1 A AVCBAOB DAILY OIB01TLATION THB VnCATHEB iur the Meath et Oetober, 19S8 Foeoeeat e( D. B. Weather Wmmm Haitfwe 6,201 w e< the Aadit burning Ifrralb Fair ead eoMer today, Thoredsy ef Obeelettaae fair and sliglttly weimer. MANCHESTER — A CITY OF VILLAGE CHARM VOL. LVnL, NO. 84 (t.2eMined Advertislqg on Page 14) MANCHESTER, CONN„ WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1938 (SIXTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS BALDWIN ELECTED GOVERNOR UROKS ADMITS DF.FEAT , AFTER ROCKVILLE LOSS* GOP.ViaORIES It «'ze not until the vote caat in the town of Vernon was tabu- JASPER WINS VICTORY REPUBUCANS CAPTURE lated after 3 o'clock thla moni- HIT NEW DEAL ing that Governor O om admit- ted defeat. IN 12 STATES Had RockvlUe given Governor HERE AS LOCAL G O P Croea the same number of votes CONN. ADMINISTRATION that he received in 1B36 he would Democrats Solfer First Ma- still have had a chance to win, but Jasper McLevy cut In too jor Election Reverse Since SMASHES DEMOS 2-1 heavUy and he loot. | IN CLOSE 3 -W AY RACE --------------------------41 * Roosevelt Chosen Presi*! ^ owing ^ r i s b g Strength | ] BILLS APPROVED BY MANCHESTER VOTERS Republican Becomes State Head I Baldwm Shatters Hopes Of dent Six Years Ai (MeUi/ Wrest* Lead Of ^ Cross For Fifth Conseoh By ASSOCIATED PRESS 173 Over Bdldwin, Cross The Republtean party hit the I tive Term; Danaher Onsts comeback trail of political power today by upsetting Democratic re- Trails, Cheney, Thornton I Lonergan From Senatori- gimes In a dozen strategic states, among them Pennsylvania. Winners Whiletdther Re- I a] Sea^ Four Congresskm- Y- It delivered to the New Deal the first major election reverse since inihfa'ians Gain EasHy Franklin Roosevelt waa chosen al Districts Retam To president six years ago. The Demo- crats. nevertheless, retained control Over Democratic TickeL of Congress and more than half the Rejmrenated Party Fold. governorships. Along the Atlantic seaboard. In Mancheater will not soon forget the midwest and on to the Pacific New Haven, Nov. $— (AP) —fU- ita 1638 state election, packed with coast one Democratic administration after another toppled before the tide puldlcans haltod a successioB of surprise, highly gratifying to the of votes. Democratic victories with a show large Republican majority in the About a dozen rep\iblicans con- town, debated technically by Demo- of strength which restored to Ihem tested sucressfully for governor- today control of Connecticut’s major crats, who see in the record vote an ships now held by Democrats. Right indication of new strength even political offices, including the United Republican aspirants won Demo- Statea senatorahlp and the gnber- though they loet badly, but most of cratic scats In the senate. aU, Manchester will not forget the natoiial chair they loet In 1630 to 50 House Seats Switched Gov. WUbur L. croea vote given to Jasper M cL e^ who As returns continued to come In, led botti of hlB opponents in the Raymond E. Baldwin obatteted more than 50 house seats switched the Democratic governor’s hopes gubernatorial race by 178 net votes. from the Democratic to the Repub- WILLIAM g. SHEA, of a fifth conaecuUve vletoiy in a From the start, Croos and his ticket WILLIAM C. CHENEY. WILLIAM 1. THORNTON. lican side. cloee three-oomered race largely didn’t have a chance in town, but no State Seoator Representative Repreeentatlvo In the two biggest state electlona determined, on the basia a t un5 - one suspected that McLevy would —New York and Pennsylvania—the fldal retuma from yeaterdajr'a elee- run away from Baldwin, the Repub- major parties split even. tlon, by unprecedented gnlna in Hean nominee. Gov. Herbert H. Lehman, New normally Demoeratlo dUes ms/U by Wiohful McLevy aupporters bad RESULT RAISES G. 0 . P. York Democrat, won re-election the Soclallsta nominee, MnyOr Jaa- ven him a chance to take from 500 GAINS INDICATE over Thomas E. Dewey after excit- per McLevy o f Bridgeport. S 1,000 votes bere^ As it turned ing hours of vote-counting In which The eeat in the United States out, Jasper got 3,336, Baldwin firat one and then the other pulled senate held by Augustine Lonergan, 3,163, and Croos 3,430. HOPES OF 1940 VICTORY ahead. Democrat, went to $9-y«ar-old M m NEXT CONGRESS Manchester elected two RepobU- Senator Robert F. Wagner (D.. A. Danaher. eans to the General -AssefiiMy, WU- ,N. Y.), a staunch Roosevelt support- Omla C M g r a v 8 v i t i 11am C. Cheney getting 4,680 to Ed- TO S K HGHTS "ar, alM outdistanced hla Republican -ItdpubUeana whoee aurga bach to wmrd J. Murphy’s 2,745, and WlUtam Gains In "Enemy Cmmtry’’ WOMEN SOLONS rival and Rep. James M. Mead (D.) power followed by two jrean a J. Thornton leading Jay E. Rublnow was chosen to fill the seat made stunning i00,000Tvoto deftot In Om 4.600 to 3,700. Running for the state vacant by the death of Senator Rooeevelt landsUda nlso wnatod Seen As Win Over New Roya) S. Copeland. from Demoeratlo control four a t senate, William J. Shea drew 4,717 New Repnbfican Seats To In hla home toa-n, against Thresher, MAY BE FEWER In nearby Pennsylvania, Just R.AYMOND E. BALDWIN the Connecticut’s six seats la tbe his Democratic rival who netted Deal; Bet Election May about the reverse occurred. Gov. national Houae o f Repreeentatlvea 2.447. Give Strength To Coafition George H. Earle, who gave the state and made heavy galne in the state a "little New Deal,’* failed In bis ieglslmture. William 8. Hyde, endorsed by Democrats, as well as by his own Force Third Term Fight effort to unseat Republican Senator With returns virtually ooamlata. Despite Fact There WiO Be Opposing Many Recom- James J. ("Puddler Jim") Davis. party of which he is town chair- WORLD PROBLEMS FACE the unofficial tabulation g a v e B M - man, drew 3.661 Democratic v o t v Arthut- H. James, who campaign- jr*®- • Plttmllty o f leas ed on a promise to undo most of and 4J130 RcpubUcan votes, giving By W. B. RAGSDALE Two Female Senators mendations Of Roosevelt. than 3,000 votes over the 76-jrtnr- him a total of 7,161 (or Judge of what Earle has done, was elected ®*<!,,S‘rir«mor, whoee entrance into Probate In this district. Washington, Nov. 6.-.-(AP)—The governor. His Democratic oppon- poIlUca In 1880 after retiring aa Losses Expected In House ent was Cffiarlea Alvin Jones. MEMBERS OF CONGRESS Dean of the Tale graduate sebo# Outside of the local candidates. Republicans counted their winnings Washington. Nov. 9.— (A P )_Re- South Remains Solid set Democrate on the victory rnardi In the state ticket at large, Man- today with a wishful eye toward Only In the "solid south" did chester gave the Republican ticket publlcsn gains in Senate and Houae stuped by yeaterday's election. about 3 to 1 support. 1640. Washington, Nov. 6— (AP) —The Democratic lines remain intact. Of 169 towna In the sUte, 197 fumlahed a atrong Indication today Across the middle and northern sec' Newly Elected Body Most gave Baldwin 237372 votm An oil time off year high voter For the first time since 1828 they nation's women lawmakers proba- of atiffer oppoaitlon to admlnlatra- tions of the country the RepubUcans turnout was recorded at yesterday's Gross 235318. had found pay dirt in the election bly will be leas numerous in the next tlon proposals during the next Con- counted governorships in these LA T E NEWS MoLmry PoUa 198368 Ve*M election, this being one of the In- Congress is a result of yesterday's states which, at least for the I Decide Qnestion Of Hige terest points In itself. Of the ep- booths of the nation. It was not gress. McLevy, who in dx previous bkla elections—despite the fact that for two years, the Democrats had rul- proxlmately 11.600 registered vot- enough to give them control of na- Although insufficient to overturn ed; for the governorship waa unable to ers In Mandieetef, 8,821 voted yes- tional affairs. Still, it was more than the next two months there will be the Democratic majorities In both FLASHES! Armament, Changes Or Colorado. 0>nnectlcut, Idaho, lOoatlaa terday, only 386 less than etarted the Democrats had figured they not one, but two, women senators. chambers, the additional Republic Kansas, Massachusetts. Oregon, Taca Twa,) the local Democratic landslide in would gain. The only woman senator last an seats will give new atrength to Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Mlchl Repeal Of Nentrality Laws 1688. the ooallUon of RepubUcans and CARDINAL IN “CUSTODY" They piled the new winnings session, Mrs. Hattie Caraway, Ark- gan, ()hlo and Wyoming. Following are the local returns: against the thin electoral backloge ansas Democrat, won reelecUon anti-Roosevelt Democrats which They also captured the Wiscon' Vattean a t y , Nov, 9,— (AP) — fJovemor of Maine and Vermont and kindled easily. Hrt real battle waa fought fought many of the White House sin administration from <3or. PhlUp Theodore Cardinal Inaftser, arch- Baldwin (R) ............................. 8,163 Washington, Nov. 9— (A P )—In- GOVERNOR SENDS them Into a new glow of hope. weeks ago in the primaries. recommendations in the last two F. LaFoIIette, head of the Progres- Msbop of Vienna, was described to- Cross (D) ...................................2,420 Successful in another Senate nxe years. day In the IcxI of an unofflolsl ternational problems of prime Im- . This came more from the gover- sive party, and appeared favored McLevy ( S ) ............................... 3,336 was Miss Gladys Pyle of South Da Will Intensify Battle broadcast from the Vatican radio portani-c will confront the 1839 Con- Borden (SL) norships they had captured and the to win In Minnesota, where the kota.
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