■ *QW.m PITTSBURGH .JL- m - pi* $ ht I stablishod in IS44: Americas ( )l<lesl ( atholrc \<^paftcr Continunus Public ! 143rd Year. CXLIII No. 28 20 cents Friday. October 9. 1967 Synod underway Role of women a key issue By AQ08TIN0 BONO On Oct. 2, Cardinal Hyacinthe Thiandoum of Dakar, Senegal, synod recording secretary, in a VATICAN CITY (NC) — The role of women in the summary of the synod working document and the church emerged aa one of the main topics In the delegates' reactions to It emphasized examination opening days of the world Synod of Bishops on the of church ministries as they relate to baptism, con­ laity. firmation and ordination. The discussion focused on Issues of equality and This would help clarify the distinctions between mission, but did not include ordination, rardinai ministries open to the laity and those reserved for Godfrled Danneels of Malines-Brussels. Belgium the priesthood, he said. proposed a greater role for women In diocesan The cardinal listed as main synod themes: the administration. laity’s primary responsibility for Christianizing Other topics coming out of the early sessions of the world: the relationship of lay groups with the the Oct. 1-30 meeting included: bishops; lay ministries in the church, and the • Clarification of lay ministries within the vocation and mission of lay women. church. He called for developing the idea that women • Primary responsibility of lay people to Chrls- have "tasks of equal dignity but sometimes - tlanize the secular world. different." • The church and politics. “Equality does not prevent a recognition of the • The relationship of church-approved lay differences that exist between people,” he said. groups with one another and with the hierarchy. Judging by presynod reports, most Catholics ac­ In a waiver of synod rules, lay people also ad­ cept “the modem movement for the liberation and dressed plenary sessions. Normally, only voting promotion of women," Cardinal Thiandoum said. delegates are allowed to address the assemblies. "We must continue to fight against discrimination .Synod rules limit voting to bishops and a few which is not objective,” he added. priests who are heads of religious orders or who The discussion of the laity in general Includes are specifically appointed by the reigning pope. their relationship with the clergy, the cardinal Among the lay speakers were Vicente Espeche. said. Argentine ambassador to Algeria, and Jean-Loup The period since the Second Vatican Council Dherse, a French citizen and one of the organizers has seen a "real blossoming" of lay groups, he of the Chunnel project, which is designed to imite said, but this "has not always been harmonious.” France and England by a tunnel under the English The problem is to And a way for the clergy to .Channel. give direction to new lay movements without "suf­ The day before the synod opened, Sept. 30, the focating” them, he said. synod's permanent general secretary. Archbishop Jan Schotte, said Catholics worldwide are accep­ On lay ministries within the church, he »aid ting the Vatican's frequently repeated distinction there has been great progress since Vatican II. He between clerical and lay roles. "Little by little one cited the evolution of lay lectors, special ministers has seen that they have discovered that the mis­ of the Eucharist and leaders of liturgical prayers. sion and the vocation of the laity Is in the world," "This is one area in which it is hoped that the he said. synod will move forward ... in the preparation to On Oct. 1, Pope John Paul II opened the synod be given (and) limits" to be placed, he added. enroute to St Mary of Mercy Church. This march with a Maas in which he praised the "important A summary of the cardinal's report was made Rosary m arch was among many held throughout the world at contribution" of lay people to preparations for the available at the Vatican press office. Under synod the same time on Oct 4. synod. He said lay observers at the synod would rules the full text was not released. Participants in the local observance of the 23rd help the voting delegates in the "challenging international rosary march proceed down the — Photo by John C. Keenan task" of examining the laity's role. (Continued on page 2) Boulevard of the AUles, Downtown, last Sunday 'tie's W, OFFICIAL Catechetical guide introduced in schools By STEPHEN KARUNCHAK Gllmary Diocesan Center in Moon Include three appendixes. The special section focusing on one Township. Junior high school first appendix lists prayers to be saint and two potential saints "Growing in God's Covenant," catechlsts (levels seven and eight) known and at what grade level with Pittsburgh ties: St. John is the title for the new and interim will attend an orientation pro­ they are to be learned. The second Neumann, who served as pastor catechetical guidelines that are gram on Friday. Dec. 4. also at Includes basic facts about of St. Philomena Parish in the being introduced into diocesan Gilmary. Catholicism students need to Strip District from 1844 to 1847: elementary schools. The 140-page guidelines have Blessed Mary Theresa of Jesus Catechlsts in the pre-school, four major topics as components kindergarten and primary levels Gerhardlnger. founder of the — message, community, morality According to Sister School Sisters of Notre Dame, (one through three) were and worship. The guidelines are Ursula (Kelly), it has who served in Pittsburgh from familiarized with the new developed by grade level. Each guidelines during a recent day­ been at least 20 years 1847 to 1848; and Venerable grade level's section includes Katharine Drexel. founder of the long catechist in-service “ Catechist Objectives’’ and since guidelines were workshop, "Ways to the Father," Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament, ‘‘Desired Outcomes for developed for religious who served her novitiate with the held in Monroeville. Students." These Desired Out­ M issioners deserve our support Intermediate level catechlsts education programs tn Pittsburgh Sisters of Mercy, 1889 comes include the development of to 1891. (four through six) will receive an awareness of God, message; diocesan elementary Dear Friends in Christ: their orientation to the new Sister Ursula Kelly, SSND, con­ development of an awareness of schools. guidelines at a "Ways to the sultant for elementary school As Jesus was about to return to His Father in Heaven, He said others, community; development catechesis, said that an analogy of to the Apostles: “Go therefore, and make disciples of all the na­ Father" in-service program to be of an awareness of values, morali­ held on Friday. Nov. 6 at the a series of three concentric circles tions...baptize them...and teach them”. (Matthew 28:19-20) With ty, which Is comprised of personal know. The third is a list of feasts represents the concepts used in these words. Jesus established His Church as a missionary morality, social morality and ser­ and seasons to celebrate during the guidelines. The innermost cir­ Church and it is in this spirit that I call your attention to the vice/witness; and the develop­ the academic year, beginning cle illustrates the child's relation­ celebration of Mission Sunday on October 18. Founders’ Day ment of an awareness of spiritual with the Nativity of the Blessed ship wijh God. The next circle The missionary work of the Church has taken various forms D i n n e r s e t development, worship, which is Virgin Mary on Sept. 8 and ending represents the child's relationship and expressions throughout the ages, but the purpose has always comprised of Scripture, prayer, with the Assumption of the Bless­ with himself/herself. The outer- remained the same: to teach the world about Jesus Christ. In our The 22nd annual Founders' sacraments and liturgy. ed Virgin of Mary on Aug. 15. world today where three billion people have not heard the Gospel Day Dinner will be held Thurs­ In addition, the guidelines also The appendixes also include a (Conttnued on page 2) message and where millions of people are deprived of freedom, day, Oct. 22, at the Westin justice and peace, the missionary work of the Church has special William Penn Hotel. Downtown, urgency. with Dominican Sister Dorothy Lemon as main speaker. Remember that there are many ways of being "missionary.” A native of Pittsburgh. Sister Some in the Church are called by the Lord to give their lives as has been a missionary in Chim­ missionary priests, religious or laypersons. This vocation bóte, Peru for 23 years. demands tremendous sacrifice and is often very perilous. Those The evening which begins with who serve the Church in this way are among our heroes and a 6 p.m. reception, will also In­ deserve our gratitude and prayerful support. clude music by "Peru Folklórico," Along with that particular call, however, each one of us is in­ a group of native Peruvians who vited to be a missionary in a way that is just as real and impor­ are associated with the Latin tant. In our homes, our neighborhoods, our schools and our American Cultural Union in Pitt­ places of work, we have the opportunity and the responsibility of sburgh. They will be dressed in giving witness to our faith in Jesus. We do this by word and ex­ native costume, play Peruvian in­ ample. by trying to live the teachings of Christ in every possible struments and sing in Quechua, circumstance even when it demands great moral courage to do the language of the country's In­ so. dian population. The program will also Include a Finally, those of us who have been blessed with material pros­ slide presentation on the Pitt­ perity are asked to share our wealth to support the missionary sburgh missionaries at work In endeavors of the Church.
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