DISOBEDIENCE AND DEFEAT AN ECONOMIC COMMENTARY ON THE HISTORICAL BOOKS Other Books by Gary North An Economic Commentary on the Bible, 31 vols. (198 – !1 " Marx’s Religion of Revolution (19#8, 1989" An Introduction to Christian Economics (19$3" Puritan Economic Experiments (19$%, 1988" None Dare Call It Witchcraft (19$#" nconditional Surrender (198!, !1!" !uccessful Investing in an Age of Env" (1981" #overnment by Emergency (1983" %ack'ard, Christian Soldiers) (198%" *+ Bible Questions Your Instructors Pray -ou Won’t As& (198%" Coined Freedom (198%" Conspiracy: A Biblical Vie' (198#" 1onest Mone" (198#" nholy Spirits (198#, 199%" Dominion and Common Grace (198$" Inherit the Earth (198$" 2iberating Planet Earth (198$" 1ealer of the Nations (198$" 3he Pirate Econom" (198$" Is the World Running Do'n) (1988" When Justice Is A$orted (1989" Political Polytheism (1989" 4udeo5Christian Tradition (199!" 3he Hoax of Higher Criticism (199!" 0ictim’s Rights (199!" Millennialism and Social Theory (199!" Westminster’s Confession (1991" Christian Reconstruction (1991), with Gary De(ar 3he Coase Theorem (199 " Salvation Through In6ation (1993" Rapture Fever (1993" 3ithing and the Church (199%" %aptized Patriarchalism (199)" Crossed Fingers (199#" 3he Covenantal Tithe (2!11" Mises on Money (2!1 " DISOBEDIENCE AND DEFEAT AN ECONOMIC COMMENTARY ON THE HISTORICAL BOOKS GARY NORTH Disobedience and Defeat: An Econo ic Co entar" on the Histo!ical Books Co*yri+ht © Gary North, 2!1 -irst E.ition /0blished by1 &oint Fi'e P!ess /.O. Box 2$$8 Dallas, GA 3!13 All ri+hts reserved. 3ritten permission m0st be sec0red from the *0blisher to use or repro.0ce any part of this book, except for brief 50otations in critical reviews or articles. /rinted in the United States of America. 8his books is dedicated to Ho(a!d Philli)s who resisted political .isobedience TABLE OF CONTENTS Intro.0ction . 1 Intro.0ction to Josh0a . 8 1. Obey an. Grow Rich (Josh. 11#–8) . 1 . Economic 7afety Nets (Josh. 5:11–1 " . 1$ 3. 7acred 3ealth (Josh 6:1 –19" . 3 %. ;epresentative Evil (Josh. 7:11) . # ). Achan<s Sacrilege (Josh. 71 – #" . 3! #. 8he Unclaimed Inheritance (Josh. 111 3" . 3) Concl0sion to :osh0a . % Intro.0ction to Ju.+es . %% $. Jephthah<s Disinherited Dau+hter (:0.. 111 9–31" . %# Concl0sion to :0.+es . #1 Intro.0ction to R0th . # 8. Lost Ho*e (R0th 1:1–%" . #3 9. Gleanin+ (R0th :1– " . ## 1!. 8he Matchmaker (R0th 3:1–%" . $! 11. 8he Namesake<s Inheritance (R0th %:3–%" . $% Concl0sion to R0th . 88 Intro.0ction to Sam0el . 9! 1 . 8he Great ;eversal (I 7am. 1)–8) . 9 13. 8heories of Ca0sation (I 7am. #1$–9) . 9# 1%. 8yrannical Taxation (I Sam. 8:1%–18" . 1!3 Concl0sion to Sam0el . 1!8 Intro.0ction to Kin+s an. Chronicles . 1!9 1). 3is.om an. 3ealth (1 ?in+s 3:11–13" . 111 1#. 8he /ro.0ctivity o4 8rade (I ?in+s )1#–$" . 11% 1$. 8he Bible’s Cr0cial Date Marker (I ?in+s #:1" . 1 18. A /rayer Invokin+ Go.<s 7anctions (I ?in+s 81 – 3" . 1 9 19. -eedback Loo*s (I ?in+s 1!1 )– #" . 13) !. 8ax ;evolt (I ?in+s 1 :1%" . 1%1 1. Concealed Miracles (I ?in+s 1$:1 –1)" . 1%% . A 7tolen Inheritance (I ?in+s 1:1–3" . 1%9 vii viii DISOBEDIENCE AND DEFEAT 3. Lyin+ 7*irits (I ?in+s 1 !– 3" . 1)3 %. Labor As Debt Collateral (99 Kin+s %:1) . 1)$ ). ;eci*rocal Acts of Grace (II ?in+s 4:8–1!" . 1#! #. /ro4itin+ -rom Insi.e Information (99 ?in+s #1 3– %" . 1#) $. /0blic Interest vs. 7el4@Interest (II ?in+s 1 1%–#" . 1$! 8. =o&@?ey Livin+ (II Kin+s 2!11 –13" . 1$) 9. ;ecei*ts an. Acco0ntin+ (II ?in+s 1%–$" . 1$9 3!. >oly Decoration (I Chron. 9:3–9" . 18 31. /redictable National 7anctions (II Chron. 1$:3–)" . 18) 3 . A Corr0*t Inheritance (II Chron. 11 –#" . 19! 33. 70nk Costs an. -0t0re Costs (II Chron. )1)–#, 9–1!" . 19) Concl0sion to ?in+s an. Chronicles . 199 Intro.0ction to EAra . !1 3%. 8o ;ebuil. the 8em*le (EAra 1:1–%" . !% 3). 7yncretism<s Envy (EAra 4:1–%) . !8 3#. -reewill Offerin+s by /ersian R0lers (EAra $:1%–18" . 19 Concl0sion to EAra . 3 Intro.0ction to Nehemiah . ) 3$. A Wall of Covenantal Separation (Neh. 1:3) . $ 38. Debt 7ervit0.e (Neh. ):3–)" . 3 39. 8he -inal 7tage o4 a /roBect (Neh. 6:1– " . 38 %!. Economic Ine50ality (Neh. $1$1–$ " . %% %1. A B0siness@-ree 7abbath (Neh. 1!1 8–31" . %$ Concl0sion to Nehemiah . )1 Concl0sion . )3 INTRODUCTION 8n this side 4ordan( in the land of Moa$( $egan Moses to declare this la'( sa"ing, The 2ORD our #od spa&e unto us in 1oreb( sa"ing, -e have dwelt long enough in this mount/ Turn "ou( and ta&e "our 9our5 ney, and go to the mount of the Amorites, and unto all the places nigh thereunto( in the plain( in the hills( and in the vale, and in the south( and $" the sea side, to the land of the Canaanites( and unto 2ebanon( unto the great river, the river Euphrates :Deut. </+–*=; A+ A S#a!ed Kin,do - Not an E )i!e 8he E0*hrates ;iver comes closest to the city o4 Jer0salem abo0t 3 # air miles (5 ) kilometers" north o4 Jer0salem, at Alep*o in North@ ern 7yria, an. then $) miles (1 ! km" east on 4oot. 8he river was far beyon. families< walkin+ .istance for the nation<s three ann0al feasts. 8he three feasts (Ex. 3:1%–19" established +eo+raphical limits on the nation o4 9srael 0n.er the Ol. Covenant. 8hey kept Israel from ever becomin+ a regional em*ire (Deut. !:1!–18).1 8he most that the r0lers o4 9srael co0l. expect from con50est was to receive tribute from cities located on trade ro0tes north of Israel to the E0*hrates. Go. *romised Abraham that his heirs wo0l. be +iven lan. all the way to the E0*hrates (Gen. 1):18). 8his was a statement o4 initial con@ 50est, but it was not a *romise o4 lon+@term r0le. Go. man.ated the sacriCcial system an. the feasts, &hich negated the *ossibility o4 a kin+.om o4 Israelites exten.in+ to the E0*hrates. 8he northern territ@ ory mi+ht come 0n.er the r0le o4 Israel by conversion or by tribute, b0t the 9sraelites co0l. not *ossibly occ0*y the lan. all the way to the E0*hrates. 1. Gary North, Inheritance and Dominion/ An Economic Commentar" on Deutero5 nomy, n. e.. ('allas, Geor+ia: /oint -ive /ress, D1999E !1 ", ch. %81C1 . 1 DISOBEDIENCE AND DEFEAT <; 3he #eography of the Promised 2and /rior to the con50est, Go. repeated this comman. to con50er all the lan., from Lebanon to the E0*hrates. Every *lace &hereon the soles o4 yo0r feet shall trea. shall be yo0rs1 from the &ilderness an. =ebanon, from the river, the river E0@ *hrates, even 0nto the 0ttermost sea shall yo0r coast be ('e0t. 111 %". Every *lace that the sole o4 yo0r foot shall trea. 0*on, that have 9 given 0nto yo0, as 9 sai. 0nto (oses. -rom the &ilderness an. this =ebanon even 0nto the great river, the river E0*hrates, all the lan. o4 the >ittites, an. 0nto the great sea to&ar. the +oin+ do&n o4 the s0n, shall be yo0r coast. There shall not any man be able to stan. be@ 4ore thee all the days o4 thy life1 as 9 &as &ith (oses, so 9 &ill be &ith thee1 9 &ill not fail thee, nor 4orsake thee (:osh. 113–)". ;arely are these *assages .isc0ssed in Bible commentaries. 8here is *roblem in explainin+ why the *romise to Abraham co0l. not be 40lClled. Fet Go. comman.ed the con50est after >e had +iven the laws of sacriCces to the nation thro0+h Moses. Accor.in+ to a passage in Josh0a, ?no& for a certainty that the =O;' yo0r God &ill no more drive o0t any o4 these nations from be4ore yo0G b0t they shall be snares an. tra*s 0nto yo0, an. sco0rges in yo0r sides, an. thorns in yo0r eyes, 0ntil ye *erish from oH this goo. lan. &hich the =O;' yo0r Go. hath +iven yo0. And, behol., this day 9 am +oin+ the &ay o4 all the earth1 an. ye kno& in all yo0r hearts an. in all yo0r so0ls, that not one thin+ hath faile. o4 all the goo. things &hich the =O;' yo0r Go. s*ake concernin+ yo0G all are come to *ass 0nto yo0, an. not one thin+ hath faile. thereo4. Therefore it shall come to *ass, that as all goo. things are come 0*on yo0, &hich the =O;' yo0r Go. *romise. yo0G so shall the =O;' brin+ 0*on yo0 all evil things, 0ntil he have destroye. yo0 from oH this +oo. lan. &hich the =O;' yo0r God hath given yo0 (:osh. 3113–1)". >e sai., “not one thin+ hath failed o4 all the +oo. thin+s &hich the LO;' yo0r Go. s*ake concernin+ yo0G all are come to *ass 0nto yo0, an. not one thin+ hath failed thereof.J When the =O;' thy Go. shall brin+ thee into the lan. &hither tho0 +oest to *ossess it, an. hath cast o0t many nations before thee, the >ittites, an. the Girgashites, an. the Amorites, an. the Canaanites, Introduction 3 an. the /eriAAites, an. the >ivites, an. the :eb0sites, seven nations greater an. mightier than tho0G An. &hen the =O;' thy Go. shall deliver them be4ore theeG tho0 shalt smite them, an. 0tterly destroy them; tho0 shalt make no covenant &ith them, nor she& mercy 0nto them ('e0t $11– ".
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