The Diocese of Ogdensburg Volume 74, Number 39 INSIDE THIS ISSUE 1 rust Truth' returns with 'Cabin Fever Edition' I PAGE 3 NORTH COUNTRY Diocese of Buffalo files for Chapter 11 reorganization I PAGE 6 CATHOLIC It's time to LUNCH WITH THE DOVS SHARING OUR renew or get a STORIES subscription The annual subscription campaign for the North Country Catholic begins this weekend. As Bishop Terry R. LaVal­ ley said, "In the pages of our North Country Catholic, we share the sto­ ries of how individuals, families, organizations, parishes and the diocese Candace O'Neill of Massena are following the Lord and shares how she's living her faith sharing His love with oth­ ers. In a diocese where and how God led her to make a many of us are separated major career change at age 49 as by significant distances, part of a new North Country sharing our stories and Catholic series,"Sharing our Sto­ sharing our faith draws us ries; Sharing our Faith."The se­ closer together as the ries, which coincides with this Body of Christ here in the year's NCC subscription cam­ North Country - many paign, will focus on how North parts, but One unified Country Catholics are experienc­ ing' living and sharing their faith . Body." Father Christopher C. Carrara, episcopal vicar for clergy and director of seminarians and vocations, chats with consecrated religious and FUll STORY, PAGE 3 members of the Diocese of Ogdensburg Vocations Society (DOVS) at the annual DOVS luncheon. See the full story on Page 7. FUll STORY, PAGE 4 Pope: Shut off cellphone, open Bible for Lent VATICAN CITY (CNS) - Lent is a and the beginning of Lent people in the square, health care professionals the pope said. time to remove all distrac­ for Latin-rite Catholics. shaking hands with only a and public officials who ''The desert is a place to tions and bitterness from "It's a time to give up few people before begin­ were working hard to help get away from the racket one's life in order to bet­ useless words, idle chat­ ning his talk. In the pope­ patients and stop the that surrounds us. It is the ter hear God and those ter, rumors, gossip" and mobile, the pope circled spread of the disease. absence of words in order who suffer silently and speak intimately with the the square, waving and In his main audience to make room for another need help, Pope Francis Lord, he said. blessing people from afar, talk, the pope explained word, the Word of God, said. It was the first general and the driver and the "the spiritual significance" who like a light breeze, "It is the right time to audience of the year held pope's security detail did of the desert, where jesus caresses the heart," he turn off the television and outside in St. Peter's not stop to pick up any spent 40 days praying said. open the Bible. It is the Square given the mild children as is customary. and fasting to prepare for just as jesus spent time time to disconnect from temperatures. In fact, at the end of his his public ministry. in the desert, he said cell phones and connect However, given in­ audience, the pope as­ jesus often headed off Catholics must spend ourselves to the Gospel," creased concern in Italy sured all those affected by to "deserted" places to Lent creating similarly the pope said at his about the spread of the the virus of his closeness pray, "teaching us how to sparse surroundings and weekly general audience coronavirus, the pope re­ and prayers. He said his seek the Father who a "healthy environment of Feb. 26, Ash Wednesday duced his contact with prayers were also with the speaks to us in silence," the heart." DIOCESAN LIFE II NORTH C OUNTRY CATHOLI C MARCH 4, 2020 NORTH COUNTRY EDITOR'S NOTE CATHOLIC Box 326 Ogdensburg, N.Y. 13669 Connecting through our stories USPS00 39·3400 We were complete own faith journey. Other scription campaign, we're fo­ nificant geography - together. BISHOP TERRY strangers when we sat down parts inspired me and cusing on "Sharing our Sto­ But for this all to work, we R. LAVALLEY together at a bookstore to showed me ways I could ries; Sharing our Faith." As need your help. We encour­ Pres ident discuss the woman's long- strengthen my relationship part of that focus, we're age all diocesan families to REV. JOSEPH A. MORGAN time participation in min- with the Lord. launching a new series of the subscribe to the NCC and get Vice Presid ent istry. She also asked me same name (see the first in­ these stories sent to their JAMES D. CROWLEY As I interviewed the questions about my stallment on Page 4). In that homes or email addresses. Secretary· Treasurer DARCY L.FARGO woman for a story for faith journey. We series, we plan to share the We also need your story Editor & a previous edition of shared our stories. stories of regular people -lay ideas. While we have con­ Communications Director the North Country At the end of that Catholics - developing and tributing writers spread Catholic, she shared hour-long conversa- living their relationships with around the diocese, we don't Publish 45 is, with me why her faith tion, this woman I in- the Lord. hit every area. We don't hear ® sues per year: is important to her terviewed had Sharing our stories helps every story worth sharing. We ." Weekly except and how she's lived it become a friend. connect us. It shows us how count on you, our readers, to skipping every other out and continues to ~~~ Strangers an hour be- we're similar. It shows us how let us know when you hear a week begin· live it out here in the Darcy L. fore, we shared a hug we can draw inspiration from great story that should be ning July North Country. Fargo as we ended the con- one another. In a diocese that shared. Wthrough Aug. and skipping Parts of her story versation. covers more than 12 ,000 And we thank you for your one week in Dec. by the Dio· resonated with me. Embarking on our square miles, it can help draw continued support of the cese of Ogdensburg. Parts reminded me of my North Country Catholic sub- us - people separated by sig- North Country Catholic 622 Washington Street, Og· densburg, N.Y. 13669. Editorial Office: 622 Washington Street, Ogdensburg, N.Y . 13669. Helpful ideas for the Lenten season Telephone: Today, I would like to Lord can find us. Again, it am certain you remember (3 15) 608·7556 share some things that help 'Father Bil ~y~ will always be a time of sur­ the story. jesus invites Peter, me during Lent. These are tipast()r22 @ gll1ail ~om prises. I notice the wonder­ james and john to walk up E·mail: some ideas I shared with ful peace of silence when I the mountain path, the path news@northcountry you a few weeks ago. I think ';~~ have forgotten all about be that I was allowed to walk up catholic.org ,.',,,' it is a good pattern for some III silent and the noise of the just a few years ago. At one extra prayer during Lent - world takes over. I realize point, the Gospel tells us Entered at the Fr. William C . .\Iucnch Post Office: solitude, silence and surren­ that it is like lOSing control, that jesus was transfigured Ogdensburg, NY der. Often, I am asked what will losing the presence of the before them, that somehow 13669 and Lent is about allowing God happen. I must admit to Lord, losing the Lord's love. His appearance glowed be­ additional mailing offices as some space. The best Lenten you, I don't know. I suspect Surrender - this is exactly fore them. Everything about Periodica l Postage. program will always be sometimes nothing. Yet, our what we are talking about jesus showed forth His di­ heart and our mind find Subscription: God's plan for us. I believe when we allow silence and vinity. He was seen by them For one year: God knows us so well and such beautiful peace, a com­ solitude a time into our to be talking with Moses and In· Diocese Rate:$27 loves us so much that only forting, loving peace that is lives. jesus came to our Elijah. We are then told that Outsideof Diocese Rate: $30 God knows exactly what we truly transformational. world to demonstrate to us Peter did not want to leave need today. So, in a noisy, There are other times when the passionate love that God this place. He wanted to stay Mattersfor publication busy world we have to make something profound will has for us. The Gospels tell there with the Lord always. should be some space for our God. touch us. More than once, I us of the times when jesus Our time of surrender to addressed to So , set aside a little time have been confused about went off by himself to find the Lord will not be as dra­ PO Box 326 what to write. Suddenly, in a Ogdensburg, NY 13669 each day to be alone. In a silence and to give himself matic as for Peter, james and and should be received by simple, beautiful way, the time of solitude, the Lord an opportunity to place him­ john, yet I believe in faith Thursday prior to Lord knows how to settle fills my heart and my mind self in the presence of the and confidence that the Lord publication.
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