Facebook: Anecº±ï-¤ïh-ŸÛ-zºÛ-¿e-Iâz-¢ôP-zl¼-zÇeÛ-GmÅ-DP- Peace Website: anec.org.in * ANEC MESSENGER ANEC ACTIVE NONVIOLENCE EDUCATION CENTER HALF YEARLY FEBRUARY 2013 - AUGUST 2013 ISSUE - 8 IS GANDHI RELEVANT TO THE FACEBOOK AND TWITTER AGE? By Tenpa C. Samkhar (Executive Director – ANEC) (Former Kashag (Cabinet) Secretary for Political Affairs/Former CTA Health Secretary) Former Vice President, Indo-Tibetan Friendship Society - Himachal State Head Office We have moved from spinning wheels uprisings against totalitarian, repressive faithfully and steadfastly dedicated his and handlooms to massive, expeditious regimes. At the crux of their strategies life. textile machines and factories! Snail- Gandhi appears in the center stage of His Holiness the 14th Dalai speed bullock carts gave way to horse- their nonviolent protest theories and Lama of Tibet, in his message to ANEC, drawn chariots, and then inert charcoal- ideals. In the United States’ 'Occupy eulogizes Gandhi by stating: "What fueled trains, and now we are in the age Movements', renowned theorists like distinguishes Gandhi was that he of magic-speed electronic bullet trains Gene Sharp and Noam Chomsky, whose showed how nonviolence could be a n d s u p e r s o n i c j e t a i r c r a f t s ! ideas stand upon the firm foundation of successful in providing an effective Monotonous long distance trunk calls Gandhi's work and examples, were at approach to the resolution of conflict!' I and sluggish postal service have now the very forefront of the massive, would, therefore, like to conclude that, given way to an amazing new type of popular movement to nonviolently fight regardless of the medium through which c o m m u n i c a t i o n t h a t m e s s a g e i s channel: the fabulous c o n v e y e d , b e i t s o c i a l m e d i a o f Facebook, Twitter, Facebook, Twitter postal service or and WeChat! t e l e v i s i o n , t h e T h e s e m e s s a g e i t s e l f incredible scientific remains relevant and and technological powerful today, just as i n n o v a t i o n s a n d it was in Gandhi's own inventions pose a time. very big question: In the words of 'Have science and A l b e r t E i n s t e i n , technology ushered "Generations to come in any significant will scarcely believe c h a n g e s a n d that such a one as this ANEC Executive Director’s exclusive interview with Kiva Bottero, innovations in the Mindful Work Magazine, Canada ever in flesh and blood moral and ethical values of humanity had walked on this earth." Albert at large?' The answer, I think, will for economic and social justice. And Einstein was absolutely right: in an remain a firm "NO". like the Arab Spring, Facebook and ironic sort of way, Gandhi no longer The next important question Twitter were cardinal sources of walks the earth in flesh and blood, but then follows: 'Is Gandhi relevant to communicating to a wide audience in an rather exists for the Facebook and the Facebook and Twitter age?' i n e x p e n s i v e , h a n d y w a y t h e Twitter age as a highly digitized Another way to put that same question developments taking place during the emblem of truth and nonviolence. is: 'Are the Principles of Truth and protests. Thus, Facebook and Twitter In the light of the above Nonviolence relevant to Facebook have in fact emerged as cogent and undeniable facts, we naturally reach the and Twitter? The answer, I think, is timely instruments and channels for indubitable conclusion that Mahatma simple and indubious. As recent history disseminating and promoting the Gandhi is more than relevant to the has shown, Facebook played a priceless message of truth and Facebook and Twitter age. stupendous role in the Arab Spring nonviolence for which Gandhi had so 1 EDUCATION FOR NONVIOLENCE IN A NONVIOLENT SOCIETY By Dr. Mary Gendler and Rabbi Everett Gendler (Chief Resource Persons of ANEC) Education for nonviolence: What might the Chinese is important to consider. In BASIC GOALS AND GENERAL this mean? What is the goal of this addition, there are bound to be APPROACH education? What kind of person do we differences between those returnees The goal of education for nonviolence is want to help emerge through this from the exile community and those to guide the young person in the process? What kind of society? Is who have remained in Tibet (eg. reunion development of: "education" confined to formal of east and West Germany). In a society 1. Habits of mind, heart and action schooling with children in institutions, which has moved from being quite that include self respect and or does it have wider application? How isolated and uniform to one which is compassion for others as well as does such education interweave with internationally involved and diverse, critical questioning and creative and reflect the religious and moral teaching tolerance and understanding thinking. values of a community? Can such an will be crucial. A nonviolent society will 2. Communication and problem approach to education teach people how need to take great care to respect solving skills which lead to the ability to deal with interpersonal, family, and individual differences that do not entail to resolve conflicts peacefully, and to communal conflict? Can it help its t h e e s t a b l i s h m e n t o f population defend itself against interpersonal, communal, and societal exploitation and injustice, international cooperation. internal coup, and foreign It is our belief that personal, aggression? interpersonal, societal and These are a few of the international violence are all questions which immediately parts of a whole which cannot and c o m e t o m i n d w h e n should not be separated. In order contemplating a system of to work towards developing the education for a nonviolent society. k i n d s o f p e r s o n a l s k i l l s Although we are far from being mentioned above, education for able to provide definitive answers nonviolence needs to pay to any of them, we shall try to attention to all of these forms of address the questions thoughtfully violence by helping children first and offer both general ideas learn how to deal constructively a n d c o n c r e t e s u g g e s t i o n s f o r the oppression of others. with their own negative feelings and implementation. There is also the question of impulses, such as anger, hatred and The new Tibetan society will developing ways to defend the society aggression. Form a very young age face many challenges, both internal and against foreign aggression. Most children should be taught to express external upon becoming once again an countries have armies trained to protect their feelings and concerns in a autonomous/ independent state. Much their population by force and violence if constructive way. According to their has changed since 1959, and the reality necessary. These armies receive abilities, they should also be taught how is that there is no going back. In addition extensive training and weapons. A to find creative solutions to conflicts to the usual issues of class, wealth, nonviolent society will need to develop within their world and experience- i.e., education, and regional loyalties which the different means of self-defense among family, friends, teachers. They all countries have to deal with, the which active nonviolent resistance should also learn nonviolent ways to Tibetan community will have to accept provides. This 'army', which will consist defend themselves from personal the fact that not all of the challenge of of the entire population of Tibet, will attack. Older children will profit greatly developing ways to live peaceably with also need to be "trained" and "armed", from a broader approach, focusing their each other, an especially difficult task but in this case, the "training" will come developing skills in problem solving given the recent history. It is important through school, community and and conflict resolution on problems not to underestimate the effects of the religious education, and the "weapon" around them, in their communities, and trauma suffered by so many Tibetans. will be the qualities of mind and in the world. Concrete examples of how How to help these people move from character described below, applied in to do this will follow in the next section. fear and anger to trust and acceptance of effective strategies and tactics. (Please see remaining in next issue) ANEC Editorial Board Editorial Chair/ Advisor : Tenpa C. Samkhar(Mr), Executive Director - ANEC Former CTA Kashag (Cabinet) Secretary for Political Affairs Former Vice President, Indo-Tibetan Friendship Society, Himachal State Head Office Editorial Board Members: Tenzin Dasel (Miss) Training cum Teaching Officer (English Documentation) Phurbu Dolma (Miss)- ANEC Additional Training cum Teaching Officer (Tibetan Documentation) Tenzin Nyima (Miss)-ANEC Accountant (Dispatch & Circulation) 2 uÛ-mô¼-7GôP-Å-7BzÅ-¤Gôm-Vïm-qô-¤VôG q-»Ûm-ŸïÅ-¸ï¼-HÛ-»ôhü P-±ô-zôh-qºÛ-PôÅ-mÅ- ¤P-hÝ-ºIô-GÛ-»ôhü P-±ô-zôh-qºÛ-PôÅ-mÅ- ¤Û-GÅôh-FG- ¢ô¼-HÛ-¾Å-fzÅ-¾G-¾ïm- ¤fº-GTÛG-bà-¤Û-GÅôh-FG-¢ô¼-HÛ-¾¤-¾- zÇe¼-z-»Ûm-mü hï-mÛ-mP-hôm-M-¤Û-¾-hGôÅ-q- xÛm-q-»Ûm-mü M-¤Û-¼ÛGÅ-ÁÛG-»Ûm-xÛm-DôP- hï-‚ãP-z-¼ïh-zŤ-HÛ-ºhÝG zôh-qºÛ-PôÅ-mÅ- ±ôºÛ-zŤ-„ÀôºÛ-mP-zôh-q-¸ï¼-hÝÅ-¤Û-zhï-z- ¤Û-GÅôh-FG-¢ô¼-HÛ-¾Å-;-ym-zÞ-ŸÛG-‚Å-m- ŸÛG-»ôP-Mã-»Ûmü hïP-ÅP-Eôm-»ôPÅ-mÅ- M-¤ÛÅ-hï-¾-DG-zbGÅ-mÅü zôh-q-±ô¼- zÁh-m-zôh-q¼-Á-±-‚ïh-¤Dm-M-¤Û-ZÝP-ZÝP- ºzÞ¼-zlݾ-GbôP-MºÛ-Gô-Ç+zÅ-hP-V-Aïm-fôz- »Ûm-mºP-ü hï-hG-¾ô-¼ï-zŸÛm-¤Û-Çkôh-q¼-¤P- q-¤-¸hü º²¤-JÀÛP-¾-»P-Ç+h-V-zÁh-zhï-qô- hÝ-ºIô-GÛ-»ôhü h-¿e-M-mG-mP-»ôh-qºÛ-M-¤Û- VGÅ-ˆÛ-»ôh-q-¼ïhü hï¼-zdïm-¤Û-GÅôh-FG- ±ô-hP-P-±ô-ºƒï¾-z-¤ïh-¾ü
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