Shelton, WA GENERAL MANAGER $87,546 - $106,413 Plus Excellent Benefits Apply by May 9, 2021 (First Review, Open Until Filled) MASON T RANSPORTATION AUTHORITY , W A ♦ G E N E R A L M A NAGE R THE REGION Located between the Pu- get Sound and the Olym- pic Mountains, Mason County has approximately 67,000 residents and co- vers 1,051 square miles. The City of Shelton is the only incorporated city within Mason County, with the surrounding com- munities of Allyn, Grapeview, Belfair, Hoodsport, Kamilche, Skokomish, and Union offering resi- dents breathtaking views, world-class activities The Shelton School District is composed of seven including scuba and skydiving, a thriving culinary schools: three elementary, one middle school for scene from locally sourced and wild-caught food, sixth and seventh grades, one junior high for and an active social calendar packed with live mu- eighth and ninth grades, one high school, and one sic and multiple community events. CHOICE alternative school. Olympic College, a two-year community/technical college, has a cam- Shelton is the county seat and occupies an area of pus in the northeast part of town. 6.1 square miles. With over 10,000 residents, the City is the population center and service provider THE ORGANIZATION for the region. Logging and lumber milling have long been the economic foundation for Shelton, but Mason Transit Authority (MTA) is a nationally rec- the economy has expanded in other areas as well. ognized small rural public transit system with di- verse services that provides the local communities Shelton is in close proximity to Hood Canal, the in Mason County from a main base in Belfair, only true saltwater fjord in the lower United States. Washington, and a Transit-Community Center lo- Its clear deep waters provide world-class clam- cated in downtown Shelton. MTA operates with 70 ming, shrimp and salmon fishing, scuba diving, FTEs on a 2021 operating budget of $7,410,931 and miles of pristine shoreline for boaters, kayak- and a capital budget of $11,367,099. ers, and beachcombers to enjoy year-round. Im- mediately west of Shelton is Olympic National In addition to serving the Mason County communi- Park and Olympic National Forest. Here you will ty since 1992, MTA connects with four area transit find mountain trails, thrilling vistas, temperate rain- systems. MTA’s regional connections provide ac- forests, waterfalls and more. Lake Cushman, the cess to Grays Harbor Transit, Intercity Transit, Jef- Mt. Ellinor Trail and the Staircase entrance to ferson Transit, Kitsap Transit, and Squaxin Island Olympic National Park are just three of the top at- Transit, which in turn provides connections to the tractions. ferries, Amtrak, and Greyhound service. Funding & revenue is provided to Mason Transit Authority as a public transportation benefit area through local sales tax (6/10 %), transit fares, fed- eral and state grants, as well as contracts for ser- vices and lease agreements. Transit leadership is provided by the Mason Transit Authority Board, a nine-voting member board made up of local elected officials: three Mason County Commissioners, one City of Shelton Coun- cil member, and five elected officials selected by the Mason County Commissioners with the goal of seeking equal voting representation among the County Commissioner Districts. There is also one (1) ex officio non-voting labor union representative. 2 | P a g e MASON T RANSPORTATION AUTHORITY , W A ♦ G E N E R A L M A NAGE R There is also one (1) non-voting representative of OPPORTUNITIES & CHALLENGES the public residing in Mason County, Washington, as a citizen adviser to the Board that serves for a Aging Infrastructure: The incoming General Man- period of one year, unless extended by motion of ager will have the opportunity to decide on how the Board. best to assess the conditions of the Johns Prairie Facility and develop an action plan for the aging MTA works with its taxpayers, Mason County, the infrastructure. This may include determining if the City of Shelton, local tribal nations, Peninsula Re- General Manager and front office staff move from gional Transportation Planning Organization, Lewis the Johns Prairie Facility to the Transit-Community Mason Thurston Area Agency of Aging, other so- Center or another location completely. cial service agencies, schools, local Chambers of Contract Negotiations: The General Manager has Commerce and Economic Development Council, the opportunity to lead contract negotiation on the as well as area employers to increase the quality of 3rd year of the Driver’s contract for wages (June life in Mason County by meeting the transportation 2022) and for the Maintenance Contract (Effective needs of the community. September 2022). MTA has 68 vehicles, consisting of 20 coaches (12 Retirements and Recruitments: As with many fixed route, 2 medium duty and 6 worker-driver), 21 organizations, MTA will see increased driver and body-on-chassis buses, 13 vans and 11 vehicles maintenance turnover in the next three to five years used for maintenance and business. In 2019, MTA due to impending retirements. The General Man- provided 460,339 trips. While this number has ager will develop a plan to ensure effective recruit- dipped to 220,308 in 2020 due to the COVID-19 ment and continued employee longevity. This will pandemic, ridership is expected to rebound back also include the recruitment of a new maintenance to normal service levels and continue to increase manager who will be retiring in February 2022. in years to come. COVID-19 Downturn: During the COVID-19 pan- demic, MTA’s ridership has fallen by approximately THE POSITION 67%. The General Manager will determine the best path moving forward, including either a return to full Under the direction of the Authority Board, MTA’s service in Oct 2021 or Feb 2022, or a continuation General Manager provides overall leadership and of partial service. direction to all MTA services and resources, and serves as the principal advisor to the Mason Moving MTA Forward: Looking toward the future, Transit Authority Board. The General Manager the General Manager has the opportunity to see establishes annual goals and objectives, short- through many projects already in the works includ- and long-range plans, and procedures to ensure ing a new facility and Park & Ride in Belfair, the the policy direction of the Authority Board is car- Cole Road Park & Ride, and the Pickering Park & ried out in an expeditious and cost-effective man- Ride. Additionally, the General Manager will devel- ner. A primary responsibility is to serve as a repre- op and implement the use of alternative fuels and sentative and to strengthen relationships with oth- fleet electrification policies, and evaluate current er agencies, jurisdictions, state and federal regula- services provided including Meals on Wheels & tory agencies, local media, citizen interest groups commodity boxes, a Volunteer Driver program, and and private businesses. the vanpool program. This position provides leadership and direction to the Leadership Team and serves as the top-level executive responsible and accountable for inter- preting and carrying out the Authority Board’s di- rectives. The General Manager also acts as liaison between the Authority Board and all Mason Transit employees and is the sole employee answering directly to the Authority Board. For a full job description, please view the attach- ment found here. 3 | P a g e MASON T RANSPORTATION AUTHORITY , W A ♦ G E N E R A L M A NAGE R IDEAL CANDIDATE • Skill in consensus and team building, and knowledge of the principles of management and Education and Experience: supervision. A bachelor’s degree in Public Administration, • Ability to represent MTA at meetings with the General Business Administration, Transportation Authority Board, local officials, civic groups, regu- Planning, or a closely related field, and ten (10) latory agencies, and community business leaders. years of progressively responsible management- • Ability to develop and implement long- and level experience is required. A graduate degree in short-range plans in accordance with MTA’s goals a closely related field may be substituted for up to and customer needs. two (2) years of the experience requirement de- • Experience monitoring legislative and environ- scribed above. Candidates must also have and mental trends for the future of rural public trans- maintain a valid Washington Driver’s license by portation in Mason County and connecting areas. time of hire, adhere to Mason Transit’s • Ability to confer with Authority Board members Drug/Alcohol Workplace Free Policy, and pass a and provide timely updates on MTA projects, pro- comprehensive background check in accordance grams, and finances. with the Child and Adult Abuse Information Act • Demonstrate strong listening skills, including RCW 43.43.830-43.43.845. Any equivalent com- with the general public and all stakeholders. bination of education and experience sufficient to • Ability to respond effectively to sensitive inquir- successfully perform the essential function of the ies or complaints, and delegate authority and re- General Manager will be considered. sponsibility. Necessary Knowledge, Skills & Abilities: COMPENSATION & BENEFITS • A proven ability to building trust with staff. • Knowledge of principles and practices of effec- ➢ $87,546 - $106,413 DOQ tive rural community public transit agency man- ➢ Medical, Dental, and Vision Insurance agement, and applicable local, state, and federal ➢ Employee Assistance Program laws, grants, circulars, and other regulations relat- ➢ Group Life Insurance ed to public transportation and the Federal Transit ➢ Long-term Disability Insurance Administration (FTA) Rural community transporta- ➢ Worker’s Compensation tion services, alternatives and technology. ➢ DRS PERS Retirement ➢ 12 Days’ sick leave/year • Knowledge of transit service design, develop- ➢ 12 Days’ vacation (increase with longevity) ment, enhancement, and expansion; budget prep- ➢ 10 Paid holidays/year aration, administration and control; local economy ➢ 2 Days’ personal leave and transportation infrastructure; and fiscal man- ➢ Aflac, Legal Shield, FMLA, and PFML agement principles, practices and methodology.
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