LIST OF SCANNED DOCUMENTATION Ticket Dollar Value Origin and Destination Survey (Data Bank 1A), 1995-1997 General Records of the Department of Transportation Record Group 398 NN3-398-98-006/-010/-99-001 I. NARA Documentation 1. List of Scanned Documentation 1 pg. II. Agency Documentation 1. Department of Transportation, RSPA, Domestic O&D Data Bank 1A Record Layout 4 pgs. 2. CAB, New Fare Basis Coding 3 pgs. 3. Carrier Decode List 19 pgs. 4. Department of Transportation, RSPA, Office of Airline Statistics, World Area Codes 12 pgs. III. Supplemental Documentation 1. Official Airline Guide-Worldwide Edition City/Airport Codes 8 pgs. 2. OAS Airport Codes Assigned Where No IATA Airport Code Exists 6 pgs. 3. Accounting and Reporting Directive No. 183 5 pgs. 4. Accounting and Reporting Directive No. 191 1 pg. 5. Accounting and Reporting Directive No. 211 1 pg. IV. NARA Processing Materials 1. Statements of NARA-produced sample printouts 3 pgs. Total: 63 pgs. Electronic Records Division, Reference Branch (RDER) April 22, 2019 NARA Reference Copy DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION OFFICE OF AVIATION INFORMATION MANAGEMENT RSPA DATA BASE RECORD LAYOUT DATA BANK 1A (Revised May 1989) Mailing Address: Department of Transportation Office of Aviation Information Management Data Administration Division DAl-20 400 7th Street SW Washington, DC 20590 Telephone: (202) 366-4373 NARA Reference Copy OAIM DATA FILE DESCRIPTION I. DATA BASE: ORIGIN AND DESTINATION SURVEY II. NAME INFORMATION: A. Ticket Origin & Destination (DBlA) B. Data Set Name (tape) • J3.J3ClXXXX.TICKET.OND.DBlA.QYYQ Example 4th qtr. 1988 - DSN • J3.J3Cl.XXXX.TICKET.OND.DB1A.Q884 III. FILE DESCRIPTION: File contains all of the data as reported by participating air carriers from the continuous 10% sample of airline tickets. It includes the full itinerary and the dollar amount paid by each passenger. The data are summarized by routing and dollars paid. DOT posts the mileage for each segment, applies a numeric code i~entifying each city/airport, and a world area code to indicate the state/country. For additional information concerning this data set write to OA~M at the address shown on the cover sheet. IV. FILE SPECIFICATIONS: A. Record Format - Variable length records B. Record Length - ~nimum record length • 50 bytes Maximum record length • 464 bytes c. Maxi.mum Block Length 32000 bytes. Varies in older data sets. D. Recording Density - 6250 bpi E. Data Format - BI • Binary CH • Character (alphanumeric) ZD • Zone Decimal (numeric) PD • Packed Decimal (numeric) NARA Reference Copy V. RECORD FORMAT - Ticket Origin & Destination (DBlA) FIELD NAME START FIELD DATA DESCRIPTION OF DATA POS. LNTH. TYPE Record Length 1 4 BI Record length in bytes Dollar Value 5 7 ZD Dollar amount paid by one· passenger Reporting Carrier 12 2 CH Carrier code of reporting air carrier Date Of Data 14 3 ZD Date (yyq) yy - year, q - quarter Coupon Segments 17 2 PD Number of coupons in the itinerary Number of 19 4 PD Number of passengers in the itinerary Passengers who paid the same dollar amount. Airport/City Code 23 3 CH Origin alpha code for first segment Dollar Credibility 26 l CH See Note "A" Indicator City Numeric Code 27 3 PD See Note "B" Airport Indicator 30 l PD See Note ·c· City World Area 31 2 PD See Note "D" The following fields constitute a repeating segment. There must be at least one segment in each record. Names and positions refer to the first segment. The number of repeating segments is based upon the number of Coupon Segments. Carrier Code 33 2 CH Carrier code on the coupon segment Fare Basis Code 35 2 CH See Note •E• Coupon Type 37 l CH See Note •p• / Segment Distance 38 3 PD Non stop mileage for the segment Airport/City Code 41 3 CH Destination code for the segment Origin code for the next segment Trip Break code 44 l CH See Note "G' City Numeric 45 3 PD See Note ·s· Airport Indicator 48 l PD See Note •c• City World Area 49 2 PD See Note "D" NARA Reference Copy VI. ~ ­ DBlA Record: . A. Dollar Credibility Indicator - (Effective 4th Qtr. 1988): Identifies records where the dollar value reported on the ticket was outside credible limits based on cents-per-mile. Asterisk(*) denotes a questionable fare value other records contain a space. 8. City Numeric Code: A numeric value assigned by DOT for sorting stations in sequence by the alphabetic spelling of the city. It is also used to put multiple airports together under the applicable city. C. Airport Indicator: A single digit used in conjunction with the City Numeric Code to sort place multiple airports in sequence within a city. D. City World Area Code: A numeric value used to identify the state or country where the airport is located. E. Fare Basis Code - (Effective 2nd Qtr. 1989): F - Unrestricted First.Class FR - Restricted First Class C - Unrestricted Business Class CR - Restricted Business Class Y - Unrestricted Coach/Economy Class YD - Restricted. Coach/Economy Class F. Coupon Type Code: A - U.S. Reporting carrier flying between two U.S. points. B - U.S. Reporting carrier flying between a U.S. point and a foreign point. C - U.S. Reporting carrier flying between two foreign points. D - U.S. Non-reporting carrier flying within North America or surface (--> traffic. E - Foreign carrier flying between two U.S.points (cabotage). P - Foreign carrier flying between a foreign point and a U.S. point. G - Non-reporting, Foreign or Unknown carrier flying between foreign points. G. Trip Break Code: A code used to mark the break point or "turn around" point in a passengers ticket itinerary. Classifications are as follows: X - Directional O&D break Y - Domestic Portion of an International Directional O&D Z - Online Portion of a Directional O&O NARA Reference Copy Nr=w;:Fif~:if~::-81!51~'; . Cod1N7 -- SEe /1s'f'E' CIVIL AERONAUTICS BOARD OFFICE OF .COMPTROLLER INFORMATION MANAGEMENT DIVISION .~ASSENGER ORIGIN-DESTIN~TION·DIRECTIVES ,/ No.: 138 Issue Date: March 20, 1984 Effective Date: January 1, 1984 Section ... v Subs ect i ·an ··- ·-.;.___--.......-...:..._---'-'-·· · Paragraph N.A. SUBJECT: .Lists o.f Fare-Basis Codes for Passenger .0 & D Survey... Report. We transmit the enclosed lists of fare-basis codes for guidance in the preparation ·of your company's passenger 0 & D Survey report • . List A is inten9ed to .display all combinations of one- and two~~haracter fare-basis.codes which are acceptable for 0 &D Survey reporting. Codes with three· or more. alphabetic characters (except YMA and YMZ) or with one-alphabetic character followed by a numerical suffix which denotes a discounted fare (Y2, ·vs, etc.) are to be shown as two alphabetic characters by placing the prime code in the left-hand position· and. substituting the discount code "0 11 for the remainder of the code combination. Further, disregard any suffix which denotes the number of days or months of validity and record only the prime code. The numerical suffixes for two-letter codes, such as YE27, YG8, and YV12 are to be ignored. The codes YMA and YMZ (Military Categories A and Z) ·are treated . ·. :)' as MA and MZ, respectively. ; Lis~ B, on the other hand, displays the codes contained in List A consolidated into the six major categories that will be shown in· the Board's 0 &D tables. '\ Each carrier has the option of submitting its 0 &D Survey·data pursuant to ei~her List A or List B. This directive will no longer be issued on a quarterly basis, but only when a change necessitates. If you have any questions, please contact . Michael J. German of my staff at (202) 673-5924. Robin A. Caldwell Chief, Information Management Division · ,, .... Office of Comptroller Attachments I I of 13 NARA Reference Copy ·~MASTER.f1sr'.·0F' FARE-BAS IS; CODES. FOR PASSENGER 0 &D SURVEY •--::"\ . ) ... ' .. ......, t ;.·.-·: ="l'·rimc .. · ·: ,.' '· · ._ - · · · · · · · I.": ... ~ ·~ ·.: .. •···· ~ .. ·.·codes.:.l:! .:.: ..-::-:... ·:·· · ···,-·:··-.··:··:-.:.:,,-·_, __., :·.:.··., .... • .............. ,_. Hod ifying codes ~./ A B ·· .~c.·: F H 3/ ·· K H R s T u y z A HA ...,:..--.-~·---.---~-+-...:.....:.:__,_+:·:___-+-_:_~·-1-----1.;._---l---t-;__-i---+---+---1- r c I D "--~ +~~ .. r-~~j-~- ~-~-~-_-4..__-_-_l<D--~~:~~-~~·-_....'--_~-~- _-_·-....+--_-:~D~~:~~~~~:~~~~~:=~~~-C--.-.:~~~~D= t :~ F~ _J~-: ·:~ : __.,~-:_:__ ..,_:__,__:__-+-_::_-+--~-E~·,__·_:_+-_:_G~--z::-1 F.~-- l" At'. ·1 -'. I -. FI KI MI SI YI 1 -;--- r.~,.·r-~- ... ,:.-:~:J-~ FJ "--~·--"--'--~------=-- - SJ TJ ! ­ YJ . .. KL ___._...;,YL.;;._+-.,-Z-L-1 ..L .. ~~~-~---- .---~-- ~L ----~----+--S-L--1--:"'--:.... ~ ~r:-·. "·+-:·-·:-.--.__ ..___ .______....__ :J H ~_:_:r~- ,.,; -. .., ­ N --- ,... .. fN ,___TN_. -+--------; ~_:'~:..!__-I ... .:~- . KN - +---.. .. 1--_s_N__ ..;.--'----+-_YN_·.. .. 0 AO I - - FO - KO -- so I - - 'Y('I ­ p I - - FP HP ---- ! yp Q I - - _ ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ I _ 'iQ. 1~A-R--l-----IL---C-R--lL--~F~R-t-------l--:R:R.---+---~+-----+-S-R-+--T-R-t----t---YR""'-+--_--1 R u AU FU KU - I - SU -- YU v I - SV YV w AW Slol x AX FX KX SX TX z HZ sz .. ~............ .~:· :· .~ .... .. .. .···:· - .... ..•. .... '--·-------------------------------------------.--J.. " ·· ·Tvo- letter com.b in.ac ions .. 1/ . To be entered in the left-hand position in the .tvo-i!!-tter field. ]:./ Hust be used vith· a prime· code·, and the 'r;;..0-letter combination entered in the tvo-posit~on field vith the prime code in the left-hand position and the modifying code in the right-hand poaition. "'.)1./ Cannot be used as a prime code and can only be used in cocbin.ation ' .a.s "HP". NOTE: ·The special codes of MA and MZ are to be used for Military Categories A and Z.
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