20 PAGES OF RADIO PROGRAMS FOR MARCH COMPLETE MOVIE REVIEWS OF THE SCREEN'S BEST THE B/fJ SHOW RED SKELTON /SB/r;(jE~ AND 7HANEVE~1 • ~_ LUCILLE BALL All 1HIS.. j/,JIp JFCHNlalIO,f,100! Broadway's Sensational Musical Com­ edy is M·G·M's biggest musical screen entertainment now-with more pretty girls, more peppy dancing, more pulsing rhythms, more FUN and ruosters, than you've ever seen before! • ~i"1 "GtI l_V.!". "s..-" RiiJ"t' ··f......... ~.· ......,llIU Y.~IJ •• It ... uire'. $lRllln", "Du f ..... " art1tl.... inh "our en_ hi. conc... tion of hrn' W... lHy", "1 Lo •• the D .. BarT}! lIili. A / ... E.... CirI .. , - - 13/1 P * * * * hllllibldia lbl" ..tnt * Ibll SUeI ,ta'I'lh. * IYI" montlt IKII"! * "Du Barry Was A * Lady" has started * something. FIRST * * Or *rather. * it* has* re- MONTHLY ISSUE * started somethin,::­ * which is the quest f(lr the composite Ameri­ * can Beauty. MORE PAGES! You uked for * it and here it Is-the new, eol­ Ginger Joins the Marines!. 6 orful m 0 nth I y Movie-Radio * Artists* h.1Ve* *been *t.1k· * ing j)ilgrimages to the Guide. SIxty pagel jam-packed Pin-Up Girl: Lana Turner. 7 * M--G-M set to see the with movIe ...Id radio storln, ex­ p.1rnde of pulchritude ollnlv!!: .tar photos and Ihort Deanna Durbin Stands Accused-. 8 * that is passing before .coop. designed to double your * the camera. movie and radio enjoyment. New Faces and Figures.......... 10 * Rin Tin Tin's Grandson Goes to \Varl. 12 * They all rome* back* * * • * with raves about MORE FEATURES! MovIe-Ra­ Now They're Army Wags!............ 14 * the merriment of dIo Guide now featuru Itorlet * the occasion, and Dead Man's Shoes (a "First Nighter" Story). 15 cheen for the roster by the ,tar. themliclve. a. well * of talent that has as homey interview, with Hol ­ Who's Winning the War? by Bob Burns... 16 * produced thise'ltC'ep­ lywood'. glamour queen •. Don't * tional Tcchnioolor· ml .. Bob Burn,' reali.tlc dr'cuI' Our Personal Friends: No Margin for Error Bennett, * ful song-comedy. aion of "Who'. Winning the by Carl A. Schroeder.. 1 7 * War?" on page 16, or the chatty * Red* Skelton,* * Lucille * Interview with Joan Bennett on Radio Album: The Breakfast Club. 47 Ball andGcncKeily page 17. * are stars in the pro­ Hollywood Got \Vhat It Deserved, by Don Raymond. 48 * cession which. in· * cludes Virginia Stooge to Stardom ........................ 50 * O·Brien, '·Rags" MORE SPECIAL SERVICEI * Ragland, ZeroMO&­ Vou'" find added movie and r. Let's Look at the Rushes of-No Time for Love. 51 tel, Tommy Doney dlo enjoyment In the apeel,_ set * and his Orchestra. vlee feature. on Mutre. Frc Attention I * que"c), Modulation. Education See How Hollywood Solves the Meatless Problem I . 52 * Short Wavu, Coming Radio * Event •• plu. complete movie reo For the First Time-Der Fuehrer's Face in Picturesl ... 53 * view, of the ,cr"n', belt en· * tertl'nment. * GOOD NEWSI Movle·Rldlo * Guide now fe1lturu twenty * P1l1l" of ndio prOllram lI'tl"II' * dellgned to IIlve every rlldlo II,. * tefl't 11 complete lIulde to the * world', but 1I,I,n'"II. PubU,hed The Movie Front, by Frances Long .... ...... 2 * In thirteen aep1lrate edltlonl In The Radio Front, * order to IIlve you the mOlt ser. * vleuble IIltlnlll for your Indl. by E. Kay, Avery Thompson and Jay Allison. 4 * vidual IIltenlnll territory, these This Month on the Screen .... 18 * r1ldlo prollraml Ire lI.ted for 11 * full month-In ,dvllnce. Let Coming Events ............. 20 * Movle·Radlo GuIde tell you Programs for the Month of March. 21 * when ,nd where to lI,t,n to your * f,vorlt, atar. end prollrllm. Music. by Robert Bagar, .. 41 * Short \Vaves, by Charles A. Morrison. 42 * * * * * But back to the Education, by James G. Hanlon .... 44 * romporUte Amtrican * Beauty. It tuJ1ll'd Frequency Modulation, by Dick Dorrance. 45 * out they Sl'krted the Feminine Forum, by Edith Hampton. 54 * f()llow~ reatum: of * the Du Barry airls: Brief Picture Guide ......... , .... 56 * * KIY Aldrid.l[f'"* profIle.* *.. pcrtlnd* pl'tft'r\ Natural-Color CoveT bll Rail Jane. Huel Ilnx'.... • IMI:I . rou"d<'d and 'Y"'~"K:t 1 * Kay ..... ,111...... · at..... ..... ,. dlllo 111ft Ct.ooot<t', "-"" ••. d~bca'~ ................. * (it'or~Cam>lru:)'ft. "llnnIt to "'" only . ..ff * Nil..... 1>ra,,",,',1ipI , . b~ 7'''' kwr to InU<'h M..-y J_ FtftIdll htir •. ~ lit a OUOrn * A' ....... lIaky', hwl. _ •. \en... "h ...... * H~lh ~nhoy:, hlP'> •••• hlpl blp! hurnl"! TheoCdl ......... 'C'f"' . _ ... I""'<dl..... ,.~ * Dorothy II.... ' anlf.IeI, , .""""<'11" Ia,h<' ",-...I * 1::", \\ h&tnot-y·'...--l . ..-mbr bIe. Eve :;,UPERVISI!"\G EDITOR: Carl A. SchrOt'der GENERAL MANAGER: HaM'il Houd('n * I f therefore* you* wish* to* spend an .tANAGrNG EDITOR: Rulh. Bi~f'U CIRCULATIO~ '1ANAGER' Robt'Tf E. Hoig * evening with a perfect compo ite, ItO ~ '-Ou &tny Wall A Lad)''', best. ART DIRECTOR: Del Poore PRODUCTION MANAGER: Ja'it's C. HOlllol musical of the year. * * .. , IOTt", "'........ " M"nl~OIl", N"", , rr.n,.. 1..0"'1, II<>U,...""",: !,:Ihol Klr "., .nd RIch ...... K"l1Ilman. N ... y",.,,: Cl ....n ... Re"ler, P""...... ; ChaTl .. II * Your composite ICg!! *will *move to the ",It......... SMr! W., •• , 1)I<'k IJotf~n"., H<'<l'"'''' loIoo"la\lQn: El<>I>1'rl ~.r, N""lc, * rhythm of the CAle Porter ,nnW! ... '.... "1 ..." .. ~ .. 11.lon. J ....by. IlObort 0'1."",. llar n.nl"",, II .. " n .."",, Cb.rl.. l4rllno, \\'01U .... R1 .... H"b... , .., .... t:1ln .. _.r. Clteo"'" Slol'lord l1li ...11''''''''' 0",",1"- .brtt ReI""'" \1 .•. 1'.1 OIIkel Voh"". lJ. """,bor 1 Mon.h.t !oI ..oh. l!loU. PUbilallod montll.ll' b<. Trl.n.r. I'._''''no ), .. * .. Nonh Broad 1.- Mll1&d<o11!i>". I">"IU'!'''']•. ""!tonal OD<I elr' 10.._ O!r.-. ~ll I'I~"II. Co ...... CIU<~. Ill ..... r 110 ....... _04_<1». _"u;" U * * * .. _, om.. Ch'... " Il~ Irbn.&ty JJ. ,Nt, ,.,do. "'" A<'t 01 M ...... l. Ill... "'I><>rl .... .." 1_ OGIer Dopa,,_, 01 ..... CaAadII, M __ h<l_m. ... ,"" * Recommendt'd by Co!oJrlol'" IN lor r.-.uo 1'~.]I< ..,I0 ... It.. AII.'Ih&o __t.-..t. tI "ktWd ••n ......''''' obtnokI IN _panMd bY ~ .-11· __ ... _ ..... _.on til'" am. _ ....., In u.. UIlIt'" ....... * lllc composite Aml'f­ * iQIl bOil. :-"..::-'_";::"Lnu::. tlB.!l1~ :-.., ~"'::-:~'="''''::*~rt.:'.. :~: .. '':'"~'~'''-::'''~~J!...~~' "'* "'~I~ ,,'- •• _ ,."., ....... lar tb_"" _.- ........ _'''' ~"h old &all _ _ _ oJ' ~ "'" I't'f....... '" "'-.. , It *.. ~_ ~ 'D11'b'_ 1I ~ r:- -. ... ~_,. ... I' lJ , The MOVIE FRONT By FRAN C ES LONG Convincing ~v!denee. Quentin Reyn­ W(lrld-rall1~lUs war correspon. who I"Ul'I'led George RaH's long_ ~:~:::::~:(I,'I complet!;'1yfriend, Virginlu out ofPeine, touch thought with I "I clvilizatlOll -t'spcciuUy Holly­ Iwood--.,h,m he \'1!!lled the pyramids, he cl!snlOunted Crom the carried hirn there. "What do y",ur c<lm('I~" Rpynolds asked Ruide. "Greta Gm"bo, SIT," replied the mnll .• nlemnly .. natu"a' . Ingrid Bergman is the grown_up actress in Hollywood who weilr." no make-up for movie Toles. Her Ix-auty is nulurnl. nl,.'Cds no prop. hide- blemish!''' UI" !'nhtmte her love­ '. Nor is ill~I'irl l'Oncerned abou1 whieh ~ide of her lnee is toward the c.lmer:.! NCl'dll'~~ 10 ~ay, the beautiful Swedish -t;.\l· is a jO)' to h(lTossed com- Prized pOl.Ulllon. Young Roddy Mc· IIlo, .. "lI ~Iar f)f ""h' F'1'iend Flick... " bas book he 1l1"11i.'" above all olhers In library -;In uulognlphed OOPY of :"l_",,,," Come Hom('" gi\'cn him by the MlLjor Eric Knighl, just before d~'llth in Il plnne crash. illso pluYII a rnle in the SCreen ~~,~i;·o" of Ihe lilol".1-' Te.ted and approved. Stirring times stirrin/i, langunge, so the Mo- Picture PI'ndla:el"~ and Distributors Amenca. 1m'. (lioy~ office [or shorl Hollywood), lire allowing the intrep­ Milrmes to ~;Jy "damn" and "hell' they appe,'f on the screen. Celli IInllginc a hurd-boiled Leather­ shoutmg "goo-xi graciou~!" in 11 corner in Ihis man's war? ..• Another Rugan. Ronald Reagan is the Army. bllt his brother Neal, who get in be~'auNe of a defective ear­ has decldt'(l to rollow in Ronnie's lind i~ now in Hollywood. Neal originally in radio but has been ;;';'~",U; signed by Columbia Studios for ~~::,~;~'~'D~e:stroyer.". Uh-huh, girls,~tarring Neal Edward is just ~ as Ronnie and has the chnrming IX"r~ona1ity. So hnng your hearts! .•• Left· handed compli ment. A young In Americu's armed forces wm; shown nround Hollywood by 8n ol,d-I'-'",,, He met a flock of famous ••'~.:, .,,,,.oflcr it WAS all over turned und ~(l i d, "Gosh, I haven't such a thrill since I was seven and mother took me to the zoo!" ... Bogart fan club protests. A boy ot president of the "Humphrey Is Our Hero" club in the East. an indignant letter to Bogie re- L~.J_~,",d which read: "We didn't mind it :;".;':;;;;:,when you kissed Mary Astor TALKED - ABOUT ; the Pacific,' because we fig­ was what the story said you MARY MARTIN made the song " My Heart Belongs to Hollywood's buning about the final crad-up of MickO:'y But we went to see 'Casa- Daddy" famous, but in private life Mary's heart belongs Rooney li nd Miuus, Ava Gardner (l eftI' But vi llage is , hi~-";;· yesterday Dnd we gave up. We to hu sband Dick Halliday, who's also her bu siness agent. proud of Robert Taylor-Barbara Stanwyc marriaqe.
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