"" " -: m,n """'I MMMMiMIhMHIMiIDMI <" 4 + " Asone ismorelasting"than- the Music lswellsaid to be tb» ,|; riches of the world. | I speech of angels. , . f ',', — * < > Padriac Colum. * " —Thomas- Carlyle. 2 ..* ' - * ji < i The Cardston News wmMnmi n CARDSTON, THE TEMPLE CITY OF CANADA — VOL.56, No.5 CARDSTON, ALBERTA .THURSDAY, AUGUST 2, 1956 Subscription Price $2.50 per year 7c per singlecopy Cardston-Waterton Records Made At Lethbridge Divisional Church Softball Music Course ' Highway To Be LETHBRIDGE— The three-das die bronc riding. Brian Butter- For Choristers " Ponoka, exhibition and rodeo endedSat- field of who. decorated. Locals Playoff Dates Set A very successful urday ■ music course Completed NextYear with arecord total attend- his steerin"3.3 Friday, wasnam- Mrs.,Doug. Fairbanks (nee for choristers andorganists ance of 53,463. ed the steer,decorating champ- Glenna Beaaer)-of Provo, tltah, Senior Tourney at Cardston— 3 ALL-STAR TOURNAMENTS came Followingis copied re- highlight brother, to a close Wednesday evening. aletter The of the fair was i ion while his Bud. came is here visiting withher parents. Atmeetings in Lethbridge last TO FOLLOW THE The by ceived by Mr.Park Strate,secre- the incorporation of chuckwagon. second with a time of 3.7. course was conducted tary Mrs. Graiit left Satur- Sunday of both Junior and Sen- DIVISIONALTOURNAMENTS Wm. M. Foxley of the General of the Mountain View Road races on Saturday's closing pro- Bud Van Cleeve was the best day Pi&her Interests, Committee, which will be of in-' gram. The ,the roping, tying for HardingMont,after vis- ior LDSsoftball it was Music Board from Salt Lake City Merle Anderson out- m calf his two iting past decided that the Senior Division- Each Stake, through its Soft- with two weekly terest to all residents of south- fit fromCarbon, toured the track calves m avtotal time of 33.3. here the week. ball Director, will select an All- classes held for by Lethbridge's Mr.and Hyde al tournament would this year go six weeks m Cardston, Leth- ern Alberta affected the hard- m the record time of 1.7.2. The show was the last Mrs. Aiitn of Salt played Star team to compete ma simil- bridge,, surfacing program from old Calgary of LakeCity arehere;visiting at the to Cardston and be Sat- Raymond and Calgary. Card- mark set ait the .the Southern Alberta circuit urday, August 11 at("the Town ar tournament for both Juniors Around people ston to Waterton: Stampede was 1.8.3. and the following cowboys re- Preston Hyde home. and Seniors. The Senior All-Star 60 attended the Anderson broke the ceived Square, commencing at 1p.m. classes here. Edmonton, Alberta, mark ln hand-tooled saddles and Mr. and Mrs. .Wendell Wolsey The first game will see the Al- tournamentheldlast-year proved Individual instructions and July the third heat, a!nd it won for " $200 for coming out on top m of Ogden,Utah, £_re Cardston vis- verypopular and is this year be- 19, 1956. him both theheat their divisiotns this berta Stake champions ipitted tests were carried on with certif- Strate, and the chuck" season. itors this week. '£' against the Lethbridge Stake ing extended into^the Junior di- icates being awarded Mr. Park wagonracing championship, Alvin Owens of Patricia was and vision. the final Secretary, During the afternoon rodeo, credited with 1,310 points to Mr. Mrs. Talmadge, Mc- winners,bothof which arein the evening. A social washeld on the take Murray aijd family of Sudbury, process of being decided in their The Senior Ail-Star tourna- last evening and personal gift Mt. View Road Committee, Ployd Manyfingers- of the Blood the all-round .cowboy honors. ont., ment willbe held the Calgary a View, Indian reserve posted tap are visiting.faereat the Jo- ownStakes. m was presented to Mr. Foxley. Mountain Alberta. the best Owens was manm the saddle seph McMurray lijime p.m. Calgary Stake at a time ahd place not en time of the day calf roping, broilc and bronc this w.eek. At 3 the 1st Ward yet "Dear Sir: m bareback and Mr. Mrs. Wblsey will playMagrath 1st Ward, both announced. completing his tie m 15.5. Bud received the trophies donated by and H%h and The Junior All-Star tourna- In connection with the im- Van Cleeve of Taber Sicks Brewery daughter of Klidkatack, Wash., champions in their respective provement of Highway No. 5, came m and Western Can- are here vislting%ith Stakes. ment will be held at Stirling, on 89th. Milestone first m thesteer decorating with adian Greyhound Bus Lines. relatives Thursday, Aug. also from Mountain View westerly a and .£?; .' : ,The winners will play at 6 p.m. 9, commenc- may time of 4.9. The Calgary Brewingahd Mal- friends. ingat 1rj.m. Mrs Jennie Loose celebrated Iadvise that we have now Stan Walker of Medicine tingTrophy for Brahma bull for the Divisional trophy ahdthe her 89thbirthday anhiversar you, moved or aremoving one of our Hat rid- Patriarch Edward Leavitt re- right represent The same draws hold for the pinned his ribbon oh m 2.0, but ing went to Benny Reynolds of turned home froify Calgary on to the.Canadian Ail-Star tourneys as for the Div- Saturday, July 21.In spite of her own outfits to this location for was penalized Melrose,. Monday jverit Division at the All-Church finals years hearty improving 10 seconds for Montana. Harold Man- whereh.. for med-* isional. she is hale and and the purpose of the breaking the barrier,too quickly. dervllle of Skiff took- the Cana- ical attention. inSalt LakeCity/August 21to25. — enjoys getting out to visit with gradingt easing curves and im- .Ellie Lewis of Penticton was de- dian steer decorating, while junior Tourney listhbridge— All-Stars Named her many friends. proving sight distance along the Mr. atod Mrs. Allred At the clared championm the bareback Calgary Power Company's trophy and of Following are the boys named Borh at Tyron, Ireland, oneof "the present location. We have gi- riding, children '^California are Earlier thesame week the Jun- (and while Gerald Dosche ofjior calf roping went to Byron here visiting at championship to the Alberta Stake Junior All- 10 children the last surviv- vencareful consideration to are- Patricia took the honors Tyler, th«. G. S.Brewer- ior Divisional will players ing one) vised m sad- Woolford of Tex. ton home for a meinth. be decided hi a tournament at Star Softball team. All her mother died when location and our location 6, shown below will receive an all- the 10th child was born and she parties have carried out careful Mr. and Mrs. .#. P. Sheffield Lethbridge onMonday, August and ay.ville, comm'encing at 1p.m. at star crest and will play oh the was raised by her grandmother studies.After considering all fac- son Blaire o.$. Utah sharp Alberta Stake All-Star team at till she was 14 years of age and tors and having regard to the are here visitings^th-'" relatives the Henderson Fastball Stadium. the Canadian Divisional All-Star then came recommendation of the location this week The first game will bring to- to America for her New Rodeo Queen Eyes More Honors gether the Stirling Ward team tournament m Stirling. health. She made her first home parties and the investment that Mr. and Mrs. £jbhn Heninger — at Watertown, Conn., with rela- we have the present location LETHBRIDGE, July Before, and Carol Shelby, and the Lethbridge Stake cham- Catcher Ronald Davidson and m 28— ._, Souvenir Compacts Stewalrt of pions. Dee Olsen. tives. There she married Fred Ihaveapproved the retention of a jam-packed grandstand Friday Mont., wereweekendvisitors here — Maine at Oakville, Conn., and to the present location with im- evening Lethbridge Eachof thesix contestants was at Cardston; ■'. At3 pjn.the Glenwood Juniors Pitcher Darrell Leavitt and at the Exhi- given sj . tangle Calgary this union oneson was born who iprovements to be made thereto bition,Mary Lynn Cook of Card- an engraved souvenir com- Mrs. Clara will with the Walter Leavitt. regard pact by the Lethbridge Exhibi- W. Bevans is ill m Stakechampions,yet tobe decid- — lost his life m the First World m to better curves and ston was crowned Miss Rodeo Cardston hospital, suffer- First Base —Bob Eyrie War,at the Battle of VimyRidge. better visibility. The location, of Canada by 1955 tion Board. ed. Second Base Don Mackenzie They Queen Connie eda slight stroke at her home' at ■\ Then at 5 p.m. the winners — came to Canada and course,ln the vicinity of the new Ivins, also of Cardston. Frank' Sherring, chairman of Leavitt Friday morning. Third Base Bryce Law homesteaded the Winnifred bridge be revised. This the queen contest was chairman meet for the Junior Divisional Short Stop — Myashita m must The crown m this contest was Miss Gwen Payiae who is em- championship andthe right togo Hero and district. While here Mr. Maine work wl'M also be carried a spanking white stetson that of the crowning ceremonies', and Rex Schneider passed latter^ ployed at theGenfralhospital m to Salt Lake City the All- j — away. out byour crew whileitIsm that fittedat ajaunty angle-atopMiss called on representatives of var- Calgary, for LeftField Mark Sommerfeldt She joined the LDSchurch area. Cook's blondhead. ious organizations to make pre- was homiior four days Church finals, held at the same Centre Field — BUI Oviatt aiid overthe week time as the senior finals on the — married Hienry Larson of Salt We will be carrying out the In simple words, ,Miss Cook sentations. endift Right Field— Merlin Olsen Lake City. They left the year thanked everyone for their fine Mrs.
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