22019019 AANNUALNNUAL RREPORTEPORT m W gu at in er k s s h u e d M OOurur MMissionission The Muskingum Watershed Conservancy Founda on is dedicated to suppor ng the mission of the Muskingum Watershed Conservancy District by providing BBoardoard ofof fi nancial resources that enhance facili es, programs and conserva on eff orts on or adjacent to District lands and waters. TTrusteesrustees James Schoch Chairman AAboutbout thethe FoundationFoundation Harry Horstman The MWCD Charitable Endowment Fund was established in 1996 as a component Vice-Chairman fund of the Stark Community Founda on to provide donors an opportunity to make tax-deduc ble contribu ons to support the mission of the Muskingum Faye Heston Watershed Conservancy District (MWCD). In February 2001 the Muskingum Secretary-Treasurer Watershed Conservancy Founda on was offi cially incorporated as a 501(c)3 nonprofi t charitable organiza on with the mission of providing fi nancial resources James Bates to enhance facili es, programs, and conserva on eff orts on or adjacent to Conservancy District lands and waters. John Davis There are currently 14 charitable funds within the Founda on, which support Richard Enslen conserva on, water quality, recrea on, and environmental educa on projects throughout the Muskingum Watershed. Since 2004, the Founda on has funded Belle Evere 70 projects totaling over $300,000. John Hoopingarner In addi on to suppor ng worthwhile conserva on and recrea on projects, the Founda on was created to help donors meet their charitable goals. The Gary Lenhart Founda on has helped a number of individuals realize dreams and honor loved ones by establishing charitable funds in their memory. Gordon Maupin If you are in need of assistance in developing a charitable contribu on plan DuWayne Porter or establishing a new charitable fund, please contact the Founda on at 330.343.6647 or visit the website at muskingumfounda on.org. SECREST PARK FISHING PIER (SENECA) Delivery of the fi shing pier was delayed in 2019. It is an cipated that the fi shing pier will be installed during the spring of 2020. The photo at right shows the walkway going down to the abutment where the fi shing pier will be located. (See project descrip on on page 3, under “Grants.” MWCF Annual Report 2019 • Page 1 CCHARITABLEHARITABLE EENDOWMENTNDOWMENT FFUNDUCCharitableNDharitable FundsFunds Established to support projects and programs throughout the en re MWCD. TTHOMASHOMAS W.W. HHUDSONUDSON ENDOWMENTENDOWMENT FUNDFUND Established in memory of Thomas W. Hudson, this fund supports preserva on and conserva on projects for Atwood Lake including, but not limited to, shoreline restora on, dredging and reforesta on. CCROSSROADSROSSROADS RRC&DC&D CONSERVATIONCONSERVATION FUNDFUND Established to con nue the legacy of the former Crossroads RC&D Council and supports natural resource conserva on, environmental educa on, and outdoor recrea on projects within the MWCD. BBIKEIKE AANDND HHIKEIKE FFUNDUND Established to support bicycling and trail infrastructure projects throughout the MWCD. BBOATINGOATING SSAFETYAFETY AANDND EEDUCATIONDUCATION FFUNDUND Established to support programming for boater educa on and safety at Atwood Lake. Dona ons to this fund support programs such as the Junior Sailing Program. BBUTCHUTCH HHEAVILINEAVILIN MMEMORIALEMORIAL DDOGOG PPARKARK FFUNDUND Established in memory of Butch Heavilin, this fund supports the development and opera on of a dog park at Atwood Lake Park. JJAMESAMES RR.. PITNEYPITNEY LAWLAW ENFORCEMENTENFORCEMENT FUNDFUND Established in memory of former MWCD Ranger, James R. Pitney, this fund supports training and educa on benefi ts for MWCD rangers and peace offi cers in Ashland and Richland coun es. AATWOODTWOOD LAKELAKE PARKPARK FUNDFUND Established through an agreement with the Atwood Area Fall Fes val, this fund supports capital improvements at Atwood Lake Park. AATWOODTWOOD LAKELAKE PARKPARK AMPHITHEATERAMPHITHEATER FFUNDUND Established to help with improvements to the amphitheater site at Atwood Lake Park, and for the addi on of ameni es to enhance the visitor experience. RREGISEGIS WWISSLERISSLER EENDOWMENTNDOWMENT FFUNDUND Established in memory of Regis Wissler, this fund supports improvements and enhancements at Seneca Lake Park. PPIEDMONTIEDMONT LLAKEAKE FFUNDUND Established by the Belmont Be er Hun ng and Fishing Club, this fund supports improvements at Piedmont Lake, par cularly increasing fi sh popula ons. MMESSERLYESSERLY RRECREATIONECREATION CCENTERENTER FFUNDUND Established by respected Ashland University professor and current Charles Mill Lake Park Program Leader, Donna Messerly, this fund supports the development and opera on of the Messerly Recrea on Center at Charles Mill Lake Park. JJOEYOEY MMOFFITTOFFITT TTAPPANAPPAN LAKELAKE PPARKARK FFUNDUND Established in memory of Joey Moffi , this fund supports projects at Tappan Lake Park. PPLEASANTLEASANT HHILLILL EEQUINEQUINE FFUNDUND Established to support equestrian trail development and maintenance in and around Pleasant Hill Lake Park. PPLEASANTLEASANT HHILLILL LLAKEAKE PPARKARK FFUNDUND Established to support educa onal and recrea onal projects at Pleasant Hill Lake Park. GGENERALENERAL FFUNDUND Established to support projects throughout the MWCD. MWCF Annual Report 2019 • Page 2 Camp Muskingum replaced and relocated their compost bin which provided an opportunity to expand and improve the current compos ng 22019019 GrantsGrants procedure and added a programma c and more Safe Boa ng and Fishing Fes val highly emphasized Pleasant Hill Lake Park educa onal component $2,925 to their outdoor Charitable Endowment Fund educa on program and everyday conserva on Educa on and Recrea onal Program Support programming. Pleasant Hill Lake Park $3,500 Pleasant Hill Park Fund Accessibility Project Norma Johnson Center $2,000 Crossroads RC&D Fund Law Enforcement Scholarship Charles Mill Lake Park $1,000 James R. Pitney Law Enforcement Fund Camp Roosevelt-Firebird’s mini-grant provided Park Ac vi es funding assistance to purchase 10 adjustable Charles Mill Lake Park backpacks and 5 three-man tents for mul ple uses on $1,650 trips in and out of the camp. “Campers will learn to Messerly Recrea on Center Fund more deeply appreciate and care for the natural world if they learn to respec ully, profi ciently and safely Security Cameras move within it,” said Camp Director Joe Mendes. Charles Mill Lake Park $560 James R. Pitney Law Enforcement Fund Secrest Park Fishing Pier Seneca Lake $19,000.00 MWCD * * This accessible fi shing pier was a vision of an ac ve Seneca Lake users group. The Founda on received a $19,000 dona on from Tim and JoEllen Hayes, residents at Seneca Lake and members of this user group, for the express purpose of fi nancing a future accessible fi shing pier at Seneca Lake. The MWCD matched this grant with $25,506 in accessibility improvements (an ADA walkway and abutment). A very special thanks to Tim and JoEllen Hayes for their generous gi ! (see photo on page 1) MWCF Annual Report 2019 • Page 3 MMiniini GGrantsrants Wild Woods Program Camp Roosevelt-Firebird Leesville Lake $2,000 Purchase of Boats Camp Aldersgate Leesville Lake $1,250 Compos ng of Food Waste Management Ohio FFA Camp Muskingum Camp Aldersgate purchased four Corcls with their mini-grant funding. A Corcl Leesville Lake is a popular new round boat for kids on lakes. “The Corcls were a blessing to $1,000 our campers this summer. Specifi cally the younger ones who would struggle to navigate a full kayak themselves,” said Dan Bajc, Camp Aldersgate Director. “The Treasure Hunters young campers found it fun to paddle around on these and even be a ached to Camp Wakonda kayaks of older campers and be towed around. It gave our younger campers a Leesville Lake chance to get out on the water and enjoy Leesville Lake in a new way! Thank you $750 to the Founda on for this grant that helped to make that possible.” Young campers a ending Camp Wakonda enjoyed the camp’s Treasure Hunters camp event. This program is for children grades 3-8 and teaches skills such as map and compass reading, using GPS trackers, etc. Through the mini-grant received in 2019, Camp Wakonda purchased compasses, GPS units, and Geocache containers. MWCF Annual Report 2019 • Page 4 221st1st AnnualAnnual GolfGolf OutingOuting The 21st Annual Golf Ou ng was held in August at Oak Shadows Golf Club in New Philadelphia. The event raised more than $25,000. There were 3 Pla num Sponsors ($3,000), 4 Gold Sponsors ($2,000), 9 Silver Sponsors ($1,000), and 32 Hole Sponsors ($100). There were 28 foursomes registered for the event. “The Founda on Golf Ou ng is our major fundraiser during the year,” said Board of Trustees Chair Jim Schoch. “We appreciate the con nuing support of the major sponsors and par cipants and extend our thanks for make the 2019 ou ng a success!” The 22nd Annual Golf Ou ng is scheduled for Thursday, August 13, 2020, at Oak Shadows Golf Club. Platinum Sponsors GoldSponsors Silver Sponsors Winners Proximity Contests Skins Game Winners Long Pu on Hole 1 .....................................Zac Morris (Skins split 5 ways) Closest to the Pin on Hole 8 .....................John Krinksy Team USGS Longest Drive on Hole 10 .........................Jake Holland 2 skins Closest to the Pin on Hole 15 ................ Ma Williams Team WesBanco 2 skins Iden fy the Sponsors Contest ......................J.E. Timko Team Omnipro Services 50/50 Drawing ...........................................Jim Cugliari 1 skin MWCF Annual Report 2019 • Page 5 22019019 WWinninginning TTeamseams First Place:
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