ISSN 0002-9920 Notices of the American Mathematical Society of the American Mathematical Society October 2010 Volume 57, Number 9 Topological Methods What if Newton saw an apple as just an apple? for Nonlinear Oscillations page 1080 Tilings, Scaling Functions, and a Markov Process page 1094 Reminiscences of Grothendieck and His School page 1106 Speaking with the Would we have his laws of gravity? That’s the power Natives: Refl ections of seeing things in different ways. When it comes to on Mathematical TI technology, look beyond graphing calculators. Communication ™ ® Think TI-Nspire Computer Software for PC or Mac . page 1121 » Software that’s easy to use. Explore higher order mathematics and dynamically connected represen- Volume 57, Number 9, Pages 1073–1240, October 2010 New Orleans Meeting tations on a highly intuitive, full-color user interface. page 1192 » Software that’s easy to keep updated. 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Notices of the American Mathematical Society October 2010 Communications 1106 1129 1116 Alice Turner Schafer (1915– 2009): Remembrances Georgia Benkart, Bhama Srinivasan, Mary Gray, Ellen Maycock, Linda Rothschild, edited by Anne Leggett 1125 WHAT IS... a Linear Algebraic Group? 1094 1116 Skip Garibaldi 1127 Doceamus: The Doctor Is In Robert Borrelli Features 1132 Meta-Morphism: From The feature articles this month exhibit the dynamic and Graduate Student to diversity of modern mathematics. The article by Chris Byrnes Networked Mathematician considers applications of modern topology to questions of Andrew Schultz physics. The article by Dick Gundy shows how wavelets can 1137 Lovász Receives Kyoto Prize be used to understand probability theory. And the article by Jerry Folland considers questions of communication that will resonate with us all. The interview with Luc Illusie about Commentary Alexander Grothendieck will give us all pause for thought. 1079 Opinion: Agenda for a —Steven G. Krantz Mathematical Renaissance Editor Teodora-Liliana Ra˘dulescu and Vicen¸tiu Ra˘dulescu 1080 Topological Methods for Nonlinear 1129 The Cult of Statistical Oscillations Significance— A Book Review Christopher I. Byrnes Reviewed by Olle Häggström 1094 Tilings, Scaling Functions, and a Markov Process Richard F. Gundy 1106 Reminiscences of Grothendieck and His School Luc Illusie, with Alexander Beilinson, Spencer Bloch, Vladimir Drinfeld, et al. 1121 Speaking with the Natives: Reflections on Mathematical Communication Gerald B. Folland Notices Departments of the American Mathematical Society About the Cover .
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