GROUNDWATER RESOURCES CONSULTANTS, INC. TUCSON, ARIZONA SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS PLAN AREA I THERMAL TREATMENT FACILIT Y SANTA SUSANA FIELD LABORATORY ROCKETDYNE DIVISION ROCKWELL INTERNATIONAL CORPORATIO 4 VENTURA COUNTY , CALIFORNIA January 8, 1992 8640M-158 • WATER SUPPLY DEVELOPMENT • GROUNDWATER CONTAMINATION INVESTIGATIONS • IIDImuimiiimIII DDiiimnimiiu U BNA0137256 7 HDMSE00620845 Rocketdyne Division Rockwell International Corporatio n 6633 Canoca Avenue Cane?a Caldprn;a Qt 3C 3 Telex 59E473 ROCI(ETDVN CNP K CERTIFIED-RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED 10 January 1992 In reply refer to 92R000036 Cal-EPA Department of Toxic Substances Control 1405 N. San Fernando Blvd ., Suite 300 Burbank, CA 91504 Attention: Ms. Florence Pearson, Regional Administrator Subject: Area I Thermal Treatment Facility Closure Plan Submittal Dear Ms . Pearson : Rockwell International Corporation, Rocketdvne Division (Rocketdvne) is pleased to submit the Area I Thermal Treatment Facility Closure Plan for your approval . Revisions to the Area I Thermal Treatment Facility Closure Plan have been made based on comments made in an initial completeness review received by Rocketdyne on 3 September 1991 from the EPA . The enclosed Closure Plan is submitted as the closure plan for both the Area I Thermal Treatment Facility and the Solid Waste Management Unit associated with this area. The enclosed revised Closure Plan includes the following items : Completed Closure Plan Checklist ; Revised Closure Plan ; and Sampling and Analysis Plan. Should you have any questions , please contact the undersigned at (818 ) 773-5301 . Very truly yours, ROCKWELL INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION Rocketdvne Division S. R. Lafflam Director Environmental Protectio n SRLJsj cc: Cal-EPA/Maria Fabell a USEPA/Lester Kaufman II BNA0137256 8 H D M S E00620846 GROUNDWATER RESOURCES CONSULTANTS, INC . CONSULTING J-IYDROGEOLOGISTS • ENVIRONMENTAL SPECIALIST S 1735 EAST FORT LOWELL ROAD, CHUCK M . DICKENS, P .G . SUITE 4 DAVID B . HAWKINS, P .G . "TUCSON, ARIZONA 85719 SHELDON D . CLARK PHONE (602) 326-1898 KURT J . BLUST, P.G . January 8, 1992 DINAHH .JASENSKY Mr . Steve Lafflam Directo r Environmental Protection Dept . Rocketdyne Divisio n Rockwell International Corporation 6633 Canoga Avenue Dept . 543, Mail Stop JA-16 Canoga Park, California 91303 RE : Submittal of Sampling and Analysis Plan Area I Thermal Treatment Facility Dear Mr . Lafflam : Enclosed is the Sampling and Analysis Plan for the Area I Thermal Treatment Facility . This work plan has been developed as a separate document to be submitted to the regulatory agency in conjunction with Rocketdyne's Area I Thermal Treatment Facility Closure Plan . Soil sample locations proposed in this work plan have been selected using a stratified two dimensional random sampling method . Identified strata include current and former waste management areas within the Area I Thermal Treatment Facility . In addition, random sample locations outside of the known current or former waste management areas have been selected . Implementation of this work plan, including the submittal of a final report will require approximately four (4) months . If you have any questions concerning this plan please contact us . Respectfully submitted , GROUNDWATER RESOURCES CONSULTANTS, INC . Dawn H . Garcia Project Hydrogeologis t 1' t 7~ cih2 Dinah H . Jasens k Associate Hydrologis t Chuck M . Dickens Principal Hydrogeologist DHG :DHJ :CMD :krb cc : Brian Sujata Dean Crippen Majelle Jense n . WATER SUPPLY DEVELOPMENT • GROUNDWATER CONTAMINATION INVESTIGATIONS • IIDImuimiiimIII DDiiimnimuuuu BNA0137256 9 HDMSE00620847 GROUNDWATER RESOURCES CONSULTANTS, INC. CONSULTING HYDROGEOLOGISTS • ENVIRON\IENTALSPECIALIST S 1715 EAST FORT LOWELL ROAD, CHUCK M . DICKENS, P .G . SUITE 4 DAVID B. HAWKINS, P .G . TUCSON, ARIZONA 85719 SHELDON D . CLARK PHONE (602) 326-1898 KURT J . BLUST, P .G . DINAH H . JASENSK Y SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS PLAN AREA I THERMAL TREATMENT FACILITY SANTA SUSANA FIELD LABORATORY ROCKETDYNE DIVISION ROCKWELL INTERNATIONAL CORPORATIO N VENTURA COUNTY , CALIFORNIA January 8, 1992 864014-158 • WATER SUPPLY DEVELOPMENT • GROUNDWATER CONTAMINATION INVESTIGATIONS • BNA0137257 0 HDMSE00620848 GROUNDWATER RESOURCES CONSULTANTS, INC . SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS PLAN AREA I THERMAL TREATMENT FACILIT Y SANTA SUSANA FIELD LABORATORY ROCKETDYNE DIVISION ROCKWELL INTERNATIONAL CORPORATIO N VENTURA COUNTY , CALIFORNI A CONTENTS INTRODUCTION . 1 PURPOSE AND SCOPE . 2 FACILITY DESCRIPTION AND HISTORY . 3 PREVIOUS INVESTIGATIONS . 5 Soil Sampling Results from 1981 and 1982 . 6 Organic Results . 7 Inorganic Results . 8 Additional Soil Sampling Results from August 1982 . 9 Soil Sampling Results from 1990 . 1 0 GEOLOGIC AND HYDROGEOLOGIC CONDITIONS . 12 GEOLOGY . 12 HYDROGEOLOGY . 13 GROUNDWATER OCCURRENCE AND QUALITY AT AREA I THERMAL TREATMEN T FACILITY . 1 4 FIELD SAMPLING PLAN . 16 SAMPLING OBJECTIVES . 16 STRUCTURE SAMPLING . 17 GEOPHYSICAL SURVEY . 18 SOIL SAMPLING . 18 SOIL SAMPLE LOCATION AND FREQUENCY . 19 SAMPLE DESIGNATION . 20 SAMPLING EQUIPMENT AND PROCEDURES . 2 1 SAMPLE HANDLING AND ANALYSIS . 26 POST-SAMPLING ACTIVITIES . 2 7 REFERENCES . 2 8 TABLES TABLE 1 RESULTS OF SOIL SAMPLE ANALYSES, AREA I THERMAL TREATMENT UNIT, OCTOBER 1981 AND FEBRUARY 198 2 2 RESULTS OF SOIL SAMPLE ANALYSES, AREA I THERMAL TREATMENT FACILITY, AUGUST 1982 3 RESULTS OF SOIL SAMPLE ANALYSES, AREA I THERMAL TREATMENT FACILITY, APRIL 1990 BNA0137257 1 HDMSE00620849 GROUNDWATER RESOURCES CONSULTANTS, INC. CONTENTS - (continued ) 4 GROUNDWATER QUALITY RESULTS OF VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS COLLECTED FROM NEARBY WELL S 5 ANALYTICAL PARAMETERS FOR WIPE SAMPLE S 6 ANALYTICAL PARAMETERS FOR CONCRETE SAMPLES 7 ANALYTICAL PARAMETERS FOR SOIL SAMPLE S ILLUSTRATION S FIGURE 1 AREA I THERMAL TREATMENT FACILITY LOCATION MAP 2 AREA I THERMAL TREATMENT FACILITY FEATURES (1981) 3 AREA I THERMAL TREATMENT FACILITY FEATURES (1991) 4 LOCATIONS OF WELLS AND SPRING S 5 LOCATIONS OF SOIL SAMPLES COLLECTED DURING 1981 AND 198 2 6 WATER LEVEL ELEVATIONS, CHATSWORTH FORMATION GROUNDWATER SYSTEM 7 PROPOSED SOIL SAMPLE LOCATIONS BASED ON FORMER AND CURRENT FEATURES 8 BACKGROUND SAMPLE LOCATION MA P APPENDICES APPENDIX A QUALITY ASSURANCE PROJECT PLAN, AREA I THERMAL TREATMENT AREA, SANTA SUSANA FIELD LABORATORY, ROCKETDYNE DIVISION, ROCKWELL INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION, VENTURA COUNTY, CALIFORNI A B TWO DIMENSIONAL RANDOM SAMPLING PROTOCOL C HEALTH AND SAFETY PLAN D SHALLOW MONITOR WELL CONSTRUCTION AND SAMPLING BNA0137257 2 HDMSE00620850 GROUNDWATER RESOURCES CONSULTANTS, INC. SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS PLAN AREA I THERMAL TREATMENT FACILITY SANTA SUSANA FIELD LABORATORY ROCKETDYNE DIVISION ROCKWELL INTERNATIONAL CORPORATIO N VENTURA COUNTY, CALIFORNI A INTRODUCTION This Sampling and Analysis Plan has been prepared pursuant to the request of the California Department of Toxic Substances Control (CA DTSC) and the United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) in their Closure Plan review comments for the Area I Thermal Treatment Facilit y at the Rockwell Santa Susana Field Laboratory (US EPA, CA DTSC, 1991) . This Sampling and Analysis Plan (SAP) also addresses investigation of the Area I Burn Pit Solid Waste Management Unit (SWMU No . 4 .1 .15) as identified in the US EPA Draft Visual Site Inspection Report for the Santa Susana Field Laboratory (SAIC, 1991) . Rockwell is submitting this SAP concurrently with a closure plan for the Thermal Treatment Facility including proposed corrective actions for the EPA identified SWMU . The SAP consists of two parts : the site specific Field Sampling Plan (FSP) and the Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) . The FSP provides guidance for all field work by defining site specific sampling and data gathering methods . The FSP is included in the main text of this SAP . The QAPP describes organization and functional activities and quality control protocols, and is included as Appendix A of the SAP . BNA0137257 3 HDMSE00620851 GROUNDWATER RESOURCES CONSULTANTS, INC. PURPOSE AND SCOP E The purpose of the SAP is to outline methods to determine the potential presence and extent of subsurface contamination, if any, in the vicinity of the Area I Thermal Treatment Facility . In addition, the SAP includes sampling of physical structures for the purposes of cleanup and closure activities . The scope of work and sequence of events proposed for the program are described as follows : • Sampling of existing physical structures to facilitate removal and disposal in accordance with appropriate State and Federal regulations . • Geophysical survey to determine potential presence of buried metal objects . • Soil investigation including soil sample collection and description of soils encountered during drilling operations . • If shallow groundwater is present, installation of one shallow zone monitor well and collection of two rounds of shallow groundwater samples . • Preparation of site base map . 2 limo II BNA01372574 HDMSE00620852 GROUNDWATER RESOURCES CONSULTANTS, INC . Following completion of the field investigation, all results will be tabulated and summarized in a report presented to Rockwell . FACILITY DESCRIPTION AND HISTORY The Area I Thermal Treatment Facility consists of approximately one acre of land in the southwest corner of Area I of the Rockwell Santa Susana Field Laboratory (SSFL) ( Figure 1 ) . The area of investigation is shown on Figures 2 and 3 . This area currently includes two concrete pads, associated berms and a burn pit . The concrete pads and associated berms are no longer used for
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