ENZO DIENA TO RECEIVE 1978 A. F. LICHTENSTEIN MEMORIAL AWARD duced many articles dealing with the philately of Italy. Especially notable were those on the follow-up of the 1863 regular issue of Italy, the outstanding varieties of Italian Libya, the ''first days'' of the stamps of the Italian States and his study of the relative scarcity of the top values in every issue of the Italian States. He has also contributed regular information on the technical aspects of Italian new is­ sues. Mr. Diena has lent his expertise to many other editorial works, serving as ne of the most illustrious awards that editor of the first three editions of the O can be bestowed in the realm of Bolaffi Catalogue. He also edited its Eng­ philately, the Alfred F. Lichtenstein Me­ lish language edition dealing with the morial Award, is presented annually to a issues of the Pontifical states and Vatican philatelist of world-wide renown. Each City. year beginning with 1952 previous award Enzo Diena exhibited at The Collectors winners have gathered to nominate a new Club in 1969. The subject of that interest­ and worthy recipient for this signal honor. ing display was "Watermarks and Perfo­ That nomination is presented to the Board rations of Italian stamps. '' As a collector, of Governors of the club to be voted upon he continues to improve the holdings first for final approval. Such a nomination was amassed by his grandfather and then by acted upon by the Board at its December his father. Currently, he is concentrating meeting. There, by a unanimous vote , on the various special uses of the stamps Enzo Diena, the distinguished Italian phi­ of Sardinia between 1859 and 1861 dur­ latelist became the 1978 recipient of this ing the turmoil that attended the welding coveted award. of the Italian States into a unified Italy and A profound student with a deep knowl­ on the postmarks and cancellations of the edge in his chosen field of endeavor, Mr. Kingdom of Naples. He is also deeply Diena comes from a famous philatelic interested in the issues of the Roman family. His grandfather was the unforget­ States, and early last year he helped table Emilio Diena and his father was the organize in Rome a comprehensive exhi­ well-known expert Alberto Diena. He bition of those stamps. has been actively involved with the hobby Well-known in international circles, he for most of his 51 years. His first attempt has attended practically every outstand­ at philatelic writing was a tribute to ing philatelic exhibition since 1959 both Franklin Delano Roosevelt as a philat­ as secretary or member of the jury. He is elist, written soon after the President's quite active in organized philately. He is death in 1945. The following year he took the president of the International Associ­ over the editorship of" Italia Filatelica," ation of Catalogue Publishers (ASCAT), a position he retained until 1961 long after a member of the Executive Committee of it had merged with "II Collezionista." the International Federation of Philately Over the years, Mr. Diena has pro- (FIP), a member of the board of the March 1979 109 International Association of Philate lic since 194 1. His chief specialty, of course, Experts (AIEP). He is a member of the lies in the Italian area. His advice is also Directing Committee ofthe Itali an Feder­ sought after by the Itali an Post Office and ation of Philatelic Societies and a member by the Italian State Printing Works to of several non-Italian clubs such as The which he has been a consultant since Collectors Club, the Royal Philatelic So­ 1952. ciety, London (of whic h he is a Fellow), Mr. Diena signed the " Roll of Di stin­ the Berliner Philateli sten-Klub of 1888, gui shed Philateli sts" at Bl ac kpool in etc . 1977. A graduate in law from Rome State A professional philatelic expert , Mr. University , he ac hieved hi s doctorate Diena took over the family expertizi ng with a thesis in International Law as service in 1976 that Emilio Diena had related to the Uni versal Postal Union. He started before the turn of the century and resides in Rome, is married and has two which Alberto and Mario had carried on sons. His new honor is well deserved. 1979 PROGRAM AND CALENDAR OF EVENTS March 7 - PER U 1857-1 862 - Dr , Norman S. Hubbard , Oyster Bay, N. Y. March 21 - C Z ECHOSLOVAKIA-Dr. James J . Matejka, Jr. 7 Chicago, Ill. April 4 - MO NTENEGRO- Harry Sutherl and, Toronto , Canada. April 18 - AME RICAN MACHI NE CO . F L A GS­ George T. Turner, Washington, D. C. May 2 - R USSIAN R URAL STA MPS-ZEMSTVOS­ Jacques Marcovitch, Rego Park , N. Y. May 9 - ANNUAL AWARDS DINNER . May 16 - TO PICA L COLLECT! NG TO DAY- George T . Guzzio, Brookl yn, N. Y. June 6 - HOSTER CANCELLA TIONS OF ENGLA ND AND GER MANY-Abbot Lutz, New York , N.Y. SUMMER RECESS September 12 - BRAZIL. TH E 1894- 1906 ISSUES-John Fos­ bery, Newton Abbot, Devon, Great Britain . October 3 - THE SAGA OF THE C. C. N. A-Alex Rendon, New York , N. Y. October 17 - LOOKING AT TH E ITA L/AN RESORGl ­ MENTO THROUGH PHILATELIC EYES- Dr. Enzo Diena , Rome , Italy. November 7 - NEW ZEA LAND 1855-1873-Robert P. Oden­ weller, Bernards vi lie, N. J. November 14 - SWEDEN. THE " SKILLING BANCO" IS­ S UE-Tomas Bj aringer, Stockholm, Sweden and Lauson H. Stone, Brookl yn, N. Y. December S - TA L ES OF THE MISSISSIPPI- Harvey Warm, New York , N. Y . December 19 - BOA RD OF GOVER NO R'S OPEN HOUSE 110 .
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