BLUMEA 38 (1993) 45-64 Distribution of seagrasses and associated macroalgae in South Sulawesi, Indonesia E. Verheij & P.L.A. Erftemeijer Summary Eleven found in South Indonesia. occurred in five differ- seagrass species were Sulawesi, Seagrasses coastal reef flats, ent habitats, i.e. intertidal terrigenous mudflats, shallow terrigenous sandy bays, of 35 reef flats of patch reefs, and sandy reef bases, from the intertidal to a maximum depth m. environ- Thalassia hemprichii and Enhalus acoroides were the dominant constant species of stable in climax uninervis and ments (permanently present vegetations). Cymodocea rotundata, Halodule of Halophilaovalis were the dominant pioneering species in the area. A considerable number (117) but 13 these found macroalgal taxa were found associated with seagrass vegetation, only of were biomass in the beds low exclusively in association with seagrasses. Macroalgal seagrass was usually 2 5 AFDW m- in stressed habitats contribute to 50% to the (< g ). However, macroalgae may up of and total biomass, notably during periods of occasional blooming. Species diversity seagrasses in habitats, which characterized sedi- associated macroalgae was much lower stressed are by heavy mentation,physical instability of the substratum, or high turbidity. Introduction of reefs der Seagrass communities are important components tropical (Van Land, the the 'reef' in the broad 1989; Nienhuis et al., 1989). In present paper we use term sense as suggested by Van der Land (1989: 233). We also include some of the hard and soft bottom communities, which are kept separate by Nienhuis et al. (1989: 197). often form in In reef systems, seagrasses an important element, occurring sandy en- and reef bases. also vironments on reef flats, along beaches, at They occur on tropical mudflats and other soft bottoms without coral growth. Theirimportance in stabilizing sediments, as feeding and nursery areas for many fish and crustacean species, and as substratum for many epiphytes, is generally recognized (Phillips, 1978; Fonseca & Fisher, 1986; Bell & Pollard, 1989; Borowitzka & Lethbridge, 1989). Seagrass beds the of & are amongst most productive submerged aquatic ecosystems (Zieman Wetzel, 1980). In the Indonesian Archipelago, little study has been carried out on seagrass com- munities. During the Snellius-II Expedition (1984-1985) the seagrass communities Nienhuis studied (Brouns, 1985; Lindeboom & Sandee, 1989; et al., 1989) were each only visited for relatively short periods and observations were largely restricted 1) Rijksherbarium/Hortus Botanicus, P.O. Box 9514, 2300 RA Leiden, The Netherlands. 2) Netherlands Institute ofEcology, Centre for Estuarine and Coastal Ecology, Vierstraat 28,4401 EA Yerseke, The Netherlands, and Catholic University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands. 46 BLUMEA Vol. 38, No. 1, 1993 to shallow water habitats. In long-term studies of seagrass communities in Papua New Guinea, Brouns & Heijs (1986: 405; 1992) distinguished four communities: 1) sheltered, muddy mid-eulittoral, 2) sheltered and exposed, non-muddy, mid-eulit- eulittoral and lower sublittoral. toral, 3) lower to upper sublittoral, 4) They also re- stricted theirobservations mainly to the shallow habitats. They concluded that the of communities determined associated macroalgae composition seagrass was mainly by the substratum characteristics, that the numberof characteristic associated macro- and that the contributionof associated in the total algae was very small, macroalgae biomass of seagrass communities was generally not higher than 5-10%, with an observed maximum of 55%. In the results of present paper, a long term study (October 1988-February 1992) of the distributionof seagrasses and associated macroalgae in South Sulawesi, Indo- nesia, are presented. Differences in community structures and physical environment are discussed. MATERIAL AND METHODS The present study was carried out in South Sulawesi (Indonesia) between October 1988 and February 1992 in the framework of the Buginesia programme (projects III and IV), a cooperative multidisciplinary research programme in marine science be- tween the Hasanuddin University (Ujung Pandang, Indonesia) and several Dutch universities and institutes. The study area is governed by a monsoon climate. The NW monsoon lasts from about Novemberto April and the SE monsoon from May to October. The NW monsoon brings heavy rainfall (approximately 3000 mm annually). Maximum tidal in 130 amplitude the area is cm. Surface water temperatures vary be- tween 26.5 and 32.5 °C. Data the distributionof associated on seagrasses and macroalgae were collected during repeated visits to the following locations: Barang Lompo (BL), Bone Tarn- bung (BT), Gusung (GU), Gusung Tallang (GT), Kapoposang (KP), Kudingareng Keke (KK), Kudingareng Lompo (KL), Lae Lae (LL), Langkai (LA), Lanyukang (LU), Palanro (PA), Samalona (SA), Tanjung Bira (BI) (Fig. 1). Seagrasses and associated macroalgae were studied in five different habitattypes: 1) intertidalterrigenous mudflats, 2) shallow terrigenous sandy bays, 3) coastalreef reef flats of and reef bases 10 flats, 4) patch reefs, 5) sandy (> m depth). Intertidal terrigenous mudflats (e.g. Gusung Tallang, Takalar, Tana Keke, and parts of Teluk Laikang), deposited by rivers, are characterized by soft muddy sedi- ments originating from the mainland. The water at these sites is usually very turbid. Shallow terrigenous sandy bays (e.g. Palanro, Barru, parts of Teluk Laikang) are dominated by terrigenous sands and limitedriver input, resulting in low turbidity. Coastal reef flats (e.g. Tanjung Bira, Selayar) are dominated by sandy carbonate sediments, and clear water. These reef flats range from the intertidal zone down to depths of approximately 5 m. Reef flats of patch reefs (e.g. Barang Lompo, Bone Tambung, Barang Caddi, Kudingareng Lompo, Samalona, Kudingareng Keke, Langkai, Lanyukang, Kapo- posang) have sandy carbonate sediments and clear water. This habitat is comparable thatof coastalreef but reefs be to flats, most patch appear to more susceptible to wave in Indonesia 47 E. Verheij & P.L.A. Erftemeijer: Distribution of seagrasses Sulawesi, text. Abbreviations: = Fig. 1. Map of the study area, showing the locations mentioned in the BA BC BI = BL = BT = Bone GT = Barru; = Barang Caddi; Tanjung Bira; Barang Lompo; Tambung; = Gusung Tallang;GU = Gusung; KK =Kudingareng Keke; KL Kudingareng Lompo; KP = Kapo- SE LL Lae LU PA = SA = = posang; LA = Langkai; = Lae; = Lanyukang; Palanro; Samalona; Selayar; TA = Takalar, TK =Tana Keke; TL = Teluk Laikang. of the substratum. Most of these activities and experience more physical instability intertidal 2 but the reef flats of reef flats range from the to c. m water depth, some islands (e. g. Kapoposang, Langkai) have parts which reach down to more than 5 m water depth. The sandy reef base, below which coral growth is largely absent, is characterized by considerable sedimentation.At most of the islands in the study area, reef base sedi- ments start accumulating at depths around 10 to 15 m, but at some nearshore islands (e. g. Gusung, Lae Lae) coral growth stops at a depth of approximately 5 m. Al- though usually overlain by a water column of low turbidity characteristic of reefen- vironments, the reef base normally receives less than 25% of the irradiance (PAR) measured just below the water surface (Erftemeijer, in press). Some additionaldata on seagrass distributionwere collected at Barang Caddi (BC), Barru (BA), Takalar (TA), Tana Keke (TK), Teluk Laikang (TL), and Selayar (SE), these localities. of but macroalgae were not studied at Representative specimens most collected and stored in a collection or a herbarium algae and seagrass taxa were wet collection. All collections are deposited in the Rijksherbarium, Leiden, The Nether- lands. Duplicates were sent to Herbarium Bogoriense, Bogor, Indonesia. For each locality, short descriptions were made of the habitat, including sediment type, turbid- 48 BLUMEA Vol. 38, No. 1, 1993 ity and water depth. Some approximate data were collected on the biomass of the data the totaldistributionand of seagrasses and macroalgae. Quantitative on coverage and and in in the macroalgae on physical biological parameters seagrass beds study area are presented elsewhere (Verheij, 1993a, b; Verheij & Prud'homme van Reine, 1993; Erftemeijer, in press). Occurrence of in different habitat in with Table 1. seagrass species types South Sulawesi, Indonesia, of in which found well in this detailson the range water depths they were (*** = developed habitat, few in widespread occurrence; * =poorly developed,only a observations, very limited cover/biomass). Macroalga Depth Intertidal Shallow Coastal Reef flats Sandy range terrigenous terrigenous reef of patch reef (m) mudflats sandy bays reefs base Hydrocharitaceae Enhalus acoroides 0—50-5 *** *»**** *** *** Halophila decipiens 5-35 »•»••• Halophila ovataovata 0-2 ** •* Halophila ovalis 0—300-30 ** **»»** *** *** *****» Thalassia hemprichiihemprichii 0-50—5 * *** »***** *****» Potamogetonaceae Cymodocea rotundata 0-5 ** ***»*» »»»••• *»**** Cymodocea serrulata 0-3 (20) •••»»» »* »* Halodule uninervis 0-200—20 *» *••»»* *»»*** •••*»» »* Halodule pinifolia 0-2 **»*** •••»»» »»*••• **»••• Syringodium isoetifolium 0—30-3 •*••** »»**** ***••• Thalassodendron cciliatumMalum 0-3 »*»*»* Table Overview data and six collected in 2. of phenological (flowering fruiting) of seagrass species the study area between October 1988 and February 1992.No observations offlowers, fruits or seeds were
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