This digital document was prepared for Cascade Historical Society by THE W. E. UPJOHN CENTER IS NOT LIABLE FOR COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT W.E. Upjohn Center for the Study of Geographical Change Department of Geography Western Michigan University 1100 Welborn Hall 269-387-3364 [email protected] Pl!blished OUR PHON~ Every LOWELL Thursday TW7-9262 Serving The Forest Hills Area VOLUME V THURSDAY, AUGUST 6, 1959 N Ui\'rBEJ~ ~ () The Board of Education and the Citizens' Committee Scouts To Attend Philmont Camp The question of the relationship to keep in close touch with alJ of ·--------------­ of the Citizens' Committee and the the people in a District as large Board of Education in the F orest as the Forest Hills District. Then, Hills School District arises period- too, with a new District building Aug. 11 Slated ically and needs to be clarified. and organizing a new high school, When the recent \"Ole on extra there was a vast amount of work tax to accomplish certain things to do. Many policies and plans As Crazy Day in the schools failed to pass, some had to be formulated immediately. said it was because the Board of The Board asked itself, "What do In Cascade Education was not back of the the people want?" The Citizens' Cascade merchants will once proposal, ju t the Citizen ' Com- Committee, composed of active again sponsor a Crazy Tuesday mittee. "Since the Committee is school leader (three from each Sale-Abbration August 11. not elected by the people, it should Elementary area and three at Eaoh merchant, who has placed not have the power to present a tax large representing the high school), an advertisement in the full page proposal to the people." This lat- seemed to provide the necessary Crazy Tuesday section of this pa­ ter is true. j help for wise action on a multi- per will be offering their goods Neverthelcss, the Board of Edu- tucle of problems. In regard to the and services at really crazy prices . cation in the Forest IIills District I,·ote for additional money for our As a specia l incentive, each par­ fully realizes its prerogatives and schools, it wa the Citizens' Com­ ticipating merchant will offer a was back of the proposal placed mittce which first expressed the crazy clay bonus to winners of the before the voters on June 8. The feeling of need for more and bet­ Crazy Day contest. reason the Board did not come out ter facilities and teachers. It was Here's how you Play: prominently in the recent drive the Board of Education and Su­ On the fu ll page crazy day ad­ was because they know that people perintendent who furnished the vertisement in the back of this often do not look with favor on a Committee with full information as paper you will find or hope to 1ax proposal unless they are sure to the condition of our chools. The find ten error · dispersed through­ the average tax-payer- the citizens matter was discussed at several out the ads. ~are in fa\'or of it. So the Citi- meetings. Finally, it was agreed Just find nine (9) of these error s; zens' Committee carried the ball, by both the Board and Committee circle them, and then on Crazy in thi s instance. that a much better program was Tuesday bring the full page ad- 1 The Citizens' Committee in For- needed and that more money to vertisement into the merchant of I ~st Hills was created by the Board make it possible would have to be your choice. of Education at the outset when obtained through extra voted tax. If you correctly identify nine of Harold Richardson (left! son of The boys will arrive in C hi ca.~o the consolidated District was first Since the election on June 8, the these errors, you are enti Ued 1o Mr. a nd Mrs. John R ichard on, arnund noon, tour the Museum of established in 1956. It was clone in Board has deliberated on the mat­ this merchant's Crazy Day Bonus. 7430 Cascade Rel. SE, and Bill Mer­ Natural Hi story, Shedd Aquarium order to g ive many people the ter a nd decided to try again to Remember, you must bring this row I right) son of Mr. and Mrs. and China Town. They will arrive privilege of helping shape the de - secure additional revenue through advertisement with you, and you William C. Merrow, 2780 East P a r­ in Denver aboard the CB g, Q N(·\V tiny of the new School District. taxes. It is studying the situation can only use the ad once. After is Rd. SE, both Explorer Scouts Denver Zephyr, where they \\ill Similar Committees of Citizens very carefully and on the basis they are presented, a l I ads become of Cascade Post 2334 left Grand spend a half clay sightseeing, plus have sprung up over the entire of actual needs plus a reasonable the property of the merchant. Rapids via the C & 0 Railroad on the Capitol Building, U. S. Mint, United Sta1es since about the year amount for the improvement of the Crazy clay bonuses include free Thursday morning, August 6th, for Mountain Parks and downtown Dc·n­ 1945. Usually they are created to schools will place a proposal bc­ motor oil, ice cream, and really a 12 day camping trek at Phil­ ver; arriving in Philmont that mrrt an emergency a nd then dis- fore the voters early in September. crazy deals, and we clo mean crazy! mont Camp, New Mexico. evening. missed. We, your Board of Edu- Full information as to the need They will have a J2 clay Phil· cation, chose rather, to authorize for additional revenue will appear mont Trek, a t the biggest cln(I a continuing Committee which in the next issue of the Suburban Cascade Christian School Registration To grandest Scout Camp in lhc worlcl keeps abreast of t he activities of Life. Begin On September 11 - 127,000 acres of rugged Western the school and make suggestions John Aclrianse, President Bible School To country in the Rocky Mountains. and recommendations to the Board William Idema, Treasurer • A lO The registration date for chil- It i. rich in game. natural beauty when it feels disposed to do so. I Jack Baines, Secretary B egm , ugust drcn in the Forest Hills School and offers a variety of outdo•lt: A school Board of five or even Dale Charters, Trustee The Vacation Bible School at the District wi ll be F riday, Septem­ experiences. -;even persons cannot possibly hope Tommy Ray, Trustee Cascade Christian Church will be- ber 11th. This later opening date They will leave Philmont August g in on Monday, August 10, and has been chosen because of the 19th a nd stay overnight a t Cr1111p Chi-Rho Group To Attend continue through Friday, August incompletion of the new school un- Carson in Colorado Springs, Colo­ New Pastor 21. iU; due to the steel strike. rado; taking a motor trip to the Camp at Crystal Beach This school is for children aged Busses will pick up the children top of Pike's Peale Installed At The following youth will be at- 4 through 6th grade. The daily scs- on that day a nd letters will go out· Upon their a rrival in Chica .~o tending the Chi-Rho C amp at C rys- sions begin at 9 :30 "c'" nd conti·nue in mid-August to parents \\·ith schc- August 21st, 1hey will do more Ada Church tat Beach from the Cascade Clir1 · -- th1·0L1gh 11·.30 a. m. dules. sightseeing and return to Cnrncl On Friday evening, July 30, Rev. tian Church : Susan Fry, Janet "Why to acquaint our children The first full day of school will Rapids in the e\·ening. Lester W. Muller was in ·tailed as Richards, Delores Snyder, Sandra with Christ in the church" and to be on Monday, September 14th. the new pastor of the Ada Com­ 1 munity Reformed church. ~~~er,c h~~~;t'.~. Dg:~~ T~~M~~~'. ~~·f;i~se t 1~~ ~~r~os!u~f 7~i~ !~~:~~I Reformed Church Softball 1 Robert Somer ville The meeting was conducted by John Banta, Donald Spaulding, Don- Classes, w?rship, movies, skit. ' Team Defeats Grandville ln1· ured In Rev. Wallace R. Stoepker, pastor na Edison, Douglas P a rker and games, handicraft, songs, and all I 1 , of the Aberdeen Reformed church Robin Smith. sorts of programs and pr~jects will I The so~.tba ll team .or the C~s-1 Scooter Accident of Grand Rapids. The sermon was Rev. Raymond Gaylord will go be of rnt crest to the children. cacle Chi 1s t1 a n Refo1 med chu1. ch I . preached by Rev. Charles B. Wis­ as a counselor for the group. The .The Superintendent of the school won their game Thursday evening, Robert Some1.·v1llc, 6894. Burgr1· 1 sink, pastor of the Richmond Re­ youth will leave on Sunday, Aug-' wi ll be Mrs. Ve rne Weaver. from the Grandville Avenue Chns- , Dr. SE, was rn an acc1dcn.t. c,t formed church of Grand R apids. u t 9th, and return August 16th. _The Kindergarten department t1an Reformed church team by the 3 :20 p. m. on Sunday ~\ · hil e drl\ mg 1 The charge to the pastor was will be in charge of Mrs. Clare score of 4-3. 1 a Lambretta scooter. fhe accident given by Rev. John Minnema of Coger, a nd the teachers will be Thursday evening, August 6, they occurred a t the corner or Tho111- lhe 9th Reformed church a nd the Mrs.
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