--~ - ~------------------------------------------------------------------------.. --~--------~----~--------~~~----~----------~ VOL. XXIII NO. 2 TUESDAY, AUGUST 29, 1989 THE INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER SERVING NOTRE DAME AND SAINT MARY'S --':. Outbreak feared Measles revaccination advised By SARA MARLEY University Health Services at Senior Staff Reporter the University of Notre Dame. Chicago authorities began a door-to-door immunization Fears that a measles out­ project after deaths from the break similar to those in disease in the past several Chicago and Lake County in weeks. northwestern Indiana have Nearly 10 percent of the health officials urging students freshman class of 1988-89 to ensure they are protected came from Illinois, the highest adequately. number from any state. St. Joseph County Health Statistics are not yet available Officer Dr. George Plain for this freshman class. advises revaccination for Eight percent of the freshmen anyone who received the shot in 1988 came from Indiana, before his first birthday. which ranked second. Both "Immunizations done before states traditionally rank the first birthday have no last­ among the top five home states ing effect. The immune system of Notre Dame students. is too poorly developed to re­ spond to the vaccination," Plain Saint Mary's College sent a said. letter to all students after The Observer/E.G. Bailey "It is a real concern with epi­ classes ended last spring urg­ New Beginnings demic areas closer to us. There ing them to check on their vac­ have been epidemic areas for cination status before return­ O~er 1800 men and women of the Class of 1993 arrived on the Notre Dame and Saint Mary's campuses several years, but this time it is ing to school, according to th1s past weekend. Cavanaugh Hall freshman Tyler Moore, left, is assisted in checking in by juniors much closer to home," said Mike Larson and Mike Clark. · Carol Seager, director of see SHOTS I page 4 Malloy helps plan for a Notre Dame in Australia By JOHN O'BRIEN the new university. Higher Education," which was and technology are ap­ congregation hopes to consider Senior Staff Reporter According to Roland Smith, first proposed in 1985 by the proached." a fmal draft of the document in While many students used the executive assistant to the pres­ Vatican Congregation for Malloy's review of the April October. past summer to vacation and to ident, Malloy and O'Meara are Catholic Education. meeting of the congress ap• The congregation will then prepare for college, University serving on the new university's In May, Malloy was elected as peared in the June 10 issue of present the document to Pope President Father Edward planning board and Beauchamp one of three North American the Catholic weekly, America. In John Paul II, who is ultimately Malloy spent much of the sum­ is serving as a consultant. members of a 15-member the review, Malloy wrote that expected to issue the document mer attending to important "They are planning to have commission created by a world he expected the new draft to be as an "apostolic constitution", matters. the university established by congress of Catholic educators. substantially changed as a re­ a form of papal lawmaking. Besides addressing com­ 1992, but I'm not sure how re­ The commission was created in sult of the April meeting. On August 24, Malloy was mencement ceremonies at vari­ alistic that is," Smith said. order to assist in revising the Among those recommenda­ named to yet another commit­ ous institutions and speaking "The timetable is the key ques­ document. tions were proposals that the tee as Indiana Governor Evan with alumni, Malloy also con­ tion," he added. document be more "positive, in­ Bayh chose him to serve on the tinued work on revising a When established, the According to Malloy, the doc­ spirational and future-ori­ steering committee of the Vatican document and planning University of Notre Dame­ ument is "supposed to address ented," and that the "full au­ Governor's Committee for a the University of Notre Dame­ Australia will become the question of the role of tonomy" and "freedom of re­ Drug Free· Indiana. Australia. Australia's first private univer­ Catholic higher education, the search and teaching" of Elkhart, Ind. Mayor James Malloy, along with University sity, a fact which is causing lo­ relationship between the insti­ Catholic universities be clearly Perron and 12 others will join Provost Timothy O'Meara and cal problems in Australia, tutions and the local bishop affirmed. Malloy in determining how the Executive Vice-President Smith said. and national groups of bishops, Malloy will now review the commission will function. William Beauchamp, travelled In late June, Malloy received the role of various component new draft and then return to The beginning of the summer to Australia from June 27 to the fourth draft of the docu­ parts like the theology depart­ Rome in September to meet July 16 to continue planning of ment, "The Schema on Catholic ment, or the way that science with the congregation. The see MALLOY I page 7 New provost and faculty ND sophomore dies in accident positions announced at ND By MICHELLE DALL to walk to a nearby farm who visited him in the hospi­ Senior Staff Reporter house for assistance. tal. "When I got to the hos­ By SARA MARLEY Advanced Studies. He replaces Saunders was transported pital," Roach said, "the Senior Staff Reporter Robert Gordon, who retired by ambulance to the doctors had Steve listening Summer brought a new asso­ last spring. Stephen B. Saunders, a Intensive Care Unit at to the Notre Dame Glee ciate provost to the University Appointed to endowed chairs sophomore-to-be at Notre University Hospitals in Iowa Club's 'Shake Down the of Notre Dame as well as sev­ were: William Gray, Massman Dame, died on July 25 from City, approximately 70 miles Thunder' tape on a headset; eral faculty promotions and professor of civil engineering; injuries sustained in a from the scene of the acci­ they were trying to stimulate four appointments to endowed Ruey-wen Liu, Frank Freimann single-vehicle automobile dent. his brain. We all thought he chairs. professor of electrical and accident one week earlier. was going to pull through; Eileen Kolman assumed the computer engineering; Thomas Saunders, 19, was a resi­ we were joking around, position in the provost's office Mueller, Roth-Gibson professor dent of Fort Madison, Iowa. telling him about the Cubs." vacated by Sister John Miriam of aerospace engineering; and He was driving through the Soon after the accident, Jones, who returned to her re­ Arvind Varma, Arthur J. rain on a winding, asphalt ·however, x-rays indicated ligious community as spiritual Schmitt professor of chemical road four miles north of the stem of Saunders' brain director. engineering. Fort Madison in the early had received "tremendous Kolman was associate aca­ Richard Jensen was promoted morning hours of July 18 damage," according to demic dean and coordinator of to professor of biology at when his car skidded off the Father Thomas King, rector institutional planning at the Saint Mary's College. unmarked pavement. of Zahm Hall, where College of Mount St. Joseph, Dennis Moore, formerly as­ The vehicle cartwheeled Saunders resided at Notre Cincinnati, before coming to the sistant director of the Office of several times, and both Dame. Saunders died a University on August 1. Public Relations and Saunders and his passenger, week later after being Jennifer Warlick, associate Information, has been named a high school classmate, pronounced brain dead. professor of economics, was associated director of the same were thrown from the car. "Steve Saunders was just a named associate dean of the office. Neither was wearing a seat wonderful. wonderful kid," Stephen saunders College of Arts and Letters. Newly named full professors belt. said King. He was a Dean Michael Loux of the at Notre Dame, previously as­ Saunders received massive Reports of Saunders' con­ tremendous student and al­ College of Arts and Letters has sociate professors, are: Panos head injuries upon impact. dition were initially opti· ways available to pitch in returned from his leave. Antsaklis, electrical and com­ The passenger escaped seri­ mistic, according to Notre and help out around the Nathan' Hatch, formerly acting puter engineering; Joseph ous injury, suffering only a Dame sophomore Shannon dean of Arts and Letters, has sprained ankle, and was able Roach, a friend of Saunders see SAUNDERS I page 7 taken over as Vice President of see FACULTY I page 6 --..·-------------------~-------~--~-~-- Tuesday, August 29, 1989 page 2 The Observer WORLD BRIEFS At beginning or end, ND is The peace conference on Cambodia began its final session Monday in Paris with less than three days to resolve deep­ seated differences that have frustrated nearly a month of negotia­ a worthwhile experience tions. French Foreign Minister Roland Dumas opened the session and urged the 19 national delegations to accept compromise in the­ ·cather ye rosebuds while ye may. " live major areas of disagreement. The first conference of all par­ This year is the beginning of the end for every ties involved in Cambodia had raised hopes when it began in late student at Notre Dame and Saint Mary's. Eight ~fter graduation, life July, with all 19 foreign ministers attending and the chairmanship and a half months from now. freshmen will have won't be as nice as it shared by France and Indonesia. On Monday . however, Eduard moved up and seniors wilfhave moved on. was under the Shevardnadze and Qian Quichen, foreign ministers of the Soviet It's funny that college students spend more Union and China, were absent because of lack of progress at the time outside class than in it.
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