Department of Zoology Faculty of Sciences PALACKÝ UNIVERSITY OLOMOUC Aspects of cuckoo-host coevolution Tomáš Grim Ph.D. Thesis Supervisor: Doc. Ing. Stanislav Bureš, CSc. Olomouc 2001 Contents 1 Contents Acknowledgements …………………………………………………………………………………………2 List of papers ……………………………………………………………………………………………….3 Bibliography ………………………………………………………………………………………………..4 Introduction …………………………………………………………………………………………………8 1. Supernormal stimulus (Paper 1) …………………………………………………………………………9 2. Diets of parasitic and host nestlings (Papers I & II) ……………………………………………………..9 3. Hatching from structurally strong eggs (Paper III) ……………………………………………………..10 4. Nest defence and enemy recognition (Papers IV, V & VI) ……………………………...……………..10 5. Nest inspection behaviour (Paper V) …………………………………………………………...………11 6. Some theoretical aspects of host-parasite relationships (Papers VII & VIII) …………………………..12 Conclusions ………………………………………………………………………………………………..13 References …………………………………………………………………………………………………13 Acknowledgements 2 Here lay before you such observations as I have hitherto been capable of making on the natural history of the cuckoo; and should they throw some light on a subject that has long lain hid in obscurity, I shall not think my time has been ill employed.* Acknowledgements I am especially indebted to Marcel Honza who introduced me to cuckoos and helped very much both with the field work and the process of writing of papers. I am grateful to Stanislav Bureš for his continuous support and advice during my work on cuckoos. I would like to thank all those “cuckoo and other paasites” researchers who kindly commented on never-ending flow of permanently changing versions of my manuscripts: Nick Davies (Cambridge, UK), Lumír Gvoždík (Institute of Vertebrate Biology, Studenec, CZ), Marcel Honza (Institute of Vertebrate Biology, Brno, CZ), Miloš Krist (Department of zoology, Palacký Univerzity, Olomouc, CZ), Václav Pavel (Laboratory of ornithology, Palacký University, Olomouc, CZ), Jaroslav Picman (Ottawa, Canada), Vladimír Remeš (Department of zoology, Palacký Univerzity, Olomouc), Eivin Røskaft (Trondheim, Norway), Spencer G. Sealy (Manitoba, Canada), Manuel Soler (Granada, Spain), Emil Tkadlec (Department of Ecology, Palacký University, Olomouc, CZ). Names of anonymous referees are not explicitly included here, nevertheless, I thank them too. During my fieldwork I benefited from the help of Miroslav Čapek Jr., Marcel Honza, Karel Janko, Oddmund Kleven, Oldřich Mikulica, Vojtěch Mrlík, Arne Moksnes, Ingar Øien, Petr Procházka, Eivin Røskaft and Geir Rudolfsen. I am grateful to Emil Tkadlec, who several times excellently helped with statistics. I am grateful to cuckoos for their patience and to all „cuckoo“ researchers on those ideas I have parasitized. Finally and most importantly, I owe my gratitude to my mother for her patience, strong nerves and continuing support. * Edward Jenner (1788): Observations on the natural history of the cuckoo. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, London 78: 219-237. List of papers 3 List of papers The thesis consists of the following eight papers, which are referred to by their Roman numerals. I. Grim T. & Honza M. 2001: Does supernormal stimulus influence parental behaviour of the cuckoo`s host? Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 49(4): 322-329. II. Grim T. & Honza M. 1997: Differences in parental care of reed warbler (Acrocephalus scirpaceus) to its own nestlings and parasitic cuckoo (Cuculus canorus) chicks. Folia Zoologica 46(2): 135-142. III. Honza M., Picman J., Grim T., Novák V., Čapek M. Jr. & Mrlík V. 2001: How to hatch from an egg of great structural strength. A study of the common cuckoo. Journal of Avian Biology 31: xx- xx. IV. Grim T. & Honza M. 2001: Differences in behaviour of closely related thrushes (Turdus philomelos and T. merula) towards experimental parasitism by the common cucko (Cuculus canorus). Biologia 56(5): xx-xx. V. Honza M., Čapek, M. Jr. & Grim T. (MS): Nest defence, enemy recognition and nest inspection behaviour of experimentally parasitized reed warblers. VI. Grim T. (MS): Nest defence behaviour and enemy recognition in blackcaps (Sylvia atricapilla). VII. Grim T. (MS): Absence of nestling mimicry in parasitic birds: should we wonder at all? VIII. Grim T. (MS): Constraints on the evolution of host discrimination behaviour against brood parasitism. Bibliography 4 Bibliography Textbook Grim T. & Frynta D. (in prep.): Úvod do ekologie chování. Portál, Praha. (An introduction to behavioural ecology; chapters authored by T.G.: Introduction, Methods, Communication and signals, Recognition, Coevolution, Foraging behaviour, Cooperation). Original papers* Grim T. & Honza M. 1996: Effect of habitat on the diet of reed warbler (Acrocephalus scirpaceus) nestlings. Folia Zoologica 45(1): 31-34. Grim T. & Honza M. 1997: Differences in parental care of reed warbler (Acrocephalus scirpaceus) to its own nestlings and parasitic cuckoo (Cuculus canorus) chicks. Folia Zoologica 46(2): 135-142. Grim T. 1999: The food of great reed warbler (Acrocephalus arundinaceus) nestlings. Sylvia 35(2): 93-99 (in Czech, with summary in English). Grim T. 2000: An interesting observation of redirected behaviour in the song thrush (Turdus philomelos). Sylvia 36(2): 161-163 (in Czech, with summary in English). Grim T. & Honza M. 2001: Does supernormal stimulus influence parental behaviour of the cuckoo’s host? Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 49(4): 322-329. Grim T. & Honza M. 2001: Differences in behaviour of closely related thrushes (Turdus philomelos and T. merula) towards experimental parasitism by the common cuckoo (Cuculus canorus). Biologia 56(5): xx-xx. Honza M., Picman J., Grim T., Novák V., Čapek M. Jr. & Mrlík V. 2001: How to hatch from an egg of great structural strength. A study of the common cuckoo. Journal of Avian Biology 31: xx-xx. Manuscripts Grim T. (MS): Nest defence behaviour and enemy recognition in blackcaps (Sylvia atricapilla). Grim T. (MS): Absence of nestling mimicry in parasitic birds: should we wonder at all? Grim T. (MS): Constraints on the evolution of host discrimination behaviour against brood parasitism. Grim T. (MS): What factors determine composition of diet delivered to host reed warbler (Acrocephalus scirpaceus) and parasitic cuckoo (Cuculus canorus) nestlings? Grim T. (MS): Nestling growth of brood parasite and its host. Honza M., Čapek, M. Jr. & Grim T. (MS): Nest defence, enemy recognition and nest inspection behaviour of experimentally parasitized reed warblers. Abstracts and book reviews Grim T., Míšek I. & Honza M. 1994: Prenatální vývoj racka chechtavého Larus ridibundus L. Abstrakta referátů z konference Zoologické dny. Grim T. & Honza M. 1996: Existují rozdíly v rodičovské péči rákosníka obecného Acrocephalus scirpaceus u vlastních mláďat a mláďat kukačky Cuculus canorus v jeho hnízdě? Abstrakta referátů z konference Zoologické dny. Grim T. & Honza M. 1998: Does cuckoo chick provide its host with a supernormal stimulus? Biologia E Conservazione Della Fauna 102: 101. Grim T. & Honza M. 1998: Mládě kukačky obecné jako nadnormální podnět. Abstrakta referátů z 25. Etologické konference. Grim T. 2001: Davies, N.B., 2000: Cuckoos, cowbirds and other cheats. Folia Zoologica 50(1): 26.* Grim T. 2001: Rothstein, S.I. & Robinson, S.K. (eds.) 1998: Parasitic birds and their hosts: Studies in coevolution. Folia Zoologica 50(1): 56.* * Book reviews are indicated with an asterisk. Not all articles are listed here, for complete list see http://www.zoologie.upol.cz/doktorat.htm. Bibliography 5 Short ornithological articles Grim T. 1990: Ptactvo Třebíče. Zpravodaj SMP 10: 15-18. Grim T. 1991: Pozorování ptáků na Třebíčsku. Veronica 5(2): 29-31. Grim T. 1991: Vzácný host. Naším krajem 1991(4): 63. Grim T. 1991: Ornitofauna třebíčských rybníků. Zpravodaj SMP 11: 3-6. Grim T. 1991: Racek chechtavý v Brně. Zpravodaj SMP 11: 6-7. Grim T. 1992: Zahnízdění slavíka modráčka středoevropského Luscinia svecica cyanecula Meisner, 1804 na Českomoravské vrchovině. Moravský ornitolog 1992(3): 15-16. Grim T. 1993: Ptactvo okolí Třebíče se zaměřením na vodní druhy. Naším krajem 1993(5): 3-5. Grim T. 1995: Pozorování potáplice lední Gavia immer u Pasohlávek. Zprávy ČSO 41: 11. Grim T. 1996: Ornitologické zážitky z poloostrova Kola a Skandinávie. Ptáci kolem nás 1996(3): 14-18. Grim T. 1996: Ptactvo Třebíčských rybníků. Ptáci kolem nás 1996(4): 4-8. Grim T. 1997: Na samý konec Dunaje. Ptáci kolem nás 1997(4): 26-29. Grim T. 1998: Za ptáky do světa: Neziderské jezero. Ptačí svět 5(1): 8. Grim T. 1999: Za ptáky do světa: Portugalsko. Ptačí svět 6(2): 12. Grim T. 1999: Za ptáky do světa: Guatemala. Ptačí svět 6(3): 12. Grim T. 1999: Za ptáky do Belize. Ptáci kolem nás 1999(3): 23-26. Grim T. 2000: Je mládě kukačky obecné pro svého hostitele nadnormálním podnětem? Živa 48(4): 185- 186. Grim T. 2001: Za ptáky do světa: Sumatra. Ptačí svět (in press). Popular articles Grim T. 1989: Zoo jakých není mnoho. Rovnost 22.9.1989. Grim T. 1989: O ráji zoologů. Rovnost 3.11.1989. Grim T. 1989: Zoo Geralda Durrella. ABC 34(7): D15. Grim T. 1990: Durrellova zoo. Svobodné slovo 27.1.1990. Grim T. 1990: Mezi vzácné druhy. Svobodné slovo 21.2.1990. Grim T. 1990: Unikáty našeho safari. Lidová demokracie 2.5.1990. Grim T. 1990: Ptáčov ztratí jméno? Lidová demokracie 26.5.1990. Grim T. 1990: Turisté a holubi. Lidová demokracie 14.6.1990. Grim T. 1990: Tobi a ti druzí. Brněnský večerník 24.8.1990. Grim T. 1990: Zoo má sloužit návštěvníkům. Lidová demokracie 29.8.1990 Grim T. 1990: Ježura. Svobodné slovo 31.8.1990. Grim T. 1990: Kdo je Gerald Durrell. Svobodné slovo 21.9.1990. Grim T. 1990: Návštěva zoo Jersey. VTM 44(18): 46-47. Grim T. 1990: Kde je farma na chov motýlů? ABC 35(2). Grim T. 1990: Durrellova zoo na Jersey. Věda a život: 42-44. Grim T. 1990: Co je to JWPT? Svobodné slovo 4.10.1990. Grim T. 1990: Návštěva Durrellovy zoo v Jersey. Zpravodaj SMP 10: 18-21. Grim T. 1990: Jersey - ornitologický ráj. Zpravodaj SMP 10: 21-22. Grim T. 1990: Kdo je Assumbo? ABC 35(4): 30. Grim T. 1990: Zoo na Temži. VTM 44(20): 46. Grim T. 1990: Děti a Dodo Club. Lidová demokracie 28.12.1990. Grim T. 1991: Znovu okouzlení přírodovědci. Svobodné slovo 3.1.1991.
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