amend financing for those, and because of our okay," he said, "as long as there are Continued on 6 the ordinance as the developer wishes, '\ commitment to the Wayne County some restrictions on phasing. I don't the project will be dropped. ,EDC. If we get section 202 money, we want to see half a project out there." The crucial change would eltminate a might be able to get started on the He later proposed a phasing restric- restriction requiring that all housing oil elderly portion before the year Isout." tion calling for the deVelopment to pro- Building gets face-lift for spring the 101-acre site would be limited to Competition for section 202 funding, ceed with the same proportion between persons age 62 or over. Instead, the pro- he said, is highly competitive. Without • elderly and market rate housing as Both Williamsburg Inspirations and Shoppe and Four seasons. posed changes would allow up to SO per- either that financing or slmlJar would be the case overall (50-SO) within the second fl~r oj the !l..'1~~!!&,has the Cobblers Corner, at 102 and 104 East "He's familiar with the town and pe0- cent of the property to be developed in assistance through the Michigan State 15 percent at all times.
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