Statfp. Utatfys. WASHINGTON ENGAGEMENT BEEHAN. MARGARET T. On Thursday. SMALL. FRANK SR. On Friday, April WAR DEAD SLAYER OF THE April B. 1933. st her residence. 4400 Illt- 7. 1VS3. FRANK H. SMALL, Sr .nd sll CHINESE years. nois eve. n.w.. MARGARET V.. beloved beloved husband of Ann!* A. Small daughter of the late Patrick and Ann inee Norrlt). Funeral from his late resi- Beehan. Funeral from the above resi- dence. Temple Hills. Prince OFortes Coun- SOCIETY a.m. dence on Monday. April 10. at 9:30 ty. Md.. Monday. April lo. at » is a m. Reaulem mass at St. Gabriel's Church at Services at St. Barnabas Church Oxon 10 a.m. Relatives and friends invited to Hill. Md. at 10 am. Rel.uves and MAY REACH 10,000 GETS FAST JUSTICE attend. Interment New Bedford. Miss. 0 friends inj ted. Interment Oak Mill Oeme- The President and Mrs. Roosevelt Will Be BROWN. GEORGE E. On Wednesday. April tery. Washington. D. C. Remains at hU late trsldence after 1933. at 3:30 p.m., at his residence. $ a.m. Sunday, 6. V. 321 T st n.w C'ORGE E. BROWN, the April devote:! husband of Sarah Dlckerson Hosts to at Dinner SMITH. KOSKTTA. Departed Large Party Most Estimates How- Sentenced to Life Brown *nd father of Edward. Bernard and this Ufe sud- Lower, Imprison- denly April 4. li'.'i.'l. at her Vircle Brown and Mrs. Lydla Jervay. Re- residence, 44 Porter St. n.e.. ROSITTA SMITH. mains restinc at his late residence. 321 T She leaves to mourn their loss a devoted at White House. •t. n.w. Interment Sundsy in Poraonkey. son. Tonight Losses ment Less Than 24 Hours George Smith: a loving sister. Blanche ever—Japanese Md. U Dameron: one brother. John Kelly; two BRYANT. SARA. On Friday. April 7, 1033. half-brothers. Leroy and David Bedmond; be- a and Mrs. Roosevelt and Mr. Lee M. Rumsey. Jr. After Crime. at Garfield Hospital. SARA BRYANT, loving friend. Aloyslus Campbell: a President Behn, 2d, Put at 1,100. loved wife of Robert Bryant. Remains Clarence Campbell: a nephew, will entertain at dinner this eve- The ceremony was followed by a restinc at Georce F. Roye's funeral home. Sandson.rayson Carter, and a host of other rela- at the Executive Mansion. reception In the roof garden suite of 1508 nth st. n.w. Notice of funeral tives and friends. Remains resting at ning hereafter. Bustene Ford's funeral home. 130(1 South had with them at lunch- the Waldorf Astcria Hotel. Back of By the Associated Press. I By the Associated Press. They CECERO. MICHELO. On Friday. April 7, Capitol st. Body to be taken to her lata THE was a — to mem- residence. 43 St. n.e.. at 4 m., eon today, in addition the receiving party staple JEHOL Jehol.—Prom the be- GRAND RAPIDS, Mich., 8 1933. at his residence. Co K st. n.w.. Porter p CITY, April 8. and the several of palms and MICHELO CECERO. beloved h'isband of i Saturday, April Funeral. Sunday. April bers of their family arrangement dogwood, ginning of the recent Japanese con- without a word of com- ». from Mount Morlah Baptist Church. Mr. John S. Law- ferns. The tables were decorated with Unperturbed, Maria Cecero. Funeral from the above | Rev. White House guests, quest of Jehol Province until the cap- residence Randolph, officiating. Interment Lin- his Miss sweet and smilax. ment. a 43-year-old schoolmaster yes- Monday. April 10. at 8:30 a.m.; coln Memorial Cemetery. 8 rence of Boston and daughter, peas ture of the last pass in the Great Wall, thence to Holy Rosary Church, where M. Claudel his bride sailed this stood in Court and requiem mass will 9 Isabelle Lawrence. and Hsifengkow. the Japanese army's cas- terday Superior be said at a.m. for SMITH. SAXDT. Departed thl» life OB Mrs. Curtis B. Dall Is expected to afternoon on the Italian liner Conte the repose of his soul. Relatives and Thursday, April H, 11*33. at Freedmen's ualties. killed and wounded, are au- heard himself sentenced to imprison- friends invited. Interment Mount Olivet her brothers. Mr. Franklin di Savola and will reside abroad. Hospital. SANDY 8MITH. 1019 3rd St. accompany thoritatively estimated at 1,100. hard labor for the remainder Cemetery. n w He leaves a devoted wife. Ruth and Mr. John Permission for the to take ment at Delano Roosevelt, jr., wedding The Chinese losses are believed to CONNER, WILSON 8. On Friday. April 7. Smith; three slst?rs. Mrs. Alice Copeland. at Brad- was because of his life, less than 24 hours after he Mrs. Clara McPherson and Mrs. Nora Roosevelt, to the hunters trials place during Lent granted have been many times that figure. One 1933. at his residence. 135': Longfellow of of Ambassador Claudel had slain, in a mad frenzy, three mem- st. n.w.. WILSON S beloved husband of Mahoney. and a host of other relatives Farms today. the departure estimate is 3,500 Chinese cas- and friends. ley Japanese who Ruth D. Conner, in the 60th yesr of his Remains resting at Fra- horse- to take his bers of a family shared his home. s The First Lady took her daily April 18, up diplomatic ualties, but other reports indicate that age. Body restinc at the Tabler funeral jier funeral home, :18ft R. I. ave. n.w. most severe in Puneral this duties in where he recently The sentence—the home. 928 M st. n.w.. where services will Sunday. April St. at 1 p.m.. from back ride morning through paths Belgium, the Chinese dead alone may have Mount code—was on be held on Monday. April at l> a.m. Airy Baptist Church. L st. between In Rock Creek Park and w»s accom- was appointed Ambassador. The low reached 10.000. Michigan's penal passed 10, 1st and Relatives and friends lnvltsd to attend. North Capitol sts. Interment mass was celebrated to the Henry B. Bedford, for the past three B panied by Mrs. Henry Morgenthau, jr. owing Within less than three weeks the Interment Lessburg, vs. 8 T- Prince George's County, Md., Rev. Mrs. Roosevelt of Lent and in crder to years principal of the Turner Grade A. J. Tyler officiating. 8 The President and period comply Japanese army covered nearly 500 miles DAHI.ES. AUGUST. On Friday. April 7. last the eccles- School, following the slaying of Mrs. entertained in the White House with the desire expressed by and an area of 65,000 1033. AUGUST, beloved son of the late SIDDATH. ANNIE ELIZABETH. On Fri- conquered square Sue her son, for their sons, Mr. Franklin iastical authorities. Otherwise the cere- miles. Mattie Bengert, 28; Carl, Gustav and Annie Oahler. Funeral from day April 7, i<M. at S a.m., at her evening Infant the residence of his sister. Mis. Mary daughter's and Mr. JoJin was in accordance with 8, and a 3-months-old son, Thal- residence. 1211 R st. n.e., Delano Roosevelt, jr., mony performed The highest officers lost by the JefTrles. 714 10th St. n.e., on Monday, ANNIE bert. A love quarrel, Bedford admitted, ELIZABETH 8UDDATH, beloved Roosevelt, when the company included French traditions. were a number of April 10. at 3 p.m. Relatives and friends mother of Mrs. T. B Mrs. R. Japanese army cap- the violent deaths. Igleheart. their daughter, Mrs. Curtis B. Dall; inose at me weaaing were tains. The Chinese, to the preceded invited. Interment Prospect Hill Ceme- D. Cromwell. Mrs John A Smith and according What to be an involved tery. 9 the late Mrs. William H. Fawsett and Mrs. Elliott Roosevelt, Mr. and ulis. the Ambassador of Belgium and Mme. lost several and promised Japenese, generals cleared follow- DENNER. EDWARD E. On Friday. April 7. Mrs. J E Fox. Funeral from above ad- r -i Mrs. the Postmaster murder mystery rapidly Granville T. Emmet, Mr. May, General and Mrs. many colonels. 19.13. EDWARD E. DENNKR. Services at dress Sunday. April fi. at 3 p.m. Inter- ing Bedford's confession. The bodies of ment in Cedar John Hinckley, Mr. and Mr.. Jacques James A. Farley, the Minister of Greece Two Japanese generals had narrow Oak Hill Chapel on Monday, April 10. at Grove Baptist Church Mrs. Bengert and the two children were 11 a.m. 9 Cemetery. y Blaise de Sibour, Miss Margery Mil- and Mme. Simopoulos, Senora de escapes at Kupeikow Pass. Lieut. Gen. found by her husband, Carl, as he re- GANT. BETTIE. life bank. Miss Ethel Woodward, Miss Zaldumblde, wife of the Minister of commander of the Departed this Friday. THOMA*. DAVID J. On April Yoshiyuki Nishi, home three after a April at BET- Wednesday. Helen Roli- Senator and turned to the days 7. 1933, Galllneer Hospital. 6. 1933. at Freedmen's Hospital. DAVID Elizabeth Mclntyre, Miss Ecuador; Mrs. Felix 8th Division, and Gen. Tadashi Ka- TIE GANT. She leaves to mourn their with his wife. He said he had J. THOMAS of Sldeburn. Va son of the Miss Mrs. quarrel loss one and feins, Miss Eleanor Roosevelt, Hebert, Bayard Cutting, mem- wahara, commanding the Japanese at- dauchter. Maccle Thompson, lata William Henry Thomas and Mary accused Bedford of "making love" to a Miss Lehand, bers of the French host of other relatives and friends. Fu- Ellen Thomas, beloved husband of the Abigail Sard, Marguerite embassy staff, tacking forces at the pass, were confer- him neral Kennedy her and Bedford had ordered from from Wesley Washington funeral late Margaret ThoiV-s (nee Wright).
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