Cyprian Jazz Night - 13th November Christmas Fayre - 27th November The Magazine of St Cyprian’s Church, Lenzie November 2010 1 Scottish Episcopal Church Vestry Rector@ (Vacant) Diocese of Glasgow & Galloway Lay Representative@ Paul Hindle Bishop: 40 Garngaber Avenue, Lenzie G66 4LL. ) The Right Revd. Dr. Gregor Duncan 776 3237 Bishop’s Office, Diocesan Centre Secretary@ Mary Boyd, 9 Northbank Road, ) 5 St Vincent Pl., Glasgow G1 2DH Kirkintilloch, G66 1EZ 776 2812 ) 0141-221 6911 fax 0141-221 6490 Treasurer@ Maxine Gow,12 Alder Road, email: [email protected] Milton of Campsie G66 8HH ) 01360 310420 Property Convenor@ (& Chairman) Sandy Jamieson, 5 Pinewood Place, Lenzie, Glasgow, G66 4JN ) 775 1161 Elected Members Gavin Boyd, Cyprian Adrian Clark, Avril Critchlow, Kathryn Potts, Vivienne Provan. Contacts 3C Group@ Susan Frost 776 4135 The News Magazine of Altar Guild@ Anne Carswell 776 3354 St. Cyprian’s Church, Altar Servers Eric Parry 776 4991 Beech Road, Lenzie, Glasgow. G66 4HN Alt. Lay Rep Adrian Clark 776 2160 Scottish Charity No. SC003826 Bible Rdg Fellowship Prim Parry 776 4991 The Scottish Episcopal Church is in full Car Pool Eric Parry 776 4991 communion with the Church of England and Fair Trade@ Vivienne Provan 776 6422 all other churches of the Anglican Gift Aid@ Aileen Mundy 578 9449 Communion throughout the world Hall Bookings@ Gavin Boyd 776 2812 Link@ Kathryn Potts 578 0734 Rector Magazine@ Paul Hindle 776 3237 Vacancy fax 578 3706 email: [email protected] MU@ Any committee member Interim Priest Pastoral Visiting@ The Bishop Moira Jamieson 775 1161 email: [email protected] Protection Officer@ Kathryn Potts 578 0734 Curate: Rotas@ Gavin Boyd 776 2812 Revd. Moira Jamieson ) 775 1161 Scottish Bible Society@ email: [email protected] Glennis Tavener 775 2895 Social@ Andy Robb 578 1220 Pastoral Assistant: ) Sunday Coffee@ Avril Critchlow 776 1404 Eric Parry 776 4991. Tear Fund@ Vivienne Provan 776 6422 Music Team Youth Vacant Fred Gunnee ) 578 1937 @ These people can be contacted through email: [email protected] email @stcyprianslenzie.com by using the job/group name before the @ without any spaces, e.g., [email protected]. 2 Curate’s Corner Dear Friends, This year, in the cycle of our Lection- In the Acts of the Apostles chapter two, ary, we have been looking at the Gospel Luke shows us the way that all believers of St. Luke, who in his gospel writing should live their lives, in fellowship and in de- was developing ideas already present in votion to God, it says, “They devoted the traditions and sources which he had themselves to the apostles’ teaching and fel- grown up with. I suppose that Luke lowship, to the breaking of bread and the was a kind of historian, telling the facts prayers. Awe came upon everyone, because about the ministry of Jesus and his dis- many wonders and signs were being done by ciples and of the early church. His the apostles. All who believed were together writing, therefore, was not what we and had all things in common; they would sell their possessions and goods and distribute the would call a piece of creative writing, proceeds to all, as any had need. Day by day, but more a historical account which as they spent much time together in the tem- was intended to confirm the faith of his ple, they broke bread at home and ate their readers and to remind them of their food with glad and generous hearts, praising “salvation”, their deliverance from sin, God and having the goodwill of all the people. that was won for them through the And day by day the Lord added to their death and resurrection of Jesus. number those who were being saved.” Now is a good time to look back and reflect Luke was primarily an Evangelist, or a on our Christian lives this year. Have we de- preacher, who was concerned with leading voted ourselves to “teaching and fellowship”? people to Christian belief, based on the record And what about our prayer life, has it been as of historical facts. He also went on to write the constant and prolific as it should be? Most Acts of the Apostles, which continued on the importantly, have we “spent much time togeth- history of the early church and its leaders and er in the temple”? I include myself in all of all that they faced in their struggle to continue this reflection, and as I go on retreat in a few spreading the Good News of the Gospel as weeks time, I will certainly be reflecting on they were sent out to do. Continued overleaf 3 Magazine & Curate’s Corner DNS Deadline continued from page 3 The next issue of Cyprian Life should be available in Church on Sunday 28th No- this past year serving Christ in this place and asking myself these self same questions. vember 2010. The deadline for material The year since Geoff retired has gone very th is 14 November and the magazine will quickly, and I have certainly gained much ex- cover December and January. perience in my first year of curacy. It certainly Please pass notes, articles, photographs and hasn’t been easy trying to juggle my work at anything else that may be of interest to other school, family life and my ministry here at St. members of the congregation to me by the Cyprian’s, and so my retreat will be a time not deadline in order to give time for typesetting only of reflection, but a time of refreshment and printing. Electronic format is preferred and renewal. since this is usually quicker and more accurate. Even if you are not going on retreat, you Please let me know about what is important also have the opportunity to reflect, be re- to you. It is great to be able to report family freshed and renewed. As we approach Advent, events and things happening in our local com- I would encourage everyone to take some time munity. Thank you. out of their busy lives and come along to the This issue includes selected items from the three Advent Meditations which will be of- th th last issue of Diocesan News. The full Dioce- fered on the 30 November, 7 December and th san News can be downloaded from the 14 December. They will be held in the Choir diocesan website: www.glasgow.anglican.org Vestry where it is warmer, and will follow the Click on the link on the home page to ac- same format as last year. It is a time to sit cess the current and earlier editions. If you quietly and meditate on the words being read, don’t have Internet access, but would like to focusing on a different part of the story of the read DNS, please let me know. I’ll be happy to Nativity each week. If you haven’t been be- print you a copy. fore, ask someone who came last year to tell Diocesan News is published ten times per you about it. These meditations are open to year. If you have items that would be of inter- anyone, so please do invite friends to come est across the Diocese, please send them to the along with you. Diocesan News editor, Susi Cormack Brown, e-mail: [email protected] or by May God refresh and renew us for post to c/o Glasgow & Galloway Diocesan His work in this place, Centre, 5 St Vincent Place, Glasgow G1 2DH. Please send in prose text, i.e. not leaflets, ad- verts, posters or PDFs. The deadline for the December and January issue will be Monday 15th November 2010. The views expressed in Cyprian Life and Moira the Diocesan News are not necessarily those of the Editor of either publication or the Diocesan Information and Communications Group. Paul Hindle 4 Bishop Idris Jones is to be the new Spir- ises, that is, God’s as well as our own; itual Director for Cursillo in the UK. He examining how to live out discipleship in our joins Mike Coates who is Secretary for particular environments; and a support struc- the UK and Val McGavin who is ture to keep us going. Scotland’s representative to the UK “Cursillo is one tool among others that can Council. be of help in keeping the church focused on mission and outreach. It is only ever used at From its Roman Catholic origins, the the direction of the diocesan bishop, at whose movement (Cursillo, pronounced ‘coor-see- disposal the members of the movement give yo’, is Spanish for ‘little course’) has spread to prayer and service in local congregation and in other branches of the Church and is now Diocesan and Provincial life. worldwide. Bishop Idris explains what it’s “In Scotland, Cursillo is uniquely a Provin- about: cial rather than a diocesan movement. The Lay “The Cursillo movement began in the af- Director is Alison Jones a member of St termath of the Second World War when two Columba’s Church in Largs and the Spiritual American airmen based in Mallorca were Director in Scotland is Revd Ashley Cummins, shocked at the lethargy of the church around All Souls Church, Invergowrie in the Diocese them. They devised a programme (for men and of Brechin.” boys in those early days) to call them back to their baptismal promises, show how it was possible to live out life as a disciple of Jesus, and provided them with a support structure to Pastoral Care keep the possibility alive. “The Cursillo method (because it began in One of the important purposes of Spain we still use some Spanish words to de- Christ’s church is to provide the love scribe parts of the process) is basically now and care we all need.
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