4 't VOLUME VI. SIXTEEN PAGES Lctlibriclge, Alberta. Saturday, March lOl.'J PRICE—FIVE CENTS Number 74 o O Hon. Malcolm McKenzie Gives Notice of Further Legislation Tancrede Marcil, Erstwhile Borden-Nationalist Campaigner* IS THERE AN EMERGENCY? in Interests of the People of Alberta - Several REV. Dr. MACKAY • Says One Hundred Pluggers Elected Louis Coderre in BEREAVED V Toronto, Mnrch 8.—Sir .Ins. • Hochelaga-Have Affidavits to Prove It Bills of Local Interest Passed Made Conservative Believe Whitney, who novor travolH nt Vancouver, B.C., March 8.— night, left on the midnlKht train for Ottawa. What his • Mrs. Mackay, 'wlf« of Rev. Dr. thc real workers did not seem satls-^ Bdmonton, March 7.—Tho Mbcrta \ to committee of the whole, where Division Was Imminent mission is coiild not be loarn- (Special to Uio 'Herald). Mackay, principal of Weatralns- ed. UB tho Prime Mlriistei* was fuMl and soon after ihoy raised a big some sliglit changes were made with • Montreal, March K.—''Not oniv oue govctmiient has decided to lake up Bter Hall, died last night after not in a very communlcativo kick. tho object of limiting power ovor re­ • crown minister, hut three of the tho question ot giving greater secur­ a short Illness. She was the Got Members Out Bed mood, but it Is understood ho "I hi9i\ .some direct information at tailers, wjiich act gives to wholesale members of Hon. Mr. Horden's cab­ ity to Insurance policy holdera by traders in order to protect them from, youngest daughter of W, A. is to havo a privato conversa­ the time, but nothing tangible. It is passing legislation which -wiU insure loss through disposal of stocks held Simpson, of Toronto. V tion with Premier Cordcn, inet will have lo face direct charges (Uily when some of tho dissattsftrd thAt companies doing insurance busi­ by retailers on orodlt. V in Connection with the last llochelai;a ones cropped up in my olTice to re­ late their talc of won tliat, 1 came up-* ness in tho province have aufftcicnrt NAVAL DEBATE hvc-elcction." Other bills considered in- committco on the hornet's nest. Soon after 1 funds at thoir disposal to meet the ot tho whole and reported to tho Such was tho oppn statement made was in possession of an afhdavit sign­ claims o! policy holders. house for a tlUrd rcj^ding on Tuesday to your correspondent by Tancrede ed hy Uiree telegraphers, who admit­ Tho question of security ot poUcy- wcro Moose Club, Edmonton Country Clark, Graham and Lemieux Marcil, the opposition leader in the ted having served in the ranks and holders has been raised in consequence Club, Jesuits o\ Alberta, Kdmonton staled nK)re than enough to send them Df a number of companies asking incor­ Jesuit College, University Club ot fi|T,ht which resulted in tlir re-eloction Deliver Telling Speeches-- of Hon, Louis C!oderrc last. Novem­ all ,t.o jail. poration this session, some of which Calgary, Clay lino Railway, Lcth- PAPER "Where is the amdavit PRIMER ber. It had been rumored for some tho private bills committee of the Icg- bridgo Radial railway, and Elbow "U is safe in the pocket of one of islaturo considered had insufllcicnt River Suburban Railway. Railway Fight Continues time past that tbc opposition had in its hands sworn utlldavits which the opposition leaders, who wvll know capital to warrant thoin going vory bills were also considered la the rail­ how lo use it.'* extensively Into the insurance busi­ ways Committee, where some amend­ would cause one of tlic biggest poli­ Ottawa, March 7.—The -improbabil­ tical scandals Ihc eo\uitry has ever "Hut what is the value of an atti- ness. Hon. Malcolm McKen7.io point­ ments were made. ity of any headway whatever being known. The semi-onicial note which davtt sworn by siich men ?'* ed out that a severe hall storm would The committee increased the capi­ made with the naval blU in the com­ was cnttimunicuted to parliumputary "Such men as you' say have receiv­ put Bomo of these ootnpanles out of tal stock of the C^lay 1 inc Railway mons this week is now generally re­ reporters on Thursday lust, announc­ ed written promises signed hy a big husfncss. Mr. McKenxie has now giv­ company from $100,000 to $200,000. man, in which it is stated that the en notice that he will introduco a bill cognized on all aides. That the speak- ing that llie opposition was about and debenture power from $15,000 per jing of the Liberal benches will con- to make some definite charges of elec­ position Ihey could fill in Ottawa lo meet this couditlou. mllo to $20,000 per mile in tho clause MEIERS ' tinuc until midnight on Saturday and toral corr\iption against one of tho would ho theirs for the asking. These The bill will regulate all insurance relating to provision of facilities lor that tho house will rise automatically ministers of the crown, has hrough.t letters have been handed to UTC auvl Companies doing businoss in tho pro­ tho loading of grain Irom farmers* vc- Malcolm McKenzie Grows Sar­ with the amendments to the second His Naval Policy Doing Worst the tivitt'er lo a climax. Suspecting tlu!y were at once photographed so vince. It is anticipated that every hlclos, the committee made rep;ula- clause ot the bill, still under consid- that Mr. Tancrede Marcil, whose bit­ that the members on the left side of Insurance company will ho required tious to be subject to the approval of castic at Expense Tweedie eraticm, is certain unless something Possible Service to Im­ ter opposition to Mr. Coderre during the hou.-,c could admire them at their to make a deposit with the govern­ ; tho Lieutcnant-Oovernor-ia-Council. of an entirely unexpected nature the hye-olection is well known, might hearts* content. This, I think, will ment of $5,000 to $10,000 which tho The followinjg bills were read a s'hould happen. Speculation now turns perial Unity ho well informed on the subject, we nil the hill should the government government will hold as security tor third time and passed: Canada Se­ and Hoadley to what is likely to occur next week. bluntly asked : "Do you know some­ want to challenge the sworn state­ payment ot bona fide claims. curity Assurance Company; High When the speaker takes the chair on thing about this, Mr. M»rcil ment.;* Mr. McKenzie will ntovo on Monday River and Hudson's Bay Railway Monday tho Liberals propose to make London, March 7.—Under the 'A Modest $22,000 Edmonton, Maich 7.—II. A. Craig, "I do, because I am the man who that tlie house do immediately rc- Company ; Taber Transit Company ; certain charges in regard to the con­ caption, ''Bad (mperialtsm," a discovered the nigger behind the wood "To what ligures did the telegraph­ tolveitsell into committco ot tho Central Canada Railway Company ; Superintendent of Demonstration duct of the Hiochelaga bye-election Dally News leader discusses the pilc.'^ ing climb, many hundreds ?" whole to consider a resolution re­ Tramways Liniited ;.. Lethbridge Covm- Farms, appeared before the public which they say will involve at least wisdom of Borden's plan of forc­ '*Aml who is the nigger?*' "It is not much, seeing that tho specting the general insurance act. try Club ; Athabasca .Club ; Douglas accounts committee of the Legislature one minister of the; crown. Just how ing the naval bill through the Ot- *'Here Mr. Marcil answered that wliole election cost the ministerials fThfa course is necessitated • by the Club; Calgary St. Andrew's GoU this morning to give information re­ serious the allegations are and how tawa Commons by means of the not only one, hut three ministers the tridc of $2'i,000. Incidentally I (act that tho bill will afiect tho fin­ Club ; Medicine Hat Golf and Coun­ lative to n shipment of Jersey'cattle long the debate'is likely to last, is closure. The least concessions he %vouId ko ,implicated Mn tho charges to may state that the parties concerned, ances of the province. try Club ; Jvnights ot Columbus Club; not known. A demand for an in^quiry from Bull & Sons, of Brampton, ele­ can make to the Canadian people, he laid hi-'forc the house on Monday. the organi7,ers, arc wondering now The bulk sales act was read a sec­ Caleary Musicians Club ;• Chinook Into any charges made tnight be con­ the News says. Is to consult them ven of the cattle being killed in a Then he went on to say : **It was where the pile went to." ond time today and carried forward Jockey Club of Calgary. sented to by the premier and, in that before committing them to a con­ 11O f Course, the cost ot living is in­ train wreck on tho C. P. at Mol- a well oiled 'machine' that helped event, the discussion would terminate stitutional revolution condemned our opponent to t\irn a sure defeat creasing every day." eon, Man. and the naval debate o^ some other by alt the other dominions. It into a miserable victory in Hoche- "Hut may we ask, why you a Na­ He said he bought 17 pedigree Jer­ matter he taken W- t must not be Imagined that the Ca­ laga. The plans arc skilfully laid. An tionalist, should inform against your sey females for the sum of $250 each Thc expectation J§ that the play oi nadian Liberals are alone in con­ able man who I .was told had picked former friends ?" and another was thrown in as a part the opposition may be' to prevent con­ demnation of Premier Borden'c up experience iii Saskatchewan, and "In the first place because they of the bargain, SQ that 18 cattle cost sideration of the aaw, bill being scheme.
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