www.WeeklyVoice.com FRONT PAGE Friday, November 1, 2019 | A-1 Canada’s Leading South Asian Newspaper - Tel: 905-795-0639 Friday, NovemberJune 2, 2017 1, 2019 www.WeeklyVoice.com VolVol 25, 23, No. No. 44 22 PM: 40025701 Behind The Noise: The True Story Of Kashmir, page 6 Joyous Diwali Celebrations At BAPS Mandir, page 10 Trillium Diwali Gala Raises Whopping $750,000, page 13 One-Third Of Canadians Voted Strategically Messaging By Liberals In Final Lap Got Better Traction OTTAWA: More than one-third ecutive vice-president Christian Thirteen per cent made a deci- of Canadians voted strategically Bourque. sion during the last week, six per in last week’s federal election to Thirty-five per cent of respon- cent during the final weekend stop another party from winning, dents to the Leger poll said their before the Monday vote, and an- a new poll suggests. decision about who to support other 10 per cent literally didn’t The outcome, combined with took into account the chances that decide until the last minute on the latest poll results, suggest their vote would prevent another voting day. Those results suggest “the messaging of the Liberals in party’s candidate from being vic- a good number of voters waited the last legs of the campaign, sort torious. to see which way the wind was of post-debate, played much bet- And almost as many waited un- blowing before casting their bal- ter than the messaging from the til the final week of the campaign lots, motivated at least in part by Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer reflects on the 2019 Federal Conservatives,’’ said Leger ex- to make their choice. Continued on page 2 election in Ottawa . THE CANADIAN PRESS/Justin Tang J & K Bifurcated; Two Quebec To Have Union Entities Created A ‘Values Test’ For Historic Day For India As Atrocious System Overturned All Newcomers QUEBEC CITY: Quebec is moving ahead with its contro- versial values test for newcomers wishing to settle in the province but the new requirements are less strict than what was initially pro- posed. Starting Jan. 1., anyone seeking permanent residency in Quebec will need to score at least 75 per cent on a 20-question, multiple- choice exam, to be completed in 90 minutes, Immigration Min- ister Simon Jolin-Barrette an- Simon Jolin-Barrette, Minister nounced Wednesday. of Immigration, Diversity and “The successful integration Inclusiveness. THE CANADIAN of immigrants increases their PRESS/Jacques Boissinot contribution to the dynamism of have the same rights and this Quebec’s economy,’’ Jolin-Bar- equality is written into law. True rette said during a news confer- or False?’’ reads one example. ence. Would-be immigrants will be The test was a key component Federal Liberal leader Justin Trudeau holds up the party platform at a rally in Ottawa on Friday Continued on page 2 of the Coalition Avenir Quebec’s October 11, 2019. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Frank Gunn NEW DELHI: It was a historic no legislature. The Modi gov- existing state of Jammu and Kash- 2018 election platform on im- Thursday for India as two new ernment, while taking the con- mir shall be deemed to have been migration. The party’s campaign Union Territories of Jammu and troversial step, contended that it elected to fill the seats allotted to pledge spoke to fears in the prov- Kashmir and Ladakh came into was necessary to end separatism, the Union territory of Jammu and ince that immigrants weren’t being, putting into effect the reor- terrorism and social discrimina- Kashmir. The term of office of properly integrating into Que- ganization of the erstwhile state. tion besides removing hurdles in such sitting members shall remain bec society. Would-be immi- The implementation of the Jam- economic development in Jammu unaltered. grants would be at risk of de- mu and Kashmir Reorganisation and Kashmir. There shall be allocated five portation if they failed the exam, Act, 2019, which got President’s As per the Act, the respective seats to the successor Union ter- voters were told. assent on August 9, means the UTs will have Lieutenant Gover- ritory of Jammu and Kashmir But more than one year after special status enjoyed by Jammu nor as administrator who will be and one seat to Union territory being elected, the CAQ govern- and Kashmir under Article 370 appointed by the President of In- of Ladakh, in the House of the ment decided on a softer ap- comes to an end after 72 years. dia. The tenure will be determined People, and the First Schedule to proach. The details of the test The landmark bill to abol- by the President. the Representation of the People rules were published Wednesday ish special status of Jammu and The First Schedule to the Con- Act, 1950 (43 of 1950) shall be in the province’s Official Gazette, but the wording of the questions BROKER Kashmir and bifurcate the state stitution, under the heading “THE deemed to be amended accord- BROKER into two Union Territories was STATES” shall be deleted and ingly. was not. moved in Parliament on August 5 entries from 16 to 29 shall be re- The Delimitation of Parliamen- Nonetheless, Jolin-Barrette REMAX REAL ESTATE CENTRE INC., BROKERAGE and passed the next day by both numbered as 15 to 28 under the tary Constituencies Order, 1976 brought some examples of test Houses, amidst much uproar. heading “UNION TERRITO- shall stand amended as directed in questions for journalists during According to the Act, the UT RIES”. the Second Schedule of the Act. his news conference in Quebec of J&K will have a legislature Four sitting members of the The Election Commission may City. while the UT of Ladakh will have Council of States representing the Continued on page 5 “In Quebec, women and men Nod For Ontario’s $28.5 Billion Transit Vision TORONTO: Toronto city a subway extension dubbed the Hamilton area) while also deliv- council has voted to move ahead “Ontario Line’’ as well as three ering significant relief to critical with a transit project that includes additional stations that would congestion,’’ Ford said in a state- a major proposal - worth $28.5 bring subway service to the city’s ment. “The people of Ontario billion - put forward and partially eastern suburbs. deserve rapid, world-class tran- funded by Ontario’s government. Toronto Mayor John Tory de- sit services and our plan will de- Councillors voted 22-3 in fa- scribed the newly adopted deal as liver exactly that.’’ vour of the joint plan, which good for the city in a twitter post- In April, the premier an- the provincial government an- ing shared after the council vote. nounced his public transit plan nounced earlier this month as Ontario Transportation Minis- would include the so-called “On- it backed away from an earlier ter Caroline Mulroney and Ford tario Line.’’ The downtown relief promise to take control of the Premier Doug Ford released statements applauding route would be twice as long as a city’s transit system. council for adopting the plan. stretch Toronto was considering, The deal marked a reversal for sit from the city. “Our comprehensive program be built two years earlier and cost the government of Premier Doug But the plan approved by of priority subway projects will billions more. Ford, which passed legislation in council contains other features dramatically improve connectiv- It also included a three-stop April to allow it to upload tran- of Ford’s transit vision, such as ity across the (Greater Toronto- Continued on page 4 A-2 | Friday, November 1, 2019 FRONT PAGE www.WeeklyVoice.com THE WEEKLY VOICE EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Most Say They Voted Out Of Conviction Bala Menon Continued from page 1 ASSOCIATE EDITOR a desire to prevent the outcome Shazia Malik they least wanted. The online survey of 1,503 CONTRIBUTING WRITERS adult Canadians was conducted Amb. Praveen Verma (Retd.) Dr. Nivedita Das Kundu Oct. 22-24 for The Canadian Harj Chaggar Press and weighted to reflect the Amitabh Saxena makeup of Canada’s population; it cannot be assigned a margin Graphic Design of error because internet-based Tamarind Tree polls are not considered random ACCOUNT MANAGERS samples. Manu Ramachandran Of all the parties, the Conser- G Prasaad vatives were the most likely to Rohit Malhotra lock in their support early. Fully Maha 50 per cent of respondents who voted for the Tories said they ONLINE MARKETING Conservative leader Andrew Scheer, centre, shakes hands with Peter MacKay during an election made their choice before the MANAGER campaign stop in Little Harbour, N.S. MacKay is trying to put a stop to rumours he’s planning campaign started. By contrast, Amitabh Saxena a run for leadership of the party if the job opens up in the next six months. THE CANADIAN just 30 per cent of Liberals, 22 PRESS/Adrian Wyld LEGAL ADVISOR per cent of New Democrats, 31 Dr. Keshav Agnihotri per cent of Bloc Quebecois sup- and 24 per cent of People’s Party Trudeau spent the final week said they considered voting Bloc porters, 35 per cent of Greens and supporters. of the campaign warning pro- and 29 per cent considered going ACCOUNTS But while strategic voting gressive voters that they must Green. By contrast, those who Asha J Singhh 31 per cent of supporters of the People’s Party of Canada said the was a factor, the poll suggests vote Liberal to prevent An- voted Conservative were much photographer same. it wasn’t the primary factor for drew Scheer’s Conservatives less likely to have considered Manohar Sagoo Overall, 57 per cent said their most.
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