4 THEATER SPEAKERS STRAND PICTURETHRILLS BCCKI.G BROADWAT" WILL EXPLAIN TAX SHOWS HOW COWBOYS TAKE GOTHAM. PEOPLES la Absence of Scheduled Act. Doe to THE HOUSE OF QUALITY Ml:::-;:::- :r Late Trains, Local Vaaderille Talent Provisions of Income Levy MM ...,. Entertains la Afternoon. NOTE: -i i , On account of limited Act Will Be Told for It Is not an everyday occurrence for express service we were S -- a band of cowboys to invade the roof Benefit of Public. gardens of New York's most exclusive not able to set "A e hotels, btu. In the moving picture world Musketeer," It sometimes happens. At least this FUN Modern was the case in "Bucking Broadway.' v:V but were fortunate in Yt securing f which is the picture feature at the a programme STATE BE I - - afT K . ' Strand Theater for the first half of the equally as ood. WILL INFORMED week. It is one of those stories of the Peoples Co. deput of the West into the East, and Amusement Is a delightful plctur ewlth plenty of V thrills and punch. Harry Carey, as Brace Dennis, of Stale Council of Cheyenne, is the star cowboy who is Defense, not afraid to tackle anything. For a Will. Travel to Differ- time he ia deprived of hi girl, due to ent Co a n ties of Oregon and the persuasion of a city chap, but when he goes to New York he finds her Tell of Requirements. diing on the roor garden of a huge hotel. The climax of the picture is the fight A SCREAM. which is staged for the possession of I J girl. Movinsr picture houses and nlhar the NO GLOOM I Four scheduled acts of the vaudeville places of popular amusement tn to be were stranded in Centralia yesterday JUST JOY utKlzed oy collector of Internal Reve- until noon, and so the vaudeville for nue Miller In acquainting; the public the first couple of shows in the after with the general provision of the Fed noon consisted of local talent. The eral war Income tax. If satisfactory show, which was to open in Portland arrangements can be mad by Mr. Mu at 1 o clock, closed In Aberdeen late ter witn the managements of these Saturday night, and as the late train Place of entertainment, he win asslttn from Centralia to Aberdeen has been oao or more of his tax expe'rt deputies A. -.- ..., f ) taken off, the actors went by motor to xo eacn theater between now and Centralia. There' they waited In the March I for the purpose of making a depot for the first train to come through detailed explanation of the tx measure from Seattle, only to be refused trans- and Indication who are liable to the portation. Manager Armstrong ob payment of a tax under its provisions. "4 kfliL. .V ' tained a substitutes Bob Athon and Additional Information on this tax his wife, who offered a good line of measure will be Imparted to the people comedy; Lena Davenport, who played of the state by Bruce Dennis, director several cornet solos; Maurice Kaufman, I or the work of the state council of de the boy violinist, who is a favorite with J' Vfl fense. Sir. Dennis will accompany a Portland theatergoers, and Erne John- T r party of Canadian army officials son and company in a farce comedy. throurhout the state this month oa a At the performance last night tne epeechmakint tour In which first-han- d r regular acts were put on, and were all C0ME! - I Information of the world war will be of an entertaining, high-cla- ss quality. glvea. Tax to B Dlaeweed. Mr. XVnnis will participate In these tceetlnga. which will be held In the EARLY CLOSING RACKED county seat of every county in the state. and win devote a portion of hta time on each occasion to a brief discussion of Income tax and Its provisions. VANCOUVER MERCHANTS AGREE TO twrFor the convenience and (tuldance of O'CLOCK PROGRAMME. the Individual In mas. Ins; out his state- ment, which must be filed not later ; than March 1 with the Collector of In- Reswtartlosui Adopted Provide for One - ' ternal lie venue, the office of Mr. Mi- ller prepared Delivery Dally Discounts and Pre-- has the following state I ment as aa example for the ingle man x loan to Be Discontinue.' or woman whose greaa Is $7000 income i. - annually, which make him liable not nvr-f-t ' i1iWrrTTrn only to the payment of an income tax. VANCOUVER. Wash--. Dec. S. (Spe but a war Income tax and a surtax as claL) Vancouver merchants, particu well: larly grocers and butchers, held a ban quet in Elchenlaub's Hall last night :ry oJ cemnlMiooi 14000 on and thoroughly discussed the 6 o clock Ivm frtn farm oo no I -- closing, which is suggested by the Now Playing Kat from city proprtjr) SiM oo I economy board of Na IxvtdoncW from mrprtiea . ftouuo . the Council of jritrt( oa mort -- . .. .94 n tional Defense. After all understood mn bnK drpgtau 1 &dys the resolutions, which were discussed latrcltrH oa boada Soo 1000.00 at length, all present signed them. The resolutions will be posted in the stores Cross loceme .$7000.00 nd given in printed form to customers. DiSsilliaa. It is understood that the request has Taxe fxelnstve of Income and var ELTIMGE ion ne I come directly from the Federal Gov ticHi I on borrowed money s0 " ernment that all retail merchants put lntrtlnurnr (oo Yoiit property ..... M Ort I their business in a war time basis. IWprvctallon ton rvnt property! .. XOOUO I All stores will make but one delivery GREAT Lnoj treot bouse burnsd. not In f . THE sured) 400 00 I a day to a customer; will extend credit 30 4 ; not to exceed days; will emphasize Total deductions 1?oaoo IP ' a ..v;:, economical goods and staple In their IN (W - w mromo J 1 . Ar- .4, .esati.isu sa tff.-- W'" ' window displays and advertising; will Credit divideads soouo I adopt a ur day closing not later Aaaut subject te normal lax.. (300.00 than 6 P. M.. Saturday included; will At Tap Barbara Caatlrtoa and E. K. Llaeola Freedom of discontinue the practice of giving dis Art of Heptessber S, 11. ia "For the the ' VTvemptloQ aa slnsle Individual .... Sono.OO World" at Maleetle Theater. Bottom Seeae Frosa Latest Julian Eltlasje counts, premiums, rebates and the Nariral tax (amount subject tol .. 2JO.00 Photoplay. --The Widow's Mlht," at People Theater. treating of customers upon the payment THE WIDOW'S MIG Antouat of aormal tax at - per cent 4ft. 00 of accounts, and will discontinue so Art of Ortobee 3. 1117. stage. Sasson. one of the worst mem llclting orders. txompttoa u olnslo lnllldusl .... 1000 00 bers. Is caught In the act, and De Spain The Government needs minions or Mr. Eltinge created a furore. Salt Lake Amount to normal tax TODATS FILM FEATCIUES. ob.t I Invades the rang s domain and ar men for directly work, Herald-Republica- n. al 3 cnt 30O 00 Navy man ALSO: AmountProf normal tax at - per cent SCOtf I Peoples Julian Eltinjoj "The rests him. The Sheriff, fearing trou in addition to its Army and oo m ex- - Widow's MlKht." ble, permits him to break jail. reaulrements," read the resolutions in comedy-drama- s Auuitionai tax act uconie -- One of greatest ever ot Boon 00 Star The Masque of Life." The takes swift action. The part. "Curtailed delivery will release CURRENT the $iOO SOO DO finf mne-no- ur Amount In firtM ot Sunset William S. Hart, The etaice boss is caught in a bar and ii tens of thousands of men. A produced. New York- - Herald. AdUittooal tax aj 1 per cent ft. Ou Cold Deck." wounded in a gun fight against over day will free, conservatively estimat- EVENTS sWeapMalalieav Columbia Dorothy Dalton. "Love whelming; odds. He wanders to Music ing. EO.000 hours a day from the work Tax mnlT art of Spiombor . 400 Letters." Mountain, where he meets Nan. dau?h ers' time, which saving of time will be Ttx nndr act of October a. 1917 ftaloo Liberty ana Additional or our-la- x (.00 Wallace Held. "Nan of ter of old Morgan himself. She pities turned to war gardens. Red cross --11 Music Mountain." him, nurses Henry back to health, and other patriotic work. " Total lax aader both acta t 14a 00 Majestic; For tho Freedom of aids him in his escape. Morgan hears Drug stores, confectioneries, cigar Married Taxed Leas. the World." of this and orders the lrl to marry stands, etc, are not affected by this The fotlowlns example la furnished Globe Vivian Martin. "Glvins; Gale Morgan, her cousin. he sen da a early closing, btu they are not to sell for the truidance of a married man or Becky a Chance." note to De Spain and he rescues her. any competitive goods carried by stores woman, or head of a family, whose Sasson i killed and the differences be- that do close at 6 P. AL annual income axreratcs $7000: tween the Morgana and i-'-e Spain are People. patched up. Next Sunday : Doug: Fairbanks in "A Modern Musketeer" "alary tn4 commlsUou 14000 00 Income rrom farm so) on l "re, HE reorganization of transcontl S onset. SOCIETY Hants (from city pro part y I Dramatic thrill and comedy stunts municipal Auditorium will be intaraat a moneaaa $ I Play booking; calculations for the are awaiting Sunset Theater patrons THE society and Intaraoc en bank dapoeits .
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