BL ACK MIST BURNT CO UNT RY BURRINJA TOURING EXHIBITION PARTICI PATING ARTISTS ADi Chips Mackinolty Lance Atkinson Belinda Mason Kim Bowman Hilda Moodoo Arthur Boyd Trevor Nickolls Jessie Boylan Sidney Nolan Mick Broderick Susan No rrie Luke Co rnish (ELK) Adam No rton Pam Debenham Paul Ogier Linda Dement Warren ‘Ebay’ Paul Blak Douglas Je ffrey Queama Kate Downhill Hugh Ramage Terence Edwa rds Toni Robe rtson Yvonne Edwa rds Reginald Rowed Merilyn Fairskye Kate Shaw Weaver Hawkins Mima Sma rt Ian Howa rd Ka ren Standke Jonathan Kumintja rra Tjariya Stanley Brown Albe rt Tucker Rosema ry Laing Judy Watson Craig MacDonald YAL ATA COLLABOR ATING ARTISTS Rita Bryant Teresa Peters Cynthia Cha rra Mima Sma rt Polly Cha rra Ca rmel Windlass Verna Gibson Mellissa Windlass Edwina Ingomar Natasha Woods Glenda Ken Ann Marie Woods Ma rga ret May Ka ren Sta ndke (Aus trali a; Ge rman y, b.1 973) Road to Mara linga II 2007 oil on canva s 3 x 85 x 112 cm Cou rtesy of the artist © Ka ren St andke and Tim Gresh am Nat ional Libr ary of Austr alia Dedicated to Japanese hib akusha, disp lace d Cat alog uing -in- Publ icat ion en try: First Austr alians and to all global victi ms an d su rvivors of nu clear explos ions and atomic tests. Title: Bla ck Mi st Bu rnt Count ry: Test ing the Bom b, Mar alin ga and Aust rali an Art For Bella; Edi ted by Jan Dirk Mittm ann in the hop e Pub lish ed in 2016 ISBN 978- 0-99 2335 7-2- 4 by Bu rrin ja (D ande nong Rang es Cul tura l that you will live in a worl d Cen tre In c.) Upwey VIC 31 58 Not es: In clud es bi blio grap hical ref erenc es. free of nuclear threats. burrin ja.o rg.au Sub ject s: Ato mic bomb – Hist ory – 20th cen tury. Ato mic bo mb – South Aust ralia – Mar alin ga – Testi ng. Sup ported by Gordon Darli ng Fo unda tion Nuc lear weapo ns – Great Brita in – Test ing. Ato mic bo mb in art -- Aust ralia – Exh ibit ions . Mar alin ga in art – Au stra lia – Exhib itio ns. Art, Mod ern -- 20t h/21 st ce ntu ry – Austr alia – Exh ibit ions . Art, Au stra lian – 20th /21st cen tury – Exhib itio ns. Art, Ab orig inal Austr alian – Ma rali nga – Exhib itio ns. © Cop yrig ht the aut hors and Bu rrin ja un les s Pit jant jatj ara An angu (Aus tral ian peopl e) -- Histo ry. oth erwise stat ed. Oth er aut hors /Con trib utor s: All rights rese rved. Apa rt from any fa ir de aling for Broder ick, Mick, 195 9– the purpo se of priv ate stud y, resea rch, crit icis m or revi ew, as permit ted under the Co pyri ght Act Bryan t, Ru ssel l, 19 70– 196 8, no part of this book may be rep rodu ced , Fa rnel l, Ro ss, 19 61– stored in a retr ieval sys tem, or be trans mitt ed by Mit tman n, Jan Dirk, 196 8– any form or by any means, ele ctroni c, mec hani cal , Sma rt, Ma uree n, 195 6– pho toco pyin g, reco rding or ot herwise, wit hout the Bu rri nja Cu ltur al Ce ntre pri or wri tten permi ssion of the publ ishe r. Artists reta in co pyri ght in the artwor ks. Burr inja resp ectf ully ackn owle dges the Trad itio nal No il lust rati on in this book may be rep rodu ced Own ers of the land on which Burr inja Cultu ral Cent re Cover illus trati on without the pe rmission of the copyright owners. is bu ilt, the Wurundj eri of the Kulin Nati ons, its El der s All reaso nable effo rts have been ma de to cont act pas t, present and futu re. Burrin ja also ack nowl edge s – using the im age by artist s, co pyri ght ho lders and rele vant cult ural the Tradi tion al Ow ners of the Mara ling a/Emu Fie ld Paul Ogier organis ations f or reproduction appro vals. lan ds, as well as th ose of all lands to whi ch th e (USA /Aust ralia; New Ze aland, b.197 4) exh ibit ion Bl ack Mist Burnt Co unt ry will trav el. One Tree (f ormer Emu Field atomi c Coo rdi nati ng edi tor: Jan Dirk Mi ttma nn Ind igen ous read ers should be aw are that this boo k test site) 2010 Des ign: Anna Wolf con tains name s, words and imag es of peop le wh o carb on pigm ent on rag pap er Add itio nal ed itin g: El izab eth Tyna n have pass ed aw ay. 72 x 90 cm Oppo site pa ge: Proo fing: Car ly O’ Brie n, Jan Clar ke, Rowena Ward 94 x 117 cm fra med Reha bilit ated Tarana ki For Black Mist Burnt Count ry nat ional exh ibit ion tour Cou rtesy of the artist test site . Pri nted by New Lith o dat es see page 10. © Paul Ogier © Goog le Ea rth. CO NTENT S Fo rewo rd 7 Peter Ga rrett AM Int roduction 8 Dr Ross Fa rnell This count ry is no good 13 Mima Sma rt OAM an d Rev Russell Bryant Timeline of events 14 Thunder on the plain 20 Dr Liz Tynan Atomic testing in Australian art 36 JD Mittmann Atomic Pop 66 Dr Mick Broderick An ala rming willingness to do ha rm 78 Dr Tilman Ru ff AM Literatu re 93 Index of exhibition artwork 94 Acknowledgements 96 5 Hugh Ramage (Aus trali a; New Zealan d, b.19 58) Taran aki 20 14 oil on canva s 40 x 35 cm Priv ate Col lecti on © Hugh Ramag e 6 FO REWORD PE TER GAR RETT AM Atomic test ing by the Briti sh gove rnment in the Au stralia n whe re the explo sions happen ed, and, along with th e dese rt in the 1950s and 60s has been al most buried by Australian and British se rvicemen present for the te sts , the sweep of ti me, ove rrun by the st ream of even ts tha t it was their li ves that we re immediate ly and irrevocabl y populate the march of local his tory. alte red from that time on. It is all but imp ossible to im agine that spl it secon d A brighter fu ture whe re people are not sacri ficed on the when, unher alded, the sou the rn sky was rent with fla me altar of nati onal vanit y, and whe re respect for the pe opl e and clouds of radioactive smoke and ash dr ifted ac ros s of the land and the land itself goes hand in hand is onl y the arid lands of remote Austra lia . possible if we know somethi ng of the past. The first ga thering of wor ks of art and scholarl y Black Mist Bu rnt Count ry provides the insp iration an d reflec tion of this nu clear histo ry is welcome – albei t the testimo ny to enable that futu re. soberl y. The Hon Peter G arrett AM The creative ou tpourings and the detailed analysis on display he re present a crucial marker of understand ing of what happe ned, which in turn reveals a deepe r exp ression of Australian id entit y, one bo rn of th e su ffering and dest ruction that accompanied the tests. Black Mist Bu rnt Count ry is an impo rtant exhi bition ; Peter Ga rrett is one of the most prominent liv ing an act of remembering and bearing witn ess to a Australia ns. A renowned act ivist, the fo rmer politic ian an d momentous series of calcu lated acts th at shatte red lead singer of Midnight Oil has been a long- time advocat e lives, espe cially the com munities of the Pitjantat jar a and campaig ner on a range of local and global issues . and Yankunyt jatjara land s. He se rved as president of the Australian Conse rvatio n The fact that a foreign nuclear device could ex plod e Foundation for two te rms, which saw sig nific ant additio ns in the dese rt at Maralinga, with little pu blic knowled ge to natural prote cted areas, and the ACF grow int o and even less understandi ng of the conse quences, is a Australia ’s leading nat ional envi ronment organisatio n. reminder of the fatal complia nce of the colon ial mindset , As Minister for the Envi ronment he spea rheade d which chara cterised the era of Prime Min ister and Libe ral the success ful historic Inte rnational Cou rt of Justic e Adam Norton leader Sir Ro bert Menzies . case against Japanese wha ling. As Mini ster for Schoo l (Aus trali a, b.19 73) Black Mist Bu rnt Count ry refe rences several notabl e Education he was responsible for legislat ing a new need s Prohibi ted Area 2010 non-Indig enous artists’ works in painting, photograph y, based fundi ng system for all Australian schools.
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