•:• Greater Newark's Hometown Newspaper Since 191 0 •:• 86th Year, Issue 2 © 1996 February 2, 1996 Newark, Del. • 50¢ THis WEEK A stone' IN SPORTS throw LOCAL from harm WRESTliNG By MARY E. PETZAK NEWARK POST STAFF WRI TER COACHES WONDER R s itknt~ of , tonc~throw and The ommons at tunesthrow went to w rk and s ·hm I as usual nn ABOUT DU PoNT'S M )llda J an :~~ ~ but wh n rh ey r 3 turned home. the entrance to th ir communiti 'S at Route 96 and 'u l blclicld Drive had been closed withnut w·1rning EFFECf ON b contractor .lames .Julian's rot1d builder~ . t a meeting or about 25 n.:sicknt~ la:-t .. aturdu , Tom C'hid e~ t'r, lc- ear r'siu ·nt and current pr c~·i­ SPORT. dcnt or th tonesthrow i ic .... sociation, ~aid 16 Del DOT promised not to clos' the old entran ·e at nbblcfi ld until the new ntrance was ·ornplete. "'Not < nl did th ey close it before the new IN LIFESTYLE entrance roau was en pav cl , the did not give any notice to the ~ ·hool di stricts or th e 400 residents in th 's ·ommunitics," hid 'st r ~aid . THERE'S WACKY See STONESTHROW, 2 ... FUN HAPPENING Ruling brings AT NEWARK no sunshine GAME to Mayor COMPANY. 8 A w'ek al'tl:r the di sturbin g announcement that Newark 's ci ty ·ounci l wa~ in vio lation nf th state's Freedom of Information Act, Ma yor Ronald Gardner IN THE NEWS is still fumin g. ''It was unn ccs ary for Ri ·h rmitagt: from th e uni rsit to sta nd up an I apo logil'e for emharras. ­ ing u:-." !-l aid Uarcln r. 'Tm not ~ mbarr as~e d - J'm NEWARK POST STAFF PHOTO BY GAYLE K. HART mad . In no wa w re we doing som thing subversiVl' POUCE CHIEF as stated by Mr. Porach." In r spon :'l to a complaint by N wa rk resident Alb rt Por:.~ c h , two deput y att orn eys ge neral iss u 'd HONORED WITH an pinion statin g that informalm ·etings ove r meals att nded h counc ilmember · at the niversit of D !aware co nstitut d ad hoc ommitt e meetin gs ELECTION AS requiring ad an · noti ce and the takin g f minute -;. CHAIRMAN OF See MAYOR UPSET, 2 ... POLICE BOARD ~ 3 NEW BISHOP INDEX NEWS 1·7 VIsrrs NEWARK POLICE BEAT 2 OPINION 6 LIFESTYLE 8 ScHooL 9 THE ARTS The Most Rev. Michael A. OBITUARIES 20 Saltarelli, newly installed Bishop of the Catholic DIVERSIONS 10 Diocese of Wilmington , CROSSWORD PUZZLE 11 delighted students and faculty at Holy Angels School in IN THE KITCHEN 28 Newark with a visit on SPORTS Wednesday for Catholic Schools Week. CLASSIFIEDS NEWARK POST STAff't>l«>10 8Y'GAV k. HART P Lt 2 • FWARK Pos I • F1 f\Rl 't\RY 2, 1 ~U6 NEvvARI< rosr ·:· POLICE BLOTTER Can we help? Police beat Offices: The paper's offices are located ··········· ········· ···· ···· ····· ·· ············ ········· ·· ······ ································································································································· conveniently in the Robscott Building, • Poli ·e Beat is rompiled each parking Jot and issued a summons that he had another vehicle stolen him, Wilson brandi ·hed a can of 153 E. Chestnut Hill Rd ., Newark, DE week from the flies of the Newark to Ortiz for criminal tre pas.. from the same location lac;t year. Mace and a starter pistol at the 19713. Office hours are 8:30 a.m . to 5 Police Depanment hy staff writer The 15-year-old was taken to employee and then fled. p.m. weekdays. Mary £. Petzak. Newark pol ice station where he He was located at a park and Phone: (302) 737-0724 was charged with criminal tre - Tires slashed ride lot and taken into custody. Facsimile: (302) 737-9019 (all depart­ pas. and offensive touching. Charged with menacing for the Trespass, touching On Jan. 23 police were called ments) econd incident, he is being held at high school to the parking lot of Horton at Gander Hill prison in lieu of e-mail: newpost@aol .com Honda Accords Brothers Exxon on S. College $2,000 ecured bond. To subscribe: Call 737-0724 or 1-800- n Jan. 26 police were called Avenue where employees stated 220-3311 . Cost is $15 .95 per year to to N wark High School when two taken that Mile Wil son, 36, of Newark had slashed a car tire with a knife New Castle County addresses . To begin teenag males r fus d to leave the Chrysler employee a subscription, simp ly call the sch ol grounds. Sometime between 9: 15 p.m. and broken antennas on two vehi ­ on Jan. 23 and 8 a.m. on Jan. 24, a cles while suppo edly waiting to Circulation Department. threats According to a school admin­ 1992 H nda Accord wa<> stolen by have hi car towed to another place a classified: Call1-800-220- istrator, a securit y guard firs t saw To unknown per on from Lhe drive­ I ation. A SO-year-old male employee 1230 I -y ar-o ld Jason rtiz of Elkton way of a re idence . on Devon Road and a 15 -year-old mal e Wil on was taken to the at the Chrysler as embly plant on To place a display ad: Call 737-0724. Drive. The vehicle was later recov­ Newark pol ice station and found S. College Avenue reported to compan ion in the school around 9 ered with a damaged ignition. a.m. and not recognizing them as to be wanted already by N wport police that between Jan. I 0 and HE STAFF of the Newark Post is anx1ous to ass1st stud nts told them to leave. During the arne ni ght police p lice. He wa relea ed by Jan. 12 a 40-year-old male c - Treaders and advertisers. Reporters, writers. edi ­ report that a 199 black Honda Newark pending warrant to be worker threatened him through tors and salespeople can be con tacted as listed They wer seen lat er in the day Accord was taken from in front f obtained. other per ons. below: ~making in the scho I and the are. idence on Dallas Avenue. younger boy pu. hed a . hool On Jan . 24, Wilson went back According to the report, the David G. W. Scot1 1s the newspaper's employee when told to go to the That vehi cle has n t been to the ervice tation and suspect told two other a-worker news and sports ed1tor He makes principal's office. recovered and police have no demanded return of a $45 towing that he was going to injure the 50- staff assignments and reviews all leads. fee paid on the previous day. year-old f r undi. losed work­ press releases, etc. He can be reached On th eir arrival, p li ' located related rea on . at 737-0724. the pair in th e ollegc Square The 54-year-old owner . ta t s When told no one could help Mary E. Petzak is a general ass1gnment reporter. Her beat includes government. education and pohce news. She can be contacted at 737-0724 . Sexual assault of 14-year-old Gayle K. Hart is the off1ce manager and editorial assistant who processes most Mayor not happy Newark police are continuing 18 and then had exual inter­ press re leases. She prepares ob1tuaries th ir investiga ti on into an alleged course with her against her will. and the D1vers1ons calendar. Gayle also m mbcrs, . aid th mayor, and sexual assault involving a minor On Jan. 19, poli ce were noti­ wri te s feature and busmess stories. ... MAYOR UPSET, from 1 Ri ch Arm it age and John Brook, on hoate Street in Newark. fied that Young wa truck on the Co ntact her at 737-0724. "I bcli ·vc thi s int rpretation of director and vice-pre id ent According to police chief William side of the head by two teenage Contributing writers and photograp hers include the law was wrong," said respec tively of government and A. Hogan, police are attempting males wielding a metal pipe after Meghan Aftosm is . Jack Bartl ey, Julianna Baggott, pub lic relations at the university, to determine if other victims are re pending to a knock on hi Kelly Bennett . Elbert Chance . Martm L. Duncan, Gardner. ''The inten t of the law was not to prevent thi s art of talked about the same plans at involved in similar incidents. door. It is believed that the boys Enc Fi ne. Marv1n Hummel, Ruth M. Kelly , James ubseq uent regular counci l meet­ Mclaren, Shirley Tarran t, Phil Toman and thing." Robert "J.C." Young, 27-year­ were friends of the 14-year-old Marty Valania . Leave messages for them at 737- Gardner said the o- ailed ing. old resident of the unit block of victim and retaliating for the 0724. 'sun shine Jaws' w re aim d at Gardner . aid he has talked to Choate Street, was arrested· on alleged assault. preventin the extreme efforts of state senator Steven Amick and Jan. 24 during an investjgation Young i currently being held Newsroom interns are Heather Lynch and Phil also sent a letter expressing hi into drug offen es and minors at Shozda . Ca ll them at 737-0724. ·orne publi official in the past on $48,000 secured bond. to do wrong thing.· privately. dis may at thi ruling.
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