Howard University Digital Howard @ Howard University The iH lltop: 1930-40 The iH lltop Digital Archive 4-13-1939 The iH lltop 4-13-1939 Hilltop Staff Follow this and additional works at: http://dh.howard.edu/hilltop_193040 Recommended Citation Staff, Hilltop, "The iH lltop 4-13-1939" (1939). The Hilltop: 1930-40. 101. http://dh.howard.edu/hilltop_193040/101 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the The iH lltop Digital Archive at Digital Howard @ Howard University. It has been accepted for inclusion in The iH lltop: 1930-40 by an authorized administrator of Digital Howard @ Howard University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. • • , - •• • -1 •. • . I Symbolic of Si;rlng ~d Cherry Bloisom Tim e Are the Four Charming Howard Coeds. Left to right: Gloria Osborne, Justin McNeil, ' . - Harr.ie• . Brooks and Charlotte Wesley. May Q11een • • ·*HOWARD•• UNIVERSITY* REAO . INQUIRING REl..,ORTER PAGE 3 • --:. 1. J • • VOL. XVt7No. 6 WASHINGTON, D, C. THURSDA);. APRIL 13, 1939 • 700 ·Attend Reception For ~iss Marian Anderson -"Talenled ~1ine1>: Howard Stqdents Given by Howard Unive1·sity Fac11lty Wives Win''Awards in Da11bers Contest • t - • • .• "'t ' ·· After g1v1ng a brilj,iant I I The Daubers' Club's "Ar! performance before an audi- Winners in Art Competition Talent Treasur&'Hunt" \vhich ence:·of more thah 75,000 \VaS heJd among students at music-lo\•ers from the steps 1----------------------·------------'-------'IHowa1·d and Mi11er Teachers' Co ll ege, March· 24, 'came to a of the Lincoln ~femorial -·-'---"'"-··' --~-...,.,_..,. • close last \veek \vi th studeihs Easter Su11day, l\'Iarian An- at both institutions bei11g derson, \voi·ld famed contral· . a\varded ci:tsh 111·izes. to, was the guest of honor at • -.f..1' Tl1c co 1111ictiti.011 was held i11 an ; _ • 'Ct. a reception held in Frazier effort lo slin1ulatc inlc1·cst in al·L i • H II d h f among college students, and lo I • a un er t e auspices o ddvelo11 thei1· a1>preciation for ,, the Howard University Fae- iJ 11ttistic c1·e11tion11. - ulty Group. '" l t-ving \Vashington ,,·as a .......;~ded • More than 700 adn1irers paid first prize in painting for art ma- • tribute ~o the singer at the recep- jo1·s, ,vith Ca 1·olyn J ohnso n, sec- r ' tion. ond, Ul).<I Jose1>h Dixo111 third, t In the receiving line-up were: \\•bile Otto !\fcC!arrin took the ..•' President and ?rlrs. Mordecai first priz°" in the black and \vhite 1\1iss Ada Dea11 s, attrac­ Johnson; Mrs. Anna Anderson, <ll'awings for a1·t 11tajo-rs, \\•ith ti\1e se11io1· a11d n1ember of Mrs. Etel Anderson DePriesf, Mi s& llc1·na1·d Ruffi11, second. Alpha KaJ)J)a So1·01·ity, \Vas Alyce Anderson, Kosti Vehanen, • J\mateur Grou1> A\\'ards elected ~lay Quee n for 1939 Dean and l\lrs. Charles H. Wesley, . Jn the an1atcur g1·ou1> fo1· Hou·- S. Hurok, Guiseppe Boghetti, Mrs. 1 a1·cl Univer• sity• ... · stu<lcnts,- 1J1·1zcs• in a11 election held last \veek - Mary McLeod Bethune, Mr. and \Vere. ll\Varded a!I follo,vs: Pllinl- by the Women's I... e~ig11e. Mrs. Richard Hurst Hill, ing-first,. l\l.lron ll iggins; sec- This 111a1·ks the seco11d time Professor Cecil Cohen, Attorney 011d , i\1iss J-!elen tlernmingway; l\1iss Deans--has i>l8yed t~e role oC Charles H. Houston, Attorney Hu· black and \vhitc-fi1·st, l\1 rs. l\.1a- .a campus queen <luting hc1· ca- bert Delany, Congressman Caro.. rion Marlin Banfield; _,second, 1·eer he1·e at J·{o\\'lll"d. 1' ShC \vas lyif O'Day, Dean Lula V. Childers, Richard \Velis ; thi1·<I, l\1i ss Helen fir!5t honored in 1937 \Vh1111 ~lect'ed Dean and Mrs. Charles H. Thomp- llen1rfling,,·ny; photography - Queen of the Gridi1·on. son, Dr. and Mrs. T . llungate, firSt, George Leighton; second, Mi ss Dea ns is 111ajo1·i ng in hi s­ and Colonel and 1tfrs. \Vest HamiL t.. 0 8cco1'1.- ~failclcn; t.hi1·d, Ralph tory, and \Viii g1·aduate in J une. ton. 1 Barncs;.,..scu] ptu1·e-no first prize; \Among the outstanding guests .Among thte prizewinners in- the. Da.ubers' Club -•rArt Talen-t Hunt'' competition held here at Howard second , R;cha rd L. Frands, and To Aid Kiddies were: between students atijoward and Miner Teachers' College are (left to right) :l\1iss Carolyn J ohnson, Otto honorable mc 11tion 1 !l-1rs. l\Iarian I M.r. and Mrs. Naylor Fitzhugh, McClarrin, JOseph Dixon, Irving \Vashingtoil, John Francis, George .Leighton., Oscc~la Madden- and Ber­ i\1a1·tin Banfield. ~ · nard Ruffin. J. F1·anklin \\' ilson u·as the Dr. William J . Thompkins, At- A wards in l'ainting speaker at the 1n onthly 111eeting of tomey w. Robert Ming, -Professor Awards in the painting class the Phi Beta SiK111a Fraternity a~ and Mrs. Walter Daniel, Mr. and fo1· flfin er Teachers") College Stu- 92 s S N h ( 1 1 econcl t1·eet, 1 01·t \VCs~ Mrs. Leo Hansberry, Dr. af!d Colleges Consider -Late Bulletins·. clents wel"e 1nade .as foll ows: Miss recent!}'. M:ra. Raymond Hayes, Mr. and Gl~ri!l Melon , first; ?.fiss Adelaide The group voted $25 for the Mn. Walter White, Dr. and Mr11. Jones, second, and Miss Minnie establishment of an eyeglass fund ·r The Women's .• League.of Howard University sponsol·ed Vocational Howard Payne, Profe11s9r John Compol_SOry VS. Shq.mate, third. -fo 1- needy school children, and Education Week recently. A motion )'iicture OJ\. Negro artists at \\,'.Otk Lovell, Dr. and Mrs. Emmett J . 1 A total of $31 , collected !ronr Di·. A. O. Thoi11as, p1·esident, 1was • . R 0 TC was givep in Founders' Library,· where· Miss Lois :1\1 . J ones, teacher· Scott, Professor J. H. Herring, Etec l Ive • • • • friends of art, was awarded the instructed to contact other frk­ •- Kn. Dorothy Howard, Dr. and ' o:f art, introduced the particip8nts on the program. v.·j nners. Or. St. Clair - F_rice ad­ lemitics in seeking ccooperation Mn. Claude Farabee, Dr. and - - ' dressed the group, speaking on By Associated College Press · _,, "Later, Profess-Or St. Clair Price discussed trends in vocational in the proposed funcl . Mrs. Walter Garvin, Mias Ruth trends in vocational guidance. • of guidance, and Miss Jones talked on the development and- appreciation Othe1· n1embcl·s present were: Jonet, Ki.as Caroline V.'", Grant, That old question military ' . ''DeveloPment and • Appr'eeiation · of art as a vocation. ~ John A. Turner, C. B. Ingram, Mill Madeleine Coleman, Dean training - the battleground of the of Art as a Vocation'' was dis- nation's college and university '1" ...,. ·.' ,.-Ir - \Villiam A. Baltimore, J . M. W. • and Jin. Russell D~on, Mrs. 1<:ussed, and the moving picture, campuses wh_erel liberals and con­ A panel discussion on vocational opportunitlies in the fine arts was Greene, J. F . Green, B. H. Early, Loct.e Sewell, Mrs. Isabel B1ll'D.I Conducted by the following teachen: Mias ·Tpnea.. Mr. Wells, .Miss 1' \Colored Artists at Work,1' ar­ servatives bring a national issue C. W. Wade, W. Erwin, · Joseph IJndMJ', Congressman Carollne Carolyn Grant, Howard H. Mackey, James A. Porter, Miss ViJ;>let ranged by the Harmon F Otl nda­ DodsQn, R. H. Parker, L. W. home to the local eampu.aes -;­ • ''· O'DaJ, Profea1or and Kn. Wil­ Warfield and Louia Vaughn Jones. ~- tion, was shown. Caine, J . A. Squire, J oseph L. is again cat.chine the attention of U.m J. llaadltt, Dr. John R. Haw- Mrs. Sadie Maya, of the NY A, discussed Vt~ activities of her Judges for the contest in­ Bryant, George A. Parker and kia 5 Y---1. EftD& ' eolleciana in many sections of the ._.,.. , organisation in the .f01terinc ot the arts . (Continued on page 13, column 2) W. L. 'Holt. (C t''•aeit OD 11 p U, coJnmn 3) (Continued on pace 13, Column 2) - ~ J l < • • ., ' • • • • • ' ' • • ---~ • ,, . c ' • ' .. -· ' • • \ • • TWO THE HILLTOP THURSDAY. APRIL 11, ..e ' • Negro Materials Catalogued ScientiSts Acclaim Dr. fust; Professor Jesse 8. Blayten By WP A Project Workers Hailing New Biological Work Principal Commerce Day Speaker • A 600-page catalogue of books in the Moorland Collec­ Announcement' has been made biological circles throughout th~ Jesse B. Blayton, C.P.A., and ProfeSBor of Accounting tion, and 30,000 available index cards recording educational of the publication of a. biological world. • at Atlanta University appeared at Howard University laat . ' work authored by Dr Ernest E. ''He has also an exceptional abil· week in connection with Annual Observance of Commerce books and 1>amphlets by and about· the Negro, place the Just, head of the department of ity to express abstract truth with Day. The series of meetings on ibis ·occasion were held un­ Founder's J~ ib1·ary in a position to be the clearing house for r.oology. The book, titled ''The Bl- simplicity and clearness and thus der the auspices of the Commerce Club, a student group at over 100,000 publications related to the Negro in America ology of the Cel l Surface,'' wa11 relate It to human experience. In the university and with cooperation from the- Washington and throughout the world. w1·ittcn lluring a recent tour of his book he brings his readers in­ Chamber of Commerce, the Washington Society o:I' Account­ · Tl11s lo11g-hoJ><'d·for 1> osition Dr.. Jui'4t in Euro1>e. to an arena of conflicting biologi- ancy, and teachers from Department of Business Practice, l1au l>ccn 111t1<ic 11 os~ib l c by project '"orkc1·s of the line pri­ The t11ag11zine ''Scie~ce,1• official cal thought, expressing himself Cardozo High School, Divisions 10-13.
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