THE WESTFIELD LEADER THE LEADING AND MOST WIDELY CIRCULATED WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN UNION COUNTY EVENTH YEAR—No. 38 Entered as Second Class Matter Published Post Office, WesttleM, N, J. WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, MAY 1, 1947 Every Thursday. Thirty Page>—S Cent* Attend Week Festivities Planned Ex-Westfielder Joins Westfield Church fal Services By Oiurches And Organizations Describes Texas Buys E. Broad St. Land; r. Neubauer Musical Club Offers Church Music To City Disaster Describes New Project Program Wednesday Begin Observance far-OitfWHS Bert C. Hallenbeck •pal Died Sunday The May meeting of tha Weat- Special programs in many West- Town Considering Philips Lone j field Musical Club will be held in field churches will usher in the lo- Unharmed Though lart Attack Woodrow Wilson School Wednes- cal observance of National Music Thrown By Blast day at 8:30 p. m. The program, Week Sunday, it was announced Purchase Of CNJ Dissenter In : attended funeral serv- given in celebration of National yesterday by Mrs. E, 13. Mayo, in "The. conditions hevi! are hide held in the Presbyterian Music Week, will be open to thecharge of church activities for the Bcril'i'lile," Bert (.'. Hulienbock, ui public. South Ave. Strip l^sterday afternoon for local Music Week Committee. former resident of Westfield, do-] Council Vote N. Neubauer, 67, prin- Mrs. P. S. Parker, chairman, Dedicated to the event, the sanc- clared in telling: of the Texas City | Senior High School, has announced the following selec- tuary choir of the Methodist disaster which rocked the gulf' Fears Sale To New Bailey Hopes Future jsuddenly Sunday morn- tions ; Church will sing1 "Built on a Rock," town Apr. lfi. Mr. llallenbeck,; Eeart attack in his home, Owner May Create Council Will Use Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2, arranged by F, Melius'Christian- who lived here while he was assist- |igh park, Although suf- Liszt-Kfeinmichel; Artists Life sen, with Kenneth Mori is as fcari- ant cashier in the National City Commuters' Problem Site For Town Hall 111 a heart condition for Valse, Slraiis:-Cliassin.i, Celinda tone soloist. This anthem will be Bank of New York, retired from , Dr. Neubauer had been Ferguson, Ethel Tucker, duo pian- a feature of the morning worship business approximately live years Acting on suggestions that con- Purchnac of property at 4S5 •ry out his duties and on istsist . service. BKO unit movi'tl to Texas. He ia' templated projects be given pub- East Broad street, adjacent to Min- fhitd attended the East- now judge of the Corporation Court Voi Onn Wednesday, the crusader licity prior to initiating of action dowaskin Park ut a cost of $25,- Education Conference eha sapete fron Marriage Wednesday, the crusader in Texas City. of Figaro," Mozart; Air du Ros-!cno'1' of tne church, under the di- by the Town Council, Mayor Chan. 500, was I'.pprovud by the Town the High School choir HKV. .MISDl'M I.. MtCOIIIHOX siirnol, Saint-Saem; Ouvretes veuxi '"ction of Muriel M. Alford, will In a letter written Friday, Mr. P. liftiley announced Monday night Council at its meeting Monday bleus, Massenet; Had Scene (from sing a grougp of four numbers at llallenboek said, "Official count this Hint the council was considering night, following a second lengthy the purchase of railroad property of students, faculty Lucia), Donizetti, Hetty Kittleson, thhe FamilFl y ChurcChh Nighih t in ththe mornini g of deaddd is 040—14M0O tin it hearing, adjourned Irom tha Apr, [and friends, filled the RJHSPTATo J coloratura soprano, Mary Esther chapel. The crusader choir is com do'ntifieil, The gym in the high Rev. McCorison 'on South avenue and that uction 14 meeting, r 3 rom school has boon used as the morgue. | would probably be taken in the • the service:;, which were Clifford, flute obligatto,' Dorothy j P B'B ' ' the fourth, With three councilmon absent, This morning? nil bodies were 're- near future. the vote wus five to one in favor [" by Rev. Robert M. Skin- Elect Officers Davids, accompanist, fifth and sixth graded s of the pub- moved to Camp Wallace, about 12! The mayor explained that the of the proposition. C. Alan Phil- ools were closed all day Fantitsie Oinpioinptu, Mazurka lic schools. The songs are entitled miles out. of Texas City. There! railroad was disposing of mor.t of lips, councilman of the Fourth —A min., Valse C sharp min., by "My Heart Ever Faithful" by JJoh- are over 2000 injured. Some will' its property not needed by it and Ward, cast the dissentlhg vote. In |ial service in Dr. Neu- 6th Grade Parents Chopin, Ella Mills, pianist. ann Sebastian Bach; "Jesua, Blest Redeemer" by Edvard Grieg1; "If not recover. that tho strip of lund running 88G favor were Kcturn J. Melga, Frank jiemory was held in the Guests At Meeting The Soldiers Bride, Floods of With All Your Hearts," by Men- "1 bad just opened court about] feet between the railroad tracks H, lietz, Conrad B. Lewis, Rudolph hool Tuesday afternoon, Spring, Rachmaninoff; Springtide, delssohn, and "For My Mother" by 0:05 last Wednesday morning ami und South avenue, was among Ij. Tanner and llayor Charles P. jetehnm, un alumnus of All parents of sixth grade chil-j Grieg; No Me Ifefuso Pas (from New Congregational I Albeit Hay Malotte, at !):ll! came the explosion. 1 uasj those offered for sale. The price Uailey. Mr. Phillips told the Lead- of ifiHIl and a member of drcn arc invited as special guests | "HiTodiade"), Massenet, Evelyn j At the Baptist Church, the Mu-swept oir the bench headlong into | Minister Expected was said to be about $25,000. It er Ihut he voted no because the of Education, spoke on for the year's concluding meeting ' Bonnclt, memo-soprano, Gladys j $ic Week observance will include the door of my ollieo. After two| is presently used by commuters as town is not financially able to con- he alumni and the board. of the Junior High School Parent- j Coraby Could, accompanist. To Arrive Aug. 1 a parking urea, struct a new buildinr; ot once and A. Philhowcr, supervis- . ... ,....„.„..,an organ. prelud,,.^ e„ b»,y, Bach„„!...,, "ComeV.UIMV,, explosions I lookelooked up anamdi alal 1 j Teacher's Association at the Uoo- "The council feels, that should that buying property and not using of Westfield schools, Concerto (Modcrato Assai), by j Sweet Death"; the bass solo, "Lord could see was dust anil .smoke Rev. Joseph Lyle MeCorison Jr., sevclt Auditorium, Wednesday aft- this property bo sold to outside in- it, decreases tax ratables. Ho said jefly. Jean Barnett spoke Iuihcnstom, Edna Schnefcr, piiin-1 God of Abraham," from Mcndcls-! Vila absolutely unharmed. lias accepted u call as pastor of ernoon, at 1:30 o'clock, according ist1st, Dorothy DavidDavids (secon(d d piai-i terests, it could no longer be used j he was not opposed to locating a Kohn's "Elijah"; anthem, "Surely the First Congregational Church ituilents and W. E. John- to Mrs. W. M. Clark, president.- no), "I'lio County Court of (lalvis- as a parking area, creating uddi- new building on the site In qucs* He Until Home Our Griefs" (Lot- tmi is taking care of my work and of Wcstficld. Ilov. McCorison, who for the faculty. This reception of parents of in- tional problems for our conmtut-1 tion. li) nnd the posUudc, "Here Yet I am busy with the mayor, the is expected to assume tho pustoi'- |harlolte Engel, a gradu- coming Junior High School stu- crs," the mayor said. Ho explained Awhile" from the St. Matthew Pas- comiuionois, the coroner and 'whonte here Aug. 1, will succeed Rev. Objections were not ns spirited t ; class of 1940, sang "The ilenta will include n tour of the that as a matter of protecting the sion by Bach. The choir director not.' Don Ivan Patch, who has filled the as at the previous hearing, moat |y." The Westfield High building to acquaint them with the interests of the town ut leiri'.e, it of those Bpciilting, declaring that and soloist will be James Berry! ".My npnrlmcnt, being of slticco,' pulpit since IWay, 11*27. Rev. Patch |hoir sang "The Lord's locale of their children's next year's was frit that the town should make they were not so much opposed to and the organist, Merilyn Fen- j was very little damaged. All will- imiiounced bis intention to resign and David Downs read school work. the purchase. the plan as to haviiiR1 the town ac- wick. | (lows lire out nnd parts of veiieliun j e'l the completion of !>0 years of [Scriptures. Junior High School girls will The customary procedure will be 'quire additional property when it The Presbyterian Church pro-] blinds are all over the place. service in tho Westfield church Neubauer and her datigh- give a demonstration of their work for tho council to introduce an or- j has not disposed of lots it now I gram in honor of Music Week will j idep in my oliice on an army cot. lust December. [ Louise Neubauer, uttend- in the physical education depart- y I dinanrc authorizing the purchase j owns. Model Railroad Display | include the InfUumitus from Ros- "Conditions arc uxpecU-d to iin-! Hcv. MeCorisoii attended North- fervices. Members of the ment as the featured program of and setting a date, usually two Prior to the general discussion, sini's "Sntabat Muter" and a sc- prove shortlhl y andd the people aroi lland Oollcgi' for three years bc- f the High School served the uftcruoon. Close May 11 wonks later, for n public hearing, Mayor lluilcy explained that while I.ecoming n little? more composed, j fore transferring; to Kipim, Wis., of honor for Dr.
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