Index Adams, John, 166‑67, 186; Nixon in China, 10‑12, 155, 194, 204; Symphony No. 6 167 (Pastoral), 3, 4, 207; Symphony No. 9, Adès, Thomas, 95, 97; Brahms, 97; Piano 13‑16 Quintet, 97 Beethoven, Karl von, 15 Adorno, T. W., 35, 82, 123, 161, 190 Bellini, Vincenzo, 61, 63 Aeschylus, 91 Benda, Georg, 55; Medea, 55 Anon: Campanis cum cymbalis, 199; Benjamin, George, 39; On Silence, 39 Laudes Regie, 176 Bennett, Richard Rodney, 182; Murder on Aesop, 102 the Orient Express Waltz, 189 Agee, James, 134 Bent, Ian, 11 Andreissen, Louis, 166 Berg, Alban, 26‑8, 56, 61, 91, 103, 105, 111, Apollinaire, Guillaume, 103 127, 156‑57, 161, 164, 189; Four Pieces for Arnold, Malcolm, 194, 196; Symphony Clarinet and Piano, 27; Lulu, 61; Three No. 5, 194, 196 Orchestral Pieces, 189; Wozzeck, 28, 56, Ashton, Frederick, 193 61, 91, 168 Auden, W. H., 17, 51‑3, 64, 65‑74, 92, 129‑30; Berio, Luciano, 43, 56, 73, 171; Circles, 56; The Composer, 66, 74; Delia, 71‑2; The Un re in ascolto, 73; Sinfonia, 171 Dyer’s Hand, 66; For the Time Being, 65, Berlioz, Hector, 29, 61, 70, 79, 90, 163, 188, 68; The Sea and the Mirror, 73; Thank 198; Symphonie fantastique, 29, 90, 198; You, Fog, 74 ‘Royal Hunt and Storm’, The Trojans, 203 Bernac, Pierre, 99, 100 Babbitt, Milton, 114, 138, 166 Berkeley, Lennox, 73, 128, 183; Five Poems Bach, C. P. E., 35, 79 of W. H. Auden, 73 Bach, J. S., 6, 10, 22‑3, 30, 32, 35‑6, 46, 65, Berkeley, Michael, 185‑87 70, 79‑83, 88‑9, 111, 148, 160, 163, 178, Bernstein, Leonard, 14, 73; Symphony No. 2 182, 199; Mass in B minor, 82; Passion (The Age of Anxiety), 73 According to St. Matthew, 79‑80; Birtwistle, Harrison, 13, 17‑18, 60‑1, 172; Singet dem Herrn, 79; Cantata No. 198 Gawain, 18, 60‑1, 63; Punch and Judy, 172 (Trauerode), 199; The Well‑tempered Bizet, Georges, 31 Clavier, 80‑1 Boosey, Leslie, 131 Barber, Samuel, 115 Bosch, Hieronymus, 37 Barrington, Daines, 201 Boulanger, Nadia, 131, 134, Bartók, Béla, 13, 105, 112, 117, 127, 156, 164, Boulez, Pierre, 23‑4, 28, 35‑7, 43, 53, 57, 80, 179, 193, 205; Concerto for Orchestra, 193; 100, 114, 138‑40, 143, 163‑65, 166, 174, 181; Violin Concerto No. 2, 193 Le marteau sans maître, 53; Piano Sonata Beckett, Samuel, 51‑2, 171 No. 2, 165; Répons, 143 Beecham, Thomas, 104 Boult, Adrian, 183 Beethoven, Ludwig van, 3, 5, 7, 10‑12, 13‑16, Bowles, Paul, 51 17‑18, 22‑3, 34‑5, 40, 56, 79‑80, 89, 91, 95‑6, Brahms, Johannes, 7, 8, 10, 14, 34‑5, 52, 65, 101, 110, 117‑19, 122‑23, 149‑150, 152, 154‑55, 79, 95‑7, 101, 110, 114, 122‑24, 138, 148, 163, 163, 188, 194, 205, 207; Fidelio, 34, 56; 168, 180, 188, 195; Double Concerto, 97; String Quartet, Op. 95, 118; Symphony Fest‑ und Gedenksprüch, 34; Symphony No. 3 (Eroica), 40; Symphony No. 5, No. 1, 96; Symphony No. 3, 95, 122, 195; 216 Bayan Northcott: The Way We Listen Now Symphony No. 4, 95; Variations on Carter, Elliott, 13, 17, 38, 95, 106‑07, 134‑40, a Theme of Haydn, 9; Variations on a 171; Concerto for Orchestra, 136, 138‑39, Theme of Handel, 96 172; Double Concerto, 38, 136, 138‑39; Brecht, Bertolt, 51, 65, 70, 72, 159‑61 Holiday Overture, 138; Night Fantasies, Brendel, Alfred, 97 137; Piano Concerto, 136; Piano Sonata, Brett, Philip, 149 135; Sonata for ’Cello and Piano, 135; Bridge, Frank, 127 String Quartet No. 1, 106, 136; String Britten, Benjamin, 34, 52‑3, 55‑6, 60‑1, 63‑9, Quartet No. 2, 136; String Quartet 73, 80, 95, 97, 99, 100, 103, 108, 110‑11, 114, No. 3, 137; Triple Duo, 134; Variations for 116‑18, 121‑25, 127‑32, 148, 163, 172, 174, Orchestra, 136 181‑83, 185‑87, 200; Ballad of Heroes, 67; Casals, Pablo, 10, 72 Billy Budd, 121, 130; Cabaret Songs, 67; Cavalieri, Emilio de, 202; Rappresentazione Cantata misericordium, 128; Canticle di anima e di corpo, 202 II, 127, 132; Coal Face, 67; Curlew River, Chabrier, Emmanuel, 31, 101 172; Death in Venice, 122; Gloriana, Char, René, 53 131, 183; Hymn to St. Cecilia, 67‑8; Les Chitty, Alison, 61 Illuminations, 110; A Midsummer Night’s Chopin, Frédéric, 34, 46, 79, 101, 103, 188 Dream, 61, 131; Night Mail, 67; Noye’s Cocteau, Jean, 100 Fludde, 127, 132; On This Island, 67; Our Cooke, Arnold, 183 Hunting Fathers, 67; Owen Wingrave, Cooke, Deryck, 46, 183 Cope, David, 45‑7 122; Peter Grimes, 97, 121, 125, 128, 200; Copland, Aaron, 7, 124, 135, 159, 179, 203; Paul Bunyan, 66‑70; The Prince of the Appalachian Spring, 159 Pagodas, 130; The Rescue, 55; The Rape Corelli, Arcangelo, 32 of Lucretia, 60, 128‑29; Serenade, 52, 127, Costello, Elvis, 39 132; The Prodigal Son, 172; Sinfonia da Couperin, François, 80 Requiem, 123, 127; Sonata for ’Cello and Cowell, Henry, 105 Piano, 97; Spring Symphony, 69; String Craft, Robert, 130‑32, 148, 161 Quartet No. 1, 110; String Quartet No. 3, Crawford Seeger, Ruth, 104‑07; Diaphonic 122; The Turn of the Screw, 56, 121‑22, 130; Suites, 105, 107; Music for Small War Requiem, 69, 121, 127, 131‑32 Orchestra, 105; Rissolty, Rossolty, 106; Brown, Howard Mayer, 149 String Quartet, 105, 107; Suite No. 1, 105; Bruch, Max, 179 Three Chants, 105, 107; Three Songs of Bruckner, Anton, 11, 13, 122, 195, 203, 205; Carl Sandburg, 105, 107 Symphony No. 8, 195 Cristofori, Bartolomeo, 42 Bryers, Gavin, 39 Crosse, Gordon, 200; Changes, 200 Buckland, Sydney, 100 Crotch, William, 88 Bush, Kate, 204 Busoni, Ferrucio, 199; Doktor Faust, 199 Dahlhaus, Carl, 114 Byrd, William, 199; The Bells, 199 Dallapiccola, Luigi, 171‑72; Ulisse, 171 Byron, Lord, 56 Dante Alighieri, 93 Dargomizhsky, A. S., 63 Cage, John, 18, 42, 163‑65, 166, 171, 174, Dart, Thurston, 38 197, 207; 4' 33", for Any Instruments, 196, Davies, Peter Maxwell, 28, 38, 138‑39, 148, 207; Music of Changes, 165; Sonatas and 172, 179, 181‑82; Taverner, 38 Interludes, 164 Davies, Tansy, 39 Cahill, Thaddeus, 41 Davison, Peter, 174 Campion, Thomas, 51‑2 Debussy, Claude, 22, 29‑31, 61, 79, 93, 101, Carissimi, Giacomo, 202; Jephte, 202 156, 179, 189, 200, 203; Études, 31; Gigues, Carpenter, Humphrey, 183‑84 31; Ibéria, 30; Images, 30‑1; Jeux, 30‑1, 189; Index 217 La fille aux cheveaux de lin, 179; La mer, Franck, César, 195 30‑1; Nocturnes, 30; Pelléas et Mélisande, Frescobaldi, Girolamo, 148 61, 179; Prélude à l’après‑midi d’un faune, Freud, Sigmund, 92, 105 30‑1; Rondes de Printemps, 31 Furtwängler, Wilhelm, 14, 151‑52 Delibes, Léo, 23, Delius, Frederic, 179 Gabrieli, Andrea and Giovanni, 202 Del Tredici, David, 41; Final Alice, 41 Gardner, John, 72; The Entertainment of Diabelli, Anton, 188 the Senses, 72 Diaghilev, Serge, 22, 74, 108, 179 Gardiner, John Eliot, 82‑3, 152 Diana, Princess of Wales, 55 Géricault, Théodore, 169 Dickinson, Emily, 143 Gershwin, George, 45, 125, 162, 167; Porgy Dolmetsch, Arnold, 37 and Bess, 125 Donizetti, Gaetano, 5 Gesualdo, Carlo, 36 Donne, John, 66 Giraud, Albert, 57 Doone, Rupert, 67 Glass, Philip, 4, 166‑67, 186, 190, 194; Dove, Jonathan, 39 Akhnaten, 167; The Making of the Dowland, John, 39, 66; Lachrimae, 39 Representative of Planet 8, 167 Drummond, John, 183‑84 Glinka, Mikhail, 31 Dun, Tan, 39 Glock, William, 172, 182‑83 Duncan, Ronald, 60, 121 Gluck, C. W., 63, 91, 101 Dunstable, John, 180 Goehr, Alexander, 24, 28, 34, 39, 53, 172, Dürer, Albrecht, 80 174, 182, 186‑87; The Deluge, 28; Naboth’s Dvořák, Antonin, 180 Vineyard, 172; Sing Ariel, 53 Dylan, Bob, 51 Goethe, J. W. (von), 51, 80, 93 Goldschmidt, Berthold, 46 Edward the Confessor, 176‑77 Górecki, Henryk, 174 Eisler, Hanns, 105, 159‑62; Hollywood Graham, Colin, 121 Elegies, 161 Green, Kenneth, 121 Elgar, Edward, 46, 95, 108‑10, 114, 122, Greenberg, Noah, 37, 73 179‑80, 193; Enigma Variations, 193; Grieg, Edvard, 56 Introduction and Allegro, 109; Groves, Charles, 179 Symphony No. 3, 46 Gounod, Charles, 61, 101, 189; Faust, 189 Eliot, T. S., 65 Guevara, Che, 169 Eluard, Paul, 103 Eno, Brian, 45 Haba, Alois, 42 Esterházy, Prince Nicolaus, 85, 154 Hall, Ernest, 175 Euripides, 74; The Bacchae, 74 Handel, G. F., 32‑3, 63, 66, 82, 96, 148, 150, Evans, Edwin, 198 180; Messiah, 177, Mozart version, 33 Evans, Peter, 125 Handley, Vernon, 179 Ewart, Gavin, 64 Harewood, George (Lord), 129 Harnoncourt, Nikolaus, 37‑8, 152 Falla, Manuel de, 38, 101, 200; Harpsichord Harsent, David, 60‑1, Concerto, 38 Harvey, Jonathan, 6‑8, 198; Mortuos Plango, Fauré, Gabriel, 70, Vivos Voco, 198 Feldman, Morton, 52 Hassall, Christopher, 113 Ferneyhough, Brian, 4 Haydn, Joseph, 13, 35, 84‑86, 89, 94, 122, Finzi, Gerald, 176 142, 151, 153‑55, 166‑67, 180, 182, 194, 196, Flaubert, Gustave, 92 205; Sonata in G minor, Hob. XVI, 84‑6; Forster, E. M., 10, 65, 130 Symphony No. 45 (Farewell), 154‑55; Foss, Lukas, 73; Time Cycle, 73 String Quartets Op. 33, Nos. 2 and 5, 196 218 Bayan Northcott: The Way We Listen Now Henze, Hans Werner, 64, 72‑4, 125, 169, Keats, John, 52‑3, 206 171‑72; The Bassarids, 74; Elegy for Young Keller, Hans, 4‑5, 12, 20, 25, 57‑8, 66‑7, 74, Lovers, 73‑4; Moralities, 72; The Raft of 82, 95, 121‑22, 124‑25, 157, 180, 183 the Medusa, 169 Kennedy, J. F. (President), 72, 169 Herbert, David, 121 Kennedy, Michael, 108, 114 Herz, Djane, 105 Kenyon, Nicholas, 149, 184 Hildegard of Bingen, 104 Kermode, Frank, 53 Hindemith, Paul, 28, 37‑8, 110, 112, 117; King, Martin Luther, 169, 171 Kammermusik No.
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