Records of the Office of the Director: Faculty files: Box 17: Herzfeld, Ernst, 1937-1939 From the Shelby White and Leon Levy Archives Center, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ, USA. Records of the Office of the Director: Faculty files: Box 17: Herzfeld, Ernst, 1937-1939 From the Shelby White and Leon Levy Archives Center, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ, USA. Records of the Office of the Director: Faculty files: Box 17: Herzfeld, Ernst, 1937-1939 From the Shelby White and Leon Levy Archives Center, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ, USA. • • ..",....,'1. • 1 • to • • • • • • • • Records of the Office of the Director: Faculty files: Box 17: Herzfeld, Ernst, 1937-1939 From the Shelby White and Leon Levy Archives Center, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ, USA. Records of the Office of the Director: Faculty files: Box 17: Herzfeld, Ernst, 1937-1939 From the Shelby White and Leon Levy Archives Center, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ, USA. • .l J I .,. " RAHA 11', Records of the Office of the Director: Faculty files: Box 17: Herzfeld, Ernst, 1937-1939 From the Shelby White and Leon Levy Archives Center, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ, USA. , to • I alil.n:lIl1 , • , Records of the Office of the Director: Faculty files: Box 17: Herzfeld, Ernst, 1937-1939 From the Shelby White and Leon Levy Archives Center, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ, USA. Records of the Office of the Director: Faculty files: Box 17: Herzfeld, Ernst, 1937-1939 From the Shelby White and Leon Levy Archives Center, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ, USA. • t erzfeld Records of the Office of the Director: Faculty files: Box 17: Herzfeld, Ernst, 1937-1939 From the Shelby White and Leon Levy Archives Center, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ, USA. , Der • I fr eel 0 o r t1¥ to Q1.I8'T't'ilC • Enclosure - application from Samuel N. Kramer Insirah Sokak 72, Bebek, Istanbul, Turkey Novemter 10, 19~B Records of the Office of the Director: Faculty files: Box 17: Herzfeld, Ernst, 1937-1939 From the Shelby White and Leon Levy Archives Center, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ, USA. Records of the Office of the Director: Faculty files: Box 17: Herzfeld, Ernst, 1937-1939 From the Shelby White and Leon Levy Archives Center, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ, USA. PROFESSOR HERZF"BLD cUled on June 14, 1938, and asked me to read the correspondence between him and Professor Wilson of the Oriental Institute. He stated that they wished material which belonged to him. He wished me to read the draft of an answer. He said that it might be necessary to take legal action, and he wished us to be familiar with the situation. I there­ fore made copies of these letters that you may read them. E.S.B. Records of the Office of the Director: Faculty files: Box 17: Herzfeld, Ernst, 1937-1939 From the Shelby White and Leon Levy Archives Center,Copy Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ, USA. THE ORIEllT L lllSTITU7E The University of Chicago • Chicago, Illinois L:ay 13, 1933 ofessor Ernst ~erzfeld. 10 Bayard Lane, Prir.ceton, ,'ew Jersey. , dear Professor Herzfeld: ',Then I had the pleasure of the brief visit with you in February, we discussed the question of Persepolis plans and ou advised me that these plans were to be found in the expedition house at Persepolis. I enclose a list of plans as dra-.:n p by onald _cCown• • Schmidt emphasizes the fact that these plans are not needed directly for his publication, as they were made during your directorship and are therefore your publi­ cation prero ative. lie is interested in directing his own work with resFect to the work done under your re .ine and in integrating his exoavations with r~lation to your excava­ tions. ~e would therefore like photostats o~ the plans made b Ber~ner after you had left ?ersepolis and brought to ou by Ber nero .ould you be so good as to send these plans to the Oriental Institute so that e may have photo­ static copies made for the better control of our present and future work'? I.ith all good wishes, Sir.cerely yours, (Si"'ned) John • ~ilson J H Director Records of the Office of the Director: Faculty files: Box 17: Herzfeld, Ernst, 1937-1939 From the Shelby White and Leon Levy Archives Center, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ, USA. ,.rril I, 1938 PERSEPOLIS F BEFOP.E 1935 ST IU, AT PERSEPOLIS ( Inoomplete plan of PT, traoin~ cloth ( Original of Krefter's drawings for Harem restoration ( Prints It U II" II II ( otail dra~D£s of doors for Great 11 of ram ( trawing of Xerxes' oain sta~rcase with names of eoples ( in Iranian - cloth ( Plan of terrace showing erzfeld's excavations - tr oiog per ( Frints of s rv of?l' and Kuh i ahmat ( ,"encil plan of Harem shOlring walls of tt;o periods ( Blue print of plan of Xerxea > em ( orking draw_l1gs for P'J' survey ~levation, plan ar.d section of South side of Eadish terraoe Plan of Fratadara Blue print plan aqsh i Rustam Eight sheets penoil drawin.s rook out tombs S of Istakhr Plan, seotion and elevation of !huri Rustam - tr cing paper nfinished dra..in; of oolumn capital Penoil s'etchos - unfinished - ur i Rust~ Pen il sketches of roc· cut tombs • 0 sheets of capitals fram Istakhr -Ian of cut, .'orth rt of Istakhr Ian of ~sque treDcr., I takr.r Ink sketch plllI!, Istakhr ( T Flan sh .ng differ nt levels in color Frehist. ( Plan and section of exoavations ( Contour plan with excavations ( .lan sh in relation of prehistoric mounds to P'J' Records of the Office of the Director: Faculty files: Box 17: Herzfeld, Ernst, 1937-1939 From the Shelby White and Leon Levy Archives Center, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ, USA. (Draft) 117 dear Professor Wilson, Iou will reaeaber that I was not asked, when Dr. Schmidt was chosen bT the Oriental. Institute as ~ successor at Persepolis. Since that tiae, I never have heard about the work going on there. When the Oriental Institute, a ,.ear ago, wrote 116 ~bout their projected publications, I answered, ~ explaining Jq news regarding such a publication, believing that such an answer was wanted. I would not have done so, if I had taken the letter for what it apparentl:,y was: a mere inf'or.ation. 117 -.arione points were not only not accept$d, but even not discussed. It is therefore not ~ fault, if, since j&IlIl8.I'y 1935, w:r relations to Persepolis have been severed. But that is a fact, and cannot be repaired. Once I got a report on Persepolls through the Pennsylvania IIuseUlllj the text was of no account, the onl]" thing and which aight have been at interest, plans and photos were not inclosed, an oJd:lslon perhaps not intentional. Then, shortly after your nsit, I had a short letter f'roIa Dr. Schmidt, spealdng of a certain difficulty, with regard to publication, caused br the tact that he did not know exactly what I had done. I answered that ~ situation was very IlUCh the saas. I did not add that, while he can see ~ work, I cannot see his. Another.aiD cause for his not knowing was his disJdssal, without asking JIIe, at Bergnsr and v. Busse• • Whether Dr. Schmidt considers ~ reaction to the WAnner the active affairs have been conducted is quite natural: certain work as ~ publication prerogati and what he intends to publish or not, does not interest ae any longer. I consider I1IY work at Persepolis as a closed chapter, which I do not like to remember. Neither in your present nor fonner letters can I find anything that would make it possible tor me to reopen that chapter. Records of the Office of the Director: Faculty files: Box 17: Herzfeld, Ernst, 1937-1939 From the Shelby White and Leon Levy Archives Center,Copy Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ, USA. TIlE ORIEllTAL I TITUTE The University of Chicago Chicago, Illinois May 19, 1938 Professor _rnst Her~feld, School of Humanistio Studies, The Institute for vanced study, Princeton, ~. ew Jersey. ~ dear Professor 'er~feld: Your letter of ~y 16 is so sweeping in its general disap­ proval as to constitute a categorical ultimatum. You state that it is a fact that your relations to Persepolis have been cut off and that that fact oannot be repaired. You state further ~~at there is nothing in letters which makes it possible for you to reopen the chapter of your work at Fersepolis. Chatever disagreements and misunderstandings may lie between us, we should have a basis for agreement in this one fact: The very important work which you did at Persepolis should be pub­ lished. If we can concentrate on that one fact to the exclusion of disappointments and disagreements, we should have a basis for oooperation. This is your work, and you should have the ri ht to control the publication of your work. It is also the work of the Oriental Institute, and the Institute has a definite responsibility for SOl:le type of pUblioation. I therefore ask again: ;fAy we not work together for such publication? If the Persepolis chapter is actually closed for you and you have no desire to reopen that door, we shall simply have to work over the material and make SOI:le type of announcement to the best of our ability. For the fulfillment of that scientific obligation we need the nateria1s gathered during the Oriental Institute's activity at ~ersepo1is.
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